Copy complex table using stored procedure - sql-server

I writing a stored procedure to copy rows in a table.
This is the table
I want to copy this but the ParentId should be linked to the new row.
If i do a simple INSERT INTO > SELECT FROM the ParentId will be linked to the ProductId 22 not the new ProductId as you can see above.
Any suggestion?

Your question is not completely clear, but if I understand it correctly, you are trying to copy several rows that build a hierarchy while preserving that hierarchy.
This cannot be done in one step. You need to first copy the rows and record the new and their matching old ids. Then you can update the references in the new rows to point to the new parents.
The simplest way to do this is using the MERGE statement:
CREATE TABLE dbo.tst(id INT IDENTITY(1,1), parent_id INT, other INT);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(NULL,1);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(1,2);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(1,3);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(3,4);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(NULL,5);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(5,6);
CREATE TABLE #tmp(old_id INT, new_id INT);
MERGE dbo.tst AS trg
USING dbo.tst AS src
ON (0=1)
AND ( >= 1) --here you can put your own WHERE clause.
INSERT(parent_id, other)
VALUES(src.parent_id, src.other)
OUTPUT, INTO #tmp(old_id, new_id);
parent_id = tmp_translate.new_id
FROM dbo.tst AS trg
JOIN #tmp AS tmp_filter
ON = tmp_filter.new_id
JOIN #tmp AS tmp_translate
ON trg.parent_id = tmp_translate.old_id;
SELECT * FROM dbo.tst;
The line with the comment is the place where you can put your own where clause to select the rows that you want to copy. make sure to actually copy all referenced parents. If you copy a child without its parent the update will not catch it and it will point to the old parent in the end.
You also should wrap the MERGE and the UPDATE in a transaction to prevent someone else from reading the new and not yet finished records.

You can use SELECT to do this, you just need to manually specify the order of the columns. Here is an example, assuming that your table is called Product and that the ProductId is auto incremented. Notice that the first column returned in the SELECT is the primary key of the old row.
INSERT dbo.Product
FROM dbo.Product AS P
WHERE P.ParentId = 22
Does that help?


MERGE into first table based on id of second table if not matched

I have two tables table_1 and table_2. After inserting some data into table_1(insert not in the example below), it gives Auto_Increment ID to table_1. Then I need to put this new generated ID into table_2 in NOT MATCHED section.
I am trying to use T-SQL's MERGE, to UPDATE table if data already exists (if matched) or INSERT INTO table if there is no such data(not matched), but in second case insert by using one column selected from another table.
Here is what I have already tried:
INTO table_2 WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target
'42' AS person_id
,2 AS skill_id
) AS source
(person_id,skill_id )
ON (target.person_id = source.person_id
AND target.skill_id = source.skill_id)
SET skill_lvl=4,already_have=0
--section below doesn't work,because insert inside MERGE has to be without select (?)
THEN INSERT (person_id, skill_id, skill_lvl,already_have)
SELECT 42, id,3,1 FROM table_1;
Not matched section gives me an error that he waits values or default, but it seems kind of tricky to select with values or default.
Insert query to table_1 (happens before previous MERGE. Both MERGES within one loop):
INTO table_1 WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target
'skill_1' AS skill_name
) AS source
ON (target.skill_name = source.skill_name)
THEN INSERT (category_id,skill_name) values (0,'skill_1');
this query in the loop, compares skill_names, if name is not inside this table_1, it inserts this value. Then compare next skill_name and so on. ID's are generating automatically after inserting.

SQL Script add records with identity FK

I am trying to create an SQL script to insert a new row and use that row's identity column as an FK when inserting into another table.
This is what I use for a one-to-one relationship:
INSERT INTO userTable(name) VALUES(N'admin')
INSERT INTO adminsTable(userId,permissions) SELECT userId,255 FROM userTable WHERE name=N'admin'
But now I also have a one-to-many relationship, and I asked myself whether I can use less SELECT queries than this:
INSERT INTO bonusCodeTypes(name) VALUES(N'1500 pages')
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed) SELECT name,N'123456',0 FROM bonusCodeTypes WHERE name=N'1500 pages'
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed) SELECT name,N'012345',0 FROM bonusCodeTypes WHERE name=N'1500 pages'
I could also use sth like this:
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed)
SELECT name,bonusCode,0 FROM bonusCodeTypes JOIN
(SELECT N'123456' AS bonusCode UNION SELECT N'012345' AS bonusCode)
WHERE name=N'1500 pages'
but this is also a very complicated way of inserting all the codes, I don't know whether it is even faster.
So, is there a possibility to use a variable inside SQL statements? Like
var lastinsertID = INSERT INTO bonusCodeTypes(name) OUTPUT VALUES(N'300 pages')
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed) VALUES(lastinsertID,N'123456',0)
OUTPUT can only insert into a table. If you're only inserting a single record, it's much more convenient to use SCOPE_IDENTITY(), which holds the value of the most recently inserted identity value. If you need a range of values, one technique is to OUTPUT all the identity values into a temp table or table variable along with the business keys, and join on that -- but provided the table you are inserting into has an index on those keys (and why shouldn't it) this buys you nothing over simply joining the base table in a transaction, other than lots more I/O.
So, in your example:
INSERT INTO bonusCodeTypes(name) VALUES(N'300 pages');
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed) VALUES (#lastInsertID, N'123456',0);
SELECT #lastInsertID AS id; -- if you want to return the value to the client, as OUTPUT implies
Instead of VALUES, you can of course join on a table instead, provided you need the same #lastInsertID value everywhere.
As to your original question, yes, you can also assign variables from statements -- but not with OUTPUT. However, SELECT #x = TOP(1) something FROM table is perfectly OK.

Copy table rows using OUTPUT INTO in SQL Server 2005

I have a table which I need to copy records from back into itself. As part of that, I want to capture the new rows using an OUTPUT clause into a table variable so I can perform other opertions on the rows as well in the same process. I want each row to contain its new key and the key it was copied from. Here's a contrived example:
MyTable (myText1, myText2) -- myId is an IDENTITY column
-- How do I get previousId into this table variable AND the newly inserted ID?
-- MyTable.myId AS previousId,
SQL Server barks if the number of columns on the INSERT doesn't match the number of columns from the SELECT statement. Because of that, I can see how this might work if I added a column to MyTable, but that isn't an option. Previously, this was implemented with a cursor which is causing a performance bottleneck -- I'm purposely trying to avoid that.
How do I copy these records while preserving the copied row's key in a way that will achieve the highest possible performance?
I'm a little unclear as to the context - is this in an AFTER INSERT trigger.
Anyway, I can't see any way to do this in a single call. The OUTPUT clause will only allow you to return rows that you have inserted. What I would recommend is as follows:
DECLARE #MyTable (
previousID INT,
myText1 VARCHAR(20),
myText2 VARCHAR(20)
INSERT #MyTable (previousID, myText1, myText2)
SELECT myID, myText1, myText2 FROM inserted
INSERT MyTable (myText1, myText2)
SELECT myText1, myText2 FROM inserted
-- ##IDENTITY now points to the last identity value inserted, so...
UPDATE m SET myID = i.newID
FROM #myTable m, (SELECT ##IDENTITY - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY myID DESC) + 1 AS newID, myID FROM inserted) i
WHERE m.previousID = i.myID
Of course, you wouldn't put this into an AFTER INSERT trigger, because it will give you a recursive call, but you could do it in an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger. I may be wrong on the recursive issue; I've always avoid the recursive call, so I've never actually found out. Using ##IDENTITY and ROW_NUMBER(), however, is a trick I've used several times in the past to do something similar.

T-SQL: Best way to copy hierarchy data?

My database looks like this:
QuestionnaireId (FK)
CategoryId (FK)
When I copy a questionnaire, I'd like to copy all the underlying tables. So this means that the table Questionnaire gets a new Id. Then, all the belonging categories of the questionnaire must also be copied. So the newly inserted categories must get the new questionnaire Id. After the categories, the questions must be copied. But the categoryId must be updated to the newly inserted category.
How can I do this using t-sql?
This is pretty easy to accomplish, but you have to keep track of everything as you go. I would generally create a single SP for this, which takes as an input the questionnaire to copy.
DECLARE #newQuestionnaireId INT
INSERT INTO Questionnaire
SELECT Id, Description
FROM Questionnaire
WHERE ID = #sourceQuestionnaireID
SET #newquestionnaireId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
At this point you have a new header record, and the newly generated Id for the copy. The next step is to load the categories into a temp table which has an extra field for the new Id
DECLARE #tempCategories TABLE (id INT, description VARCHAR(50),newId INT)
INSERT INTO #tempCategories(id,description)
SELECT id, description FROM Category
WHERE questionnaireId = #sourceQuestionnaireId
Now, you have a temp table with all the categories to insert, along with a field to backfill the new ID for this category. Use a cursor to go over the list inserting the new record, and use a similar SCOPE_IDENTITY call to backfill the new Id.
DECLARE cuCategory CURSOR FOR SELECT Id, Description FROM #tempCategories
DECLARE #catId INT, #catDescription, #newCatId INT
OPEN cuCategory
FETCH NEXT FROM cuCategory INTO #catId,#catDescription
INSERT INTO Category(description,questionnaireId)
UPDATE #tempCategories SET newCatId=#newCatId
WHERE id=#catId
FETCH NEXT FROM cuCategory INTO #catId,#catDescription
CLOSE cuCategory
At this point you now have a temp table which maps the catId from the original questionnaire to the catId for the new questionnaire. This can be used to fill the final table in much the same way - which i'll leave as an excercise for you, but feel free to post back here if you have difficulty.
Finally, I would suggest that this whole operation is carried out within a transaction to save you from half completed copies when something goes wrong.
A couple of disclaimers: The above was all typed quickly, dont expect it to work off the bat. Second, Ive assumed that all your PK's are identity fields, which they should be! If they're not just replace the SCOPE_IDENTITY() calls with the appropriate logic to generate the next ID.
Edit: documentation for Cursor operations can be foundhere
I had a problem like this and began to implement the solution suggested by #Jamiec but I quickly realised that I needed a better solution because my model is much larger than that in the example cited here. I have one master table with three intermediate tables, each of which have one or more tertiary tables. And the three intermediates each had something like 50 columns. This would mean a lot of work to type all that up, particularly in the fetch part with the temporary memvars. I tried to find a way to FETCH directly into the temp table but it seems you cannot do that.
What I did was add a column to the intermediate tables called OriginalId. Here is my code translated into the model used by the asker:
DECLARE #newQuestionnaireId INT
INSERT INTO Questionnaire (Id,Description)
SELECT Id, Description FROM Questionnaire
WHERE ID = #sourceQuestionnaireID
SET #newquestionnaireId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
INSERT INTO Category(QuestionnaireId, description, originalId)
SELECT #newquestionnaireId, description, id FROM Category
WHERE questionnaireId = #sourceQuestionnaireId
INSERT INTO Question SELECT Category.Id, Question.Field
FROM Question join Category on Question.CategoryId = Category.OriginalId
WHERE Category.QuestionnaireId = #newquestionnaireId
In my model the id fields are all Identities so you do not supply them in the inserts.
Another thing I discovered before I gave up on the CURSOR approach was this clever little trick to avoid having to type the FETCH statement twice by using an infinite WHILE loop with a BREAK:
here is a way that does not have cursors, it relies on remembering the order of events, and then using that to resolve the children.
Declare #Parrent TABLE( ID int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, Value nvarchar(50))
Declare #Child TABLE( ID int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, ParrentID int, Value nvarchar(50))
insert into #Parrent (Value) Values ('foo'),('bar'),('bob')
insert into #Child (ParrentID, Value) Values (1,'foo-1'),(1,'foo-2'),(2,'bar-1'),(2,'bar-2'),(3,'bob')
declare #parrentToCopy table (ID int) -- you can me this a collection
insert into #parrentToCopy values (2)
select * from #Parrent p inner join #Child c on p.ID = c.ParrentID order by p.ID asc, c.ID asc
INSERT INTO #Parrent (Value)
FROM #Parrent p
inner join #parrentToCopy pc on pc.ID=p.ID
INSERT INTO #Child (ParrentID, Value)
FROM #Child c
inner join (select ID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID ASC) AS 'RowNumber' from #parrentToCopy) o ON o.ID = c.ParrentID
inner join (select nID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY nID ASC) AS 'RowNumber' from #Ids) n ON o.RowNumber = n.RowNumber
select * from #Parrent p inner join #Child c on p.ID = c.ParrentID order by p.ID asc, c.ID asc
full post is here

What columns can be used in OUTPUT INTO clause?

I'm trying to build a mapping table to associate the IDs of new rows in a table with those that they're copied from. The OUTPUT INTO clause seems perfect for that, but it doesn't seem to behave according to the documentation.
My code:
( SrcContentID )
SELECT cshadow.ContentID
FROM Private.Content AS cshadow
LEFT JOIN Private.Content AS cglobal ON cshadow.Tag = cglobal.Tag
WHERE cglobal.ContentID IS NULL
PRINT 'Adding new content headers'
INSERT INTO Private.Content
( Tag, Description, ContentDate, DateActivate, DateDeactivate, SortOrder, CreatedOn, IsDeleted, ContentClassCode, ContentGroupID, OrgUnitID )
OUTPUT cglobal.ContentID, INSERTED.ContentID INTO #Inserted (SrcContentID, TgtContentID)
SELECT Tag, Description, ContentDate, DateActivate, DateDeactivate, SortOrder, CreatedOn, IsDeleted, ContentClassCode, ContentGroupID, NULL
FROM Private.Content AS cglobal
INNER JOIN #Missing AS m ON cglobal.ContentID = m.SrcContentID
Results in the error message:
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 34
Invalid column name 'SrcContentID'.
(line 34 being the one with the OUTPUT INTO)
Experimentation suggests that only rows that are actually present in the target of the INSERT can be selected in the OUTPUT INTO. But this contradicts the docs in the books online. The article on OUTPUT Clause has example E that describes a similar usage:
The OUTPUT INTO clause returns values
from the table being updated
(WorkOrder) and also from the Product
table. The Product table is used in
the FROM clause to specify the rows to
Has anyone worked with this feature?
(In the meantime I've rewritten my code to do the job using a cursor loop, but that's ugly and I'm still curious)
You can do this with a MERGE in Sql Server 2008. Example code below:
--drop table A
create table A (a int primary key identity(1, 1))
insert into A default values
insert into A default values
delete from A where a>=3
-- insert two values into A and get the new primary keys
ON (1 = 0) -- ignore the values, NOT MATCHED will always be true
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT DEFAULT VALUES -- always insert here for this example
OUTPUT $action, inserted.*, deleted.*, B.a; -- show the new primary key and source data
Result is
i.e. for each row the new primary key (3, 4) and the old one (1, 2). Creating a table called e.g. #OUTPUT and adding " INTO #OUTPUT;" at the end of the OUTPUT clause would save the records.
I've verified that the problem is that you can only use INSERTED columns. The documentation seems to indicate that you can use from_table_name, but I can't seem to get it to work (The multi-part identifier "m.ContentID" could not be bound.):
FROM incoming
FROM main
INSERT INTO #Missing(ContentID)
SELECT incoming.ContentID
FROM incoming
ON main.ContentID = incoming.ContentID
WHERE main.ContentID IS NULL
FROM #Missing
DECLARE #Inserted TABLE (ContentID INT PRIMARY KEY, [Content] varchar(50))
INSERT INTO main(ContentID, [Content])
OUTPUT INSERTED.ContentID /* incoming doesn't work, m doesn't work */, INSERTED.[Content] INTO #Inserted (ContentID, [Content])
SELECT incoming.ContentID, incoming.[Content]
FROM incoming
INNER JOIN #Missing AS m
ON m.ContentID = incoming.ContentID
FROM #Inserted
FROM incoming
FROM main
Apparently the from_table_name prefix is only allowed on DELETE or UPDATE (or MERGE in 2008) - I'm not sure why:
Is a column prefix that specifies a table included in the FROM clause of a DELETE or UPDATE statement that is used to specify the rows to update or delete.
If the table being modified is also specified in the FROM clause, any reference to columns in that table must be qualified with the INSERTED or DELETED prefix.
I'm running into EXACTLY the same problem as you are, I feel your pain...
As far as I've been able to find out there's no way to use the from_table_name prefix with an INSERT statement.
I'm sure there's a viable technical reason for this, and I'd love to know exactly what it is.
Ok, found it, here's a forum post on why it doesn't work:
MSDN forums
I think I found a solution to this problem, it sadly involves a temporary table, but at least it'll prevent the creation of a dreaded cursor :)
What you need to do is add an extra column to the table you're duplicating records from and give it a 'uniqueidentifer' type.
then declare a temporary table:
DECLARE #tmptable TABLE (uniqueid uniqueidentifier, original_id int, new_id int)
insert the the data into your temp table like this:
insert into #tmptable
select NewId(),id,0 from OriginalTable
the go ahead and do the real insert into the original table:
insert into OriginalTable
select uniqueid from #tmptable
Now to add the newly created identity values to your temp table:
update #tmptable
set new_id =
from OriginalTable o inner join #tmptable tmp on tmp.uniqueid = o.uniqueid
Now you have a lookup table that holds the new id and original id in one record, for your using pleasure :)
I hope this helps somebody...
(MS) If the table being modified is also specified in the FROM clause, any reference to columns in that table must be qualified with the INSERTED or DELETED prefix.
In your example, you can't use cglobal table in the OUTPUT unless it's INSERTED.column_name or DELETED.column_name:
INSERT INTO Private.Content
OUTPUT cglobal.ContentID, INSERTED.ContentID
INTO #Inserted (SrcContentID, TgtContentID)
FROM Private.Content AS cglobal
INNER JOIN #Missing AS m ON cglobal.ContentID = m.SrcContentID
What worked for me was a simple alias table, like this:
OUTPUT **con2**.ContentID, INSERTED.ContentID
INTO #Inserted (SrcContentID, TgtContentID)
FROM Private.Content con1
**INNER JOIN Private.Content con2 ON**
INNER JOIN #Missing AS m ON con1.ContentID = m.SrcContentID
