Copy table rows using OUTPUT INTO in SQL Server 2005 - sql-server

I have a table which I need to copy records from back into itself. As part of that, I want to capture the new rows using an OUTPUT clause into a table variable so I can perform other opertions on the rows as well in the same process. I want each row to contain its new key and the key it was copied from. Here's a contrived example:
MyTable (myText1, myText2) -- myId is an IDENTITY column
-- How do I get previousId into this table variable AND the newly inserted ID?
-- MyTable.myId AS previousId,
SQL Server barks if the number of columns on the INSERT doesn't match the number of columns from the SELECT statement. Because of that, I can see how this might work if I added a column to MyTable, but that isn't an option. Previously, this was implemented with a cursor which is causing a performance bottleneck -- I'm purposely trying to avoid that.
How do I copy these records while preserving the copied row's key in a way that will achieve the highest possible performance?

I'm a little unclear as to the context - is this in an AFTER INSERT trigger.
Anyway, I can't see any way to do this in a single call. The OUTPUT clause will only allow you to return rows that you have inserted. What I would recommend is as follows:
DECLARE #MyTable (
previousID INT,
myText1 VARCHAR(20),
myText2 VARCHAR(20)
INSERT #MyTable (previousID, myText1, myText2)
SELECT myID, myText1, myText2 FROM inserted
INSERT MyTable (myText1, myText2)
SELECT myText1, myText2 FROM inserted
-- ##IDENTITY now points to the last identity value inserted, so...
UPDATE m SET myID = i.newID
FROM #myTable m, (SELECT ##IDENTITY - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY myID DESC) + 1 AS newID, myID FROM inserted) i
WHERE m.previousID = i.myID
Of course, you wouldn't put this into an AFTER INSERT trigger, because it will give you a recursive call, but you could do it in an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger. I may be wrong on the recursive issue; I've always avoid the recursive call, so I've never actually found out. Using ##IDENTITY and ROW_NUMBER(), however, is a trick I've used several times in the past to do something similar.


SQL Script add records with identity FK

I am trying to create an SQL script to insert a new row and use that row's identity column as an FK when inserting into another table.
This is what I use for a one-to-one relationship:
INSERT INTO userTable(name) VALUES(N'admin')
INSERT INTO adminsTable(userId,permissions) SELECT userId,255 FROM userTable WHERE name=N'admin'
But now I also have a one-to-many relationship, and I asked myself whether I can use less SELECT queries than this:
INSERT INTO bonusCodeTypes(name) VALUES(N'1500 pages')
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed) SELECT name,N'123456',0 FROM bonusCodeTypes WHERE name=N'1500 pages'
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed) SELECT name,N'012345',0 FROM bonusCodeTypes WHERE name=N'1500 pages'
I could also use sth like this:
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed)
SELECT name,bonusCode,0 FROM bonusCodeTypes JOIN
(SELECT N'123456' AS bonusCode UNION SELECT N'012345' AS bonusCode)
WHERE name=N'1500 pages'
but this is also a very complicated way of inserting all the codes, I don't know whether it is even faster.
So, is there a possibility to use a variable inside SQL statements? Like
var lastinsertID = INSERT INTO bonusCodeTypes(name) OUTPUT VALUES(N'300 pages')
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed) VALUES(lastinsertID,N'123456',0)
OUTPUT can only insert into a table. If you're only inserting a single record, it's much more convenient to use SCOPE_IDENTITY(), which holds the value of the most recently inserted identity value. If you need a range of values, one technique is to OUTPUT all the identity values into a temp table or table variable along with the business keys, and join on that -- but provided the table you are inserting into has an index on those keys (and why shouldn't it) this buys you nothing over simply joining the base table in a transaction, other than lots more I/O.
So, in your example:
INSERT INTO bonusCodeTypes(name) VALUES(N'300 pages');
INSERT INTO bonusCodeInstances(codeType,codeNo,isRedeemed) VALUES (#lastInsertID, N'123456',0);
SELECT #lastInsertID AS id; -- if you want to return the value to the client, as OUTPUT implies
Instead of VALUES, you can of course join on a table instead, provided you need the same #lastInsertID value everywhere.
As to your original question, yes, you can also assign variables from statements -- but not with OUTPUT. However, SELECT #x = TOP(1) something FROM table is perfectly OK.

Copy complex table using stored procedure

I writing a stored procedure to copy rows in a table.
This is the table
I want to copy this but the ParentId should be linked to the new row.
If i do a simple INSERT INTO > SELECT FROM the ParentId will be linked to the ProductId 22 not the new ProductId as you can see above.
Any suggestion?
Your question is not completely clear, but if I understand it correctly, you are trying to copy several rows that build a hierarchy while preserving that hierarchy.
This cannot be done in one step. You need to first copy the rows and record the new and their matching old ids. Then you can update the references in the new rows to point to the new parents.
The simplest way to do this is using the MERGE statement:
CREATE TABLE dbo.tst(id INT IDENTITY(1,1), parent_id INT, other INT);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(NULL,1);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(1,2);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(1,3);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(3,4);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(NULL,5);
INSERT INTO dbo.tst(parent_id, other)VALUES(5,6);
CREATE TABLE #tmp(old_id INT, new_id INT);
MERGE dbo.tst AS trg
USING dbo.tst AS src
ON (0=1)
AND ( >= 1) --here you can put your own WHERE clause.
INSERT(parent_id, other)
VALUES(src.parent_id, src.other)
OUTPUT, INTO #tmp(old_id, new_id);
parent_id = tmp_translate.new_id
FROM dbo.tst AS trg
JOIN #tmp AS tmp_filter
ON = tmp_filter.new_id
JOIN #tmp AS tmp_translate
ON trg.parent_id = tmp_translate.old_id;
SELECT * FROM dbo.tst;
The line with the comment is the place where you can put your own where clause to select the rows that you want to copy. make sure to actually copy all referenced parents. If you copy a child without its parent the update will not catch it and it will point to the old parent in the end.
You also should wrap the MERGE and the UPDATE in a transaction to prevent someone else from reading the new and not yet finished records.
You can use SELECT to do this, you just need to manually specify the order of the columns. Here is an example, assuming that your table is called Product and that the ProductId is auto incremented. Notice that the first column returned in the SELECT is the primary key of the old row.
INSERT dbo.Product
FROM dbo.Product AS P
WHERE P.ParentId = 22
Does that help?

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted

ON dbo.Customers
/* variables */
#maxid bigint
SELECT #customerid = id FROM inserted
#maxid bigint
SELECT #maxid = MAX(ID) FROM new_table
INSERT INTO new_table (ID, ParentID, Foo, Bar, Buzz)
SELECT ID+#maxid, ParentID+#maxid, Foo, Bar, Buzz FROM initial_table
/* execute */
fails with:
SQL Server Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted
when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is
used as an expression
How to fix it?
What I am trying to do is
insert id and parentid, each INCREASED by #maxid
from initial_table
into new_table
id (bigint)
parentid (bigint - linked to id)
foo | bar | buzz (others are nvarchar, not really important)
initial table
id (bigint)
parentid (bigint - linked to id)
foo | bar | buzz (others are nvarchar, not really important)
You are battling against a few errors I suspect.
You are inserting values that violate a unique constraint in new_table.
Avoid the existence error by joining against the table you are inserting into. Adjust the join condition to match your table's constraint:
insert into new_table (ID, ParentID, Foo, Bar, Buzz)
select ID+#maxid, ParentID+#maxid, Foo, Bar, Buzz
from initial_table i
join new_table N on
i.ID+#maxid = n.ID or
i.ParentID+#maxid = n.ParentId
where n.ID is null --make sure its not already there
Somewhere, a subquery has returned multiple rows where you expect one.
The subquery error is either in the code that inserts into dbo.Customer (triggering t1), or perhaps in a trigger defined on new_table. I do not see anything in the posted code that would throw the subquery exception.
Triggers (aka, landmines) inserting into tables that have triggers defined on them is a recipe for pain. If possible, try to refactor some of this logic out of triggers and into code you can logically follow.
First you have to assume there will be more than one record in inserted or deleted. You should not ever set a value in inserted or deleted table to a scalar varaible in a SQL server trigger. It will cause a problem if the insert includes more than one record and sooner or later it will.
Next you should not ever consider setting identity insert on in a trigger. What were you thinking? If you have an identity field then use that, don't then try to manually create a value.
Next the subquery issue is associated apparently with the other trigger where you are also assuming only one record at a time would be processed. I would suspect that you will need to examine every trigger in your database and fix this basic problem.
Now when you run this part of the code:
INSERT INTO new_table (ID, ParentID, Foo, Bar, Buzz)
SELECT ID+#maxid, ParentID+#maxid, Foo, Bar, Buzz FROM initial_table
You are trying to insert all records in the table not just the ones in inserted. So since your trigger on the other table is incorreclty written, you are hitting an error which is actually hiding the error you will get when you try to insert 2000 records with the same PK into the new table or worse if you don't have a PK, it will happily insert them all every time you insert one record.
You have a trigger containing the statement:
SELECT #customerid = id FROM inserted
The inserted table contains a row for each row that was inserted (or updated for UPDATE triggers). A statement executed that inserted more than one row, the trigger fired, and your assumption was exposed.
Recode the trigger to operate on rowsets, not a single row.
while using a sub query in d any kind of select, try to tune your query so that the sub query only returns 1 value and not multiple.
If multiple are needed then restructure the query in such a way that the table becomes part of main query.
I am giving example of SQL:
Select col1, (select col2 from table2 where table2.col3=table1.col4) from table1;
If col2 returns multiple rows then the query fails then re-write it to:
Select col1, col2 from table1,table2 where table2.col3=table1.col4;
I hope you get the point.
You shouldn't SELECT it, you should SET it.
SET #maxid = MAX(ID) FROM another_table

SQL Server: is it possible to get recently inserted identity column value without table variable

Let's say I have a table
my_table(id int identity(1,1) not null primary key, data varchar(100))
I want to write a procedure that inserts a new row into that table and returns id.
I tried
DECLARE #new_id INT;
SELECT #new_id = id FROM
INSERT INTO my_table(data) OUTPUT VALUES ('test')
) as NewVal(id)
That code doesn't work (I got "A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed in a SELECT statement that is not the immediate source of rows for an INSERT statement."). However, if I use a table variable, I can do
DECLARE #new_id INT;
DECLARE #tmp_table TABLE(int id);
INSERT INTO #tmp_table
INSERT INTO my_table(data) OUTPUT VALUES ('test')
) as NewVal(id);
// OR
INSERT INTO my_table(data) OUTPUT INTO #tmp_table VALUES ('test') ;
SELECT #new_id = id FROM #tmp_table;
Is it possible to achieve the same functionality without using table variable ?
Thanks for quick responses, +1 to everyone for solution with SCOPE_IDENTITY.
That's probably my fault, I should have asked the question clearly - I do use MERGE (an example would be much longer, so I posted INSERT instead) , not INSERT so SCOPE_IDENTITY doesn't really work for me.
A bit shorter version than nesting in a insert statement is using output...into.
declare #tmp_table table(actiontaken nvarchar(10), id int);
merge my_table
using (values ('test')) as S(data)
on 0=1
when not matched then
insert (data) values (
output $action, into #tmp_table;
I do believe that you should use a table variable from the merge. The output may contain more than one row.
Yes, you can just return SCOPE_IDENTITY after the insert (this is safer than ##IDENTITY due to the scoping differences).
INSERT my_table (data) VALUES ('test')
SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() will get the last inserted identity value in the scope.
If you use
select ##identity
you will get the last value entered into the identity column from anywhere.
If you want the value entered into the column from the script that just ran, you should use
If you just want the last value inserted into the identity column for a given table from any statement in any session, you should use
select IDENT_CURRENT('tablename')
select ##identity or select SCOPE_IDENTITY() will return the value you're looking for

Instead of trigger in SQL Server loses SCOPE_IDENTITY?

I have a table where I created an INSTEAD OF trigger to enforce some business rules.
The issue is that when I insert data into this table, SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns a NULL value, rather than the actual inserted identity.
Insert + Scope code
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Payment]([DateFrom], [DateTo], [CustomerId], [AdminId])
VALUES ('2009-01-20', '2009-01-31', 6, 1)
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_Payments_Insert]
ON [dbo].[Payment]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
INNER JOIN Inserted i ON p.CustomerId = i.CustomerId
WHERE (i.DateFrom >= p.DateFrom AND i.DateFrom <= p.DateTo) OR (i.DateTo >= p.DateFrom AND i.DateTo <= p.DateTo)
INNER JOIN Inserted i ON p.CustomerId = i.CustomerId
WHERE (i.DateFrom <> p.DateFrom AND i.DateTo <> p.DateTo) AND
((i.DateFrom >= p.DateFrom AND i.DateFrom <= p.DateTo) OR (i.DateTo >= p.DateFrom AND i.DateTo <= p.DateTo))
INSERT INTO dbo.Payment (DateFrom, DateTo, CustomerId, AdminId)
SELECT DateFrom, DateTo, CustomerId, AdminId
FROM Inserted
The code worked before the creation of this trigger. I am using LINQ to SQL in C#. I don't see a way of changing SCOPE_IDENTITY to ##IDENTITY. How do I make this work?
Use ##identity instead of scope_identity().
While scope_identity() returns the last created id in the current scope, ##identity returns the last created id in the current session.
The scope_identity() function is normally recommended over the ##identity field, as you usually don't want triggers to interfer with the id, but in this case you do.
Since you're on SQL 2008, I would highly recommend using the OUTPUT clause instead of one of the custom identity functions. SCOPE_IDENTITY currently has some issues with parallel queries that cause me to recommend against it entirely. ##Identity does not, but it's still not as explicit, and as flexible, as OUTPUT. Plus OUTPUT handles multi-row inserts. Have a look at the BOL article which has some great examples.
I was having serious reservations about using ##identity, because it can return the wrong answer.
But there is a workaround to force ##identity to have the scope_identity() value.
Just for completeness, first I'll list a couple of other workarounds for this problem I've seen on the web:
Make the trigger return a rowset. Then, in a wrapper SP that performs the insert, do INSERT Table1 EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL ... to yet another table. Then scope_identity() will work. This is messy because it requires dynamic SQL which is a pain. Also, be aware that dynamic SQL runs under the permissions of the user calling the SP rather than the permissions of the owner of the SP. If the original client could insert to the table, he should still have that permission, just know that you could run into problems if you deny permission to insert directly to the table.
If there is another candidate key, get the identity of the inserted row(s) using those keys. For example, if Name has a unique index on it, then you can insert, then select the (max for multiple rows) ID from the table you just inserted to using Name. While this may have concurrency problems if another session deletes the row you just inserted, it's no worse than in the original situation if someone deleted your row before the application could use it.
Now, here's how to definitively make your trigger safe for ##Identity to return the correct value, even if your SP or another trigger inserts to an identity-bearing table after the main insert.
Also, please put comments in your code about what you are doing and why so that future visitors to the trigger don't break things or waste time trying to figure it out.
DECLARE #MyTableID int
INSERT MyTable (Name, SystemUser)
SELECT I.Name, System_User
FROM Inserted
SET #MyTableID = Scope_Identity()
INSERT AuditTable (SystemUser, Notes)
SELECT SystemUser, 'Added Name ' + I.Name
FROM Inserted
-- The following statement MUST be last in this trigger. It resets ##Identity
-- to be the same as the earlier Scope_Identity() value.
SELECT MyTableID INTO #Trash FROM MyTable WHERE MyTableID = #MyTableID
Normally, the extra insert to the audit table would break everything, because since it has an identity column, then ##Identity will return that value instead of the one from the insertion to MyTable. However, the final select creates a new ##Identity value that is the correct one, based on the Scope_Identity() that we saved from earlier. This also proofs it against any possible additional AFTER trigger on the MyTable table.
I just noticed that an INSTEAD OF trigger isn't necessary here. This does everything you were looking for:
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.TR_Payments_Insert ON dbo.Payment FOR INSERT
Inserted I
INNER JOIN dbo.Payment P ON I.CustomerID = P.CustomerID
I.DateFrom < P.DateTo
AND P.DateFrom < I.DateTo
This of course allows scope_identity() to keep working. The only drawback is that a rolled-back insert on an identity table does consume the identity values used (the identity value is still incremented by the number of rows in the insert attempt).
I've been staring at this for a few minutes and don't have absolute certainty right now, but I think this preserves the meaning of an inclusive start time and an exclusive end time. If the end time was inclusive (which would be odd to me) then the comparisons would need to use <= instead of <.
Main Problem : Trigger and Entity framework both work in diffrent scope.
The problem is, that if you generate new PK value in trigger, it is different scope. Thus this command returns zero rows and EF will throw exception.
The solution is to add the following SELECT statement at the end of your Trigger:
SELECT * FROM inserted;
in place of * you can mention all the column name including
SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(‘tablename’) AS <IdentityColumnname>
Like araqnid commented, the trigger seems to rollback the transaction when a condition is met. You can do that easier with an AFTER INSTERT trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_Payments_Insert]
ON [dbo].[Payment]
IF <Condition>
Then you can use SCOPE_IDENTITY() again, because the INSERT is no longer done in the trigger.
The condition itself seems to let two identical rows past, if they're in the same insert. With the AFTER INSERT trigger, you can rewrite the condition like:
FROM dbo.Payment a
LEFT JOIN dbo.Payment b
ON a.Id <> b.Id
AND a.CustomerId = b.CustomerId
AND (a.DateFrom BETWEEN b.DateFrom AND b.DateTo
OR a.DateTo BETWEEN b.DateFrom AND b.DateTo)
And it will catch duplicate rows, because now it can differentiate them based on Id. It also works if you delete a row and replace it with another row in the same statement.
Anyway, if you want my advice, move away from triggers altogether. As you can see even for this example they are very complex. Do the insert through a stored procedure. They are simpler and faster than triggers:
create procedure dbo.InsertPayment
#DateFrom datetime, #DateTo datetime, #CustomerId int, #AdminId int
FROM dbo.Payment
WHERE CustomerId = #CustomerId
AND (#DateFrom BETWEEN DateFrom AND DateTo
OR #DateTo BETWEEN DateFrom AND DateTo))
INSERT into dbo.Payment
(DateFrom, DateTo, CustomerId, AdminId)
VALUES (#DateFrom, #DateTo, #CustomerId, #AdminId)
A little late to the party, but I was looking into this issue myself. A workaround is to create a temp table in the calling procedure where the insert is being performed, insert the scope identity into that temp table from inside the instead of trigger, and then read the identity value out of the temp table once the insertion is complete.
In procedure:
CREATE table #temp ( id int )
... insert statement ...
select id from #temp
-- (you can add sorting and top 1 selection for extra safety)
drop table #temp
In instead of trigger:
-- this check covers you for any inserts that don't want an identity value returned (and therefore don't provide a temp table)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') is not null
insert into #temp(id)
You probably want to call it something other than #temp for safety sake (something long and random enough that no one else would be using it: #temp1234235234563785635).
