CEF disable address bar - chromium-embedded

I am using CEF3 and want to hardcode and disable the address bar of the browser. I am not finding the right place in the code base to do the same. Any pointers would be of great help.
Either through the C++ or Javascript methods would help.

Are you using cefclient? I don't think there's a clean way to turn it off in the standard version of cefclient.
However, in the brackets-shell fork of cefclient there's a #define you can use to toggle it on/off cleanly. Just search for references to SHOW_TOOLBAR_UI (it's only used in four files). I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to manually apply those diffs back onto a clean copy of cefclient (you probably don't want to take the brackets-shell fork as-is – it's not very generic).

You can build a CEF application using the binary, just like the WIKI does. Please see the github project for a reference https://github.com/acristoffers/CEF3SimpleSample

I realize this question is old but I had the same question and found the solution.
In the cefclient example, the address bar is drawn within the RootWindowGtk::CreateRootWindow function.
Delete the gtk_container_add function call that adds the GtkToolItem* corresponding to the address bar and the address bar will be gone.


How can I optimize Robot Framework to speed up testing of an Angular application?

I know the basics of optimizing Robot Framework for speed on normal applications, but this is not a normal application. It's not a question of going as fast as possible, because if the code executes too fast on an Angular application, it'll try to click an element that isn't enabled or visible, or an element that doesn't exist yet. Timing issues abound, and the result is that I'm using a keyword (below) to slow down my program universally. The problem is that it's hard-coded, and I'm looking for a more "programatic" (programatical? I don't know the exact term) solution that will wait for an element to be clickable and then click it as soon as it is.
This is the keyword I use after every single click (${SLOW_TIME} is a global variable set to 0.5s):
Slow Down
# Slow Down ${SLOW_TIME}
[Arguments] ${SLOW_TIME}
Sleep ${SLOW_TIME}
This is my current solution, which was written to verify that an element is ready to be clicked for test verification purposes, not speed. It's not complete (needs "Is Clickable") and occasionally causes the program to wait longer than it has to:
Verify Element Is Ready
# Verify Element Is Ready id=myElementId
# Click Element id=myElementId
[Arguments] ${element}
Variable should exist ${element}
Wait until element is visible ${element}
Wait until element is enabled ${element}
I'm aware that Robot Framework isn't built for speed, but for long tests I'm tired of doing nothing for 10 minutes waiting for it to finish, only to see that I have an incorrect [Fail]. If the solution involves Python, Javascript, or Java, I can work that in.
EDIT: I'm currently using ExtendedSelenium2Library, but its implicit waits don't always work, so I wanted a second layer of waiting, but only as long as necessary.
First solution to explore would be to use libraries specifically designed for Angular based web applications, such as AngularJsLibrary or ExtendedSelenium2Library. As far as I know, ExtendedSelenium2Library is the one that works best (but perhaps not without any issues, I think it does have a few issues)
Next thing to know is, given that your element indeed is visible, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's ready to be clicked. There are quite a few ways to get around this kind of issues.
One way is to put a sleep in your test setup, to give the page some time to fully initialize. I'm personally not a fan of this solution. This solution also doesn't work well for pages that load new content dynamically after the initial document was initialized.
Another way is to wrap your click element in a wait, either by writing your own in Python or, using something like Wait Until Keyword Succeeds

Keeping ClutterActor at the lowest level

I am working on a Gnome shell extension. I have an actor which I add on uiGroup as
Main.uiGroup.add_actor( my_actor );
I also tried
Main.layoutManager.addChrome( my_actor );
as well with many options.
How can I get it sticked to the most back on window stack?
I have tried many ways of doing that and it seems impossible. Instead, I developed an application called keep_below() method in GTK.

What is a GTK "render detail"?

I was having temporary difficulties setting the icon of a window in my C program to a stock icon, and I almost asked how to do it, but then I created the GdkPixbuf I needed like this:
The last argument is described by the documentation as "render detail to pass to theme engine. [allow-none]" (here). Since I have no idea what an appropriate value for that might be, I set it to NULL and hoped it would work. It did work, but now I want to know why.
What is this value supposed to be? Is there any possible repercussion if I leave it as NULL?
From the documentation you linked to:
detail should be a string that identifies the widget or code doing the rendering, so that theme engines can special-case rendering for that widget or code.
The way I interpret that is that you might set it to "Wutaz-window-icon" and then if theme writers needed to write a special case for your application, they could match that string.
However, the point is moot; as #MrEricSir points out, the function is deprecated.

Webkit GTK: Determine when a document is finished loading

There are other questions on StackOverflow which are close to what I want to know, like Webkit GTK :: How to detect when a download has finished?, but I think I'm asking something a bit different:
In general, in the event-driven C Webkit-GTK API there are a lot of events which may relate to the idea of when some document is finished "loading". The problem is the documentation is pretty sparse, and the idea of "finished loading" isn't necessarily clear, because it can refer to a lot of things. Does "finished loading" mean that the document is finished downloading? That it's finished creating the DOM tree? That it's finished downloading including all other resources (like CSS, JS and image files?)
Relevant signals are signal::notify::load-status, document-load-finished, and resource-load-finished.
The load-status signal fires everytime the load status changes, so you need to manually call webkit_web_view_get_load_status and check the status each time. Even so, when the status finally is WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED, I'm not sure what that means - does it mean WebKit is done downloading the resource, or that it's finished creating the DOM tree, or what?
What is the difference between the various "finished" signals, and is there any signal that is equivalent to the standard Javascript DOM event window.onload?
I believe the document-load-finished signal is what you are looking for as it seems (in my opinion) to match more closely what you are trying to test for.
One idea to test which is the correct way to do this would be to test the various ways there are to test if a document has "loaded" manually. I.e. Try the one I linked to above, and output a string to the Terminal when the value is true. If the value is true before the page has completely displayed all of its contents, chances are that it's not the one you're after. Then move on to the next, until you've got the right one.
Other than that, I'm not really sure what else you can do, since as you mentioned, the definition isn't very clear. It's times like these I wish Gtk documentation was a little more verbose.

How to tell whether a font is monospace using GTK and Pango?

I have a PangoFontDescription and I want to know whether it describes a monospace font.
I have seen the function pango_font_family_is_monospace() in the Pango API documentation but after several hours of puzzling it is still not clear to me what the relationships are between PangoFontFamily, PangoFontMap, PangoFont, PangoFontset, PangoContext, and PangoFontDescription and whether I need any or all of these to achieve what I want. So far, PangoFontDescription is the only part of Pango I've needed to use, as GTK manages to abstract everything else away.
Can anyone who has done this before help me out?
You can use pango_font_description_get_family() and after that call pango_font_family_is_monospace() on the result.
Since pango_font_description_get_family() returns only a name you can do this: call pango_context_list_families() and search for a family object that has that name. After that, call pango_font_family_is_monospace() on the found object. Not sure what to do if no family object with that name is found, though.
