NetworkError: 404 Not Found on firefox - google-app-engine

We have a gwt app deployed on gae for java. The app runs fine in google chrome but fails with below exception on ie and firefox
NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
based on Setup a GWT Project correctly with SVN and Eclipse we have excluded the files in adminmodule directory to upload to app engine.
Please advise what is reason for it to fail and how to make it working.
The ignored patterns are:

You will get 404. HORROR!!!!
Currently only /deploy/ folder can be ignored and not war/gwtmodule.
All the gwt generated scripts are in war/gwtmodule and you need to upload them per compilation into appengine.
These are generated every build in compilation phase and hence are not checked into svn.
They need to be in deployment folder for APP Engine.
I suggest you go through the GWT teams excellent document for App Engine with GWT
Edit -
<modulename>.nocache.js loads <longnumeric>.cache.html based on browser * language permutation. GWT compiles your java code to create the <modulename>.nocache.js and the relevant cache.html files. cache and nocache indicates whether browser is supposed to cache or not cache the file.
You will have the .nocache.js script reference in your html file for the gwtapp.

It's normal for the GWT compiler to build different javascript files for each permutation. A permutation is for a specific user-agent (browser, eg ie9 gecko (ff), webkit (chrome/safari)) and language (English, French). So you've correctly uploaded all the output files for the chrome browser, presumably in English. It would seem, as you say, that you're filtering out other files from uploading, and that some of those files are requested when using a different permutation for Firefox in English. You should try not to filter those files.


Google Cloud Bucket and ReactJS app Access

Using ReactJS I made a Build (reactJs static, npm build) and uploaded it to Google Cloud Storage Bucket, but getting a issue with the Path and Build folder files. The app (/static website) running but could not fetch the files from the bucket directory for eg the index.html & logo. (404 or 403 error )
Structure: Parent Bucket > Build folder (index.html, static folder & other files inside Build)
Any one have any suggestion on this. How to resolve this?
Do I need to create an app.yaml for GCS Bucket or any alternative?
I have gone through the article quite similar but for AppEngine instead of Bucket.
I have tried with app.yaml file but does not work for me.
I had exactly the same issue as mentioned by the OP. I am sharing my version of solution just in case anyone else ends up here.
As shown in the screenshots by OP, the 403 errors showed up for me because the URL of the static files in build/static folder was not correctly configured by the react-scripts build script.
The url for index.html file was{bucket-name}/index.html.
However, when the page loaded, it requested files having url It should rather be{bucket-name}/static/js/main.f555c3e0.chunk.js
This is happening because by default react-scripts build assumes that your files will be served from root folder of your host.
To fix this add the following field in package.json of your project
"homepage": "{bucket-name}"
This tells the build script that it needs to add a relative path for serving static files.
For details please refer:
In order to set the routes of a static website stored in Google Cloud Storage, you need to assign a suffix to your objects. In other words, using suffixes is the intended way to configure your website. You can see more information in Hosting a static website document.
For your main index page you should set MainPageSuffix and for the not found page 404.html you should set NotFoundPage as suffix.
You can see more information on how to configure your static web here

Angular - Failed to load module script:

I have angular 8 front end application in production and its Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.
This issue is happening only in production build that too not always , able reproduce only sometimes.
How do i fix it.?
Are you using serviceWorker?
If so you have to add inside angular.json "serviceWorker": true for the configuration that you are using.
I would like to share my experience with the same issue I was facing in the organization where I'm working.
I had an Angular 9 application and when I deployed to Stage environment, I got three errors in my console which showed as "module not loaded due to Mime type". This was working fine in all other environment and after much struggle, it was found that the files under the website were not having access. E.g. When you deploy an Angular application, you will get index.html file and many other js files. The website had permission issues. The site was hosted in the Rackspace and the FireWall was not configured to have access to the files right under the website.
Once the below access was provided, the app started working.
The only difference I see with your problem is that you have mentioned it is working sometimes.
There is another post Blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”) : Angular 8 deployed on tomcat 9.0.30 fails to serve the assets try the solution based on base reference as those js files are not served/loaded
I hope this might help someone.

Spring Devtools triggers restart when changing excluded files

I have a Spring Boot Web Project that uses Joinfaces and Primefaces. The application extends from SpringBootServletInitializer and also generates a war file.
For development I start my Project (in Eclipse) using RunAs -> Spring Boot App. I've added the spring-boot-devtools dependency as described in the Developer Tools Docu. Everything seems to work, except that changes in a xhtml file also triggers the restart.
I've added the spring.devtools.restart.additional-exclude property in my application.yml to exclude also webapp/**. But this seems to have no effect, because a change still triggers the restart.
additional-exclude: webapp/**
My Project structure looks like:
- *.xhtml
But maybe I do not understand how to use the DevTools correct - Starting the application as Spring Boot App might not be the correct usage? Because if I place a file e.g. foo.txt under src/main/resources and update its content the application is also restarted (using the DevTools defaults (which should exclude /resources)).
Eclipse Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Joinfaces 3.2.1 -> Spring Boot 2.0.2.RELEASE
The solution to my main problem might be relatively easy.
I've added the webapp folder as Source Folder in Eclipse. As soon as I've removed the folder from the list of source folders, the reload was no longer triggered when I changed something in the xhtml files.
This answer gave me the idea, that the source folder might be the problem.
My exclude also did not work. What I did as a workaround is slowing the reload down like this:
poll-interval: 6000
quiet-period: 5000

Grails 3.0 static html in run-app

similar questions have been asked before, regarding grails 2(.3, .4). I find it strange that i could not find a way to do this, as it seems a standard use-case to me.
I simply want to serve html-pages, including their linked .css and .js (angular and jquery content) when i run grails run-app.
I want to check if my http-calls are handeled correctly on both sides - without needing to deploy a .war and configuring a database.
afaik grails run-app simply starts a jetty/tomcat - both of which can obviously serve .html pages. What do i have to do to make the grails development-tooling deploy my files?
I need to make http-requests,
so using a different Server would violate JS-SOP,
while deploying the .war would greatly slow down the development process
I've so far only found clunky jsonp, proxy, .war deployment solutions, or solutions for grails 2.x
I tried placing the files literally everywhere in the projects' structure (/src/main, /src/main/resources, /src/main/public, the assets folder and its subfolders, created web-app directories in every subdirectory, the Init, domain, conf directories - you name it)
Add the index.html to src/main/resources/public
Then add this to UrlMappings.groovy:
For grails >= 3.0.12
Location of static resources
In order to resolve an issue around how POST requests are treated for
REST applications on non-existent resources, static resources located
in src/main/resources/public are now resolved under the /static/** URI
by default, instead of the base URI /**. If you wish to restore the
previous behaviour add the following configuration:
grails.resources.pattern = '/**'
Contrary to the accepted answer, you don't need a redirect. I have made able to make this work with the following config:
"/"(uri: "/index.html")
pattern: '/**'
Finally, you just need to have your index.html file located under src/main/webapp not found

on our gae for java app using gwt on loading the app and checking in firebug i see error as a result gwt modules seems to be not getting loaded.
I am assuming this file should be auto generated by gae. so why i m facing it and what can be done to solve it?
Your asumption is wrong. That file is generated by the GWT compilation (at the same time the sakshumwebgae/sakshumwebgae.nocache.js is generated) and should be deployed within your app.
