Want to build a route which will check contents of Soap request and pass the request to appropriate URI - apache-camel

I am Ashish from Mumbai and very new to Apache Camel.
Currently I am building a route in XML which will scan the SOAP request and will redirect the request to appropriate URI.
My Soap request isn as follows:
<service xmlns="http://ws.madcomum.comprova.com">
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/>
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/>
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/>
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/>
From this SOAP envelope, I want to parse out value of actionId tag using Camel Route.
If actionId has value of 1 then route must be redirected to callService else to another service.
I developed logic of route as folows:
<from uri="cxf:bean:comprovaWS?dataFormat=MESSAGE" />
<to uri="log:input" />
<to ref="callService" />
<to uri="log:output" />
<to uri="log:input" />
<to ref="otherService"/>
<to uri="log:output" />
But this logic is not working.
Is there any error in my route?
Though I am Java guy, I don't want to use Java here. I want to rely on Camel itself.
Please help me ASAP.

When you use xpath then 95% of the times when people have trouble its often due to namespaces. Your SOAP message is defined using a namespace - "http://ws.madcomum.comprova.com". The xpath expression must use this namespace to make it work.
See more details at: http://camel.apache.org/xpath, there is an example at the section Using XML configuration
Also as you use CXF in MESSAGE mode, then read about stream caching as the message is stream based: http://camel.apache.org/stream-caching.html


Camel unmarshaller supporting multiple dataformats

Is there a Camel unmarshaler that I could use to unmarshal from multiple data formats (JSON, XML, etc) to, say XML?
This "universal" unmarshaller would then be used as, for example:
<route id="myRoute">
<from uri="file:test/input"/>
<!-- The input can be in JSON or in XML -->
<unmarshal ref="universalUnmarshallerToXML"/>
<!-- The input payload is always in XML -->
<choice >
<xpath>/order/customer/country = 'US'</xpath>
<to uri="file:test/output/us"/>
<xpath>/order/customer/country = 'UK'</xpath>
<to uri="file:test/output/uk"/>
<to uri="file:test/output/others"/>
Does this universal unmarshaller exist (hopefully it does), or should I implement my own?
It's not exactly a universal unmarshaller, but similar to what you are asking for:
When you create a REST service, you can set a BindingMode so that Camel will unmarshal from JSON or XML automatically, depending on the incoming Content-Type:
.bindingMode(RestBindingMode.auto) // can also be .xml, .json,....
But, I haven't seen this being feature used or exposed outside of REST services, yet.
Implementation is in RestBindingAdvice if you're interested.

Is it possible to read a file after receiving an event?

I'm using a ActiveMQ Broker with built-in Camel Routes. I want to read a file after an Event received.
from Event A
read File XY
to Event B with Body from File XY
I simple tried moving files from a temporary directory based on an event but only event B is written. In the Log file are no Exceptions or Error messages.
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<!-- You can use Spring XML syntax to define the routes here using the <route> element -->
<description>Example Camel Route</description>
<from uri="activemq:example.A"/>
<from uri="file://tmp/a?delete=true"/>
<to uri="file://tmp/b?overruleFile=copy-of-${file:name}"/>
<to uri="activemq:example.B"/>
Update with working solution for single file:
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<!-- You can use Spring XML syntax to define the routes here using the <route> element -->
<description>Example Camel Route</description>
<from uri="activemq:example.A"/>
<log message="file content ${body}"/>
<to uri="activemq:example.B"/>
You need to use Content Enrichers for this. This is exactly what you are looking for.
<from uri="activemq:example.A"/>
<to uri="activemq:example.B"/>
Please be aware that for camel version 2.15 or older
pollEnrich does not access any data from the current Exchange which
means when polling it cannot use any of the existing headers you may
have set on the Exchange. For example you cannot set a filename in the
Exchange.FILE_NAME header and use pollEnrich to consume only that
file. For that you must set the filename in the endpoint URI.

Camel + sql + error handling

I have a task to handle all incoming messages within the route and save them to database.
My route starts with webservice (camel-cxf), and then process to ejb and return soap response.
I've decided to use camel-sql component. As far as I don't have any problems with logging incoming message:
<camelContext id="InstitutionContext" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<to uri="bean:myExceptionHandler?method=handle" />
<route id="InstitutionRoute" >
<from uri="direct:start" />
<to uri="sql:insert into translog(id,type,data) values(2,'IN',#)" />
<tokenize token="\n" />
<csv delimiter=";" />
<process ref="InstitutionProcessorTest" />
<to uri="bean:myExceptionHandler?method=checkErrors" />
but I don't have idea how to handle exceptions and save them in the form of SOAP message.
<onCompletion onFailureOnly="true">
<to uri="sql:insert into translog(id,type,data) values(2,'ERROR',#)" />
but it saves original message in data column. Is there any body who can help?
I might be misunderstanding the question but it looks you are trying to save the SOAP message in XML format if there is a exception.
By default the dataFormat for CXF is POJO meaning it sends a POJO around the camel route i.e. the SOAP XML is converted to a POJO.
Two options come to mind:
Set the dataformat to message or payload. This will send the XML message across the camel route instead of a POJO
Marshall the POJO into a XML message and save it.

How to extract value from Exchange object in camel esb

I have created a simple cxf web service. following is the body of soap message
My requirement is to extract the value of arg0 in my camel context file. i.e. i want to log the value of arg0. Please help me on this
<route routePolicyRef="loggingInInterceptor">
<from uri="cxf:bean:rtoemplyeeService"/>
<setHeader headerName="exchange">
<log message="value of arg0======== "/>
<convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String" id="stringInput"/>
<bean ref="rtoEmpBean" method="getRTOEmployeeSalary" beanType="rtoEmpBean" id="govtRTOEmp"/>
I need to use the value of arg0 here.
We can use camel provided spring expression language to extract the value from exchange object. Since exchange object also resides in spring container.
below will be code src to extract the value of arg0 in camel context-
<setHeader headerName="arg0">
This will set the value of arg0 of soap message in a header named arg0.

Camel File Endpoint - Getting the file name

I have a camel route:
Later on in the route I need to access the origin file name. How do I get that information? All of the headers contain information in like ${file:name}, but not the actual file name.
Thanks in advance!
The base problem is that simple language is not being evaluated correctly in while running Camel with grails. This is being discussed further on the Camel user list.
there is a header called "CamelFileName" that stores this
see camel-file2 headers section for more details...
If your simple language is not working it would be because you are not using <simple> tag try something like below.
<route id="movedFailedFileForRetry">
<from uri="file:///opt/failed?delete=true" />
<log loggingLevel="INFO" message="Moving failed file ${header.CamelFileName} for retry" />
<simple>${headers.CamelFileName} == 'file1.txt'</simple>
<to uri="file:///opt/input1" />
<to uri="file:///opt/input2" />
Hope it helps!!
${headers.CamelFileName} will provide you with the CamelFileName that is read for processing. We have many other header properties that you can find from the Camel Documentation.
