How to overcome the random failing of my selenium webdriver-java script? - selenium-webdriver

Currently, i am running my selenium webdriver - java scripts, there is a strange issue which is cropping up these days. My scripts run absoulutely fine and when I re-run them.. sometimes my scripts enter the values via sendkeys() in some other fields as a result of which my entire script fails.
I dont know the real reason behind it, I know the scripts what i am running are pretty simple and straight flows.. Is this because of my application response issue? Because I have given wait commands also to tackle the same.But when I have re-run the same scripts again it enters the values in some irrelevant fields..
Note: I dont change any of my codes while rerunning it... Its more frustrating
Is this normal when you run Selenium webdriver-java scripts??
Please advise me how to tackle this issue because I am not aware to deal with this issue

You might need to figure out if your elements locators are changing dynamically each time you run and then look at your code locators to be more appropriately handling the change. Other than that I see no reason why the elements being interacted with, change randomly.


Can not run the case of "Real Time Reporting with the Table API" in TryFlink

I just get start learning flink and try the case, "Real Time Reporting with the Table API "
When I ran docker-compose, all containers worked except jobmanager which is exited with 2.
up all
exit with 2
I tried rebuild and restart, but it does not work and I do not know what's wrong with it.
Could anyone help me to figure it out,please? Many thanks!
This particular tutorial does fail if you skip ahead and try to run it without first providing an implementation for Several versions of that method are provided in the tutorial: pick one (perhaps the last one), drop it in, rebuild the docker image, and try again.

Error: Salesforce sandbox deployment

I tried deploying the sandbox into Salesforce production but getting some errors. Also is it possible to make changes to the production code without the sandbox? Can someone also explain the code coverage? I tried changing that error field for the insert several times in the sandbox, But when I try to deploy it again, it still throws the same errors. enter image description here
The error clearly states that your test class is trying to insert an opportunity record without filling mandatory field Close Date. Please check your code again. If you need any help please share the snippet of the code.
And yes you can make changes to Production directly, I wouldn't recommend that. Moving changes from sandbox to production after necessary testing is an ideal way of deploying new/existing changes. It's part of SDLC practice.

Selenium automation report

I am using Selenium framework for my test cases execution.
I need an instant report of test cases that are passed while the full suite is in execution currently.
For Eg: There are 100 test cases in suite and five have run of which 3 passed, 2 failed and I need these instant report while the suite is in-progress. Can you please help me with this task?
You can use ExtentReport.
You can use it to log your test steps and once its done it will generate a report to show your results.
For what your looking for, ExtentReport uses a "flush".
If you call this flush after each test step it will amend the step and create the report.
This is something I'm looking into myself at the moment, so I wouldn't consider this an answer but something I've stumbled across myself, hope it helps.
Here is how to set up ExtentReports on your project with examples -
You must use it in conjunction with a test runner eg. TestNG or JUnit.
For what you are trying to achieve is slightly different to the example. You need to call a flush after every test step so it will amend to the report after the step is completed rather than when all the tests are completed. Its not something I have done before but it was explained to me like the following
Just call .flush() after every test instead of once at the end of your test run. BUT you need to make sure the ExtentReports object itself is only initialized once, instead of being reinitialized at the start of every test. For example, I used TestNG. The ExtentReports is called once using #BeforeSuite, but the .flush() is called after every test using #AfterMethod. I hope this makes sense.
The only thing that can’t be solved via code is the HTML refresh as this is outside the control of the ExtentReports library (it doesn’t know where you’ve opened the actual HTML file). But this can be taken care of by using a simple browser plugin as I said. At least for Chrome there are a lot of them, just do a Google search for ‘chrome auto refresh’.
Hope this helps. If you need anymore advice don't hesitate to contact me.

Quickly access point in UI

We have quite and extensive wizard UI flow and in order to test development changes (e.g.: DOM chanes) at the end of the flow we need to go through all the steps every time since there is data dependancy gathered in previous steps.
This is tedious, takes a lot of time, every time.
Have been thinking about some way of defaulting data but then still we have to click some buttons to get some a-ync data based on the input and press the next btn in the wizard steps.
Using a protractor like behaviour would be excellent. We already have tests set up for that which can take us to the point we need to verify, while developing, in seconds and having all the (stubbed) data in there.
Like to hear your thoughts on this and if such an automated Protractor way of getting to a certain point is possible.
EDIT: why not just use the Protractor test we use on the test server to use locally to go through the development steps and let it stop at a certain point?
While writing the post and re-reading it I answered it in the EDIT with Protractor. Havent tried it yet but should do the trick.

Issue with DataContractSurrogate in the Debugger

Having big issues running my project locally. When I run it and get to this piece of code.
when i step over this with debugger I get this inside the _institutionRepository object
Results View = The type 'Project1.Entities.DataAccess.Institution' exists in both 'Project1.Entities.DataAccess.dll' and 'DataContractSurrogates_40d75f07-afb1-4694-833a-ea508af1e0ac'
But when the rest of my team runs this locally they do not get this issue. I have been researching this for too long and need to get this resolved quickly. Any ideas would be appreciated.
i am running on VS2010 with silverlight and RiaSerivces
I am still not sure of this message. but we found the issue and it had nothing to do with the message received. One of our fields in the DB is supposed to be one of two types and we had the wrong one entered. So i am receiving data back. But this error/message is there with every entity in our solution. I would like to know more about it.
