Is it a correct behaviour of transactions? - database

I have three transaction services that are executed within a transaction boundary (stratTransaction or begin transaction). All three services uses different connection (No_Transaction, Local_Transaction and XA_Transaction) for their processing respectively. Now I want to know, when I start a transaction (using javax.transaction.TransactionManager) and run these three services within the transaction boundary, I can see that the service that used NO and LOCAL transactions are able to insert data into the tables. Now I am inserting data more than the table constraints in a column using the Service XA (and I know it is supposed to fail) and calling the commit (and a rollback procedure if there are any failures). Now I have data in tables of NO and Local connection tables while XA connection table don't have any data. Now:
I want to know that when the transaction has failed at one point it is suppossed to rollback all the data from all the tables or it is just supposed to rollback data of XA Service only?
I also wanted to know: 'Transaction' as I know is a procedure of transferring data atomicly. So why connection creation includes defining the type of transaction that can be performed by connection isn't it a property of transactions?
I also want to know that why we have to define transaction type in connection properties instead we must define the type of transaction when we start a transacion and that transaction manager must perform the given type of transactions.
Thanks in advance.

Let's start with the simplest transaction mode and increase complexity.
No transaction
A 'no transaction' connection is one that does not 'commit' or 'roll back' data such as sending email. Once you have passed the message object to the email server, it is sent to the recipient and no amount of pleading will ever get the message back again. It's almost as if every call is committed by the time the call returns. Examples of this kind of connection include connection to SMTP, SMS gateways, printers and so on.
I believe that you can use a database connection in this manner if you have auto-commit on, but it begs the question on why you have a full ACID database in the first place...
'Normal' transactions
The normal connection, for example to a SQL database, has the ability to store up a series of state change commands in an internal buffer. When everything has been done, and all appears OK, then the whole buffer of changes is written to the data store and other connections can see the changes. If something goes wrong, before or even during the commit, the whole set of changes can be discarded (rolled back).
One critical limitation of this type of connection is the scope of the buffer - the buffer is part of the connection itself. In other words, it is only through the connection that you can write to the buffer.
An important responsibility of the application server is to manage these connections. When you ask the connection pool to give you the connection, you magically get the same connection each time (within a single transaction). This is true even when when one EJB calls another or when an EJB calls into a Resource Adapter (assuming you use the REQUIRES_TRANSACTION semantics. You can override this with REQUIRES_NEW). This behaviour means that one web request can multiple EJB calls, each of which can interact with multiple entity beans, and all the data manipulation occurs on a single connection with a single internal buffer. It will all be committed or rolled back together.
Transactions with multiple connections
This is great when you have a single database - but (by definition) you need separate connections if you talk to separate database instances (eg on different machines). So what happens then? Your EJB transaction ends up associated with multiple connections - each connection to a unique database. This appears to work well, except in one situation:
You have Connection A to Database A and Connection B to Database B
You execute DML statements on A and B
You commit the EJB connection. The Application Server now:
Commits Connection A - success
Commits Connection B - fail (eg constraint fails) and Connection B rolls back
This is a disaster - you have committed the transaction in Database A, and this cannot now be rolled back. However, the transaction (and the whole EJB) is rolled back on Database B.
(Interestingly, your example is almost identical to this - you have data committed to the no transaction and normal transaction, but not in the XA transaction - the last of the three connections)
XA Transactions
This is where XA comes in. It provides logic to co-ordinate transactions being committed against different data sources and simulates a single transaction over multiple data sources. XA commits with a "two-phase commit" managed by a transaction co-ordinator that manages a number of XA-connections co-opted into the XA Transaction. The co-ordinator
Sends a message to each data source through the XA Connection to see if the transaction can be committed: All constraint and database logic is executed up to the point just before a final commit. If any database reports a failure, the XA co-ordinator rolls back the whole transaction. Phase 1 is where almost all the transaction work is carried out and so takes comparatively long
When every database has reported that the transaction can be committed, the co-ordinator sends a message to every database to commit the transaction. This happens very fast.
Note that the two-phase commit can fail if something goes wrong in phase 2 (eg part of the network crashes or one of the databases is powered off between phase 1 and phase 2).
Because an XA connection behaves so differently from a normal connection, it typically needs a different ConnectionFactory object which instantiates different object instances than a non-XA ConnectionFactory. In addition, the XA ConnectionFactory needs configuration parameters for the XA transaction co-ordinator, such as XA transaction timeouts, which are in addition to the ordinary transaction properties.
Another constraint: Only Connections created by an XA ConnectionFactory can join an XA Transaction and the associated two-phase commit. You can have both XA and non-XA connections participating in a single Application Server transaction, but then the entire transaction cannot reliably commit/rollback as a single transaction (as above).
Specific answers
I want to know that when the transaction has failed at one point it is suppossed to rollback all the data from all the tables or it is just supposed to rollback data of XA Service only?
If the transaction fails before the application server attempts a commit (eg your EJB gets a NPE or you deliberately roll back), each connection will receive a rollback, and everything should be just as you expect.
However, if the transaction fails in the commit logic (eg a database constraint), then the transaction manager will attempt to roll everything back; this cannot happen if a non-XA connection has already committed.
I also wanted to know: 'Transaction' as I know is a procedure of transferring data atomicly. So why connection creation includes defining the type of transaction that can be performed by connection isn't it a property of transactions?
The XA connection uses a different library and protocol than the ordinary connection, because the connection itself needs to communicate with the XA Transaction Co-ordinator. Normal connections don't do this.
I also want to know that why we have to define transaction type in connection properties instead we must define the type of transaction when we start a transacion and that transaction manager must perform the given type of transactions.
Because the XA connection uses different code, the connection pool needs to load a different class when compared to the normal connection. This is why the connection pool (not connection) properties are different.

yes if a transaction is failed to write its commit entry in log file then it rollbacks completely(Atomic property of trxn ).
Trxn is an atomic unit of database processing.Whatever opr you perform in database using txn , that action will be atomic.
By default the transaction is of autocommit type. but if you use your own code for stating the start point and commit point of a txn then it is of explicit type.(


What does sql server do when a JPA transaction fails across a network?

I'm using JPA to connect to an SQL server across a WAN. I've been unable to find information on what happens when I begin a JPA transaction that involves writes to the remote DB, but the WAN connection goes down before or during commit.
In each transaction, I'm transmitting a header and several hundred detail lines.
Does the far-end database know enough to discard all the changes?
Obviously, requesting a rollback on the local application isn't going to have any effect since the WAN link is down.
I presume:
By "the connection goes down", I mean, that the dbms-client-driver signals to your application code, that the connection has been lost.
you have just one DBMS, which means no two-phase commit.
It does not matter if you are using sql-server via WAN or LAN. Either the transaction is done completely, or not at all.
That is the nature of transactions.
So if the connection goes down before the commit, the server will rollback everything. There is no way to reconnect on application level, to complete the transaction.
If the connection goes down during the commit, then dependent on the implementation and on the exact point in time, the transaction might be persisted completely or rolled back completely.
You can be absolutely sure that everything is persisted as intended as soon as commit returns to your code.
Beware, that "connection goes down" might happen after a timeout that might be quite long (several minutes). In that time, the transactions keep all the locks and might slow down the complete system. These timeouts might be set to longer intervals if you are communicating via slower network.

Keep a transaction open on SQL Server with connection closed

On SQL Server, is it possible to begin a transaction but intentionally orphan it from an open connection yet keep it from rolling back?
The use-case it for a REST service.
I'd like to be able to link a series of HTTP requests to work under a transaction, which can be done if the service is stateful; i.e. there's a single REST API server holding a connection open (map HTTP header value to a named connection), but a flawed idea in a non-sticky farm of web servers.
If the DB supported the notion of something like named/leased transactions, kinda like a named mutex, this could be done.
I appreciate there are other RESTful designs for atomic data mutations.
No. A transaction lives and dies with the session it's created in, and a session lives and dies with its connection. You can keep a transaction open for as long as you like -- but only by also keeping the session, and thereby the connection open. If the session is closed before the transaction commits, it automatically rolls back. Which is a good thing, in general, because transactions tend to use pessimistic locking. You don't want to keep those locks around for longer than necessary.
While there is such a thing as a distributed transaction that you can enlist in even if the current connection did not begin the transaction, this will still not do what you want for the scenario of multiple distributed nodes performing actions in succession to complete a transaction on one database. Specifically, you'd still need to have one "master" node to keep the transaction alive and decide it should finally commit now, and you need a way to make nodes aware of the transaction so they can enlist. I don't recommend you actually go this way, as it's much more complicated than tailoring a solution to your specific scenario (typically, accumulating modifications in their own table and committing them as a batch when they're complete, which can be done in one transaction).
You could use a queue-oriented design, where the application simply adds to the queue, while SQL server agent 'pop's the queue and executes.

Inserted row is not accessible for another connection after transaction commit

We have a very weird problem using EF 6 with MSSQL and MassTransit with Rabbit MQ.
The scenario is as follows:
Client application inserts a row in database (via EF code first - implicit transaction only in DbContext SaveChanges)
Client application publishes Id of the row via MassTransit
Windows Service with consumers processes the message
Row is not found initially, after a few retries, the row appears
I always thought that after commit the row is persisted and becomes accessible for other connections...
We have ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION on in the database.
What is the reason of this and is there any way to be assured that the row is accessible before publishing the Id to MQ?
If you are dependent upon another transaction being completed before your event handler can continue, you need to make you read serializable. Otherwise, transactions are isolated from each other and the results of the write transaction are not yet available. Your write may also need to be serializable, depending upon how the query is structured.
Yes, the consumers run that quickly.

Database Connection and Rollback Process

I wonder a case. I have a project using a database (Oracle and Mssql). My project has a framework that I manage transactions.
In thread I open a database connection and start a transaction.(In transaction, there are many update and insert queries.) While code is running, somehow connection is closed. Because I have try-catch block, I catch exception and rollback transaction. BUT; if my connection is closed because some reasons, how rollback query can run on database? How can I handle this situation? If I open a new connection and rollback, does it work?
There is a term you should know - ACID compliancy:
Atomicity is an all-or-none proposition;
Consistency guarantees that a transaction never leaves your database in a half-finished state.
Isolation keeps transactions separated from each other until they’re finished.
Durability guarantees that the database will keep track of pending changes in such a way that the server can recover from an abnormal termination.
Concerning MySQL
In order to get this at MySQL, you have to use Transaction Safe Tables (TST). Advantages of Transaction-Safe Tables:
Safer. Even if MySQL crashes or you get hardware problems, you can get your data back, either by automatic recovery or from a backup + the transaction log.
You can combine many statements and accept these all in one go with the COMMIT command.
You can execute ROLLBACK to ignore your changes (if you are not running in auto-commit mode).
If an update fails, all your changes will be restored.
Concerning SQL Server
You should read "Transaction Behavior On Lost Connection" MSDN forum topic.
To understand better what lays behind MS SQL Server transactions, read a good article "Locks and Duration of Transactions in MS SQL Server"
Make sure you are not using any autocommit feature (I think that's enabled by default in some MySQL installations). If you do all your commits "manually", a broken connection will just result in you never committing the transaction and so it won't ever get written.
You cannot reconnect to rollback in most database systems.

If I access UserTransaction does this mean that I use 2 phase commit or XA?

UserTransaction ut=lookup....
statelessEjb.transactionSupportedMethod(); //saves something to the Foo DB
If i was doing the above then my understanding is that it is not an XA transaction as it doesn't span across multiple resources (like DB plus JMS). Is my understanding correct?
Data source can be configured of two kinds:
XA: these datasource can participate in distribute transactions
Local: also called non-XA, they can not participate in a distributed transaction
The UserTransaction is defined in the JTA specification which describe how to coordinate the participant in a distributed transaction.
The application server which implements the JTA specification is however free to do a lot of optimizations. One of them is the last-agent-optimization, which allows the last participant in the distributed transaction to be Local. A regular commit is then done for the last participants. If there is only one participant then it's always the case.
In short:
if you have more than one participant, XA and 2 phase commit need to be used
if there is only one participant, most application server support local data source and do not use the full-blow 2 phase commit protocol.
For Glassfish see:
configure JDBC data source
Paragraph "transaction scope" of glassfish documentation explains it better than me. I guess it's the same for all application server.
A local transaction involves only one
non-XA resource and requires that all
participating application components
execute within one process. Local
transaction optimization is specific
to the resource manager and is
transparent to the Java EE
In the Application Server, a JDBC
resource is non-XA if it meets any of
the following criteria:
In the JDBC connection pool configuration, the DataSource class
does not implement the
javax.sql.XADataSource interface.
The Global Transaction Support box is not checked, or the Resource
Type setting does not exist or is not
set to javax.sql.XADataSource.
A transaction remains local if the
following conditions remain true:
One and only one non-XA resource is used. If any additional non-XA
resource is used, the transaction is
No transaction importing or exporting occurs.
Transactions that involve multiple
resources or multiple participant
processes are distributed or global
transactions. A global transaction can
involve one non-XA resource if last
agent optimization is enabled.
Otherwise, all resourced must be XA.
The use-last-agent-optimization
property is set to true by default.
For details about how to set this
property, see Configuring the
Transaction Service.
If only one XA resource is used in a
transaction, one-phase commit occurs,
otherwise the transaction is
coordinated with a two-phase commit
Once you start the UserTransaction, and then obtain a connection to the resource (eg databases) using a connection-factory which is declared to be xa-supportive, it means that connection will become part of the XA transaction. Also, it does not matter at all whether you are connecting to single or multiple types of resources like JMS and database.
Hope that helps.
