wpf grid with dynamic columns - wpf

I have a collection that I wish to bind to a WPF grid.
The problem I'm facing is that the number of columns is dynamic and is dependent on a collection. Here is a simple mock up:
public interface IRows
string Message{get;}
IColumns[] Columns{get;}
public interface IColumns
string Header {get;}
AcknowledgementState AcknowledgementState{get;}
public interface IViewModel
ObservableCollection<IRows> Rows {get;}
I want my view to bind to the the Rows collection, which contains a collection of Columns.
My Columns collection contains an enum which should be represented by an image (1 of 3 possibilities). It also contains a Message property which should only be displayed in one column (static and is just some text information). It also contains a Header string which should be displayed as a header for that column.
Note that the number of columns is variable (at the moment the headers are set to Acknowledge but this will change to represent dynamic data).
Update: This is after implementing suggestions from Rachel
ItemsSource="{Binding Items, Converter={StaticResource PresentationConverter}}">
<Grid ShowGridLines="true"
local:GridHelpers.RowCount="{Binding RowCount}"
local:GridHelpers.ColumnCount="{Binding ColumnCount}" />
<Setter Property="Grid.Row" Value="{Binding RowIndex}"/>
<Setter Property="Grid.Column" Value="{Binding ColumnIndex}"/>
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type UI:MessageEntity}">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Message}"></TextBox>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type UI:StateEntity}">
<TextBox Text="{Binding State}"></TextBox>
This almost gives me what I want now. I'm only stuck with what I should do for the headers.
Any suggestions are welcome.

You can use nested ItemsControls for this
Here's a basic example:
<!-- Bind Rows using the default StackPanel for the ItemsPanel -->
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Rows}">
<!-- Set the Template for each row to a TextBlock and another ItemsControl -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<!-- Need to set Width of name TextBlock so items line up correctly -->
<TextBlock Width="200" Text="{Binding Name}" />
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Columns}">
<!-- Use a horizontal StackPanel to display columns -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />

Using a grid approach might make things more complicated than they should be. Have you tried changing the template of a listview, or to use the DataGrid instead for this purpose?
For an example, take a look at this project: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/25058/ListView-Layout-Manager
Or this one: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16009/A-Much-Easier-to-Use-ListView
If you go with the Grid, I believe you'll have to add a lot of code behind to manage the amount of columns and rows, their size, the cell content... Whereas a ListView/DataGrid will let you do this dynamically through Templates.

Create a Grid using code as shown at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.grid(v=vs.90).aspx#feedback
create a property of type ColumnDefinition,( and use property changed ) to create columns.

There is also the option of using a dynamic object to create your columns. This is a bit laborious but the results are very effective and the solution in general is quite flexible.
This will show you the basics to the dynamic object
Binding DynamicObject to a DataGrid with automatic column generation?
I had some trouble using it with nested objects, columns that have objects and then trying to bind cell content to the object.
Here's a question I raised with an example of how to do this
Problems binding to a the content of a WPF DataGridCell in XAML


ItemsControl Not Creating ContentPresenter

Why isn't my ItemsControl creating a ContentPresenter for each item? I'm guessing this is what's making my items not show up (they're set to visible and in the right spot when I inspect using the Live Visual Tree). I'm basically reusing code that works up above in a different ItemsControl and I haven't been able to find anything while searching Google/Stackoverflow with this issue. I can include view model code but I don't think it's related because I see the appropriate values in the Live Property Explorer and can see each WellContainer is in it's appropriate grid cell.
ItemsSource="{Binding Wells}">
wpf:GridHelpers.RowCount="{Binding RowCount}"
wpf:GridHelpers.ColumnCount="{Binding ColumnCount}">
Value="{Binding Path=WellRow}"/>
Value="{Binding Path=WellCol}"/>
Live Visual Tree Inspection:
The ItemsControl is designed to wrap the items in a container only when necessary, that is, when the item is not eligible to be its own container. From your comment we find that WellContainer derives from Control, thus is eligible to be its own container1 and is not wrapped in a ContentPresenter. Unfortunately there's no way to control this behavior directly, but you could subclass ItemsControl and override the ItemsControl.IsItemItsOwnContainerOverride method to modify the default behavior.
1 As we can see in the ItemsControl source code it is enough for the item to be of UIElement type to be eligible to be its own container.

Bound String List displays containing class name not the string

My Problem is the following:
I have a class which has a ObservableCollection of strings, which gets populated by the selected children.
Those are supposed to be listed in a ListBox.
But the strings aren't listed, rather the object type in FilterList is shown.
<ListBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0"
ItemsSource="{Binding FilterList}">
<StackPanel IsItemsHost="True"
<HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding ListOfActiveFilters}">
<!--<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding ListOfActiveFilters.}"/>-->
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" />
Filter List contains the classes which have ListOfActiveFilters as a Property.
I thought that it would work the way I showed it, but it doesn't.
Since that is also the way I saw others do it.
If I were to use a Class with a single string Property as the type of the Collection instead of the Collection of strings I have right now, I think it would work.
I just don't really see the point in creating a class which holds a string property just so that I can bind the ContentPresenter or TextBox to that property.
What am I doing wrong? I am rather new to the topic.
One single ListBox will only be able to display the filters in one single ListOfActiveFilters collection. You could use nested ItemsControls to display them all:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding FilterList}">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ListOfActiveFilters}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" />
The other option is to modify your data model and put all strings in a single collection. You could then bind the ItemsSource property of the ListBox directly to this one. But a ListBox itself has no concept of hierarhical data.

WPF: Can I have multiple ItemsControls with different ItemsSources?

In my WPF App, I want to have several items that are generated by the user on runtime. These are from different classes and hence, my original idea was to add them to different Observable Collections and then use them as ItemsSources od different ItemsControls. However, WPF gives me the error System.InvalidOperationException: Items collection must be empty before using ItemsSource. I'm not a WPF expert, but the answer to THIS SO question seems to indicate that I can only have 1 ItemsControl.
THIS SO question indicates that maybe I should use the CompositeCollection Class, but unlike in the cited question, I have several completely different Observable Collections for completely different tasks.
Here is the relevant part of my XAML.CS with two Collections: 1 of a custom Interface type and 1 of custom Class type
public MainWindow()
DefaultWindowDefinition.ItemsSource = ProcessElements = new ObservableCollection<IProcessSimulator>();
PathControl.ItemsSource = PathElements = new ObservableCollection<VisualPath>();
And here is the relevant part of the XAML I tried to use:
<Grid x:Name="MainGrid"
Background="{StaticResource Alternating}"
<ItemsControl Name="DefaultWindowDefinition"
ItemsSource="{Binding ProcessElements}">
<ItemsControl Name="PathControl"
ItemsSource="{Binding PathElements}">
How should I approach this problem or rather, what C#/WPF element should I use? A reference and some words of simple explanation is more than enough, I can google the rest myself, I just don't know, what to look for really.
You should set the ItemTemplate property of the "PathControl" to your DataTemplate:
<ItemsControl Name="PathControl" ItemsSource="{Binding PathElements}">
<ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <!-- NOTE THIS -->
If you omit the <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> element, you are adding a DataTemplate to the Items collection of the ItemsControl and you can't also set its ItemsSource property.
Trying to do so will results in an System.InvalidOperationException exception being thrown with the error message you are getting.
It is perfectly fine for several ItemsControl to bind to the same source collection.
It seems like you are setting the ItemsSource twice. Once in the code behind and once in the XAML. Remove the code behind that sets the Items source and just initialize the observable collections. The XAML should take care of binding to the collections.

Getting ScrollViewer.VerticalOffset from ListBox in PivotControl

I have a PivotControl that contains ListBox elements:
<controls:Pivot Title="SECTIONS" x:Name="pivotControl" ItemsSource="{Binding SectionViewModels}">
<!-- -->
<!-- if you don't explicitly specify the height, the scrolling won't work -->
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding StoryViewModels}" SelectionChanged="StoryList_SelectionChanged"
Height="625" u:ScrollViewerMonitor.AtEndCommand="{Binding ElementName=LayoutRoot, Path=DataContext.FetchMoreDataCommand}">
<local:StoryControl />
I want to get and set the ScrollViewer.VerticalOffset of a ListBox corresponding to a given SectionViewModel (which is the item source of the pivot control). How can I do this?
There're some cases that you need to access view elements. For those cases using the VisualTreeHelper is the solution. You can find a summary of it in my blog and some helper extension methods.
I recommend to use SilverlightSpy to see how the VisualTree is composed at runtime and be able to more efficiently navigate it.

WPF UI persistence in TabControl

I am having issues with something that seems like it should be very simple but in fact has proven quite difficult.
Lets say you have a TabControl bound to an itemsource of ViewModels and the items displayed using a DataTemplate. Now lets say the DataTemplate consists of a Grid with two columns and a Grid splitter to resize the columns.
The problem is if you resize the columns on one tab, and switch to another tab, the columns are also resized. This is because the TabControl shares the DataTemplate among all tabs. This lack of UI persistence is applied to all elements of the template which can make for a frustrating experience when various UI components are adjusted. Another example is the scroll position in a DataGrid (on a tab). A DataGrid with few items will be scrolled out of view (only one row visible) if a DataGrid with more rows was scrolled to the bottom on another tab. On top of this, if the TabControl has various items defined in multiple DataTemplates the view is reset when you switch between items of differenet types. I can understand that this approach saves resources but the resultant functionality seems quite contradictory to expected UI behavior.
And so i'm wondering if there is a solution/workaround to this as i'm sure it's something that others have encountered before. I've noticed a few similar questions on other forums but there was no real solution. One about using the AdornerDecorator but that doesn't seem to work when used with a DataTemplate. I'm not keen on binding all the UI properties (like column width, scroll position) to my ViewModels and in fact I tried it for the simple GridSplitter example and I didn't manage to make it work. The width of the ColumnDefinitions were not necessarily affected by a grid splitter. Regardless, it would be nice if there were a general solution to this. Any thoughts?
If I ditch the TabControl and use an ItemsControl will I encounter a similar issue? Would it be possible to modify the TabControl Style so it doesn't share the ContentPresenter between tabs?
I've been messing with this on and off for a quite a while now. Finally, instead of trying to fix/modify the TabControl I simply recreated it's functionality. It's actually worked out really well. I made a Tab'like'Control out of a Listbox (Tab headers) and an ItemsControl. The key thing was to set the ItemsPanelTemplate of the ItemsControl to a Grid. A bit of Styling, and a DataTrigger to manage the Visibility of the Items and voila. It works perfect, each "Tab" is a unique object and preserves all it's UI states like scroll position, selections, column widths, etc. Any downsides or problems that might occur with this type of solution?
ItemsSource="{Binding Tabs}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTab}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource ImitateTabControlStyle}">
Orientation="Horizontal" >
Margin="4,0" FontWeight="Bold"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
Text="{Binding Name}" >
Command="{Binding CloseCommand}">
<Image Source="/TERM;component/Images/Symbol-Delete.png" MaxHeight="20"/>
ItemsSource="{Binding Tabs}">
<Grid />
Binding="{Binding IsSelected}" Value="False">
<Setter Property="ContentControl.Visibility" Value="Hidden" />
