Mobile alternative for dojo select widget - mobile

I am developing a mobile app using dojo mobile. I need functionality similar to dijit.form.Select However I have not been able to locate mobile equivalent for the same.
If such a widget is not available off the shelf, is there any way I can achieve the required functionality using dojo mobile module.


Use Ionic Portal inside Ionic Framework React Native Apps? (Webview inside Ionic App without covering up IonTabBar)

I have a use case where I would like to leverage some existing pages from a Shopify powered store inside an Ionic Framework v6 React iOS / Android App (on web we will simply redirect to the appropriate subdomain). Unfortunately, Shopify has their iFrame options set to Deny so using an iFrame is not an option.
Image of where the Shopify Store should show up in my app
I've looked at the various flavors of inAppBrowser, and while this allows me to show the page, its a pretty jarring non-native app experience. What I really want is an Ionic React Component for Native that will allow me place a webview under my control constrained to a certain viewport of the page.
Ionic Portals are targeted at Native developers with fully native code bases but actually show this use case on the home page:
Image of Ionic Portal webview inside Native Tab Bar Application
I know portals are pretty new and I haven't seen any documentation about this but is it possible to use them inside of an Ionic React App to accomplish the behavior I want (or something in inAppBrowser or another plugin that I've missed?)

Scrolling Through Widget in Mobile

I'm designing a mobile application using Unreal Engine. I would like to implement the "casual" scroll style with a person being able to simply swipe up using their finger so that the page will go up and not using the ScrollBox.
Do I need to implement this feature, or does the functionality already exist in Unreal Engine? If I do need to implement it, how do I do it?

Meteor mobile web browser settings

I have a meteor app that works well on the desktop browser, but the presentation looks strange on mobile browsers. What's the best way to set specific aesthetic preferences when viewing on mobile?
Make your website responsive. Look into responsive Web design / css.

Master page for Ionic Framework

I use Ionic for my iOS hybrid application,
I want to create a custom header and use a background image for all pages.
I want to know is there any way to create a master page in Ionic + AngularJS for using in another pages?
The answer varies depending on how you've already setup your app. Probably the simplest approach is to use a background image with CSS on the body of the page. That is just one line of CSS, but you'll have to consider how that image works or displays on various device sizes or if your app is in portrait or landscape mode.

Using amChart in qooxdoo mobile

I'm trying to use amChart in a qooxdoo mobile application. The problem I'm facing right now is that in qooxdoo I don't have a <div> tag to draw the chart at. Because chart.write("chartdiv"); expects a <div> container. In qooxdoo desktop it would work like this:
Unfortunatly the qooxdoo Mobile widget does not provide any of these methodes.
Can somebody tell me how this can be done with a qooxdoo Mobile widget?
qx.Mobile is much nearer to the DOM tree than qx.Desktop.
A default widget is based on a "div" tag. So if you use, for example, a, and then call getContentElement(), you will have the required "div" element.
Another way could be the
