How to debug malloc/memleaks in FreeBSD - c

I have come across this article:
It seemes like that script referenced in the article is out of date, and the link in the first comment is 404.
Valgrind doesnt seem to be working for me on FreeBSD because of some system calls and an error about implementing them myself which I have no interest in doing.
Is there anything like what this script says it can do to track malloc/free?

The devel/valgrind port was upgraded recently and may fulfill your needs now.
But FreeBSD's malloc-implementation (also known as phk-malloc) has some built-in functionality too. Read the malloc(3) man-page for details -- the "TUNING" section contains information useful for developers as well.

On Linux, you could enable mtrace in your program, but it is a code change.
On OpenBSD, you could try the malloc stats.
Google's leak checker might also be worth a look, and unlike mtrace you may be able to use LD_PRELOAD to avoid recompilation.

You could try instrumenting (linking) your code with the devel/ElectricFence port. As long as your code doesn't allocate zillions of small bites, this should help you find accesses past allocated memory. If you are just checking for leaks, ElectricFence is maybe not what you want.


Memory leak tool on cygwin

Is there any alternative available for checking memory leaks on Cygwin as it does not support Valgrind?
I don't know much about Windows, but you can try this tool, it seems that it has porting the soft on Windows platform:
Some documentation is available here:
Hope this help.
Check for DUMA project It is a little different than you need, but hope you can find an answer there.
I have recently used CMemLeak to great success.
It is very easy to use, you just have to include it in every header, and detects memory leaks, invalid writes and non heap frees.
It does not detect invalid reads.

listing all calls to my library

I'm building a shared library in C, which other programs use. Sometimes, these other programs crash because of some error in my shared library. While reproducing these sort of bugs, it is very useful for me to know which functions of my library are being called, with what arguments and in what order. Of course I can add printf() calls to all my functions, or add breakpoints to all of them, but I figure there just has to be a better way to determine this.
Edit: since I'm doing this on OSX, dtrace and the related script dapptrace seem promising. However, after digging through some documentation I'm still a bit lost.
Say, my library is /path/to/ and I've got a program test which links to this library. Using dtrace, how would I bring up a list of all the function calls that reside in
You could use ltrace for that purpose if you work on a Linux system. The original poster shows, in the comments below, a solution that works on Mac OS X using dtrace.
I am assuming that you are working on Unix.
Use gdb for debugging purposes.
If your program has crashed.
you can use the core file generated for looking into the stack trace.
It will give all information that you have asked for.
for more information for checking the stacktrace using gdb with the core file see here.
You can also log the functions call on file system with all details like function name, arguments etc.
(Usually logging is help in Server-Clients application but I am not sure about your application).
This way You can trace all calls. You can also enable logging in debugging mode only. I hope this reply will be useful to you.

Memory allocation

I am experimenting with the c-language right at the moment, yet i have some trouble with memory allocation. After some time i have to restart my computer because my memory runs full. Is there a way to let the compiler tell me which arrays do not get deallocated after the program has run?
Thx for answers
you can use valgrind to do that.
use it on your compiled program with --leak-check=yes
You didn't tell us anything about your compiler, OS, platform... so the rest could only be wild guesses.
This sounds much that you have dead processes or something like that that keep eating your memory in the background. On linux you have top (and inside top press M) to inspect the processes running on your system and how much memory, time etc they consume. Do that to see what is happening on your machine and don't reboot it blindly without knowing the reason.
There are equivalent tools on all other operating systems that let you inspect the current state of processes.
You have tools that can tell you about memory leaks. Compilers i am afraid may not be useful for tha tpurpose.
You can also use DevPartner or Valgrind to analyse your memory leaks in case you are suspecting them. But for your system to be restarted because of memory issues how long do you run the application before you perform a restart.
How did you get to know that this is a memory related issue.
You better check your source code first, if you are under Linux, using 'splint' to your source and that will display you a lot, try to fix those warnings or errors, if everything gets done, recompile your source and try 'valgrind' to the exacutable.
You can see the reference of splint through its official website and so as valgrind.
Good luck~~~

Finding where memory was last freed?

Very general:
Is there an easy way to tell which line of code last freed a block of memory when an access violation occurs?
Less general:
My understanding of profilers is that they override the allocation and deallocation processes. If this is true, might they happen to store the line of code that last freed a section of memory so that when it later crashes because of an access violation, you know what freed it last?
Windows, ANSI C, using Visual Studio
Install the Windows Debugging Tools and use Application Verifier.
File -> Add Application, select your .exe
Under Basics, select Memory and Heaps.
Run the debug build of your program under ntsd (ntsd yourprogram.exe).
Reproduce the bug.
Now when you make the crash happen, you will get additional information in the debugger from AppVerifier. Use !avrf (may take a long time to run (minutes)) and it will try to give you as much useful information as possible.
You can all use the dps command on the memory address to get all the stored stack info (allocation, deallocation, etc).
You can also use the !heap command on the memory address:
0:004> !heap -p -a 0x0C46CFE0
Which will dump information as well.
Further Reading:
Advanced Windows Debugging, Hewardt and Pravat
Debugging with PageHeap
Short answer: no.
What you need is a debug malloc. I don't keep up with Windows any longer but there are several about, including this free one.
Looks like Visual Studio C has a built in version. See here
When the application is linked with a
debug version of the C run-time
libraries, malloc resolves to
_malloc_dbg. For more information about how the heap is managed during
the debugging process, see The CRT
Debug Heap.
... and see here for _malloc_dbg.
No, not unless you provide your own allocators (e.g. by overloading new/delete) to store this information.
What profilers do is highly dependent on what they're profiling. I'm not aware of any profiler that tracks what you're looking for.
Perhaps if you provided more details on your situation people could suggest an alternative means of diagnosing the problem you're encountering.

Memory leak detectors for C?

What memory leak detectors have people had a good experience with?
Here is a summary of the answers so far:
Valgrind - Instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools.
Electric Fence - A tool that works with GDB
Splint - Annotation-Assisted Lightweight Static Checking
Glow Code - This is a complete real-time performance and memory profiler for Windows and .NET programmers who develop applications with C++, C#, or any .NET Framework
Also see this stackoverflow post.
second the valgrind... and I'll add electric fence.
Valgrind under linux is fairly good; I have no experience under Windows with this.
If you have the money: IBM Rational Purify is an extremely powerful industry-strength memory leak and memory corruption detector for C/C++. Exists for Windows, Solaris and Linux. If you're linux-only and want a cheap solution, go for Valgrind.
Mudflap for gcc! It actually compiles the checks into the executable. Just add
-fmudflap -lmudflap
to your gcc flags.
I had quite some hits with cppcheck, which does static analysis only. It is open source and has a command line interface (I did not use it in any other way).
lint (very similar open-source tool called splint)
Also worth using if you're on Linux using glibc is the built-in debug heap code. To use it, link with -lmcheck or define (and export) the MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variable with the value 1, 2, or 3. The glibc manual provides more information.
This mode is most useful for detecting double-frees, and it often finds writes outside the allocated memory area when doing a free. I don't think it reports leaked memory.
Painful but if you had to use one..
I'd recommend the DevPartner BoundsChecker suite.. that's what people at my workplace use for this purpose. Paid n proprietary.. not freeware.
I've had minimal love for any memory leak detectors. Typically there are far too many false positives for them to be of any use. I would recommend these two as beiong the least intrusive:
Debug heap
For Win32 debugging of memory leaks I have had very good experiences with the plain old CRT Debug Heap, that comes as a lib with Visual C.
In a Debug build malloc (et al) get redefined as _malloc_dbg (et al) and there are other calls to retrieve results, which are all undefined if _DEBUG is not set. It sets up all sorts of boundary guards on the heap, and allows you to diplay the results at any time.
I had a few false positives when I was witting some time routines that messed with the library run time allocations until I discovered _CRT_BLOCK.
I had to produce first DOS, then Win32 console and services that would run for ever. As far as I know there are no memory leaks, and in at least one place the code run for two years unattended before the monitor on the PC failed (though the PC was fine!).
On Windows, I have used Visual Leak Detector. Integrates with VC++, easy to use (just include a header and set LIB to find the lib), open source, free to use FTW.
At university when I was doing most things under Unix Solaris I used gdb.
However I would go with valgrind under Linux.
The granddaddy of these tools is the commercial, closed-source Purify tool, which was sold to IBM and then to UNICOM
Parasoft's Insure++ (source code instrumentation) and valgrind (open source) are the two other real competitors.
Trivia: the original author of Purify, Reed Hastings, went on to found NetFlix.
No one mentioned clang's MSan, which is quite powerful. It is officially supported on Linux only, though.
This question maybe old, but I'll answer it anyway - maybe my answer will help someone to find their memory leaks.
This is my own project - I've put it as open source code:
Windows 32 & 64-bit platforms are supported, native and mixed mode callstacks are supported.
.NET garbage collection is not supported. (C++ cli's gcnew or C#'s new)
It high performance tool, and does not require any integration (unless you really want to integrate it).
Complete manual can be found here:
Don't be afraid of how much it actually detects leaks it your process. It catches memory leaks from whole process. Analyze only biggest leaks, not all.
I'll second the valgrind as an external tool for memory leaks.
But, for most of the problems I've had to solve I've always used internally built tools. Sometimes the external tools have too much overhead or are too complicated to set up.
Why use already written code when you can write your own :)
I joke, but sometimes you need something simple and it's faster to write it yourself.
Usually I just replace calls to malloc() and free() with functions that keep better
track of who allocates what. Most of my problems seem to be someone forgot to free and this helps to solve that problem.
It really depends on where the leak is, and if you knew that, then you would not need any tools. But if you have some insight into where you think it's leaking, then put in your own instrumentation and see if it helps you.
Our CheckPointer tool can do this for GNU C 3/4 and, MS dialects of C, and GreenHills C. It can find memory management problems that Valgrind cannot.
If your code simply leaks, on exit CheckPointer will tell you where all the unfreed memory was allocated.
