Transparency in animator control - wpf

I'm writing a user control for animation.
Its uses an internal ImageList to store the animation images and paint one after the other in a loop.
This is the whole code:
public partial class Animator : UserControl
public event EventHandler OnLoopElapsed = delegate { };
private ImageList imageList = new ImageList();
private Timer timer;
private bool looping = true;
private int index;
private Image newImage;
private Image oldImage;
public Animator()
base.DoubleBuffered = true;
timer = new Timer();
timer.Tick += timer_Tick;
timer.Interval = 50;
public bool Animate
get { return timer.Enabled; }
index = 0;
timer.Enabled = value;
public int CurrentIndex
get { return index; }
set { index = value; }
public ImageList ImageList
imageList = value;
index = 0;
get { return imageList; }
public bool Looping
get { return looping; }
set { looping = value; }
public int Interval
get { return timer.Interval; }
set { timer.Interval = value; }
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (imageList.Images.Count == 0)
if (index >= imageList.Images.Count)
if (looping)
index = 0;
OnLoopElapsed(this, EventArgs.Empty);
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
if (oldImage != null)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(oldImage, ClientRectangle);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
if (imageList.Images.Count > 0)
newImage = imageList.Images[index];
g.DrawImage(newImage, ClientRectangle);
oldImage = newImage;
The animation seems very nice and smooth,
but the problem is that its surrounding rectangle is painted black.
What am I missing here?
I've seen very smooth transparent animation done here in WPF,
I've placed some label behind it and they are seen thru the rotating wheel as I hoped.
But I don't know WPF well enough to build such a control in WPF.
Any idea or WPF sample code will be appreciated.

This was solved by removing this line from the constructor:
base.DoubleBuffered = true;
Now the control is fully transparent, even while changing its images.


wpf how to get mouse position in container when dragging controls inside?

I want to get mouse position of container while dragging controls inside so I can add auto-scroll logic to container. However, MouseMove does not fired at all when dragging, DragOver fired only when dragging over controls inside.
test example
Draggable gizmo:
public class Gizmo : TextBlock
public Gizmo()
this.AllowDrop = true;
this.Background = Brushes.Gray;
this.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(6);
public Gizmo(string content) : this()
this.Text = content;
private bool isDragging;
private Point lastPressedLocation;
protected override void OnPreviewMouseMove(System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.LeftButton == System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonState.Pressed)
if (!this.isDragging)
Point newLocation = e.GetPosition(this);
Vector offset = this.lastPressedLocation - newLocation;
if (offset.LengthSquared > 36)
this.lastPressedLocation = newLocation;
this.isDragging = true;
System.Windows.DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, DateTime.Now, DragDropEffects.Move);
this.isDragging = false;
private bool canDrop;
protected override void OnPreviewDragEnter(DragEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("drag enter inside");
if (this.Text == "gizmo 1")
e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
this.canDrop = true;
e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
this.canDrop = false;
e.Handled = true;
protected override void OnPreviewDragOver(DragEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("drag over inside");
if (this.canDrop)
e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
e.Handled = true;
public class Container : WrapPanel
protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs e)
for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i++)
this.Children.Add(new Gizmo(string.Format("gizmo {0}", i)));
protected override void OnPreviewDragEnter(System.Windows.DragEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("drag enter outside");
protected override void OnPreviewDragOver(System.Windows.DragEventArgs e)
//I want to get mouse postion here, but this will be called only when dragging over gizmo inside
Console.WriteLine("drag over outside");
running result and question
or it's just impossible?
The last function in your code should work. Alternatively (since there should be no other elements handling the event before you) you can use the OnDragOver method instead of the Preview.
protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e)
Point position = e.GetPosition(this);
If it doesn't work, that usually means that specific area of your control is not hit-test visible. Make sure IsHitTestVisible is true (has to be, otherwise child elements wouldn't work either) and that the Background of your control is not null. If you want no background and still be able to be hit-test visible, use Transparent for the background.

How do I hittest for a TabControl tab?

Given a point relative to a Page, how do I hittest for a TabControl's tab? VisualTreeHelper.HitTest gives me the contents, but when I go up the visual tree I see nothing that would tell me that I have actually hit a tab. I don't even see the tab control itself.
public class ViewManipulationAgent : IDisposable
private const int _limit = 125;
private INavigationService _navigationService;
private FrameworkElement _container;
private FrameworkElement _element;
private TranslateTransform _translate;
private IInputElement _touchTarget;
// When I use this object,
// a_container is the main Frame control in my application.
// a_element is a page within that frame.
public ViewManipulationAgent(FrameworkElement a_container, FrameworkElement a_element)
_navigationService = a_navigationService;
_container = a_container;
_element = a_element;
// Since I set IsManipulationEnabled to true all touch commands are suspended
// for all commands on the page (a_element) unless I specifically cancel (see below)
_element.IsManipulationEnabled = true;
_element.PreviewTouchDown += OnElementPreviewTouchDown;
_element.ManipulationStarting += OnElementManipulationStarting;
_element.ManipulationDelta += OnElementManipulationDelta;
_element.ManipulationCompleted += OnElementManipulationCompleted;
_translate = new TranslateTransform(0.0, 0.0);
_element.RenderTransform = _translate;
// Since the ManipulationStarting doesn't provide position I capture the position
// here and then hit test elements to find any controls for which I want to bypass
// manipulation.
private void OnElementPreviewTouchDown(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
var position = e.GetTouchPoint(_element).Position;
_touchTarget = null;
HitTestResult result = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(_element, position);
if (result.VisualHit == null)
var button = VisualTreeHelperEx.FindAncestorByType<ButtonBase>(result.VisualHit) as ButtonBase;
if (button != null)
_touchTarget = button;
var slider = VisualTreeHelperEx.FindAncestorByType<Slider>(result.VisualHit) as Slider;
if (slider != null)
_touchTarget = slider;
// Here is where I cancel manipulation if a specific touch target was found in the
// above event.
private void OnElementManipulationStarting(object sender, ManipulationStartingEventArgs e)
if (_touchTarget != null)
e.Cancel(); // <- I have to cancel manipulation or the buttons and other
// controls cannot be manipulated by the touch interface.
e.ManipulationContainer = _container;
private void OnElementManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e)
var element = e.Source as FrameworkElement;
if (element == null)
var translate = _translate.X + e.DeltaManipulation.Translation.X;
if (translate > _limit)
translate = _limit;
if (translate < -_limit)
translate = -_limit;
_translate.X = translate;
private void GoForward()
var navigationService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<INavigationService>();
private void GoBack()
var navigationService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<INavigationService>();
private void OnElementManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e)
_touchTarget = null;
_translate.X = 0;
public void Dispose()
_element.PreviewTouchDown -= OnElementPreviewTouchDown;
_element.ManipulationStarting -= OnElementManipulationStarting;
_element.ManipulationDelta -= OnElementManipulationDelta;
_element.ManipulationCompleted -= OnElementManipulationCompleted;

How can i pass kinect tracking into another form

I have a kinect project in wpf and it uses skeleton stream that tracks the left and right hand of its users and allows me to hover over buttons.
I tried making a new form and just copying and pasting everything so i can create a new page but it didnt work, i think i may have to reference the methods used in the main page, but i am unsure.
I want to be able to use the skeleton stream alongside the hovering method in a new window
Any help would be appreciated - i apologize if this does not make sense i am a beginner
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private KinectSensor _Kinect;
private WriteableBitmap _ColorImageBitmap;
private Int32Rect _ColorImageBitmapRect;
private int _ColorImageStride;
private Skeleton[] FrameSkeletons;
List<Button> buttons;
static Button selected;
float handX;
float handY;
public MainWindow()
kinectButton.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(kinectButton_Click);
this.Loaded += (s, e) => { DiscoverKinectSensor(); };
this.Unloaded += (s, e) => { this.Kinect = null; };
//initialize buttons to be checked
private void InitializeButtons()
buttons = new List<Button> { button1, button2, quitButton};
//raise event for Kinect sensor status changed
private void DiscoverKinectSensor()
KinectSensor.KinectSensors.StatusChanged += KinectSensors_StatusChanged;
this.Kinect = KinectSensor.KinectSensors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Status == KinectStatus.Connected);
private void KinectSensors_StatusChanged(object sender, StatusChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.Status)
case KinectStatus.Connected:
if (this.Kinect == null)
this.Kinect = e.Sensor;
case KinectStatus.Disconnected:
if (this.Kinect == e.Sensor)
this.Kinect = null;
this.Kinect = KinectSensor.KinectSensors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Status == KinectStatus.Connected);
if (this.Kinect == null)
MessageBox.Show("Sensor Disconnected. Please reconnect to continue.");
public KinectSensor Kinect
get { return this._Kinect; }
if (this._Kinect != value)
if (this._Kinect != null)
this._Kinect = null;
if (value != null && value.Status == KinectStatus.Connected)
this._Kinect = value;
private void UninitializeKinectSensor(KinectSensor kinectSensor)
if (kinectSensor != null)
kinectSensor.ColorFrameReady -= Kinect_ColorFrameReady;
kinectSensor.SkeletonFrameReady -= Kinect_SkeletonFrameReady;
private void InitializeKinectSensor(KinectSensor kinectSensor)
if (kinectSensor != null)
ColorImageStream colorStream = kinectSensor.ColorStream;
this._ColorImageBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(colorStream.FrameWidth, colorStream.FrameHeight,
96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);
this._ColorImageBitmapRect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, colorStream.FrameWidth, colorStream.FrameHeight);
this._ColorImageStride = colorStream.FrameWidth * colorStream.FrameBytesPerPixel;
videoStream.Source = this._ColorImageBitmap;
kinectSensor.SkeletonStream.Enable(new TransformSmoothParameters()
Correction = 0.5f,
JitterRadius = 0.05f,
MaxDeviationRadius = 0.04f,
Smoothing = 0.5f
kinectSensor.SkeletonFrameReady += Kinect_SkeletonFrameReady;
kinectSensor.ColorFrameReady += Kinect_ColorFrameReady;
this.FrameSkeletons = new Skeleton[this.Kinect.SkeletonStream.FrameSkeletonArrayLength];
private void Kinect_ColorFrameReady(object sender, ColorImageFrameReadyEventArgs e)
using (ColorImageFrame frame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
if (frame != null)
byte[] pixelData = new byte[frame.PixelDataLength];
this._ColorImageBitmap.WritePixels(this._ColorImageBitmapRect, pixelData,
this._ColorImageStride, 0);
private void Kinect_SkeletonFrameReady(object sender, SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs e)
using (SkeletonFrame frame = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
if (frame != null)
Skeleton skeleton = GetPrimarySkeleton(this.FrameSkeletons);
if (skeleton == null)
kinectButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
Joint primaryHand = GetPrimaryHand(skeleton);
//track and display hand
private void TrackHand(Joint hand)
if (hand.TrackingState == JointTrackingState.NotTracked)
kinectButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
kinectButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
DepthImagePoint point = this.Kinect.MapSkeletonPointToDepth(hand.Position, DepthImageFormat.Resolution640x480Fps30);
handX = (int)((point.X * LayoutRoot.ActualWidth / this.Kinect.DepthStream.FrameWidth) -
(kinectButton.ActualWidth / 2.0));
handY = (int)((point.Y * LayoutRoot.ActualHeight / this.Kinect.DepthStream.FrameHeight) -
(kinectButton.ActualHeight / 2.0));
Canvas.SetLeft(kinectButton, handX);
Canvas.SetTop(kinectButton, handY);
if (isHandOver(kinectButton, buttons)) kinectButton.Hovering();
else kinectButton.Release();
if (hand.JointType == JointType.HandRight)
kinectButton.ImageSource = "/Images/RightHand.png";
kinectButton.ActiveImageSource = "/Images/RightHand.png";
kinectButton.ImageSource = "/Images/LeftHand.png";
kinectButton.ActiveImageSource = "/Images/LeftHand.png";
//detect if hand is overlapping over any button
private bool isHandOver(FrameworkElement hand, List<Button> buttonslist)
var handTopLeft = new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(hand), Canvas.GetTop(hand));
var handX = handTopLeft.X + hand.ActualWidth / 2;
var handY = handTopLeft.Y + hand.ActualHeight / 2;
foreach (Button target in buttonslist)
Point targetTopLeft = new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(target), Canvas.GetTop(target));
if (handX > targetTopLeft.X &&
handX < targetTopLeft.X + target.Width &&
handY > targetTopLeft.Y &&
handY < targetTopLeft.Y + target.Height)
selected = target;
return true;
return false;
//get the hand closest to the Kinect sensor
private static Joint GetPrimaryHand(Skeleton skeleton)
Joint primaryHand = new Joint();
if (skeleton != null)
primaryHand = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
Joint rightHand = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
if (rightHand.TrackingState != JointTrackingState.NotTracked)
if (primaryHand.TrackingState == JointTrackingState.NotTracked)
primaryHand = rightHand;
if (primaryHand.Position.Z > rightHand.Position.Z)
primaryHand = rightHand;
return primaryHand;
//get the skeleton closest to the Kinect sensor
private static Skeleton GetPrimarySkeleton(Skeleton[] skeletons)
Skeleton skeleton = null;
if (skeletons != null)
for (int i = 0; i < skeletons.Length; i++)
if (skeletons[i].TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
if (skeleton == null)
skeleton = skeletons[i];
if (skeleton.Position.Z > skeletons[i].Position.Z)
skeleton = skeletons[i];
return skeleton;
void kinectButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
selected.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(Button.ClickEvent, selected));
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
message.Content = "Button 1 clicked!";
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
message.Content = "Button 2 clicked!";
private void quitButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
You can do this in a couple of different ways, and more ways then what is below.
You could pass a reference to the sensor itself to the new window when it is created:
public MainWindow()
// init code for window and Kinect
// show the second window
SecondWindow mySecondWindow = new SecondWindow(_Kinect);
// other stuff...
public class SecondWindow : Window
public SecondWindow(KinectSensor sensor)
// ... stuff
sensor.SkeletonFrameReady += SkeletonFrameReadyCallback;
// ... more stuff
Then subscribe to the SkeletonFrameReady callback in your second window. This might work for your situation if you are interacting with items in the seconds window.
Another way would be to create a public callback inside your second window and subscribe it to the SkeletonFrameReady event.
public MainWindow()
// init code for window and Kinect
// show the second window
SecondWindow mySecondWindow = new SecondWindow(_Kinect);
_Kinect.SkeletonFrameReady += mySecondWindow.SkeletonFrameReadyCallback;
I also notice in your code that you are firing events. If you are wanting to act on events from one window in a different window, you can subscribe to those custom events in the same mentioned above.

RadTileViewItem Drag/Drop in minimized state

I am using RadTileView in my project, and by default the Tile Drag and Drop is enabled when they are in restored state
but I can't achieve the same functionality when 1 tile is in maximized state and all others are in minimized state
I think that Telerik hasn't provided this functionality in their RadTileView control. What would be the best way to achieve this, or is it possible or not?
After searching through different blogs, I came to know that this functionality is not available in Telerik Tile view out of the box, but they have added it in their wish list, You can vote for this feature here
However as a work arround I have implemented a Behavior my self for RadTileView, which will do the required task.
public class RadTilesDragDropBehavior : Behavior<RadTileView>
private RadTileViewItem draggingTile { get; set; }
public TileViewDragDropBehavior()
// Insert code required on object creation below this point.
protected override void OnAttached()
// Insert code that you would want run when the Behavior is attached to an object.
DragDropManager.AddDragInitializeHandler(AssociatedObject, OnDragInitialize);
DragDropManager.AddDragDropCompletedHandler(AssociatedObject, OnDragAndDropCompleted);
AssociatedObject.PreviewDragOver += MyTileView_PreviewDragOver;
private void OnDragInitialize(object sender, DragInitializeEventArgs args)
var tileView = sender as RadTileView;
var tileViewItem = args.OriginalSource as RadTileViewItem;
Point pt = Util.CorrectGetPosition((RadTileView)sender);
HitTestResult result = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(AssociatedObject, pt);
if (result != null)
DependencyObject obj = result.VisualHit.ParentOfType<RadFluidContentControl>();
if (obj != null)
//trying to drag from Tile content area, not allowed.
if (tileViewItem != null && tileView != null && tileView.MaximizedItem != null)
args.Data = tileViewItem;
var draggingImage = new Image
Source = new Telerik.Windows.Media.Imaging.RadBitmap(tileViewItem).Bitmap,
Width = tileViewItem.RestoredWidth,
Height = tileViewItem.RestoredHeight
if (tileView.MaximizedItem == tileViewItem)
args.DragVisualOffset = new Point(args.RelativeStartPoint.X - 50, args.RelativeStartPoint.Y-55);
args.DragVisual = draggingImage;
tileViewItem.Opacity = 0;
args.AllowedEffects = DragDropEffects.Move;
args.Handled = true;
// keep a copy of dragging tile
draggingTile = tileViewItem;
private void OnDragAndDropCompleted(object sender, DragDropCompletedEventArgs args)
if (args.OriginalSource.GetType() == typeof(RadTileViewItem))
if (AssociatedObject.MaximizedItem != null)
Point pt = Util.CorrectGetPosition((RadTileView)sender);
HitTestResult result = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(AssociatedObject, pt);
if (result != null)
DependencyObject obj = result.VisualHit.ParentOfType<RadTileViewItem>();
if (obj != null)
((RadTileViewItem)obj).Position = draggingTile.Position;
draggingTile.Opacity = 100;
draggingTile.Opacity = 100;
draggingTile.Opacity = 100;
private void MyTileView_PreviewDragOver(object sender, System.Windows.DragEventArgs e)
FrameworkElement container = sender as FrameworkElement;
if (AssociatedObject.MaximizedItem != null)
if (container == null)
double tolerance = 60;
double verticalPos = Util.CorrectGetPosition((RadTileView)container).Y;
double offset = 20;
ScrollViewer scrollViewer = AssociatedObject.FindChildByType<ScrollViewer>();
if (verticalPos < tolerance) // Top of visible list?
scrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(scrollViewer.VerticalOffset - offset); //Scroll up.
else if (verticalPos > container.ActualHeight - tolerance) //Bottom of visible list?
scrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(scrollViewer.VerticalOffset + offset); //Scroll down.
protected override void OnDetaching()
// Insert code that you would want run when the Behavior is removed from an object.
DragDropManager.RemoveDragInitializeHandler(AssociatedObject, OnDragInitialize);
DragDropManager.RemoveDragDropCompletedHandler(AssociatedObject, OnDragAndDropCompleted);
AssociatedObject.PreviewDragOver -= MyTileView_PreviewDragOver;
public static class Util
public static Point CorrectGetPosition(Visual relativeTo)
Win32Point w32Mouse = new Win32Point();
GetCursorPos(ref w32Mouse);
return relativeTo.PointFromScreen(new Point(w32Mouse.X, w32Mouse.Y));
internal struct Win32Point
public Int32 X;
public Int32 Y;
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
internal static extern bool GetCursorPos(ref Win32Point pt);
XAML would be like this
<telerik:RadTileView x:Name="MyTileView" ItemsSource={Binding TileItems}>

Cannot get MediaElement Storyboard to autoreverse

this is driving me pretty crazy. I'm trying to get a WMV file to autoreverse after it's done playing, but it doesn't work. I've tried setting Storyboard autoreverse to true, but this throws an error saying that
"Clocks with CanSlip cannot have parents or ancestors with AutoReverse, AccelerationRatio, or DecelerationRatio."
Is this because I'm not using animation but a video? How can I achieve the same thing?
The video I've got is working, both play and pause and resume. But after it's finished it just stops.
I've got three storyboards all together, one which is the video itself. And two where there's an animation which fades out a white rectangle just as the video plays and pauses.
The code looks like this:
public partial class Window1
public Storyboard RectangleFadeA;
public Storyboard RectangleFadeBackA;
public Storyboard VideoA;
bool isPlaying;
bool isPaused;
public Window1()
// Insert code required on object creation below this point.
RectangleFadeA = (Storyboard)TryFindResource("RectangleFadeA");
RectangleFadeBackA = (Storyboard)TryFindResource("RectangleFadeBackA");
VideoA = (Storyboard)TryFindResource("GTTV_promo_wmv");
isPlaying = false;
isPaused = false;
private void rectangle_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (!isPlaying)
if (!isPaused)
if (RectangleFadeA != null)
RectangleFadeA.Begin(this, true);
if (VideoA != null)
VideoA.Begin(this, true);
isPlaying = true;
if (isPaused)
if (RectangleFadeA != null)
RectangleFadeA.Begin(this, true);
if (VideoA != null)
isPaused = false;
isPlaying = true;
if (isPlaying)
if (RectangleFadeBackA != null)
RectangleFadeBackA.Begin(this, true);
isPlaying = false;
isPaused = true;
Just found the solution without much code.
First of all, I set the video (MediaTimeLine) to repeatbehaviour=forever.
Then I add an Event Handler to the MediaElement at "MediaEnded"
And the C# code looks like this:
private void GTTV_promo_wmv_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
RectangleFadeBackA.Begin(this, true);
isPaused = true;
isPlaying = false;
So, the complete C# code so far looks like this:
public partial class Window1
public Storyboard RectangleFadeA;
public Storyboard RectangleFadeBackA;
public Storyboard VideoA;
bool isPlaying;
bool isPaused;
public Window1()
// Insert code required on object creation below this point.
RectangleFadeA = (Storyboard)TryFindResource("RectangleFadeA");
RectangleFadeBackA = (Storyboard)TryFindResource("RectangleFadeBackA");
VideoA = (Storyboard)TryFindResource("GTTV_promo_wmv");
isPlaying = false;
isPaused = false;
private void rectangle_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (!isPlaying)
if (!isPaused)
if (RectangleFadeA != null)
RectangleFadeA.Begin(this, true);
if (VideoA != null)
VideoA.Begin(this, true);
isPlaying = true;
if (isPaused)
if (RectangleFadeA != null)
RectangleFadeA.Begin(this, true);
if (VideoA != null)
isPaused = false;
isPlaying = true;
if (isPlaying)
if (RectangleFadeBackA != null)
RectangleFadeBackA.Begin(this, true);
isPlaying = false;
isPaused = true;
private void ButtonWebcam_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
OpeningWindows.Window2 Window2 = new OpeningWindows.Window2();
private void GTTV_promo_wmv_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
RectangleFadeBackA.Begin(this, true);
isPaused = true;
isPlaying = false;
