Wordpress distributed development and database management - database

I am looking for a way to handle a distributed development for Wordpress. For the moment I set up a shared git repository on which I have all the code of the website versioned. The problem I'm having regards how to handle the database. Clearly I need our site running while we (me and other developers) improve the website locally. This means that the user of the website (which is not up yet) will be able to modify our database (user registration, etc.) while we are working on the development of the site locally, using a dump of the database.
What I am trying to understand is the best practice to handle a shared development like this, while the site is running and thus the database can change.

Not sure what you develop, theme or plugins but with WordPress the change in the database should not have an effect on your development, unless you set something up where the user can create new custom posts, with that I mean a new "custom post" not a new post based on a custom post, which could potentially change the behavior of what you are developing.
If the user runs into something odd because of what they did, well that's called bug fixing, the good news is that you can just export and import the database to fix whatever they run into.

Database data changes isn't your problem (dump exchange, if needed, solve most)
Changes of structure are another big question, you can try to see (for brain-powered solution) on LiquiBase


Making changes to flask app without db.drop_all(), db.create_all()

I have a flask app that is deployed on Google's App Engine. I have noticed a minor bug and I would like to fix it but my database is already populated.
How can I make this minor code change and push / deploy back to my app without losing all my data? (which is probably a basic question but I'm not finding much. all tutorials online are focused on creating the app and deploy, not updating)
Thus far, I have been dropping and re-creating the tables whenever I redeploy, mostly out of ignorance. Here are the steps I have followed
1). make the change in my app
commit and push changes to bitbucket source code
in Google Cloud SDK: git pull
Google Cloud SDK: gcloud app deploy
These steps result in an empty database because the directory I am pushing from my local computer has an empty database. Is this where I should be using git merge?
Is this a database "migration" or is this a "git merge"? I'm not sure what the right terms are to use to research this further. Thanks.
There are a couple of angles to your question. I'm going to try to give you some information, but let me warn you, this isn't going to be a trivial change to your workflow, you'll have to change some things.
First of all, based on the way you worded your question I get the idea that you commit your database to git along with your code. If I got this right, then this is something that you need to stop doing. The database is not code, so it should not be committed to source control.
You should have a completely independent database on each installation of your application. For example, you will have a database on your own machine to do development. You will also need another database in your gcloud deployment. You may need more databases if you have other uses for your application. A very common third database for many people is one that is used for automated tests, which could also be located in your local development machine, but is not the same database that you use for day to day development.
To make changes to your database schema you will not drop and recreate tables anymore, that is clearly something that you already realized that needs an improvement. A good approach to make these changes is to use a database migration framework. These tools allow you to generate short scripts that make these changes to the database in a more focused way, without destroying and recreating everything, and for that reason, the data is in general not lost. For Flask-SQLAlchemy, the best option for database migrations is Flask-Migrate, which is a lightweight wrapper around the Alembic migration framework. (I might be biased here as I'm the author of the Flask-Migrate extension!).
Documentation for Flask-Migrate: https://flask-migrate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.

Deploying relevant magento backend changes

I'm thinking of a good deployment strategy for magento. I already have managed to deploy code with git from my local installation to my stage server. (The jump to live is not a problem then)
Now I'm thinking about how to deploy backend changes like the following:
I'm adding a new attribute set and I want it to be available on my stage and later the live server. Since these settings are in the database, I could just do a mysqldump and restore this dump on my stage/live systems.
But I can't do this, since the database has more data like orders, articles (with current stock availability) and a lot more stuff which I don't want to deploy from my testing system.
How are others handling this deployment "problem"?
After some testing, I chose the extension Mageploy, which is nicely to install via modman (I prefer modgit which relies on the same data for installation) and already captures a lot important backend settings.
If you need more, it's possible to extend it to more backend settings by yourself (and then contribute to the git project. Pullrequests are concidered quickly)

Integration of different works by different people in moodle

We are developing a moodle site. We are a group of 5 people and each one is working on different module locally. But now we wwant to integrate the work of all in one machine or server. Is there any way to version control it or integrate it as the databse of each one is different because of different data. Please provide the solutuion as early as possible.
It is not completely clear as to whether you are separately working on the content of the site or the code for the new site, so I will attempt to answer both questions.
For content the easiest way to integrate it all together into one site is to use the Moodle backup and restore mechanism ( http://docs.moodle.org/26/en/Course_backup ) - backup each of the courses and then restore them onto the main site. If you have a lot of courses to transfer, then it may make more sense to write some code to automate certain aspects of this, but that can be quite a bit of work, so usually it is easier to just manually do the backup and restore.
For code the answer is Git. All the core Moodle code is version controlled via git. Make sure that each developer is working with their own clone of your main git repository (you can find the core Moodle repository at . Once they have committed each of their changes, then they can be pushed (to a central repository) or pulled to your production site. Read more at http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Git_for_developers
Note that if the code for each module has been written with the proper DB installation / upgrade code ( http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Upgrade_API ) then it should simply be possible to take the code from each of the developed modules, put them together into one codebase and then create a fully-working fresh install. Once you have that, you should be able to use backup and restore to transfer any required courses from the development servers to the live server.

how to backup all salesforce metadata

I'm trying to figure out the best way to backup all of our Salesforce metadata in our full sandbox.
We've had a large team working on numerous areas of Salesforce (configuration and development) and we've promoted all that code to our full sandbox. Before moving to production, we want to backup all the metadata. We are not concerned about actual data. We just want to make sure we backup all the metadata in our full sandbox, then promote to our production instance and finally do a refresh of our full sandbox.
We thought about using a change set, but that would be horribly tedious, time-consuming and would it indeed grab all metadata.
Would creating an unmanaged package be an option? I've never done anything with packages, so I'm in the dark on that process. Would it be easy to grab all the metadata?
I've read about options using the ANT Tool, which I have no experience using and it seems to be a little tricky to setup and configure.
I use Eclipse regularly, I don't believe Eclipse can grab all the metadata (approval processes, etc.)?
Any insight and help on solving this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I'd like to suggest using a version control. It's the best way for managing all changes into your project, store history of changes and comfortable team work. I prefer git but you can select any other.
For managing changes which can't be retrieved via Eclipse/ant migration tool or any other tool I use file named "NonMetaDataChanges" which stores all configuration steps which should be performed on fresh org for setup application before and after deployment of metadata. usually these manual changes takes no more than half a hour.
Also I've just checked that Approval Process can be retrieved via Eclipse.
Isn't the easiest way to create a metadata backup to create or refresh a sandbox? Other than custom settings, what will it miss? With the sandbox change-sets could be create to return production to a happier place.
The best path, I agree, is to put all changes under version control. But until all metadata can be extracted and re-imported, some kind of all-of-the-above approach must do.

Auto-deploy Zend Framework 2 application + Database schema + Actual data

I am using GitHub to store a ZF2 application.
The database schema + the actual data stored inside the schema are not being stored inside a version control. At the moment I am in development mode, so I have some database dump scripts that I load into the database when I need to. I also tweak entries in the database via phpMyAdmin when I need ongoing granular control for immediate testing purposes. I am also looking into using Doctrire ORM, so my schema will be part of my code via Annotations, and that will be checked into GitHub. Doctrine ORM will generate the actual schema for me, although it is still a separate step in the deployment process. The actual data however, will still be outside of the application and outside of the repository and currently has to be dealt with separately and is not automated.
I want to be able to deploy ZF2 application and the database schema, and the data onto Zend Server and have it "just work" in the most automated, least manual way possible.
What is a recommended, best practice way to deploy every aspect of ZF2 application in the most automated, least manual way possible and have it "just work"? Let's focus on the Development and Testing mode here, as in Production it may be good to have separate deployment steps to protect against accidental live data overwrites.
You can try Phing (http://www.phing.info/) for deploying your PHP application, adjusting directory permissions, running database migrations, running unit tests, etc. I used Phing in couple of my projects with great success.
