iOS simulator cannot find sdk iOS 6 on snow leopard - osx-snow-leopard

I read this post:
Import iOS 6 SDK into Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard
and i have the follow problem:
I launched the script and it seems finished correctly, but when i open iPhone simulator and i select version 6 in the hardware option i see this message: iOS simulator cannot find developer kit. Then i select sdk 6 but doesn't work.
What can i do?
Thank you!


How to fix ionic app that is working slow after updating xcode to 8.3 and using IOS version 10.3?

i have updated my xcode to 8.3 , mac OS sierra 10.12.5 , IOS 10.3 on device i am tesing an app , My ionic app is working very slow after this and its perfectly working fine with IOS versions 9.3 and above , i am not getting what is the issue with my ionic app .
MY xcode simulator is also not working after selecting the devices having IOS version 10.3, i am getting the below mentioned error in xcode :
DDWebKitOperation: 0x6100000ea080: container WebFrame: 0x618000009260 has been modified too many times, aborting

Opening firefox browser in ios Simulator using Appium

I would like to open the firefox browser on the iphone (5, 6 or 6 plus) simulator using Appium. I tired by giving the absolute app path (of firefox browser app in the mac machind) in appium ios settings itself but it did not work. I've read about installing Firefox OS Simulator. Can I open the firefox browser in IOS Simulator or android simulator as an app or do I have to use Firefox's simulator? Please advice with detailed steps.
Thanks in advance!!
PS: I am using the latest versions of appium and ios
I'm working with Genymotion android simulator and appium.
In order to install firefox you just take the apk here
The details steps:
Install Android SDK.
Start the emulator by going to $SDK_root/emulator.exe.
Go to command prompt and go to the directory $SDK_root/platform-tools (or else add the path to windows environment)
Type in the command adb install.
Please note that the simulator testing usually not enough and you have test your app also on the real device.

Testing app on iOS6 and iOS 7 - UPDATED

I need to test my app on both iOS 6 and iOS 7. Here's what i have done so far: I have developed an app on iOS 7, but i need to support iOS 6 too.
But because i need to follow slightly different layout for iOS 6 and iOS 7, i am making separate xibs for both. I have tested the app for iOS 7, and now i need to do it for iOS 6.
I have downloaded iOS 6 simulator already. Note that i don't have a real iOS 6 device, i have only iOS 7 device. Now please tell me how do i test it on iOS 6 and how to i detect programmatically which iOS version my phone is running.
In the code, I need to check the version of the iOS that the device is using, and then load the xibs accordingly.
This is the code that i am using to do that.
float sysVer = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue];
if (sysVer >= 7.0)
NSLog(#"this is ios 7");
NSLog(#"this is ios 6");
I am currently testing it on my iPhone 5 that has iOS 7 on it.
So, i have tested my app on iOS 7, but when testing it on iOS 6 (by choosing "deployment target" as iOS 6 in target settings and project settings) , i am still seeing on console - this is ios 7.
However, the keyboard appearance is iOS6-like..!!
Why is this happening?? why am i not able to check the iOS version???
Deployment target and system version aren't the same.
Basically, you're running an app compiled for iOS 6 on an iOS 7 simulator. That's why it reports a version of 7, and uses the style of iOS 6.
You need to run your app on a simulated iOS 6 by choosing it from the target dropdown at the top left of Xcode:
(Maybe you haven't downloaded the simulators for iOS 6, first check Xcode preferences).
Or better yet, on an actual iOS 6 device.
Anyway, if you intend to use the native iOS 7 look on iOS 7 devices, never lower the deployment target to 6. Keep it at 7.

How to Support Below IOS 4.3 in Xcode 4.5.2?

My iMac Version is 10.8.2,installed Xcode 4.5.2. Xcode project iOS Deployment target is 4.3, and Base SDK iOS 6.0. I am trying develop an application which can be run from 3G. Base SDK showing only IOS 6.0 but not listing any lower versions, also installed iPhone 5.0 simulator.
but no use.
Following are my questions
1) How Xcode will show Base SDK lower versions than IOS 6.0?
2) How we can can support Different IOS versions?
Please let me know the right direction,, Thanks in advance..
Have a look at this question.
It explains how to publish to older iOS targets.

App targeting OS 5.1 does not install on iOS 6

My app was compiled for iOS 5.1 and later. I could install it on iPad 1 using testflight. However, the app fails to install on iPad 3 with iOS 6. Both devices are in the provisioning profile.
Does anyone know what the problem might be?
Here are my build settings:
Base SDK: Latest iOS (iOS6.0)
iOS Deployment Target: iOS 5.1
Valid Architecture: armv7 armv7s
Turns out it's the provisioning profile. There were several profiles on my machine and I selected the wrong one when creating the IPA file.
