Makefile issues - fatal error in reader - c

I am having some issues with a makefile I am creating for a school project. I am compiling and assembling a C file and a SPARC assembly file (respectively) and linking them. I'm working in a Unix environment. Here is the makefile:
proj09.exe: proj09.driver.o
<tab>gcc -Wall proj09.driver.o -o proj09.exe
proj09.driver.o: proj09.driver.c /user/cse320/Projects/
<tab>gcc -Wall -c proj09.driver.c /user/cse320/Projects/
<tab>gcc -Wall
When I try to make it, though, I get a reader error, specifically:
"Fatal error in reader: proj09.makefile, line 2: Unexpected end of line seen"
Now I know that usually this means that something is formatted incorrectly, but I have no idea what it could be in this case. Also, I am not 100% sure that this is the correct code for the makefile (specifically the assembling of my support.s file, and the linking of both files). I apologize if this is a repeat question, I looked through the archives beforehand and couldn't find anything of use. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I don't see why this would make a difference, but I am using gedit to actually write the code and then transferring the files into SSH for linking.

As Joachim told you, the lines should be indented by tab, not by spaces, so the second line should look like:
[TAB]gcc -Wall proj09.driver.o -o proj09.exe[NEWLINE]
where [TAB] means TAB character.
Also there shouldn't be any spaces after the command. That's why I've put [NEWLINE] char.

Aside from the spaces and tabs, this doesn't generate an object file, shouldn't even compile (unless it has main()):
gcc -Wall
You should use -c here too:
gcc -Wall -c
Note: if you're working on Unix/Linux lose the .exe


C compiler confusion

okay so I'm on OS and I use terminal to compile my c code. Whenever I make a file using nano or vim called "tst.c" (or whatever the name might be ) then I compile using (my teacher told me to use this everytime so I don't think this is the problem:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o tst.c ./tst.c
then it turns into binary I'm guessing. But when I try to edit it again, it has all these weird encryptions I'm guessing like:
So, question is, how do I revert so I can edit and not make a new file every time???????
You're overwriting your original source file with the compiled executable because of the -o option:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o tst.c ./tst.c
You'll need to specify a different output file name in the -o option:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o tst tst.c
Otherwise, you can leave the -o option off entirely, and the compiled executable will be written to a file named a.out.
Eventually, you'll want to automate all of this with the make utility, but for now just be aware of how the -o option works.
the -o (name) flag means you are storing the output into whatever you used for name.. so if you add .c to the end of the name you'll see lots of interesting stuff. Man pages are pretty awesome when learning about what each flags do.

Please help me to compile this C program? [Linux]

I am using Linux now, and trying to compile this by gcc BUT.......
this is my truly simple code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
printf("Hello world\n");
return 0;
and this is so much weird output:
./try.c: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./try.c: line 3: `int main(){'
why is it?
I have tried the right way to compile it, such:
gcc file_name.c -o file_name and other types of way of compiling
chmod +rwx file_name.c
but still I got that result, why?
You have to compile the code first.
Follow these steps.
gcc try.c -o try.out
to compile the code. The -o option is given to give a custom name to the executable that will be produced.
Then, you can run it by typing
To run the executable.
Be informed though, that there are a number of command line options that you can use to get the information about your code and add more functionality. See this page for more information.
You are trying to execute the .c file, remove the trailing .c from the name of the file you want to execute.
Like this:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror -o executable file_name.c
You should not need to make it executable, it should already be executable since the compiler will do that.
As you see, I've passed some parameters to gcc to let it help in diagnosing problems, sometimes these problems are caused by your lack of knowledge and some other times because you write code quickly and miss some details. So using them is good (although compilation is slower, but that doesn't matter if you have a good and fast machine, wehreas having issues in the code does matter).
The meaning of these flags are as follows
-Wall Enable all warnings. Really some are not enabled, but most are.
-Wextra Enable extra warnings.
-pedantic make the compiler pedantic, i.e. stick strictly to the desired (default for this version of gcc) standard.
-Werror Consider that warnings are errors.
Also, you could have guessed this if you see what the error says
./try.c: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./try.c: line 3: `int main(){'
as you can see the shell is trying to execute the source code as if it was a shell script, so you can immediately notice that this is not the executable file generated by gcc, and then you would notice the .c in the file name.
gcc try.c
Compiles the code and runs it. Please read the manual page for gcc and there are many delights to behold (extra checking etc)

gcc is working, but not yielding executable

My C compiler was working a second ago and making executables, but I started working on a new .c file and suddenly it won't work anymore. I haven't changed anything and I'm still using the same commands, Gitbash version, etc. The compiler is still able to catch errors, so gcc works, but after calling:
gcc -std=c99 my_file.c
there is no executable called my_file.exe. Help sites online suggest installing additional software to fix the error, but I'm hesitant to do so because everything was working fine earlier and I don't want to aggravate the problem with additional software.
Since you have not specified the name of the file to output, GCC will output a.exe.
If you desire output named something else, you must use the -o flag, for example:
gcc -std=c99 -o my_file.exe my_file.c
On Unix, that compiler command would generate an executable a.out. You may find that there is an executable with a default name — but I don't have Windows to check what that name is. Guesses might include a.exe, a_out.exe, aout.exe, etc.
To get my_file.exe:
gcc -std=c99 -o my_file.exe my_file.c
If you don't specify an output -o flag you will get a.exe by default (a.out on other platforms),
gcc -std=c99 my_file.c
If it is working, produces
I think you wanted
gcc -std=c99 -o my_file.exe my_file.c

how to write a makefile in linux for a c program

i have written a c program for doubly-linked-list in linux. the program is named as program2.c.
i have compiled it using "cc program2.c -o out2".
it compiled and also executed fine.
even also tried writing a makefiel includes
gcc -Wall -Werror -O2 -o $# $<
clean :
\rm -fr doublelinkedlist
when i did make it gives me the errors.
can any one please help me writing a makefile.
When using a makefile, you also started using the -Wall -Werror flags. This is a very good thing.
Now the compiler looks for more suspicious things in your program, and refuses to compile if it finds anything. This can be a great help in catching bugs.
However, these warnings mean your program doesn't compile, and you'll need to fix them, by changing the code so that the compiler will be sure all is OK (as far as the compiler can check - of course the code can still contain bugs).
Common issues are mixing different types and not paying attention to the const keyword. But for help with specific warnings, you'll need to show the warnings and the code. Or better - search for each of them in StackOverflow, and I'm sure you'll find good answers.

Compiling Small Gcc Project on Windows Using MinGW

so I've been programming in C++ for almost 2 years now, and the whole while I've had the pleasure of using an IDE (VS) with lovely project settings and automatic linking and the like. I've always stayed away from any external libraries which required me to compile via makefiles, or at least the ones which were meant for linux environments/other compilers.
Anyways I now want to use a super handy utility (Bob Jenkins Perfect Minimal Hash) but it requires me to compile via makefiles, not only that but using the g++ compiler.
I went ahead and got the mingW32-make utility and am now trying to get it to work. Where I'm at now:
Succesfully installed minGW
Succesfully called the make utility
Failed to succesfully make the project.
The error I get is:
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make
target lookupa.c', needed by lookupa.o'. Stop.
And the makefile itself:
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c $<
O = lookupa.o recycle.o perfhex.o perfect.o
const64 : $(O)
gcc -o perfect $(O) -lm
lookupa.o : lookupa.c standard.h lookupa.h
recycle.o : recycle.c standard.h recycle.h
perfhex.o : perfhex.c standard.h lookupa.h recycle.h perfect.h
perfect.o : perfect.c standard.h lookupa.h recycle.h perfect.h
Now the error seems reasonable, at least from my minimal understanding of makefiles, I have all the referenced .c, .h files, however I have none of the .o files and there doesn't appear to be any instructions on how to make these. So my question/s are:
am I calling the make utility wrong? Or do I need to compile the object files first? Or... do I need to add something to the make file?
Again I have all the referenced .c and .h files.
Edit: Sorry about that I was actually missing that specific file it seems to have disapeared somewhere along the line. However, adding it back in this is the error I now get:
cc -O -c -o lookupa.o lookupa.c
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cc -O -c -o lookupa.o lookupa.c, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
mingw32-make: *** [lookupa.o] Error 2
Regarding your error "process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cc -O -c -o lookupa.o lookupa.c, ...) failed."
This is because the make utility wants to use the "cc" compiler to compile your program, but that compiler is not part of the Mingw-package.
Solution: Change the ".cc.o:" to ".c.o:". This changes the implicit rule which tells Make what compiler to use (gcc on the next line) when compiling .c files (the original line tells it how to compile .cc files).
Saying either make -DCC=gcc at the command line or adding the line CC=gcc to the top of the Makefile would cure the issue as well. Make's built in rules for handling C source code all name the C compiler with the variable CC, which defaults to "cc" for reasons of backward compatibility even in Gnu Make.
It looks like the original Makefile author tried to work around that problem by supplying a custom rule for compiling .cc files, but since there are no .cc files in the project that rule was not actually used.
Specifying the correct value for CC is superior to fixing the explicit rule to name .c files IMHO because Makefiles are generally easier to use and maintain and are the most portable when the least possible information is specified.
I don't think not having .o files is the problem. Make will make them from the source files (the files to the right of the colon).
Your immediate problem seems to be that make can't file the file "lookupa.c". From the rules you posted, it looks to me like that file should be sitting in the same directory as the makefile, but it isn't. You need to figure out where that file is, and how to get it there.
(For some reason I have a mental image of Wile E. Coyote sitting at his computer, seeing that file name, looking up, and getting plastered with an anvil).
