Updating previous installation settings - file

I'm creating an update setup files. In my initial installation, I have an EXE file which is called in [UninstallRun]. In the update, I want to permanently remove this EXE file but it seems to always throw the error "Some elements could not be removed" when I uninstall after the update.
To delete the EXE, I've tried deleting it during the update's [InstallDelete]. This deletes the file, but the error message is still thrown when its uninstalled (even though all files have definitely been removed).
I tried replacing the EXE in the update and using the deleteafterinstall flag, but that didn't make a difference.
If I don't do anything, and just install it, when I run the uninstaller, the EXE file is called, even though the update no longer contains the [UninstallRun] section. So it looks like the initial installation's setup file is being used for the uninstallation part.
For the purposes of this project, I can't change the initial installation, so everything has to be done from the update installation. Is there a way to delete an existing file that was placed in an UninstallRun section?

The issue is that the [UninstallRun] entry from the prior install has already been registered in the uninstall log, so simply removing it from your script won't stop it taking effect, and deleting the file will by default make it generate that error since (presumably) some required uninstall task didn't happen since the file was missing.
Did you remember to put a RunOnceId on the [UninstallRun] entry in the original installer? If so, you can put a "replacement" entry using the same id. You'll still have to make it point at an exe, but you can make it a no-op one, or (better) use Flags: skipifdoesntexist and point it at the one you've removed.
If you didn't use a RunOnceId, then there isn't any way to override the previous entry. You'll just have to put in a dummy exe file that does nothing.


Changing Directory of STM32CubeIDE Projects

When I create a new STM32CubeIDE project, it default saves it to my /Documents directory. This isn't too bad except I like to have a folder for each application so that it isn't just a bunch of files. I tried creating a folder called "STM32CubeIDE" to save new projects to, put it gives me an error: "overlaps the location of another project".
I've done some googling and found that this issue also exists in Eclipse (which makes sense) but couldn't solve my problem from those solutions.
I was also wondering if there is a way to move all of my existing projects to this newly created folder? Last time I tried, the IDE flipped out on me and couldn't find my stuff.
First of all, do not call your folder "STM32CubeIDE" if this already exists. Use a different name, because this is normally used by default and it may cause issues (probably the reason why you are getting that error).
When you install or update STM32CubeIDE it gives you the option to choose where you want your default folder to be. For example, my default folder is
Now if you want to use different folders for different projects, there are two options:
You can Export your project (application) to a desired folder and then Import it using the File tab. This is a good method if you want to make backups, or just want to make sure that all relevant files are transferred correctly to avoid "missing file" issues.
The other method (my favourite) is to simply copy you project folders and paste them to a different folder, wherever you want to put them. Then you simply open STM32CubeIDE, go to File > Open Projects from File System... and chose your project. You might get a pop-up about software compatibility issues (if you made an update), etc. but this should open up your project and show it in the Project Explorer.

Trying to resolve Pkgdef error

I am running scripts in Sql server management studio and something is causing SSMS to reset. After some investigation and reading the message that pops up, I run the application from the command line and use the /log switch. reviewing the log I find this error :
PkgDef encountered data collision in section
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management
Studio\11.0_Config\CLSID{00a2c8fe-3844-41be-9637-167454a7f1a7}' for
value 'Assembly'
this is just one example...there are many. So I look online for pkgdef troubleshooting tips and found one site...http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2010/03/22/troubleshooting-pkgdef-files.aspx
this told me the following:
Issue: Registry Value Collisions Sometimes the same registry value is
being set by more than one pkgdef file. In other cases, a registry
value is being set, but it’s not clear which pkgdef file is doing it.
You can either scan all of the pkgdef files and discover where the
value is being set. Or use /log again. Remedy: Use /log to discover
which pkgdef(s) set a value To discover all pkgdef files that are
setting a value, use a simple trick: explicitly set that same value by
temporarily changing the master pkgdef (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.pkgdef) to explicitly set the
value before all of the other pkgdef files are processed. This will
require Administrator rights to edit the file, but is otherwise
straightforward. Make a backup copy of devenv.pkgdef, then bring it up
in an editor. Below the [$Initialization$] section, add a new section
for the parent key of the value. Then add the key value below it, save
it, and run devenv.exe with /log. The pkgdef loader will log all of
the additional writes to that value, along with the path to the
offending pkgdef.
I found the devenv.pkgdef file but i really don't understand how to modify the file as it suggests.
I would like to know how to modify the file(with example) to find the problem and then to fix it.
Thanks for your patience

Sublime Text 2 - Files won't update

When I add files via the terminal, Sublime doesn't seem to pick up the changes. I have to remove the project and re-add it to sublime for the files to show up. Does anyone know of a solution to this? Thank you in advance.
I had the same issue. I'm not entirely sure what exactly caused it, or how this resolved it, but I opened the project up and removed all folders from the project. I quit ST2 and opened it back up, then re-added the folders. Since then everything works fine, files update, and I'm once again to get saved changes to overwrite files on the local filesystem (it wasn't doing that before either).
I've shut it down and started it back up repeatedly, and was able to confirm every time that it was picking up new changes I had made to some files via vim.

Removing a file from TortoiseHG data source

I am using TortoiseHG for source code control in Windows, I forgot to edit the ".hgignor" file, and now I have a huge folder ".hg" which I know it's because of DLL and EXE and PDB files which I do not need them. Now changing the ignor file does not remove those files.
What should I do for deleting these files completely from my TortoiseHg data source?
if you want to stop tracking files, but leave them in working directory, use hg forget. Help also says you can achieve the same effect by using hg remove -Af.
I'm not sure what do you mean by «data source», but neither of those will remove the files from repository itself, because they are already a part of your history, and thus their previous versions will remain there. Forgetting them will only prevent your history from bloating even further with newer versions of those build artifacts.
You can use the hg remove command to remove files in your repository. If you are using TortoiseHG, you can right click on the file and go: TortoiseHG -> Remove File.
Check out the "How to stop tracking a file" section Here.

Cannot delete, a file with that name may already exist

This is starting to vex me. I recently decided to clear out my FTP, and stumbled across an old Wordpress install I forgot I had (oh yes, very security conscious me). Anyway, for some reason deleting the directory failed so I investigated to see what was causing the blockage and I've narrowed it down to a file in wp-content.
Now when I try to delete this file I can get two errors. I've tried in Windowx Explorer (FTP) and the Web Control Panel's File Manager. Here's some error shots:
As you can see my File manager thinks the file is a Symbolic Link. While it scares me that
my web server is host to an obviously religoious artifact I'm also heavily confused by the situation.
I've tried renaming the file.
I've refreshed the FTP view.
I've tried moving the file to another dir (which worked, no success on deletion though).
I've tried editing the file and then deletion.
And I'm at a loss. Is there a special way to delete SymLinks? I've never heard of them, until now.
Oho Windows you really are a magician of sorts. I decided to take a look at my FTP via command prompt and guess what? The file doesn't exist. Whether ftp ignores symlinks I don't know but I'm about to give up :P
First of all, try emailing your webhost either for SSH-access or to remove the symlink for you.
If you get SSH-access, use:
unlink index.php
Or if neither works: Create a PHP file there (for instance remove.php) that contains:
<?php unlink("./index.php") ?>
Then open that file in your browser, afterwards remove the remove.php file.
