How to install CakePHP plugin for PHP IDE Netbeans 7.2 - cakephp

I have the PHP IDE version of NetBeans 7.2 and have installed the plugin successfully (it is shown as enabled in the plugins list and appears in the project properties). However, nowhere do I see a place to select the framework as shown in the download page ( When creating a new IDE there is no step 4, just 1,2, and obviously something is missing. Is there a dependent plugin I need or maybe I need the full, huge version of NetBeans?
I am using Windows 7, PHP 5.3, CakePHP 2.1.2

The plugin was working correctly, however it requires that there only be 1 app in the project folder in the same directory as the CakePHP lib folder. The NetBeans project folder is not the 'app' folder that contains the Controllers and Views folders, instead it must be the folder that contains the app and lib folders.

Just go to NetBeans' main menu Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins. Choose the plugin you want and install it.


Drupal 7: The version of the mpdf library could not be detected

I am trying to add PDF library in drupal 7.
I downloaded the mpdf module and enabled it sucessfully.
I downloaded the mPDF library from and unzipped into sites/all/libraries folder and renamed forlder to mpdf. But report status is still showing that library not found.
Problem: I want to generate a PDF from HTML node.
Question: What is the correct way to add this mPDF library in drupal 7?
Note: My PHP version is 7^. Which seems everything is correct with php and library version (but not sure).
If you are using PDF using mPDF module you have to download mpdf version 6.1.0
Just download the zip file by using this MPDF link and unzip it in sites/all/libraries/mpdf.
Hope this helps you :)

migration php 5 to php 7 cakephp

I am trying to make test environment for my cake project however the migration from php 5.X to 7.1.0 proves to be a nuisance.
I have succesfully installed a new fresh apache2.4 vc14 x64 bit installation.
This apache installation uses a fresh PHP vc14 x64 7.1.0 installation. Both have been checked and are indeed working perfectly.
Now the problem:
I have a cakephp product using a shared created library in the plugins folder, this was working perfectly in CakePHP 2.8.5 using php 5.x. This plugin is loaded in the bootstrap and used the way cakephp intends us to. However the moment i try to run the old project in the fresh installation it is suddenly unable the load the plugin files. Again everything is loaded in the bootstrap and usage has not been changed whilst moving the content to its new location. I have checked a fresh cakephp installation in the new environment and this is also working splenditly.
I am quite baffled at the moment has anyone having experience using cakephp encoutered this particular problem feel free to fire away with some ideas as to what i might have missed.
i will show some code how everything is loaded and used.
<?php echo $this->Html->css('RemFlex.flexdetail'); ?>
<?php echo $this->Html->script('RemFlex.flexportal'); ?>
the plugin directory looks like this
Fixed this problem by enabling the rewrite_module in the httpd.conf file of the apache installation. This enabled my htacces to actually work.

Angular JS plugin for WebStorm 7

I am following the plugin link. I have followed these steps after installing the plugin.
Goto the WebStorm File->Settings->IDE Settings->Plugins.
Click Install plugin from disk and select the zip files.
Restart the WebStorm.
After opening the WebStorm, I am unable to type anything in the IDE (HTML and JS files, any of them).
I prefer doing it manually.
Can any one pour in your experiences and suggestions?
Sometimes plugins accessible via the download method may not work. To start clean, you should delete that plugin you downloaded, including any directory under plugins that it might have created.
Then, go to Settings -> Plugins -> Browser Repositories, and install AngularJS that way. It's a standard plugin from JetBrains.
Please see for explanation/fix
Problems like this usually occur when installing plugin from disk if you extract the downloaded archive and select the plugin .jar when installing instead of using the downloaded zip without unpacking it.

Google App Engine - recompile GWT module

I've created Google App Engine project in Java using Eclipse following the book Beginning Java Google App Engine
Before I bought this book I had created projects with unchecked option 'Use Google Web Toolkit' but for this project I checked it (following the book)
Eclipse generated several files for me and I run my applications, copy link to Web Browser (http://localhost:8888) and it gives me an error:
GWT module name_of_my_project may need to be (re)complied
I work on Ubuntu 10.04 (I was testing my application using Firefox and Chromium) and I was trying run my application on Windows XP (using the same Web Browsers) with the same effect (just one difference - Google Chrome made me install Web I did it but it still gives the same error)
Thanks in advance :)
I get the same error message at unexpected times using development on IntelliJ with Chrome. The message still appears when I stop and start development mode. The problem is fixed after I delete the compiled files (class files, js files) in the out folder. On eclipse, you can try deleting files and folders generated in the war folder (delete the folder that has the project name, if it exists, and the classes folder under /war/WEB-INF/classes). Hope this helps.
Check in your "Java Build Path" if you have the correct Default output folder (something like /target/project-name/WEB-INF/classes).
In Eclipse, do a "Clean Build".
Click on the google blue button in the Eclipse menu and select "GWT Compile Project..."
Make sure the GWT plugin is compiling your project by checking the compiler output. The GWT compiler outputs lots of things, for example you will always see something like "Compiling 6 permutations.... Compiling permutation 0..."
If you still have problems, try this page on setting up Eclipse with GWT:
Thanks for your comments and suggestions. I re-installed Eclipse on Ubuntu and I installed plugin one more time and it works :)
So, be careful which version of Eclipse you use - Eclipse 3.4 has problem with GWT.

Google App Engine .jsp Problem

I just created a .jsp file in my google app engine project. How to resolve the below error.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Your project must be configured to use a JDK in order to use JSPs
/Proj1/war Unknown Google App Engine Problem
Kindly let me know.
it is the error. In order to compile jsp you need a jdk installed in your system. If you are running on a JRE you will get this error. Also make sure that your project has been configured with a jdk in it's path.
For sake of improving answers
stack over flow reference
.jsp file not working for Google App Engine guestbook tutorial
the accepted answer was a year ago
updated answer from reference
In the end I seem to have wasted my bounty as I found the solution (with a little help) myself.
The problem arose because I was unfamiliar with Eclipse. When I found the more verbose error message Your project must be configured to use a JDK in order to use JSPs guestbook.jsp.
It was located in a tab called 'Markers' in pane found at the bottom of the Eclipse window.
It seems that Eclipse wasn't aware that I had installed the JDK.
In Eclipse I went to menu Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs . Eclipse had only one entry there named jre6 I clicked the Add... button Chose Standard VM and browsed to the base directory of the jdk (in my case C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20)
I rebuilt my project but the same error was there. I had forgotten to check the box that tells Eclipse to use the jdk instead of the jre.
As soon as I did that Eclipse rebuilt my project and the error was gone.
To solve this problem, first please confirm that JDK is already install on your computer. If it not available, go to Oracle JDK hompage to download and install it.
Then follow some steps to config JDK.
When JDK is configured, return eclipse and build project if you still get current error, I decide you are using JRE instead JDK. Choose Prefrences - Java - Install JRE - Un-check JRE and check JDK
Rebuild project
Hope this help!
Set JDK as your Installed JREs in Eclipse.
In Eclipse Window->Preference->Java->Installed JREs
Click on Add Button | Select VM ->Add JRE
Select Folder of jdk as "JRE Home" Directory.
Click OK.
Build your GAE Project
For those who use Ubuntu and OpenJDK, and may come here looking for help on the same issue: EVEN when it is called Open*JDK* (i.e. java-6-openjdk) actually you may have installed only the JRE part since they are on different packages, so you need to install also the JDK. For version 6 this is done via:
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
Note that you may have yet an openjdk-6-jre in your system.
If your problem persist, you must sure that in your project use JDK library. Go to your project->click right->Build Path->Configure Build Path->Add library->JRE System Library->Select "Workspace default JRE (jdk1...)"->Finish, and in "Order and Export" UP your JDK Library above JRE Library. When you save your proyect it´s ok.
