Drupal 7: The version of the mpdf library could not be detected - drupal-7

I am trying to add PDF library in drupal 7.
I downloaded the mpdf module and enabled it sucessfully.
I downloaded the mPDF library from https://github.com/mpdf/mpdf/tree/master and unzipped into sites/all/libraries folder and renamed forlder to mpdf. But report status is still showing that library not found.
Problem: I want to generate a PDF from HTML node.
Question: What is the correct way to add this mPDF library in drupal 7?
Note: My PHP version is 7^. Which seems everything is correct with php and library version (but not sure).

If you are using PDF using mPDF module you have to download mpdf version 6.1.0
Just download the zip file by using this MPDF link and unzip it in sites/all/libraries/mpdf.
Hope this helps you :)


How to upload swift project by xcode 7.3 using application loader

When i upload app using application loader i got bellow error. In error show add distribution profie but i already added distribution profile then also give error. please help me for upload swift project using xcode 7.3 on iTunes
Make a archive with your distribution profile and export a IPA file in your system.After that open a application loader and drag and drop that IPA file.

Cannot add SQLite plugin to intel xdk, shows missing sqlite-connector.jar file

When i try to add this plugin to my project in Intel Xdk using third party plugin add option, its shows misssing jar file.
projectname\plugins\cordova-sqlite-storage\node_modules\cordova-sqlite-storage-dependencies\libs\sqlite-connector.jar" not found!.
Please use the link to the Intel XDK third party plugin. Before that please download the project dependency jar file from github and create the directory with cordova plugin SQLite name and place the file in it, include the jar file. Then try to add the plugin using URL .
Hope all working well

Integrating Tapku Library to XCode 4.6 project

Its been a long since I am struggling integrating the Tapku Library in my Xcode project. I want to implement the Day View component from Tapku into my project. I followed the instructions from read-me on github but had no success. I am getting following error, "Apple Compiler LLVM Error" when I add the files to my project. Anyone who has successfully integrated the same please help.
I solved this issue by using Finder (before opening xCode) copy the src folder to my projects directory.
So my project structure is MyProject/Frameworks/src
For the rest of the steps just follow the guide on Tapku's GitHub page.
Only add the 2 TapkuLibrary.xcodeproj and src/TapkuLibrary.bundle files
Select the Build Phases
Link Binary With Libraries
For the Header Search Path you can use $(SRCROOT)/Frameworks/src remember to use non-recursive option
And for Other Linker Flags add -ObjC
Hope this helps

How to install CakePHP plugin for PHP IDE Netbeans 7.2

I have the PHP IDE version of NetBeans 7.2 and have installed the plugin successfully (it is shown as enabled in the plugins list and appears in the project properties). However, nowhere do I see a place to select the framework as shown in the download page (http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/44579). When creating a new IDE there is no step 4, just 1,2, and 3...so obviously something is missing. Is there a dependent plugin I need or maybe I need the full, huge version of NetBeans?
I am using Windows 7, PHP 5.3, CakePHP 2.1.2
The plugin was working correctly, however it requires that there only be 1 app in the project folder in the same directory as the CakePHP lib folder. The NetBeans project folder is not the 'app' folder that contains the Controllers and Views folders, instead it must be the folder that contains the app and lib folders.
Just go to NetBeans' main menu Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins. Choose the plugin you want and install it.

Wikitude Phonegap iOS Plugin

I have configured the Wikitude iOS plugin as suggested here -
However, during the compilation it is showing me build error - WTArchitechview.h not found in WTWikitiudePlugin.m file.
I am currently having iOS 6 device and using Cordova 2.0.0. I found one guide in the wikitude documentation -
It says I have to remove the armv7s architecture and have to do some modification files. I was not able to understand that modification part. I mean which file I have to modify.
I think you're having two problems.
The first is, that you have to download the Wikitude SDK from there website and then add the files from the SDK into your phonegap Xcode project (Follow the steps described in your first link). If you did this and still having compile time errors, make sure that either your user header search path from your Xcode project is set correctly or you copied the Wikitude SDK files into the folder which are already setup in the sample project. You can also remove the existing Wikitude SDK folder in your Xcode project and drag the one in, which you have downloaded.
The second link describes what you need to change in order to build your project with the Wikitude SDK in Xcode 4.5. You need to change this in your Xcode project settings. You have to do this because the Wikitude SDK needs some libraries which are not available for the armv7s architecture right now.
