Cannot add SQLite plugin to intel xdk, shows missing sqlite-connector.jar file - database

When i try to add this plugin to my project in Intel Xdk using third party plugin add option, its shows misssing jar file.
projectname\plugins\cordova-sqlite-storage\node_modules\cordova-sqlite-storage-dependencies\libs\sqlite-connector.jar" not found!.

Please use the link to the Intel XDK third party plugin. Before that please download the project dependency jar file from github and create the directory with cordova plugin SQLite name and place the file in it, include the jar file. Then try to add the plugin using URL .
Hope all working well


Drupal 7: The version of the mpdf library could not be detected

I am trying to add PDF library in drupal 7.
I downloaded the mpdf module and enabled it sucessfully.
I downloaded the mPDF library from and unzipped into sites/all/libraries folder and renamed forlder to mpdf. But report status is still showing that library not found.
Problem: I want to generate a PDF from HTML node.
Question: What is the correct way to add this mPDF library in drupal 7?
Note: My PHP version is 7^. Which seems everything is correct with php and library version (but not sure).
If you are using PDF using mPDF module you have to download mpdf version 6.1.0
Just download the zip file by using this MPDF link and unzip it in sites/all/libraries/mpdf.
Hope this helps you :)

Angular JS plugin for WebStorm 7

I am following the plugin link. I have followed these steps after installing the plugin.
Goto the WebStorm File->Settings->IDE Settings->Plugins.
Click Install plugin from disk and select the zip files.
Restart the WebStorm.
After opening the WebStorm, I am unable to type anything in the IDE (HTML and JS files, any of them).
I prefer doing it manually.
Can any one pour in your experiences and suggestions?
Sometimes plugins accessible via the download method may not work. To start clean, you should delete that plugin you downloaded, including any directory under plugins that it might have created.
Then, go to Settings -> Plugins -> Browser Repositories, and install AngularJS that way. It's a standard plugin from JetBrains.
Please see for explanation/fix
Problems like this usually occur when installing plugin from disk if you extract the downloaded archive and select the plugin .jar when installing instead of using the downloaded zip without unpacking it.

AngularJS plugin for Webstorm not sticking

I have installed WebStorm 7 for Windows successfully, and have been playing with Angularjs projects. I wanted to install the AngularJS plugin. I opened File/Settings/Plugins, and the AngularJS plugin was not listed, so I pressed Browse Repositories, found it, and installed it. It then showed up in my list, highlighted in green. When I hit OK WebStorm asks if I want to restart to integrate the plugin, and I do. But when I open WebStorm again, the plugin is no longer listed. I tried once more, same result. Any idea what incantation I need to do? ;)
Please refer to the installing plugins document.
There could be some issue with installing the plugin, check idea.log for possible errors.
As a workaround you can download plugin zip manually and unpack it into the plugins directory.
I've verified that on my system this plugin appears in the list of installed plugins after IDE restart.

How to install CakePHP plugin for PHP IDE Netbeans 7.2

I have the PHP IDE version of NetBeans 7.2 and have installed the plugin successfully (it is shown as enabled in the plugins list and appears in the project properties). However, nowhere do I see a place to select the framework as shown in the download page ( When creating a new IDE there is no step 4, just 1,2, and obviously something is missing. Is there a dependent plugin I need or maybe I need the full, huge version of NetBeans?
I am using Windows 7, PHP 5.3, CakePHP 2.1.2
The plugin was working correctly, however it requires that there only be 1 app in the project folder in the same directory as the CakePHP lib folder. The NetBeans project folder is not the 'app' folder that contains the Controllers and Views folders, instead it must be the folder that contains the app and lib folders.
Just go to NetBeans' main menu Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins. Choose the plugin you want and install it.

File Path to jar inside another jar

For an Eclipse plugin, I need to refer to a jar file inside the plugin directory (to provide code to users). This works perfectly when running the plugin while developing (inside a runtime-eclipse-application).
But when I build an update site, my plugin is built into a jar file. File paths for images are still working, but when the jar should be imported, eclipse shows the following error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
The container 'DoodleDebug' references non existing library 'file:\C:\Users\Me\.eclipse\org.eclipse.platform_3.7.0_740800064\plugins\ch.unibe.scg.doodledebug_1.0.0.201208281642.jar!\DoodleDebug-Client.jar'
The outer jar path is correct and when inspecting it with WinRAR, I can see the desired jar file inside it!
Why isn't this working as expected?
You will need to install your plugin in an exploded form. To do this, in your MANIFEST.MF file, add the following line:
Eclipse-BundleShape: dir
This will ensure that your plugin is installed as a directory, not a jar file. There is no way to reference nested jars, so they must be exploded.
See here for more information:
