Dotnet Nuke Change Skin - dotnetnuke

I've just started using dotnet nuke (v6.2) today. I've uploaded a new skin and applied it. I've also added a new page to the website. When I'm logged in as admin I can see thenew page and it's all styled with the new skin. However, when I browse the site without login it's styled using the default dark knight skin and I can't see my new page.
Can anyone please tell me what step I've missed?

Although I'd changed the skin for the site under the appearance menu - the skin for the individual pages was still set to Dark Knight. I changed this to be site default and now all is good :)

I can see two possibilities for why you'd see a different skin when you're logged in. First, if you're using DotNetNuke professional, you could have page caching turned on, and need to wait for the cache to clear (though changing the skin should clear it automatically). Secondly, it could be that there's an error in the skin when you're logged out (if there's some custom code in the skin which determines whether you have an account or not). Check the log viewer to see if there are any errors being logged when you visit the site logged out.


Can't edit certain pages on DNN site after upgrade to 9.01.01

We recently upgraded one of our client sites to 09.01.01 to address a Telerik vulnerability, and then had to migrate the site from to Azure due to's outage. After the upgrade, a couple of pages on the site have been uneditable using the pencil icon in the persona bar, although the rest work fine. We're aware of the workaround of going into content > pages and clicking the pencil icon there, but even then not all of the areas on the page are editable. For example, there's one instance of the HTML module on the homepage where when you click on its pencil and then click "Edit Content," it just displays a pop-up with the text but no WYSIWYG or way to actually edit. Other instances of the HTML module work fine, on other pages and even other areas of the homepage.
What's more bizarre is that we just spun up another Azure VM and created a dev site from a clone of the live site so we could troubleshoot further, and this problem does NOT occur on that site even though it's an exact copy of the live site files and database and both sites are hosted in Azure.
Does anyone have advice on what might be causing this or how to troubleshoot? My original though was to clone the page and start removing modules one by one to see if anything made a difference, but it doesn't actually remove the module when I click delete. I've read about ways to do this directly in the database, but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible, especially since we're not seeing the same problem on the cloned site.
Thank you!
Could you please see if any error appearing on the logs folder? You can see the logs here. /Portals/_default/logs/2021.02.01.log.resources? The log file name may differ based on website's logging configuration.
A similar thing can be seen from the Personal bar as well using Admin Logs.

DNN custom skin made login page disappear

I am new to DNN and I'm trying to make a site with custom skin.
Skinning is all ok but once the superuser is time out, I couldn't login again.
The login page has disappeared and was being redirected to an empty custom skin page which only shows the header and the footer.
I have tried
but neither of them are working.
I tried to search for solutions but none of them seems to work and not relating.
Please show me a way, if I am missing somethings.
You might look at the Admin/Event Viewer page if you happen to still be logged in somehow (or eventlog table in the database) to see if there is an error being thrown, that isn't being displayed (because you aren't logged in).
That may point to the problem.
You might have a problem with a "container" that is missing thus the module isn't being loaded.
A few other things to try, try
See if anything loads for those.
Last resort, go into the database and NULL out the SKinSRC columns on the TABS table and see if you can find the default site Skin setting in the PortalSettings and make that null or something other than your custom skin.

DotNetNuke Popups for login and registration not working

Have 3 sites on same DotNetNuke installation, but for the oldest site the popups don't work on registration and login pages. Instead, the forms are presented in a separated page as if the popup option was not set on site settings.
Already tried many things, some desperate, as:
Use custom pages
Enable skin widgets
Check event log, no errors
Even change skin and container. Gravity Skin has one special skin for popus but that also didn't work
Documentation doesn't point to any dependency, so i'm blind here.
I guess you tried the "Enable-Popups" checkbox. You can find it in Site settings -> Advanced Settings -> Usability Settings.

DNN upgrade version 7 skin failure

I have upgraded a site to DNN 7.2.1 following the recommended path from 5.6.8
If I stay in the skin MinimalExtropy, all seems fine.
If I change even to the Gravity skin, much goes wrong:
using "settings" on a page shows the settings dialog, but no changes are made on "update"
it is impossible to change out of the new skin without renaming the skin folders on the site, forcing a return to MinimalExtropy.
It appears that some part of the support for skins has disappeared.
Any suggestions of how to rescue the site?
It is likely that you are getting a Javascript error on the page and that is causing the postbacks in DNN to not fire properly. I would start by looking at your javascript console in your browser and trying to track down the source of JS errors.
Also be sure to check the Skin settings in the ADMIN/SITE SETTINGS page.
You might try a skin specifically setup for DNN7, I have one called HammerFlex, you can find more info about that skin at

Dotnetnuke 6 Ribbonbar Admin and dropdown gone

Above is the ribbonbar after I have logged in as a super user. The Admin option next to Host is completely gone
The site is running DNN6, the skin is only in the site portal folder, and it seems that all admin modules and options have gone away. Even the header, which I set in Site Settings (under Admin), went away!
Has anyone else had their admin options completely disappear on them? Is it possible that the skin is messing it up (all other sites use the same _default menu files and they work fine)?
Thanks for any replies.
We've recently had this exact situation occur in one of our DNN sites. It turn out that one of the site's administrators had accidentally renamed the Admin page from within the "Page Management" section (it's easy to see how that could happen). The fix was to go directly to /Admin/Pages.aspx and change the "Page Name" back to "Admin" ... and it will show up in the ribbon bar again.
As a suggestion to DNN developers, I would recommend making the Admin page and its subpages impossible to rename....
Can you check the database to see if those pages exist? What if you try to navigate to http://website/admin.aspx do you see the admin page and all the child pages there?
