Edit invalid password rules and error message - dotnetnuke

When registering as a new user on our custom DotNetNuke website, if we enter a password that is incorrect an error message displays stating "The password specified is invalid. Please specify a valid password. Passwords must be at least 7 characters in length and contain at least 0 non-alphanumeric characters.".
Is there any way that this error message can be edited, as well as the rules? So for instance we want there to be at least one number in the password and for it to be between 8 and 10 characters. Can this be done? And where could I do it?

I've just found out how to do it from this post: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Resources/Forums/forumid/89/postid/218801/scope/posts.aspx
Looks like its all editable from the web.config file


Test execution of prospect Tracking completed with errors.Embedded Message: Input value 'Prospect' is not a number;java.lang.NumberFormatException

I am new to Dell Boomi and now I am into New Developer Certificate path 1. While doing User Defined Map Functions I got an error message like Test execution of prospect Tracking completed with errors.Embedded Message: Input value 'Prospect' is not a number;java.lang.NumberFormatException
Look at the profiles that you are trying to map. Either the input to that function are strings instead of numbers, or you are trying to output a string into a number element.

Configure smtp for Episerver Forms

Is there any easy way to configure smtp for episerver forms? (iam using 4.0)
I want the form owner and potentially the user to get a confirmation mail.
I tried to add a smtp settings in web.config
<smtp deliveryMethod="Network">
<network defaultCredentials="false" enableSsl="true" host="smtp.gmail.com" port="587" userName="***" password="***" />
And in episerver the form is configured:
I dont know if it should work, but i decided to read the logs and its complaining:
System.FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.
at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressParser.ParseAddress(String data, Boolean expectMultipleAddresses, Int32& index)
at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressParser.ParseAddress(String data)
at System.Net.Mail.MailAddress..ctor(String address, String displayName, Encoding displayNameEncoding)
at EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Actors.SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor.SendMessage(EmailTemplateActorModel emailConfig)
However, its really hard to guess which string its complaining about since all ive done seems right to me. Any ideas?
Ok, so it works. I dont know why i thought i could enter whatever i wanted at the "from" address. Make sure its a correct email address and it works just fine.
If you want an email address from a form field you can select it by its name like this.

What is the maximum length of a parameter in loadrunner?

I am a beginner in loadrunner. I am working with Loadrunner 12.53. I have recorded one simple which will login to one application and Logout.(I recorded with user1 login id) I am testing it with different users say(user2, user3, user4,..., user10, user11). The script is passing successfully till user9 and it is failing from user10. I am getting below error: HTTP-Internal application error
The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'ClearCurrentUserFormApplication'. The input source is not correctly formatted.
All the users are existed in that application. Is it because of the change in length of the parameter?
Record your site with User 10 settings. Compare to a recording for User9. The differences in structure will need to be addressed

Symfony database password using special characters

I'm actually having an issue with Symfony and my database password. The password contains several special characters such as for example : 65RfK_&$+4
Reading the doc, they said that we actually need to escape those special characters such as :
php symfony generate:app --csrf-secret=Unique\$ecret backend
However, I tried to apply this on my password but it's still not working :
The cached file generate a password such as :
Since I can't change the password, I need to find a way to make it works. Any ideas?
It seems that the problem comes from the + symbol. However, trying to escape it does not work :
Poblem solved
I finally solved my problem. I contacted the administrator and ask for a new password without the + sign. It works well now. However, I'm still curious about how to escape it from a YAML file. If anyone has an answer, I will be more than glad to see it :)
Where is your database password? In the app/config/parameters.yml, right? Did you try to add simple or double quotes before and after your password?
For example:
# This file is auto-generated during the composer install
database_driver: pdo_mysql
database_password: "65RfK_&$+4"
If the username, password, host or database name contain any character considered special in a URI (such as +, #, $, #, /, :, *, !), you must encode them. You can use urlencode function to encode them.
After that, remove the resolve: prefix in config/packages/doctrine.yaml to avoid errors: url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'

Server is unwilling to process the request - Active Directory - Add User via C#

I used the example in this page to add a user to an Active Directory group, but I get an exception with the message "Server is unwilling to process the request" when executing
I had a similar issue where I was trying to add a member to a group. Specifically trying to add a group to a group and getting the same helpful error 'The server is unwilling to process the request' The answer provided by the OP did not work for me.
For me, the reason I was unable to add a group to my group was because the group I was trying to add members to was a 'global' scoped group whereas it needed to be a 'universal' scoped group. Hope this helps someone.
This question took me a lot of time to solve. First of all, the error message looks like a joke. Second, there is nothing more, just that message.
Anyway, I managed to fix it by:
Making sure that userDn contains the whole path (e.g., "LDAP://server-address/CN=" + userDn + ",OU=optional,DC=your-domain,DC=com". This is actually very important, if you don't supply the full path it will throw an Exception from HRESULT: 0x80005000.
Replacing dirEntry.Properties["member"].Add(userDn); by entry.Invoke("Add", new object[] { userDn });
Then I wanted to remove a user and I expected entry.Invoke("Remove", new object[] { userDn }); to work. However, this devilish AD will only work if you use lower case "remove", so entry.Invoke("remove", new object[] { userDn }); worked for me.
I got this generic error message when my path did not match the forest domain name. For example, if my forest domain name is ad.example.com, and I am trying to create a group with path CN=Users,DC=example,DC=net one has .com the other has .net - they don't line up. I would need to correct my group to match. My group path should then be CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com.
ldapwiki.com describes potential causes for "The server is unwilling to process the request". Check ExtendedErrorMessage property of your exception to figure out what applies. In my case "00002145: SvcErr: DSID-031A1254, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM)". The following line resolved the issue:
ent.Properties["groupType"].Value = 8;
I had missed to set groupType and so attempted to nest a universal group in a global group. Find more information on groupType attribute in ldapwiki.com
Just look out, because the start of the .properties("distinguished Name") can be different than the .properties("cn"). If the user is created with a , or ; in the .properties("cn"), the start of the .properties("distinguished Name") will be the username with \, or \;.
This can give an error if u are trying to add a user you found by use of .properties("cn") to a Group.
After many days searching i find the problem. when you add user in group you must set "distinguished Name" not LDAP path.
You must write like this:
This is wrong code:
Also when you do remove mast to save this rule
P.S. ent is DirectoryEntry object of group
