Finding the segue that was called in a ViewController - ios6

I'm using storyboarding and have a UITableView containing events, which when clicked load another view with more details. I also have an 'add' button on that list which goes to the same page but doesn't prepopulate the information and changes the banner button.
I do it by setting the detail item with the following method, and then in the configureView method I just check if the detail item exists.
- (void)setDetailItem:(id)newDetailItem {
if (self.detailItem != newDetailItem) {
_detailItem = newDetailItem;
[self configureView];
} }
This works ok, but I thought there might be a better way to distinguish between methods, eg by getting the segue identifier in this new view controller and using that. Is there an easy way to do this or do I need to pass this information through as part of the prepareForSegue method?

Using prepareForSegue: seems right. In general, it's a bad idea for methods to care about the conditions under which they're being called if it's not explicit in their parameters.


Backbone JS - event problems adding multiple Views into same parent container

My code fetches a Collection from the server and iterates through it. For each model fetched it creates a View that is appended to the same parent element. Each of these views has a "click" event that triggers a function.
The problem is that clicking on any item in the list causes the event function to trigger for ALL elements in the list. The only workaround I have is to make the function itself dynamic and try to determine if it should run based on things like the ID of the item clicked:
'click .request_box': function(e) {
var myid = $(e.currentTarget).attr("id");
// code here which determines whether the function runs
This is a workaround, but it is also a hack, and I'm sure there has to be a better way of dealing with what must be a common problem (creating a list). Repeat searching around the web does not suggest any better way, so I am posting in the hope someone with more experience using Backbone can offer suggestions on a better way to approach this problem....
Thank you in advance.

Passing Data vs. Separate Request in AngularJS using ngResource

I'm new to angular and trying to figure out how best to accomplish this.
Say you have set up an ngResource factory to get a bunch of widgets . You return those widgets(GET /api/widgets) and display them on the page in a list.
Now say you can edit those widgets in a dialog box by clicking an edit button next to the object in the list. Is it better practice to pass the individual widget's data (that was already retrieved by the first $resource call) to the edit dialog, or simply pass an ID parameter to the dialog box and have it resolve it's own $resource call using a separate GET /api/widgets/:widgetID call.
The data wouldn't realistically change between loading the list and clicking the edit button, so it doesn't need to be synced to the exact second. Both of these requests would come from the same factory, but the question is if you should store the data and pass it, or execute a separate request.
I don't see a reason to fetch it again, I would just reuse the object.

Backbone view based on model from collection, how to update view?

I am looking for a bit of direction I am still fairly new to Backbone and am currently creating a test application to learn more.
My problem is this, I am populating a backbone view with a underscore template. I load a collection of models, then I find the model I need and populate these values into the template. There can be many pages based on the template so I have a dynamic route that accepts an id.
My problem is I want to add a next feature, that would change the current page and reload the template with the new model.
I have tried a crude method along the lines of :
However this did'nt work, please note newLocation is actually populated with the route and the id I want to navigate to.
I will add some code from my view below, I won't include the full code however if it is needed please ask.
Any help or a push in the right direction would be great.
Thanks in advance
You need to use your router object's navigate method rather than than history's class method, and you need to pass it the option `{trigger: true} in order to invoke the corresponding route function.

Backbone per instance event bindings

I have a view that creates a sub-view per item in the list. Generically let's call them ListView and ListItemView. I have attached an event as follows on ListItemView:
events: {
"click .remove": "removeItem"
I have template-generated html for ListItemView that is approximately like the following (swapped lb/rb for {/} so you can see the "illegal" html):
{div class="entry" data-id="this_list_item_id"}
{div class="meta"}
{a class="remove" href="javascript:;"}[x]{/a}
The problem is, when the click on any of the [x]'s, ALL of the ListItemViews trigger their removeItem function. If I have it go off of this model's id, then I drop all the items on the page. If I have it go off the clicked item's parent's parent element to grab the data-id, I get a delete for EACH ListItemView instance. Is there a way to create an instance-specific event that would only trigger a single removeItem?
If I have ListView hold a single instance of ListItemView and reassign the ListItem model and render for each item in the list it works. I only end up with one action (removeItem) being triggered. The problem is, I have to find the click target's parent's parent to find the data-id attr. Personally, I think the below snippet is rather ugly and want a better way.
var that = $($(;
Any help anyone gives will be greatly appreciated.
It seems like your events hash is on your ListView.
If it is, then you can move the events hash to ListItemView and your removeItem function can be the following
removeItem: function() {
If this isn't the case, can you provide your ListView and ListItemView code so I can look at it.
A wild guess but possible; check that your rendered html is valid. It might be possible that the dom is getting in a tiz due to malformed html

CakePHP dynamic element

I am trying to create a message-board type element in a CakePHP app. This element will be displayed on all pages and views that use a particular layout. I want it to display all the messages in the model, then show the add form when a link is clicked, then return to the updated message list when submitted. All this without affecting the current view/page.
I have my message model/controller/index set up, with a message board element that requests the index action. This works fine. However I am perplexed about how to return back to the original page/action from which the link was clicked. I can't use $this->referer() because that will link back to the add() action; what I want rather is to link to the page/view before that.
Any general pointers on how to achieve something like this?
I would approach this using Ajax, and use an ajax layout.
Then you would be able to setup a full stack for processing this, and pass various things in as parameters into the controller actions.
By using Ajax you will not need to worry about passing in the referrer controller / action pair. You can also use the return from this to update the list by calling out to the MessagesController. The added bonus of this is that you can just switch the layout in your actual controllers, thus not having to write any extra code at all.
In your controller, you can check for Ajax
return $data;
