How to package Tcl libraries in my own program? - package

In my c++ program, I used Tcl library and linked, but the target hosts don't have tcl8.5, so I copied the and tcl8.5 dir which contains init.tcl there, and set the environmet variable TCLLIBPATH to path/to/copied/tcl8.5, but when my program call Tcl_Init, it failed and said “package not known”.
It seems the copied tcl8.5/ cannot be init correctly.
How can I solve this problem?

If you change the location of the script library directory (tcl8.5/ in your case), you need to tell the shared library part of Tcl where it is. You do this using the TCL_LIBRARY environment variable, which if set should contain the absolute path that is the location of that directory (technically, the directory that contains init.tcl).
In a normal installation of Tcl, the correct location of that directory is baked directly into the shared library, but when you move things round (or when you are running Tcl's make test) the environment variable allows you to override.
You might wish to look into alternate packaging mechanisms; there have already been a few questions in the tcl tag on this matter (but the usual favorite — a starkit — is probably not suitable for your case given the fact that the program is mainly C++).


Importing Modules — customized Modules in C

I am currently learning the C programming language and I'm having some issues with importing modules I created.
I created a small module to read with fgets and flush the buffer from stdin perfectly and I don't want to keep writing the code every single time. I just want to import this small module like I used to do in Python. I didn't knew how because I'm not using an IDE. I'm just compiling with gcc in terminal and using a text editor. I tried to search with Google,but in vain.
You should create a header for your module that declares the functions in the module – and any other information that a consumer of the module needs. You might call that header weekly.h, a pun on your name, but you can choose any name you like within reason.
You should create a library (shared or static — that's up to you) that contains the functions (and any global variables, if you're so gauche as to have any) defined by your module. You might call it or libweekly.a — or using the extensions appropriate to your machine (.dylib and .a on macOS, for example). The source files might or might not be weekly.c — if there's more than one function, you'll probably have multiple source files, so they won't all be weekly.c. You should put this code (the header and the source files and their makefile) into a separate source directory.
You should install the header(s) and the library in a well-known location (e.g. $HOME/include for headers and $HOME/lib for the library — or maybe in the corresponding directories under /usr/local), and then ensure that the right options are used when compiling (-I$HOME/include for the headers) or linking (-L$HOME/lib and -lweekly).
Your source code using the module would contain:
#include "weekly.h"
and your code would be available. With shared libraries in $HOME/lib, you would have to ensure that the runtime system knows where to find the library. If you install it in /usr/local, that is done for you already. If you install it in $HOME/lib, you have to investigate things like /etc/ or the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLIB_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, etc.
You need to create a header file (.h) with your function declarations types and extern variables. Then in the program where you want to use those functions include this .h file and and add the compiled .o file (with your functions) to the object file list. And you are done.

File Config, creation and usage in C unix

I'm trying to understand how I can create a ".config" file containing a bunch of parameters to later use to set up the variables in my C project on Unix.
I created my ".config" file using sudo nano test.config and wrote some stuff inside such as:
#N is this
N 10
#p is that
p 0.002
#T is this
T 10
Now that I did that how can I read its content and use it to initialize my variables?
The several answers to this question explain how to parse that config file, but you could use standard parsing techniques (perhaps your own recursive descent parser) or Glib's lexical scanning or key-value pair parser (or use something else). You certainly should define and document (perhaps using EBNF) what is the format of that textual configuration file (and what the various entries there represent: for example, if that configuration file refers to other files, how do you handle spaces in such file paths, etc....). A common (but not universal) convention is to consider as comments so skip any line starting with #.
Another question is how to get that config file while running in an arbitrary working directory. You just need to build the absolute path of your file (for fopen(3) or open(2)), e.g. with
char configpath[100];
snprintf(configpath, sizeof(configpath), "%s/.test.config", getenv("HOME"));
You could test before that getenv("HOME") is not NULL, but in practice that is very unlikely; see environ(7) and getenv(3); and the case when it gives a very long file path is also unlikely; you might test that snprintf(3) returns a count less than sizeof(configpath) or use asprintf(3).
You might use other functions, e.g. glob(3) or wordexp(3) to get that file path (but you probably should stick to snprintf or asprintf with getenv("HOME")...).
You might consider instead embedding some scriptable interpreter like lua or guile in your program (but that is a strong architectural design decision). Then the configuration file becomes some (Turing-complete!) script.
BTW, there is no need to use sudo to edit that configuration file (under your home directory), and you might decide to also read some system-wide configuration under /etc/

Appending data to an executable (Windows, Unix)

I have a program which compiles and runs scripts.
To create a standalone version of the script, I reserve a large static buffer to hold the compiled script. The compiled script is copied into a copy of the program and it can then be run from that copy.
This works fine. It has some disadvantages however:
the buffer is static and takes up space if there's no compiled
program in it.
if the script to be included exceeds the buffer's size, I need to build a new version with a larger buffer.
I'd like to add the compiled script to the end of the program, but naively doing so doesn't work as the exe loader chokes on the new file size.
Is there a way to manipulate the exe so it would be acceptable for the loaders (mind this is a cross platform program)?
would be acceptable for the loaders (mind this is a cross platform program)?
I would think that this is unlikely to be possible without being platform specific. Time for a common interface with different implementations (so the code that saves/loads the script is common, but the executable manipulation is specific).
On Windows you'll hit the problem that a running executable file is locked against modification. By working on copies this can be worked around (but the only way to rename back in a completely deterministic way it is perform the move on boot, but scheduling a job might be acceptable).
On Windows the easiest way to add data to an image (executable or dll) is using resources. Define a custom resource type and add into the image (UpdateResource function) and later retrieve with LoadResource.
You said "script", so I suppose you have a separate file containing the script (a text file?). You could write a simple program that reads the script file and convert it in a compilable form (e.g. a C source containing the initialization of an array of byte). There are also tools you can use to convert an arbitrary file into a linkable object (.o or .obj). In the past I have used the command "objcopy" from GNU bimutils. In particular, on linux:
objcopy -I binary -O elf32-i386 mydata mydata.o
This command creates an object and three public symbols you can use to find the start, the end and the size of your data block:
Something similar may work also on Windows, provided that you install a Windows version of GNU binutils (e.g. cygwin).

Does LoadLibrary parse environment variables such as %windir%

If I do LoadLibrary("%windir%\\system32\\ole32.dll") does that mean Windows will ONLY load from "c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll" ? Also does LoadLibrary() in C understand the environment variable?
as Serge said and carefully tested, LoadLibrary does not do environment variable substitution in path.
however, there is a function in the windows API to replace environment variables in strings: ExpandEnvironmentStrings(). you can perform the required substitution on your path before calling LoadLibrary().
The docs for LoadLibrary clearly state that:
If the string specifies a full path, the function searches only that
path for the module.
That said, they don't mention support for environment variables substitution. I seriously doubt they do support environment variables substitution: That's a shell feature, not a kernel API one.
BTW, that means LoadLibrary() would consider %windir%\blah.dll as a relative path since it doesn't start with a drive letter or a UNC path. Hence it would look through the whole series of directories, looking for a subdir named %windir%, which it's not likely to find!
I gave it a quick test: It confirms my opinion. Error = 126 : The specified module could not be found.

Locating data files in C program built with Autotools

I have a C program built using Autotools. In src/, I define a macro with the path to installed data files:
AM_CPPFLAGS = -DAM_INSTALLDIR='"$(pkgdatadir)"'
The problem is that I need to run make install before I can test the binary (since it needs to be able to find the data files).
I can define another macro with the path of the source tree so the data files can be located without installing:
AM_CPPFLAGS = -DAM_INSTALLDIR='"$(pkgdatadir)"' -DAM_TOPDIR='"$(abs_top_srcdir)"'
Now, I would like the following behavior:
If the binary was installed via make install, use AM_INSTALLDIR to fetch data files.
If the binary was not installed, use AM_TOPDIR to fetch data files.
Is this possible? Is there a better approach to this problem?
What I do (in https:// is:
const char *basedir = getenv("CAINTEOIR_DATADIR");
if (!basedir)
basedir = DATADIR "/" PACKAGE; // e.g. /usr/share/cainteoir-engine
and then run it (in tests/ as:
CAINTEOIR_DATADIR=`pwd`/data src/apps/metadata/metadata test_file.epub
This then allows the user to change the location of where to get the data if they wish.
Making the program able to use a run-time configuration as proposed by reece is a good solution. If for some reason you do not want it to be configurable at run-time, a common solution is to build a test binary differently than the installed binary (there are other problems associated with this, in particular ensuring that the program you are testing has behavior that is consistent with the program that is installed.) An easy way to do that is something like:
bin_PROGRAMS = foo
check_PROGRAMS = test-foo
test_foo_SOURCES = $(foo_SOURCES)
AM_CPPFLAGS = -DINSTALLDIR='"$(pkgdatadir)"'
test_foo_CPPFLAGS = -DINSTALLDIR='"$(abs_top_srcdir)"'
Rather than using a binary with a different name, you might want to have a dedicated tests directory and build the program using the same name as the original.
Note that I've changed the name from AM_INSTALLDIR to INSTALLDIR. Automake reserves names
beginning with "AM_" for its own use, and by using that name you are stomping on Automake's
A bit of additional information first: The data files are under active development, and I have various scripts that need to call binaries using local data files, whereas installed binaries should use stable, installed data files.
My original solution made use of an environment variable, as proposed by reece. But I didn't want to manage setting up environment variables in various places, and I didn't want any risk of the wrong data files being picked up due to a mistake.
So the solution I ended up with was to define macros for both locations at build time, and add a flag (-local) to the binaries to force local data files to be used.
