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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm curious if anyone out there has ever converted the skeleton grid system to have a wider maximum width. 960px is a bit small these days and I'm hoping to get it closer to 1100px.
If anyone has done this before or has any tips for getting started with the change, that would be amazing!
In the skeleton.css file, under the Grid section change
.container {
max-width: 960px;
.container {
max-width: 1200px;
or whatever size you prefer. This is the simplest solution and worked for my situation.
Two options:
1200px (Nicolas Poliquin, last updated May 2013)
1280px (Ian Yates, June 2012, also includes fluid option with no nesting)
They both simply extend the bog standard 960 grid with another set of CSS for the larger browser size.
Personally I might go with 1200 as it shares the same factors as 960 and satisfies my OCD :)
Here's some food for thought on fluid layouts.
There is a sass version that allows you to choose the container width, number of columns, break points and columns margin.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a use case that I want to use to help independent creators talk about their interests on Twitter using their experiences.
It goes like this:
You have an interest you want to talk about Entrepreneurship
You have an experience like Pain
Is there a way for an AI (like GPT) to generate prompts that uses these two words to create a list of open-ended questions that provoke thoughts such as these:
If entrepreneurship wasn't painful, what would it look like?
What do you know about entrepreneurship that is painful that starters should know?
How can you lower the barrier to entrepreneurship so that it's a less painful opportunity for a person to take?
If so, how will it work, and what do I need to do?
I've explored Open AI's documentation on GPT-3, I'm unclear if it solves this problem of generating prompts.
You should provide some samples so that the GPT-3 can see the pattern and produce a sensible response from your prompt.
For example, see the following screenshot from your case. Note that the bold text is my prompt. The regular text is the response from GPT-3. In that example, I was "priming" the GPT-3 with relevant pattern: First line, the general description, then the Topics, followed by Questions. This should be enough for booting up your ideas and customizations.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a way to define multiple options (to serve as an internal overview / guide) when using PropTypes, as a companion for defaultProps?
I usually just add comments to serve as an overview of the possible options, but is there a better way?
E.g. when I have a button that can take different size (props) arguments such as standard, large, subtle, fitToContent, ...
As a sidenote / side question — I want / need to learn TypeScript, is this something that can be done with TS?
In TypeScript there is something called literal types it's mean that it's will strict you to output you want like the example #konekoy show in the comment
size: "standard" | "large" | " subtle" | etc.
I recommend you start learning TypeScript it's not that hard
and another bonus with TypeScript the IDE works with it perfectly and can make much better IntelliSense.
there will be a little difference between React with js and ts but it's really minor
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Closed 3 years ago.
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So I'm currently learning OpenGL, and while working through some of the tutorials, I've noticed that most of them create multiple buffer-array-objects (BAO) for the vertex-positions, normal-vectors and uv-coordinates. But there is also the option to just create a single BAO, where each element includes all the necessary information about a single vector. So what's the "good" or rather "recommended" way of doing things? Create multiple ones or just a single one?
From Buffer Object - OpenGL Wiki (recommended reading):
Buffer Object Usage
Buffer objects are general purpose memory storage blocks allocated by OpenGL. They are intended to be used in a great many ways. To give the implementation great flexibility in exactly what a particular buffer object's data store will be, so as to better optimize performance, the user is required to give usage hints. These provide a general description as to how exactly the user will be using the buffer object.
BO's are shared between the client and the server (in OpenGL terms). How many of them you should use, is entirely up to you. Your instincts seem to be good however. You should never optimize before you just get it working. But after you've had some experience with OpenGL, you'll probably find there are use cases, where a little early optimization can save you a lot of refactoring later on.
I can't help you much with where to draw those lines, but I would say that you should think first, about what and when you intend to render as execution progresses.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to handle dynamically changing ID's on refresh?
It's very common question but i would like to answer this question.
If id's are dynamic the you can go with any other locator techniques which ever is suitable in case of your app.
e.g. Name , className.
Mostly use of advance css or Xpath should work in your case. but you need to find unique set of properties / attribute values to locate.
Keep this in mind - just ignore on the part which is changing...focus on the part which is not changing and try to use that in any locator you choose.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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How many watchers or scope variable can be kept in a page without affecting its performance of the page loading. Whether there is any limit for the scopes which used in terms of number or memory size?
I think it's more about what you watch and not how many watchers. I mean, an extremely heavy object / Array of objects watcher could affect performance while ten string watchers wouldn't.
I had a huge formController object in $scope.form being watched in my application which would change as we move through tabs (all tabs containing such forms). That watcher was consuming 7.x% of total computing when measured in chrome devtools with timeline.
So, coming back to your question, I don't think there can be a precise answer to that. Maybe your interviewer intended to see whether you know that there isn't a specific limit that only x number of watchers are allowed and it's more about what you are watching.
You can have as many watchers as you want.
There is no finite numbers of watchers, if you register 1000 watchers those will all work, if you register 10000 watchers, they will still all work.
I know some blogs mention 2500 watchers being the number after which performance will start degrading. I have never tested this, but I try to keep my watcher count as low as possible anyways.
In my current project which I joined half way through certain pages have around 3.5k watchers and the page works just fine.
All that being said, having too many watchers WILL affect performance.
There is realy not an answer to this question. The biggest part that affects performance is what you do when the watchers are triggered. If you have logic calculations which loops through large arrays etc then a single watch may demand more then 1000+ simple watchers all together.