Is multithreading supported in embedded Keil C? - c

I am developing an embedded application in LM3S6965 evaluation board using Keil C compiler. Is there any option for creating multithreaded embedded application?

You might want to check out FreeRTOS. It's a pretty simple and light-weight OS that will give you multithreading.
There are lots of other light-weight OSes too.

Multi-threading is not an intrinsic part of C, so is not provided by the compiler at all, but rather by libraries. In that respect, multi-threading can be implemented using any C compiler; it is more a case of choosing (or writing) a suitable library.
Many RTOS kernels exist for ARM Cortex-M, but the the Keil MDK-ARM includes the RTX real-time OS library which supports multi-threading.
The uVision IDE explicitly has an option to include the RTX library, and the debugger has a rudimentary level of kernel awareness. RTX itself is fairly primitive, but suited to small projects, and all of Keil's other middle-ware such as TCP/IP, USB, CAN and filesystem work with it directly.


Do you have to build a new compiler for a new operating system?

I would like to build an OS some time in the future, and now thinking of some light sketches on how it would be. I have pretty much been coding in C compiled for the Windows environment (and some little Java). I would have to recompile any of my C programs should I want to run it under Linux. So the binaries, the product of compilation, must be different for each operating system. If I design a totally new OS from scratch, for both hobby and academic purpose, without using the Linux kernel or any known base code of an OS, what I understand as to happen is that I cannot compile my C programs with GCC since my OS will not be among its target systems. Here my question written on the title emerges. Thanks in advance for any hints.
It depends. You could easily choose to re-use an existing compiler, such as the immemorial example GCC, and thus you would reap the benefits of an existing compiler. But there are some big provisos that must be cleared up.
Regards of whether or not you choose to build a new compiler, the challenge will remain in porting a C library. You technically can use C without a standard library (which is what the Linux kernel, or any self-hosted example for that matter, has to do, for example) but this is a ridiculous proposition for programs intended to run under an operating system, as most systems impose memory restrictions, etc, meaning that you cannot just have carte blanche in terms of using memory. Thusly, a C library call such as malloc is required.
Since any programs under your kernel (99% of your OS in all likelihood) will need a set of functions to link against, porting a C library is your biggest task. The C library is a huge monolith, and writing your own would be rather silly, especially with many implementations already available, the most well known being GCC's. So, the question you really should be asking is, do you want to write my own version of libc? (The answer is almost always no, and most alternative implementations are for niche use cases.) Plus, if you want to make your OS POSIX-compliant, then you'll have to implement more functions, adding to the hassle.
Whether you write your own compiler for your OS is a minor detail compared to which C library will be included with it. You can always use your own compiler with an already-written implementation of the C library.
My advice to your rather opinion-based question: no. Port an existing compiler such as GCC or clang, and then use that. Plus, that has several advantages:
Compatibility with existing tools and toolchains
A familiar program (no need for your users to learn how to use a new compiler)
They're open source - and in spite of that, you'd be insane to go at it alone. Heck, even Apple integrated two already existing compilers - GCC and clang - into their toolchains rather than do it themselves, and they're a billion-dollar company.
Take a look at this page. It demonstrates how to port GCC to your OS using Newlib as your C library.
No, you can just port an existing compiler. You can even choose an existing executable format, such as ELF, and use your standard GCC + GNU Binutils toolchain. You will need to port the standard library and C runtime, and you will need to write an ELF loader into your operating system.
I suspect the majority of the work will be in porting the C library.
A search turned up this page: Porting GCC to your OS
(1) No, you usually don't have to write your own compiler. Writing a good optimizing compiler can be actually big task which I would better avoid.
But in order to enable writing applications for your OS in some higher level language you will either need to provide
some (2.1) API emulation layer (so that code written and compiled for other OS can be run on your OS)
or you'll have to (2.2) port some existing compiler to your OS
or at least make your OS a new available (2.3) target platform in an existing compiler
or some other option I don't know about
The choices are multiple each with its own pros/cons.
Some examples (other then the obvious GCC already mentioned by #dietrich-epp, #sevenbits) to help you decide which way you want to follow:
(3.1) Free Pascal (see compiler can be extended with another target platform
Free Pascal is a 32,64 and 16 bit professional Pascal compiler. It can target multiple processor architectures: Intel x86, AMD64/x86-64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, SPARC, and ARM. Supported operating systems include Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku, Mac OS X/iOS/Darwin, DOS, Win32, Win64, WinCE, OS/2, MorphOS, Nintendo GBA, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Wii. Additionally, JVM, MIPS (big and little endian variants), i8086 and Motorola 68k architecture targets are available in the development versions
(3.2) Inferno Operating System (see has its own application language (see Limbo) with OS specific words, own compiler etc. Applications run in virtual machine (see Dis)
Inferno® is a compact operating system designed for building distributed and networked systems on a wide variety of devices and platforms. With many advanced and unique features, Inferno puts an unrivalled set of tools into your hands...Inferno can run as a user application on top of an existing operating system or as a stand alone operating system...
(3.3) Squeak (see is a self contained OS with graphics and everything. It uses Smalltalk-80 as the language. Compiler included, applications run in virtual machine (see Cog VM). The VM could be emitted as portable C code and then ported to a bare-bone hardware.
Squeak is a modern, open source, full-featured implementation of the powerful Smalltalk programming language and environment. Squeak is highly-portable, running on almost any platform you could name and you can really truly write once run anywhere. Squeak is the vehicle for a wide range of projects from multimedia applications and educational platforms to commercial web application development...
(3.4) MenuetOS (see is 64bit OS written in assembly language. Flat Assembler (see FASM) compiler which can emit native binaries was ported to the OS including OS API and is included in basic installation. Later on C library was also ported
MenuetOS is an Operating System in development for the PC written entirely in 32/64 bit assembly language...supports 32/64 bit x86 assembly programming for smaller, faster and less resource hungry applications...Menuet isn't based on other operating system nor has it roots within UNIX or the POSIX standards. The design goal, since the first release in year 2000, has been to remove the extra layers between different parts of an OS, which normally complicate programming and create bugs...
(3.5) Google's Android OS (see Wikipedia: Android (operating system)) ported Java Virtual Machine (see Dalvik later replaced by Android Runtime) and provided OS APIs for the Java programming language, reusing existing compilers and IDEs just consuming the produced binaries
Android Runtime (ART) is an application runtime environment used by the Android mobile operating system. ART replaces Dalvik, which is the process virtual machine originally used by Android, and performs transformation of the application's bytecode into native instructions that are later executed by the device's runtime environment...
There are many more useful examples available. Whether you have to or don't have to basically depends on the programming paradigm your new OS will introduce. Why you want to build it and how will it differ from the existing ones.
Examples for no are: (3.1), (3.4), (3.5)
Examples for yes are: (3.2), (3.3)

Concurrent programing in plain C - Windows / Linux

I have a function, lets say, callMe(args). I would like to be able to call my function 100 times in the same time (concurrent programing). My function is written in plain C. I want to make it concurrent for Windows and Linux.
Is there any built in support for this in standard C library? Or can you provide some advices, how should I do this in Linux/Windows?
Is pthread good for Linux environments for this?
You can't write a concurrent program in pure standard C99. Concurrent programming is not in standard C99; it requires some operating system specific libraries. However, the latest C11 standard (which has very few implementations today, February 2014 - I know none!) is beginning to add support for threads. On Linux systems I would suggest today to stick to pthreads.
You could use a cross-platform library (like glib from GTK) to ease porting between Windows and Linux. On Linux, it is wrapping pthreads.
I don't know Windows, but Glib -and GTK for GUI applications- is rumored to enable source-compatible coding between Windows & Linux
If your computation is embarrassingly data parallel (like some matrix numerical computations are), consider also OpenCL (notably because it can run on GPGPUs) or OpenMP. If it fits in a message passing paradigm, consider MPI
OpenCL, OpenMP, MPI are rumored to enable source-compatible coding for Linux and for Windows.
In C++11 (which is a different language than C) you have thread support, and the GCC 4.8.2 compiler is supporting them quite well. And Qt or Poco or Boost is a cross-platform C++ library, notably wrapping concurrent primitives.
Whatever concurrent mechanism you are using, beware of synchronization issues.
You always have synchronization with concurrency, at least to wait for the results of each concurrent or parallel sub-computation
You have to use different functions for different platforms.
Its similar like different browsers uses different kind of css property names.
So for linux/mac you can use pthread
And for windows you use CreateThread

What are the limits of C on microcontrollers without operating systems?

I've never programmed a microcontroller. I've been playing around with Arduino and have discovered that the programming language is just C, with boilerplate code dynamically generated by the IDE. So: what can't I do in C/C++ on Arduino/microcontroller without an operating system versus C on Linux/Windows? Should any program that uses nothing but the standard library work? Or are there limits on specialized functions like malloc/free and setjmp/longjmp?
I ask because I want to compile and use an encryption library like openssl or crypto++ an Arduino Due (with a 32 bit arm processor).
There are no limits, except those that are imposed by your compiler. Clearly you cannot make "operating system calls" when you don't have an "operating system", but as long as somebody wrote a library that provides the functionality you need, there are indeed "no limits". Encryption - done. Malloc - easy. TCP/IP - got it. Lots of Arduino libraries. It's fun. Go for it.
Some helpful information at

How to start ARM programming in linux?

I was using PIC micro controller for my projects. Now I would like to move to ARM based Controllers. I would like to start ARM using Linux (using C). But I have no idea how to start using Linux. Which compiler is best, what all things I need to study like a lot of confusions. Can you guys help me on that? My projects usually includes UART, IIC, LCD and such things. I am not using any RTOS. Can you guys help me?
Sorry for my bad English
Once you put a heavyweight OS like Linux on a device, the level of abstraction from the hardware it provides makes it largely irrelevant what the chip is. If you want to learn something about ARM specifically, using Linux is a way of avoiding exactly that!
Morover the jump from PIC to ARM + Linux is huge. Linux does not get out of bed for less that 4Mb or RAM and considerably more non-volatile storage - and that is a bare minimum. ARM chips cover a broad spectrum, with low-end parts not even capable of supporting Linux. To make Linux worthwhile you need an ARM part with MMU support, which excludes a large range of ARM7 and Cortex-M parts.
There are plenty of smaller operating systems for ARM that will allow you to perform efficient (and hard real-time) scheduling and IPC with a very small footprint. They range form simple scheduling kernels such as FreeRTOS to more complete operating systems with standard device support and networking such as eCOS. Even if you use a simple scheduler, there are plenty of libraries available to support networking, filesystems, USB etc.
The answer to your question about compiler is almost certainly GCC - thet is the compiler Linux is built with. You will need a cross-compiler to build the kernel itself, but if you do have an ARM platform with sufficient resource, once you have Linux running on it, your target can host a compiler natively.
If you truly want to use Linux on ARM against all my advice, then the lowest cost, least effort approach to doing so is perhaps to use a Raspberry Pi. It is an ARM11 based board that runs Linux out of the box, is increasingly widely supported, and can be overclocked to 900MHz
You can also try using the Beagle Bone development board. To start with it has few features like UART I2C and others also u can give a try developing the device driver modules for the hardware.
ARM Linux compilers and build toolchains are provided by many vendors. Below are your options which I know of:
1.ARM themselves in form of their product DS-5 ;
2.Codesourcery now acquired by Mentor graphics. See some instructions to obtain & install, codesourcery toolchain for ARM linux here
3.To first start programming using ARM (C , assembly ) I find this Windows-Cygwin version of ARM linux tool chain very helpfull. Here. These are prebuilt executables which work under Cygwin(A Posix shell layer) on Windows.
4.Another option would be to cross compile gcc/g++ toolchain on Linux for ARM target of your choice. Search and web will have information about how it is done. But this could be a slightly mroe involved and long-winding process.
enjoy ARM'ing.
First, you should question yourself if you really need to program assembly language, most modern compilers are hard to beat when it comes to generating optimized code.
Then if you decide you really need it, you can make life easier for your self by using inline assembler, and let the compiler write the glue code for you, as shown in this wikipedia article.
Then the compiler to use: For free compilers there are practically only two choices: either gcc or clang.
There is also a non free toolchain from arm which when i last tried, 5 years ago, produced about 30% faster code than gcc at the time. I have not used it since.
The latest version of this compiler can be found here
You can also write standalone assembler code in .s files, both gcc and clang can compile .s into .o in the same way you would compile a .c or .cpp file.
If you are using a STM32 based microcontroller you need to get CMSIS and GNU arm-non-eabi-gcc package installed. Then you need to write your own makefile to pass your c codes into arm gcc compiler.
For the programming step you need to install openocd and configure that for your specific programmer. You can find a full description on how to do that on my blog and in my GitHub repository.
I'm using vim with CTags but you can use gEdit with the Shortcut plugin if you need a simpler text editor.

Do we have a thread library that is compatible with Turbo C?

Currently I am developing a program for academic purpose. We use Turbo C because we are requesting for interrupt directly with the hardware.
We can do anything for our project, and I've already chosen a topic. The thing is I think I really need 2 threads in my program. Are there any thread libraries that are compatible with Turbo C in this case?
We use Turbo C because we are
requesting for interrupt directly with
the hardware
Many Windows programs interact directly with the hardware without being written in a DOS environment in Turbo C. Take a look at the WDK for more information about this.
