csparse error while solving sparse system of equations - c

I have a task in which I have to solve a system of linear equations Ax =B, where A is a sparse matrix of the order of 10000. I am using csparse to solve it. In my initial implementation, for demo purposes A is 3*3 order identity matrix and B ={1,2,3}. Below is the code snippet, which is returning 0 in the status which means there is some error in my implementation. What is that I am doing wrong ?
cs A;
int N = 3;
double b[]={1,2,3};
double data[]={1,1,1};
int columnIndices[]={0,1,2};
int rowIndices[]={0,1,2};
A.nzmax =3;
A.m = N;
A.n = N;
A.p = &columnIndices[0];
A.i = &rowIndices[0];
A.x = &data[0];
A.nz = 3;
int status = cs_cholsol(0,&A,&b[0]);
NSLog(#"status=%d",status); // status always returns 0, which means error

You have to convert your input matrix to CSC. The solver functions check for the matrix format and return 0 if it's coordinate form.
Btw. with a similar example I couldn't get "cholsol" to work, but "lsolve" works fine (after conversion to CSC).

Matrix A above is in matrix tripplet form. First we need to convert it to compressed column format (B) and then apply the cs_chsol function to get the results.
// Convert matrix tripplet to column compressed form
cs *B = cs_compress(&A);
int status = cs_cholsol(0,&B,&b[0]);
I implemented it in my program and everything is running perfectly fine now.


How to implement a C code for getting proportional output current(mA) values with % of lever opening as the input?

I have a lever/joystick that can be pulled manually, which gives a value range between (0 to 250) depending on the percentage of how much it has been pulled. This serves as my input to the C code. The C code should give a proportional value of current as the output in the range of 0 to 2000 mA. For eg.: 0 pull of joystick gives 0mA current, 250(max) pull of joystick gives 2000mA current as output, and the between values porportionally. I am unable to figure out how to design such a code in C. I was thinking maybe the code should use an equation y=mx+c, for getting continuous proportional outputs for the real time inputs. Please can someone help me with this?
Given the input and output ranges, this code calculates the scaling factor (m) and offset (c) for a linear equation that can calculate a proportional output from an input. This code works even when the minimum range is nonzero.
You may need to adjust the variable types and for rounding issues to suit the needs of your application.
int const input_min = 0;
int const input_max = 250;
int const output_min = 0;
int const output_max = 2000;
float scaling_factor_m = (float)(output_max - output_min) / (input_max - input_min);
float offset_c = (output_min - (input_min * scaling_factor_m));
int input_value_x = InputGetValue(); // From ADC or whatever
int output_value_y = (int)((input_value_x * scaling_factor_m) + offset_c);

Is there a point in transforming Sparse Matrix Multiplication into block form?

In an assignment for a parallel computing class we have been assigned to program Sparse Binary Matrix-Matrix multiplication (SpGEMM) in C. Julia has a relatively easy to follow implementation based on Gustavson's algorithm that works great.
Thing is we also need to do the multiplication in block form, which I already did, but I don't really see any speedup in doing so. From what I understand you're supposed to use
the result of A(i,k)*B(k,j), where (i,j) are coordinates in the block matrix, as a mask/filter for the next block multiplication in the sum C(i,j) = Σ( A(i,k)*B(k,j) ).
Julia's implementation though, which I followed, already has a dense boolean array when computing each row that acts as a "flag" for when not to add something again in the resulting matrix.
My question is, is there any merit in turning this into block matrix multiplication or is there something that I might be doing wrong myself.
Keep in mind my C code currently runs in half the time Matlab takes in multiplying a 5,000,000 x 5,000,000 sparse matrix. The blocked version, which I really tried to optimize and I'm also doing in the Gustavson order, gets slower and slower the smaller the block-size is set.
Here is my current code
//C=D+(A*B) (basically OR)
bool SpGEMM_dor(int *Acol, int *Arow, int An,
int *Bcol, int *Brow, int Bm,
int **Ccol, int *Crow, int *Csize,//output
int *Dcol, int *Drow)//previous
int nnzcum=0;
bool *xb = calloc(An,sizeof(bool)); //boolean flag
for(int i=0; i<An; i++){
int nnzpv = nnzcum;//nnz of previous row;
Crow[i] = nnzcum;
if(nnzcum + An > *Csize){ //make sure theres enough space
*Csize += MAX(An, *Csize/4);
*Ccol = realloc(*Ccol,*Csize*sizeof(int));
//add previous row items in order to exist in the next block
for(int jj=Drow[i]; jj<Drow[i+1]; jj++){
int j = Dcol[jj];
xb[j] = true;
(*Ccol)[nnzcum] = j;
//add new row items
for(int jj=Arow[i]; jj<Arow[i+1]; jj++){
int j = Acol[jj];
for(int kp=Brow[j]; kp<Brow[j+1]; kp++){
int k = Bcol[kp];
xb[k] = true;
(*Ccol)[nnzcum] = k;
if(nnzcum > nnzpv){
for(int p=nnzpv; p<nnzcum; p++){
xb[ (*Ccol)[p] ] = false;
Crow[An] = nnzcum;
return Crow[An];
The part of code that I have inside of the ----OR---- section only happens in the block version in order to add the previous block to the now-calculating one. It basically does C = D+(A*B). I've also tried calculating the next block and then merging the 2 sorted arrays of each row of the 2 CSR matrices, which seems to be slower. Also all matrices are in CSR format.

Eigen QR decomposition results differs from two methods

I try to use QR decomposition using Eigen, but the results get from the following tow methods is different, please help me to find out the error!
// Initialize the sparse matrix
A.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());
//Dense matrix method
MatrixXd MatrixA = A;
HouseholderQR<MatrixXd> qr(MatrixA);
MatrixXd Rr = qr.matrixQR().triangularView<Upper>();
//Sparse matrix method
SparseQR < SparseMatrix < double >, COLAMDOrdering< int > > qr;
SparseMatrix<double, RowMajor> Rr = qr.matrixR();
This is because SparseQR performs column reordering to both reduce fill-in and achieve a nearly rank-revealing decomposition, similar to ColPivHouseholderQR. More precisely, HouseholderQR computes: A = Q*R, whereas SparseQR computes: A*P = Q*R. So it is expected that the two R triangular factors are different.

GSL eigenvalues order

I am using the functions gsl_eigen_nonsymm and/or gsl_eigen_symm from the GSL library to find the eigenvalues of an L x L matrix M[i][j] which is also a function of time t = 1,....,N so i have M[i][j][t] to get the eigenvalues for every t i allocate an L x L matrix E[i][j] = M[i][j][t] and diagonalize it for every t.
The problem is that the program gives the eigenvalues at different order after some iteration. For example (L = 3) if at t = 0 i get eigen[t = 0] = {l1,l2,l3}(0) at t = 1 i may get eigen[t = 1] = {l3,l2,l1}(1) while i need to always have {l1,l2,l3}(t)
To be more concrete: consider the matrix M (t) ) = {{0,t,t},{t,0,2t},{t,t,0}} the eigenvalues will always be (approximatevly) l1 = -1.3 t , l2 = -t , l3 = 2.3 t When i tried to diagonalize it (with the code below) i got several times a swap in the result of the eigenvalues. Is there a way to prevent it? I can't just sort them by magnitude i need them to be always in the same order (whatever it is) a priori. (the code below is just an example to elucidate my problem)
EDIT: I can't just sort them because a priori I don't know their value nor if they reliably have a structure like l1<l2<l3 at every time due to statistical fluctuations, that's why i wanted to know if there is a way to make the algorithm behave always in the same way so that the order of the eigenvalues is always the same or if there is some trick to make it happen.
Just to be clearer I'll try to re-describe the toy problem I presented here. We have a matrix that depends on time, I, maybe naively, expected to just get lambda_1(t).....lambda_N(t), instead what I see is that the algorithm often swaps the eigenvalues at different times, so if at t = 1 I've got ( lambda_1,lambda_2,lambda_3 )(1) at time t = 2 (lambda_2,lambda_1,lambda_3)(2) so if for instance I wanted to see how lambda_1 evolves in time I can't because the algorithm mixes the eigenvalues at different times. The program below is just an analytical-toy example of my problem: The eigenvalues of the matrix below are l1 = -1.3 t , l2 = -t , l3 = 2.3 t but the program may give me as an output(-1.3,-1,2.3)(1), (-2,-2.6,4.6)(2), etc As previously stated, I was wondering then if there is a way to make the program order the eigenvalues always in the same way despite of their actual numerical value, so that i always get the (l1,l2,l3) combination. I hope it is more clear now, please tell me if it is not.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_sort_vector.h>
main() {
int L = 3, i, j, t;
int N = 10;
double M[L][L][N];
gsl_matrix *E = gsl_matrix_alloc(L, L);
gsl_vector_complex *eigen = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(L);
gsl_eigen_nonsymm_workspace * w = gsl_eigen_nonsymm_alloc(L);
for(t = 1; t <= N; t++) {
M[0][0][t-1] = 0;
M[0][1][t-1] = t;
M[0][2][t-1] = t;
M[1][0][t-1] = t;
M[1][1][t-1] = 0;
M[1][2][t-1] = 2.0 * t;
M[2][1][t-1] = t;
M[2][0][t-1] = t;
M[2][2][t-1] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < L; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < L; j++) {
gsl_matrix_set(E, i, j, M[i][j][t - 1]);
gsl_eigen_nonsymm(E, eigen, w); /*diagonalize E which is M at t fixed*/
printf("#%d\n\n", t);
for(i = 0; i < L; i++) {
printf("%d\t%lf\n", i, GSL_REAL(gsl_vector_complex_get(eigen, i)))
Your question makes zero sense. Eigenvalues do not have any inherent order to them. It sounds to me like you want to define eigenvalues of M_t something akin to L_1(M_t),..., L_n(M_t) and then track how they change in time. Assuming your process driving M_t is continuous, then so will your eigenvalues be. In other words they will not significantly change when you make small changes to M_t. So if you define an ordering by enforcing L_1 < L_2... < L_n, then this ordering will not change for small changes in t. When you have two eigenvalues cross, you'll need to make a decision about how to assign changes. If you have "random fluctuations" which are larger than the typical distance between your eigenvalues, then this becomes essentially impossible.
Here's another way of tracking eigenvectors, which might prove better. To do this, suppose that your eigenvectors are v_i, with components v_ij . What you do is first "normalize" your eigenvectors such that v_i1 is nonnegative, i.e. just flip the sign of each eigenvector appropriately. This will define an ordering on your eigenvalues through an ordering on v_i1, the first component of each eigenvector. This way you can still keep track of eigenvalues that cross over each other. However if your eigenvectors cross on the first component, you're in trouble.
I don't think you can do what you want. As t changes the output changes.
My original answer mentioned ordering on the pointers but looking at the data structure it won't help. When the eigenvalues have been computed the values are stored in E. You can see them as follows.
gsl_eigen_nonsymm(E, eigen, w);
double *mdata = (double*)E->data;
printf("mdata[%i] \t%lf\n", 0, mdata[0]);
printf("mdata[%i] \t%lf\n", 4, mdata[4]);
printf("mdata[%i] \t%lf\n", 8, mdata[8]);
The following code is how the the data in the eigenvector is layed out...
double *data = (double*)eigen->data;
for(i = 0; i < L; i++) {
printf("%d n \t%zu\n", i, eigen->size);
printf("%d \t%lf\n", i, GSL_REAL(gsl_vector_complex_get(eigen, i)));
printf("%d r \t%lf\n", i, data[0]);
printf("%d i \t%lf\n", i, data[1]);
printf("%d r \t%lf\n", i, data[2]);
printf("%d i \t%lf\n", i, data[3]);
printf("%d r \t%lf\n", i, data[4]);
printf("%d i \t%lf\n", i, data[5]);
If, and you can check this when you see the order change, the order of the data in mdata changes AND the order in data changes then the algorithm does not have a fixed order ie you cannot do what you're asking it to do. If the order does not change in mdata and it changes in data then you have a solution but I really doubt that will be the case.
According to the docs, those functions return unordered:
This function computes the eigenvalues of the real symmetric matrix A. Additional workspace of the appropriate size must be provided in w. The diagonal and lower triangular part of A are destroyed during the computation, but the strict upper triangular part is not referenced. The eigenvalues are stored in the vector eval and are unordered.
Even the functions that return ordered results, do so by simple ascending/descending magnitude:
This function simultaneously sorts the eigenvalues stored in the vector eval and the corresponding real eigenvectors stored in the columns of the matrix evec into ascending or descending order according to the value of the parameter sort_type as shown above.
If you're looking for the time evolution of the eigenvalues, just do like you have been doing and solve for the time-dependent representations, e.g.:
For your simple time-as-scalar example,
l1 = -1.3 t , l2 = -t , l3 = 2.3 t
You literally have a parameterization of all possible solutions and because you've assigned them identifiers ln you don't run into the issue of degeneracy. Even if any M[i][j] are nonlinear functions of t, it shouldn't matter because the system itself is linear and solutions are computed purely by the characteristic equation (which will hold t constant while solving for lambda).

store data in array from loop in matlab

I want to store data coming from for-loops in an array. How can I do that?
sample output:
for x=1:100
for y=1:100
Diff(x,y) = B(x,y)-C(x,y);
if (Diff(x,y) ~= 0)
% I want to store these values of coordinates in array
% and find x-max,x-min,y-max,y-min
Can anybody please tell me how can i do that. Thanks
So you want lists of the x and y (or row and column) coordinates at which B and C are different. I assume B and C are matrices. First, you should vectorize your code to get rid of the loops, and second, use the find() function:
Diff = B - C; % vectorized, loops over indices automatically
[list_x, list_y] = find(Diff~=0);
% finds the row and column indices at which Diff~=0 is true
Or, even shorter,
[list_x, list_y] = find(B~=C);
Remember that the first index in matlab is the row of the matrix, and the second index is the column; if you tried to visualize your matrices B or C or Diff by using imagesc, say, what you're calling the X coordinate would actually be displayed in the vertical direction, and what you're calling the Y coordinate would be displayed in the horizontal direction. To be a little more clear, you could say instead
[list_rows, list_cols] = find(B~=C);
To then find the maximum and minimum, use
maxrow = max(list_rows);
minrow = min(list_rows);
and likewise for list_cols.
If B(x,y) and C(x,y) are functions that accept matrix input, then instead of the double-for loop you can do
[x,y] = meshgrid(1:100);
Diff = B(x,y)-C(x,y);
mins = min(Diff);
maxs = max(Diff);
min_x = mins(1); min_y = mins(2);
max_x = maxs(1); max_y = maxs(2);
If B and C are just matrices holding data, then you can do
Diff = B-C;
But really, I need more detail before I can answer this completely.
So: are B and C functions, matrices? You want to find min_x, max_x, but in the example you give that's just 1 and 100, respectively, so...what do you mean?
