I am using atk4 Form in my application. I want to show a text field on clicking 'Y' option in a radio field. Is there any build in function to set condition or need jquery script to achieve this ?
Yes, here is the demo-site for older, 3.9 version of Agile Toolkit. The javascript functionality should be compatible with 4.2, but be careful.
I am using Sencha Architect 4.3 (Beta), sdk 7.4. Modern.
I have an Ext.form.Panel named TimesheetEntry written in the Architect.
Here is a fiddle of TimesheetEntry as generated by Sencha Architect and lightly modified to run in Fiddle
You can see that adding config.fee_earner_user_id does not result in a getter. The best I can do is to use win.getConfig('fee_earner_user_id');
My question is: how to specify in the Architect that fee_earner_user_id is a config property that should have a getter generated for it?
In SA, enter fee_earner_user_id in the box where you would normally search for config options. To the right of that box will be a button you can click to add it as a config option.
After it is added you can also change its type, i.e. string, object, etc.
As far as I can see this.getView().getConfig('fee_earner_user_id') is the only way when using the Architect.
I have a check box in my application and UFT is identifying it as an "Image Object" and I am not able to click or Set "ON" or "OFF" anything on it.
My application is developed in EXT JS 4.2, Only for this checkbox I am facing this issue....for all others I got the webCheckButton.
What can be done please help.
JS toolkits sometime render different HTML from what you would expect, usually this is done for improved visual effects. It may be that ExJS puts an image over the checkbox in order to make it look nicer (I'm not familiar with it).
In any case UFT comes with a built in ExJS web extensibility which may solve your problem. You can install this by running the special Web2.0 installation under UFT's installations sub-folder.
Easy way to do this is using UFT image based identification feature
I'm creating a setup for my application. The application consists of a main application and an AddIn to Outlook. I wish, that the user is able to select by checkbox, if Outlook AddIn should be installed.
My problem is, I don't want to show/enable that checkbox if outlook is not installed.
How can I achieve this? Can I somehow show install dialog conditionally, base on some code, where I would check if Outlook is installed? Or can I disable this checkbox base on some code?
Please help,
thanks a lot!
First, to identify if Outlook is installed you need to define a search in the MSI package.
Then, to show a dialog based on a condition you need to edit the published events for a couple of buttons (Back and Next) from the surrounding dialogs.
To show a control conditionally on a dialog you need to use a control condition.
All of this is not possible to do in a VS Setup Project. I would recommend switching to WiX (http://wix.sourceforge.net/) if you are looking for an a better free alternative, this can integrate with VS too. I would switch from VS Setup project and because Microsoft decided to stop including it in VS 2012, so then you will be forced to stop using it.
If you don't want to go to WiX right now, the only way to do what you need in VS is to add a post-build event that alters the MSI tables and inserts the changes you want, i.e. the search, control condition, etc...
I am new to QooDoo, Now i am developing a web application in QooxDoo and PHP, This application has multiple forms.
It'll very use full if qooxdoo has a "auto complete" feature in its form elements like TextField, ComboBox, SelectBox etc..
Is there is any library avaliable to implement auto-completion in qooxdoo ?
Thanks in advance.
The qooxdoo framework and the qooxdoo contributions do not offer such a feature. But using a combobox and data binding give you good tools to implement that yourself.
link to ComboTable
I read in the dojo trac from 3 years ago a concern that dojo combobox needs to implement option groups. I am using version 1.3.2 and my combo is failing. Are the option groups still not supported after all this time?
There doesn't seem to be a way to use optgroups in the combobox widget. That ticket was closed and no new one was ever opened. There is also not really a way the data could be represented consistently in dojo.data either. It would be possible to create a custom solution to this by editing the dijit though, just manage the optgroups in the way that makes sense for your application.
You could consider using dijit-select-optgroup if you are willing to use a Select alike widget.
dijit-select-optgroup is basically a custom version of dijit/form/Select which includes grouping of options (similar to html <select> element with <optgroup>).
More info:
Live demo:
Disclaim: I own this repo :).