Sencha Architect not creating getter for config variable - extjs

I am using Sencha Architect 4.3 (Beta), sdk 7.4. Modern.
I have an Ext.form.Panel named TimesheetEntry written in the Architect.
Here is a fiddle of TimesheetEntry as generated by Sencha Architect and lightly modified to run in Fiddle
You can see that adding config.fee_earner_user_id does not result in a getter. The best I can do is to use win.getConfig('fee_earner_user_id');
My question is: how to specify in the Architect that fee_earner_user_id is a config property that should have a getter generated for it?

In SA, enter fee_earner_user_id in the box where you would normally search for config options. To the right of that box will be a button you can click to add it as a config option.
After it is added you can also change its type, i.e. string, object, etc.

As far as I can see this.getView().getConfig('fee_earner_user_id') is the only way when using the Architect.


Sencha Architect not reflect with changes

I'm using Sencha Architect to building Sencha Touch application.
The Architect not reflect code changes in it. It don't ask me something like "This file has been modified by another program....Do you want to reload it"
Does archtiect support this function ? How to enable it ?
No, architect does not support this feature. All the changes you do to your source code must be done inside Sencha Architect.
Even if you try to edit the files, the first comment lines say:
* This file will be auto-generated each and everytime you save your project.
* Do NOT hand edit this file.
The reason for that is when you make changes to your code, Architect also changes a structure in it's meta folder so all the components and properties show up in the right places with the right seetings. Editing this by hand may break this functionality leaving your project broken and unable to be loaded inside Architect.

Sencha Architect 3 - in my model how do I set mappings in the Fields

Sencha Architect 3, in my model, how do I set mappings in the Fields ( so that I can extract data from my nested JSON??
There seems to be no way I can see to do this within Architect.
It seems my only way around this is to edit the .js outside of Architect which I do not want to do in case I screw up the metadata files.
Hmm, there is the mapping config option for fields in Architect 3. See the screenshot.

Auto suggest Implementation in sencha

can you please tell me how to implement auto suggest in sencha .I googled it and found two or three solution .But all solution auto suggest using web service ,But i have array of data ,from this data(example names ) i want to use this array in autosuggest .can you modified this link so as i can use this.
i found these links
take a look at this example "Custom Search Fields "
TypeAhead is build-in ExtJS combobox. You can hide the trigger and it will look like a textbox with autosuggest.
Look at this page for a good tutorial on how to customize your combobox.
Take a look at my blog, it may be helpful to you. Sencha touch 2 auto complete.

Silverlight tool kit accordion problem

I have installed silverlight 4 toolkit. It was told that there i can find accordion by just using toolkit:Accordion. But in my tool box i dont see the Accordion or when i manually write the code it gives me error and says that accordion is not found.
Some one please give me some best link where i can go through all available controls and use them.
Thanks in advance.
Try using NuGet to install the toolkit. It will add all the required references and their dependencies.
You can look at the sample code for the Controls Browser to compare what namespaces are being referenced.

Still no OPTGROUP?

I read in the dojo trac from 3 years ago a concern that dojo combobox needs to implement option groups. I am using version 1.3.2 and my combo is failing. Are the option groups still not supported after all this time?
There doesn't seem to be a way to use optgroups in the combobox widget. That ticket was closed and no new one was ever opened. There is also not really a way the data could be represented consistently in either. It would be possible to create a custom solution to this by editing the dijit though, just manage the optgroups in the way that makes sense for your application.
You could consider using dijit-select-optgroup if you are willing to use a Select alike widget.
dijit-select-optgroup is basically a custom version of dijit/form/Select which includes grouping of options (similar to html <select> element with <optgroup>).
More info:
Live demo:
Disclaim: I own this repo :).
