Silverlight tool kit accordion problem - silverlight

I have installed silverlight 4 toolkit. It was told that there i can find accordion by just using toolkit:Accordion. But in my tool box i dont see the Accordion or when i manually write the code it gives me error and says that accordion is not found.
Some one please give me some best link where i can go through all available controls and use them.
Thanks in advance.

Try using NuGet to install the toolkit. It will add all the required references and their dependencies.
You can look at the sample code for the Controls Browser to compare what namespaces are being referenced.


Create a MahApps.Metro custom dialog and displaying it - Step by step howto please

using VS 2013 and MahApps. I want to create a simple totally custion dialog, and am lost.
I would like to use XAML, but only code is also OK. The examples and documentations are very limited. Anyone can walk me through this?
There's already an answer from MahApps author.
He suggested to replace the dialog template with a style.
Also, there's a SimpleChildWindow project that he's supporting. It's not totally custom but surely simple.

Loading Module B on clicking command button from another Module A in Prism 4.0 using WPF and MEF

I'm working on an application using Prism 4.0, WPF and MEF framework. We've different modules in the application and all the modules are dynamically loading on demand in a tab control.
Now the problem is in module to module communication. Lets take an example, I've a module say Module A which is showing some information of Module B. I've a Project No. field of module B in module A. I'm displaying this Project No. field in Module A along with a NEW Command button and EDIT Command button. Now I want to open Module B in tab control when user clicked the New or Edit command button of Module A.
I'm not able to figure out how to do this. I've tried different solutions but didn't get any success so far.
Could you please explain how to do this using a sample application in Prism 4.0, WPF and MEF framework.
I'm waiting for your replies.
Sumeet Sharma
If you provide what you've tried so far, we can help in code or teaching specific ideas. To get you started on some code, please review Developer's Guide to Microsoft Prism: Navigation and also Prism v4 Region Navigation Pipeline to get you started. You can also find many examples already out there for the concept you're trying to accomplish here on StackOverflow, at Codeplex and at MSDN.

Coded UI Test for DevExpress Controls does not work

I am going to start work on new project in which i am using DevExpress controls with winform applicaiton.
I want to do Coded UI test for winforms application and DevExpress controls.
I have VS 2010 Ultimate and DevExpress Controls 12.2 version(latest version).
In one of my example, i have created winform with GridControl of DevExpress.XtraGrid. when i create Coded UI test for this Grid Control, It's not working.
I mean it does not support it.
Can anyone give me solution/example/tutorial to do Coded UI for DevExpress controls in winforms.
Thanks !!
Refer: DevExpress Releases DXperience 12.1 with Coded UI Support and this.
Here you will get few videos that help you to understand about grid control and others also.
You can also go through Coded UI Test Extension for 3rd party
controls - the basics explained article of MSDN and documentation Verifying Code by Using Coded User Interface Tests.
More References:
DevExpress 2012 GridControl Coded-ui-tests issue
Ok for starters, ditch VS2010 and upgrade to VS2013 (Including latest update). If you don't do this - stop reading.
Next thing is versioning
To get reliable record and playback you will need to have the exact same version of DevExpess installed on your VS2013 Premium development box that your application under test uses.
So for example, if your app under test uses DevExpress 14.1.8 - INSTALL THAT VERSION in your coded ui dev environment. If you don't get the versioning exactly right - then it simply won't work.
Once you have that setup, create a new coded ui test project, and you should automatically get a DevExpress coded ui extension dll added.
Now fire up your application under test. Inside Visual Studio you will most likely get a sample test method, after creating the project. Set focus somewhere inside the test method, and then start the coded ui recorder. Now you should be able to identify controls and interact with them using the recorder. Save your actions / control identifications off to the UI map using the Generate Code in the recorder.
This should give you a good place to start with. If you really want my help, then you can send me a PM and I can share a lot of information that is beyond the scope of this. I'm on skype too and have made a lot of progress in the time I've spent specifically testing DevExpress based WinForms.
I can also share with you some helpful wrapped controls that wrap stuff like DXGrid to make your life tons easier.

Connect UserControlLibrary to WPF application by code

I have a project called "Buta".It is like a little operation system.And apps of my project must be in UserControlLibrary and I must attach it with code.When I click button, my usercontrol must be found in path and must be added to my project.That is all.
You're trying to build a plugin based architecture for your application? Then you might take a look at MEF. You can find more information at and an overview at

Unable to drag and drop telerik components on windows forms

I am trying to drag and drop Telerik RadGridView on my windows form. But instead of showing on the form(in designer view), it shows the control just below the designer i.e. the area where some of the controls like DataSet, Binding Source, FileDialog controls are shown when added to the form from the toolbox.
The same problem happens for any rad control like RadButton, RadLabel etc. I can work on the control by using the controls added to the form, but the problem is that in case of some controls like RadGridView, the smart tag is not available that makes a lot of things easier.
I think I am missing something, so that I am unable to drag-drop the controls. Can any one help me out?
Can also be caused by a version mismatch. I had the latest version installed but code base referenced previous version (specifically 2011 Q2).
An uninstall of latest and install of 20011.Q2 fixed it for me.
This is caused by missing design time assembly in your GAC. Uninstall the all telerik controls from your computer, reinstall them and then update your project references. This should solve the problem.
More info at this link.
you must ReInstall your telerik product then open your project and reload your toolbox.
this sometime happen like you update your visual studio or you install a new package of telerik.
