Prism and Ribbon: Crossing regions with commands - wpf

I am building a composite WPF application with Prism and using the Ribbon Library. One thing I am having a very difficult time with is with region-crossing commands.
For example, I have my ribbon in my 'RibbonRegion' and a grid view in my 'MainRegion'. Lets say I want a button in my ribbon to pop up a message box with the currently selected item in the grid view, how do I do this?
The easy way is using EventAggregator but I fear that if I have a bunch of subscribers hooked up just for button clicks I am just asking for memory leak issues.
Is there a way to have a cross-region command, so that clicking a button in my 'RibbonRegion' will get the selected item in the grid view and pop up a message box with that value?

You can use a System.Windows.Input.RoutedUICommand
First you need to declare your Command as below:
public static class Commands
public static readonly RoutedUICommand TestCommand = new RoutedUICommand("Test Command",
"Test Command", typeof(Commands));
Then in your RibbonRegion xaml:
<my:RibbonButton Command="{x:Static cmd:Commands.TestCommand}" ...
Then in your MainRegion xaml:
<CommandBinding CanExecute="OnTestCanExecute"
Command="{x:Static cmd:Commands.TestCommand}"
Executed="OnTestExecute" />
Then in your xaml.cs:
public void OnTestRouteCanExecute(object sender, System.Windows.Input.CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = true;
public void OnTestRouteExecute(object sender, System.Windows.Input.ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
// do some stuff here


Binding Button.IsEnabled to position of current in CollectionView

I am trying to bind the IsEnabled property of a button to properties of the window's CollectionViewSource. I am doing this to implement First/Previous/Next/Last buttons and want the First and Previous to be disabled when the view is on the first item etc.
I have the collection view source set up, UI controls binding to it correctly, with access to its view in code so the click event handlers work fine in navigating through the view.
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvMain" />
The DockPanel is the root element of the window
<DockPanel DataContext="{StaticResource cvMain}">
FoJobs is an observable collection, cvJobs is a CollectionView that I use in the button's click handler
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
((CollectionViewSource)Resources["cvMain"]).Source = FoJobs;
cvJobs = (CollectionView)((CollectionViewSource)Resources["cvMain"]).View;
I have tried this but get a binding error "BindingExpression path error: '' property not found on 'object' ''ListCollectionView'"
<Button Name="cbFirst" Click="cbMove_Click" IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvMain}, Converter={StaticResource CurrPos2BoolConverter}}" />
I am trying to do with a converter first but figure a style with triggers would be more efficient, but cant get access to the collection view. Even though the underlying datacontext is set to a collection view source, the binding is passed to the converter as the view's source (if I dont explicity set the binding's Source, as above), which has no currency properties (CurrentPosition, Count etc).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Why don't you use a RoutedCommand for this(even if you don't use MVVM that is)?
say something like:
<Button x:Name="nextButton"
Command="{x:Static local:MainWindow.nextButtonCommand}"
Content="Next Button" />
and in your code-behind:
public static RoutedCommand nextButtonCommand = new RoutedCommand();
public MainWindow() {
CommandBinding customCommandBinding = new CommandBinding(
nextButtonCommand, ExecuteNextButton, CanExecuteNextButton);
nextButton.CommandBindings.Add(customCommandBinding); // You can attach it to a top level element if you wish say the window itself
private void CanExecuteNextButton(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) {
e.CanExecute = /* Set to true or false based on if you want button enabled or not */
private void ExecuteNextButton(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) {
/* Move code from your next button click handler in here */
You can also apply one of the suggestions from Explicitly raise CanExecuteChanged() to manually re-evaluate Button.isEnabled state.
This way your encapsulating logic relating to the button in one area.

How to bind an item command in user conrol to viewmodel command?

I have an UserControl. In my UserControl i have a button that I want bind its command to my ViewModel command. Can I do this?
Yes, you could add a routed event to your user control which gets invoked when the button is pressed.
You can then use various techniques to invoke the view model verb when the user control event fires.
E.g. you could use an attached property, or I would recommend using an MVVM framework such as Caliburn.Micro which has Actions that makes it even more straightforward.
I found it...I can define a DependensyProperty typof RelayCommand in my usercontrol and bind my DependensyProperty to my ViewModel Command
I'm not really sure what you mean but I take a shot.
In your code behind, define a RoutedCommand:
public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
public static RoutedCommand Click =
new RoutedCommand("Click", typeof(UserControl));
Then it the xaml, set up a command binding:
Command="{x:Static MyNameSpace:MyUserControl.Click}"
Then add the handlers in the code behind:
private void ClickCanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = true;
private void ClickExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
// TODO execution logic goes here
Was I close? :)

Galasoft RelayCommand not firing

I am using the MVVM Light framework to build a SL4 application. My simple app is composed primarily by a single main view (shellView), which is divided into multiple UserControls. They are just a convenient separation of the UI, therefore they don't have their own ViewModel.
The ShellView contains a Keypad (custom usercontrol) that contains multiple KeypadButtons (custom usercontrols).
I am quite sure (because I've checked) that the DataContext is set properly and it is used by all usercontrols in the hierarchy. (ShellView's Datacontext is ShellViewModel, Keypad's DataContext is ShellViewModel, etc.).
In the ShellViewModel I have a ICommand (RelayCommand) that is named "ProcessKey".
In the Keypad control, I have something like:
<controls:KeypadButton x:Name="testBtn" Text="Hello">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<GalaSoft_MvvmLight_Command:EventToCommand Command="{Binding PressStandardKeyCommand}" />
The KeypadButton is basically a Grid that contains a Button. The MouseLeftButtonUp event is caught and a custom "Click" event is fired. Let me show you some code to explain easily what I am doing:
public partial class KeypadButton : UserControl
public delegate void KeypadButtonClickHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e);
public event KeypadButtonClickHandler Click;
public KeypadButton()
// Required to initialize variables
private void innerButton_Click(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (Click != null)
Click(sender, new KeypadButtonEventArgs());
public class KeypadButtonEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs
public string test { get; set; }
Now, if I set a breakpoint to the body of innerButton_Click, I can see the Click is properly caught and it contains points to the RelayCommand. However, nothing happens: "Click(sender, new KeypadButtonEventArgs());" is executed but nothing more.
Why is this behaving so? Shouldnt execute the target function that is defined in the RelayCommand? Is maybe a scope-related issue?
Thanks in advance,
As noted by other comments, this is probably related to the Click event not being a RoutedEvent.
As a quick hack you might be able to use MouseLeftButtonDown instead of the Click event on your UserControl.
<!-- Kinda Hacky Click Interception -->
<controls:KeypadButton x:Name="testBtn" Text="Hello">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseLeftButtonDown">
<GalaSoft_MvvmLight_Command:EventToCommand Command="{Binding PressStandardKeyCommand}" />
Another option you could consider is inheriting from Button instead of UserControl. Silverlight Show has an article about inheriting from a TextBox that probably is relevant for this.
Routed events should be defined like this (see documentation):
public static readonly RoutedEvent TapEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
"Tap", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(MyButtonSimple));
// Provide CLR accessors for the event
public event RoutedEventHandler Tap
add { AddHandler(TapEvent, value); }
remove { RemoveHandler(TapEvent, value); }

How to bind Close command to a button

The easiest way is to implement ButtonClick event handler and invoke Window.Close() method, but how doing this through a Command binding?
All it takes is a bit of XAML...
<Window x:Class="WCSamples.Window1"
<CommandBinding Command="ApplicationCommands.Close"
<StackPanel Name="MainStackPanel">
<Button Command="ApplicationCommands.Close"
Content="Close Window" />
And a bit of C#...
private void CloseCommandHandler(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
(adapted from this MSDN article)
Actually, it is possible without C# code. The key is to use interactions:
<Button Content="Close">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<ei:CallMethodAction TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=window}" MethodName="Close"/>
In order for this to work, just set the x:Name of your window to "window", and add these two namespaces:
This requires that you add the Expression Blend SDK DLL to your project, specifically Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.
In case you don't have Blend, the SDK can be downloaded here.
I think that in real world scenarios a simple click handler is probably better than over-complicated command-based systems but you can do something like that:
using RelayCommand from this article
public class MyCommands
public static readonly ICommand CloseCommand =
new RelayCommand( o => ((Window)o).Close() );
<Button Content="Close Window"
Command="{X:Static local:MyCommands.CloseCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}"/>
If the window was shown with Window.ShowDialog():
The simplest solution that I know of is to set the IsCancel property to true of the close Button:
<Button Content="Close" IsCancel="True" />
No bindings needed, WPF will do that for you automatically!
This properties provide an easy way of saying these are the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons on a dialog. It also binds the ESC key to the button.
Reference: MSDN Button.IsCancel property.
For .NET 4.5 SystemCommands class will do the trick (.NET 4.0 users can use WPF Shell Extension google - Microsoft.Windows.Shell or Nicholas Solution).
<CommandBinding Command="{x:Static SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand}"
Executed="CloseWindow_Exec" />
<!-- Binding Close Command to the button control -->
<Button ToolTip="Close Window" Content="Close" Command="{x:Static SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand}"/>
In the Code Behind you can implement the handlers like this:
private void CloseWindow_CanExec(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = true;
private void CloseWindow_Exec(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
In the beginning I was also having a bit of trouble figuring out how this works so I wanted to post a better explanation of what is actually going on.
According to my research the best way to handle things like this is using the Command Bindings. What happens is a "Message" is broadcast to everything in the program. So what you have to do is use the CommandBinding. What this essentially does is say "When you hear this Message do this".
So in the Question the User is trying to Close the Window. The first thing we need to do is setup our Functions that will be called when the SystemCommand.CloseWindowCommand is broadcast. Optionally you can assign a Function that determines if the Command should be executed. An example would be closing a Form and checking if the User has saved.
MainWindow.xaml.cs (Or other Code-Behind)
void CloseApp( object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e ) {
/*** Code to check for State before Closing ***/
void CloseAppCanExecute( object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e ) {
/*** Logic to Determine if it is safe to Close the Window ***/
e.CanExecute = true;
Now we need to setup the "Connection" between the SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand and the CloseApp and CloseAppCanExecute
MainWindow.xaml (Or anything that implements CommandBindings)
<CommandBinding Command="SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand"
You can omit the CanExecute if you know that the Command should be able to always be executed Save might be a good example depending on the Application. Here is a Example:
<CommandBinding Command="SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand"
Finally you need to tell the UIElement to send out the CloseWindowCommand.
<Button Command="SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand">
Its actually a very simple thing to do, just setup the link between the Command and the actual Function to Execute then tell the Control to send out the Command to the rest of your program saying "Ok everyone run your Functions for the Command CloseWindowCommand".
This is actually a very nice way of handing this because, you can reuse the Executed Function all over without having a wrapper like you would with say WinForms (using a ClickEvent and calling a function within the Event Function) like:
protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e){
/*** Function to Execute ***/
In WPF you attach the Function to a Command and tell the UIElement to execute the Function attached to the Command instead.
I hope this clears things up...
One option that I've found to work is to set this function up as a Behavior.
The Behavior:
public class WindowCloseBehavior : Behavior<Window>
public bool Close
get { return (bool) GetValue(CloseTriggerProperty); }
set { SetValue(CloseTriggerProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty CloseTriggerProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Close", typeof(bool), typeof(WindowCloseBehavior),
new PropertyMetadata(false, OnCloseTriggerChanged));
private static void OnCloseTriggerChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var behavior = d as WindowCloseBehavior;
if (behavior != null)
private void OnCloseTriggerChanged()
// when closetrigger is true, close the window
if (this.Close)
On the XAML Window, you set up a reference to it and bind the Behavior's Close property to a Boolean "Close" property on your ViewModel:
<behavior:WindowCloseBehavior Close="{Binding Close}" />
So, from the View assign an ICommand to change the Close property on the ViewModel which is bound to the Behavior's Close property. When the PropertyChanged event is fired the Behavior fires the OnCloseTriggerChanged event and closes the AssociatedObject... which is the Window.

Need help handling events of a DataTemplate in the Application.xaml file

I have in my application a data template that has a few buttons.
I want those buttons' even handler to be fired in the current page (I am using this template in many pages) rather than in the Application.xaml.vb/cs file, since I want different actions on each page.
I hope I am clear.
You can use commanding to achieve this. Have the Buttons in the DataTemplate execute specific Commands:
<Button Command="{x:Static MyCommands.SomeCommand}"/>
Then have each view that uses that DataTemplate handle the Command:
<CommandBinding Command="{x:Static MyCommands.SomeCommand}"
EDIT after comments: Once you have created a code-behind for your ResourceDictionary as per these instructions, you can simply connect events in the usual fashion:
In MyResources.xaml:
<ListBox x:Key="myListBoxResource" ItemSelected="_listBox_ItemSelected"/>
Then in MyResources.xaml.cs:
private void _listBox_ItemSelected(object sender, EventArgs e)
If you use events and not commands, then in your Click event handler just write
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var dataItem = (FrameworkElement)sender).DataContext;
// process dataItem
