mobile app with friend group - mobile

I want to create two flavors of a mobile app.
In Full version, the user can invite friends to join his group and then once the friend accepts the invite, the friend will be able to download the lighter flavor of the app.
In the future, the Full version app user can send notifications to the friends and friends can reply back.
There has to be some services that have already made this inviting friends and creating friend groups. I looked up couple of platforms - Buddy ( and (
Any other recommendations on how to easily go about making this kind of app?
I prefer making this app in HTML5 (maybe using PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile) to make it cross platform.

In my own experience:
JQM & PG work well (enough) for some kind of apps.
Sencha is painful to use.
For notifications, use Urban Airship.
I could give more advice, but you didn't say what your app will do.

Using Buddy Services for accomplishing the task


How to implement Authorization for Admin Application in react

I know normally I have to ask questions about specific code problems. But I need advice to get started at all. I was thinking about making a webapplication with react the application is a admin controll pannel things like, employee costs, orders and so on for a family business. For the authentication part I wanted to keep it simple and do it with google but before doing that, I wanted to ask the experienced developers here if that makes any sense or if I should use Jhipster/Keycloak.
Benefits of google would be I think it is easier to implement and the security part would be handled by google but what could be possible problems? I hope someone could give me a good advice.
with regards
Using Keycloak/JHipster would probably be overkill for a simple family business application.
I would rather use simpler authentication types offered by JHipster that do not require external applications like session. An alternative would be to use provided Okta integration, this way you get a ready-to-go solution.
If you want to use Google, then you'll have to use spring-security-oauth2-client and build your own solution on top of Spring Boot or adapt JHipster generated app if you still want to use JHipster.
Also, do you have decided of where you want to deploy your app? Your cloud provider could offer a good integrated solution for authentication.

is it possible to use data from a website that i don't really have access to for my cordova/phonegap app

I'm in the process of making an app for my assessment at uni using cordova/phonegap and was just wondering if its possible for me to use data from a my unis ecom website for my app without having any back-end access to it, so like images/prices/descriptions...synced to my app?
yes it is certainly possible, because Cordova means working via Javascript and a HTML5 Rendering Engine. It is with some reservations entirely possible to load data from an webserver and use it in an App.
The only thing is to ask, whether it is also a smart-choice. If you want your app not to break when the data from the website gets changed (see )
Also the server can somewhat prevent access of data from contextes outside of the webpage, especially if TSL/HTTPS connection is offered and content is only available after authentication.
Yet anyway its the magic of Javascript to be very good in doing things with web/online resources and displaying HTML5. Cordova and PHonegap is hence imo much better than the very challenging JAVA-Dalvik and IOs native programming that one would have to use else
Likely not,
Google and Apple frowns on using apps as wrappers for websites.
Quote Google Developer Program Policies - Spam and Placement in the Store
Do not post an app where the primary functionality is to:
Drive affiliate traffic to a website or
Provide a webview of a website not owned or administered by you (unless you have permission from the website owner/administrator to do so)
Quote Apple iTunes Guidelines - 2.12
Apps that are not very useful, unique, are simply web sites bundled as Apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected

Salesforce Timecard entry API

I am planning to develop a salesforce mobile application for my company, which allows employees to enter their timecards on their go, I'm aware there are already few other apps by salesforce, available to do the same but I want to rebuilt it again for various reasons. Kindly let me know, if this is feasible? If feasible, kindly let me know the salesforce API which has to be used for doing the same.
The above said requirement is completely feasible. I have implemented it.Some salesforce objects required for achieving it are pse__timcardheader__c, pse__timecard__c and few Rest APIs like process/action are required. Posting the answer for the benefit of others.

What payment gateways work well on appengine?

Well, I've been building some free apps on top of appengine, but now I want to start charging money. My question is:
What is the best way to collect payments from users. Do certain services (paypal, google checkout, etc) work better/worse with AppEngine's library restrictions? Are there any good examples or tutorials to help me learn how to do this?
You can do this any way you want, really - and there's nothing App Engine specific about it. For example, you could use Google Checkout or Paypal, and charge users on any basis you want.
Also just something to point out about the implementation, a simple boolean property on your user object should allow you to easily turn functions in your app on and off, depending on which tier your user has paid for.
Checkout or Both are billing solution SaaS apps. http based api's and easy to use. I use
If you plan to sell business apps you could integrate with the Google Apps Marketplace which uses Google Checkout for billing.

Google App Engine: Share data between users

Is it possible to make invitations to share/view data similar to Google Docs?
Definitely: GAE is a platform, a canvas for what you want to build. Document access management is entirely up to you, but of course you'll have access to some APIs to facilitate your life (e.g. Google Accounts integration).
Of course it is. You can create virtually any kind of web application that you want with AppEngine. It doesn't come with anything built-in to do this other than an API for sending emails, but you can certainly code up this functionality.
