Salesforce Picklist order - salesforce

In salesforce, I need to create multi-select picklist field in Account. But as per my use case, I need to mark FIRST selected item from picklist as default.
Can we set the order of selected items from picklist?
If not how we can set as one of the value as FIRST from selected picklist items?
Any ponter will be appreciated.

While creating Multi picklist on Account Object make sure you
checked this checkbox.
first value as default value


How to create global picklist from a custom object. (salesforce)

I have a custom object location contain id and name only. Is there any trick to create multi picklist from this object?
You can create Multi-Select PickList in the In your custom object :
If you want the pickList value available in other objects also then You can create a Global Pick List: Click on Setup Type PickList value set in Search Box and Choose it Create new Pick List value.
If you are in Salesforce Classic GO to Setup Search for Object the click on it it will open List of your custom object choose your custom object then select In Fields and Relationships Click New choose New Field as Multi-Select PickList. Specify the name In the PickList Value Choose from Global Pick List or You can specify its value.
You can create a multi-select picklist just like any other field:
Salesforce Classic -> Setup -> Create -> Objects -> MyObject -> Fields and Relationships -> New Field

How to programatically disable options in ui-select angularjs

I have two ui-select in my view. I want to disable some values in second ui-select with respect to first. That means when I change values to first, some of the values in second that are related to selected item in first, would be disabled.
If this is database-driven, is there a field which relates the data so as to be able to dynamically check values (e.g., types > subtypes)? If so, you can use ng-if="" to selectively load select items.
You would need some sort of relationship between the values to be able to programmatically (dynamically) perform the task. Otherwise, you'd have to manually do it.

Oracle Apex Checkbox checked on load

There is a checkbox in my Oracle Apex page. When page load, this checkbox should be checked by default.
I have followed instruction on How to set Oracle Apex Checkbox default value and use Before Footer as Computation Point and Item Value as Computation Type. But it's not working for me.
How can I achieve this ?
Example Columns Attributes:
Display As: Simple Checkbox
List of values definition: Y,N
Default: 'Y'
Mileage will vary depending on APEX version. That seems the long way - why not set the Default Value attribute of the item?
Is the item associated with a database column?

AngularJs: How to detect which option caused the change event?

I have a multiple select control and I want to be able to prevent the selection of multiple items within a group. Here's the code:
<select multiple="multiple"
data-ng-options="item.value as item.text group by for item in dlgData.itemList">
This is a multiple select control so dlgData.selItem will potentially contain an array of selected items.
I want to limit the selection to one item per group, thus, in the change event I want to check to see if the user has added a second item from a previously selected group, i.e. check to see if dlgData.selItem contains values from the same group,
Question: How do I determine the item that caused the change event?
For single select dropdowns I would just check the model but in this case the model (dlgData.selItem) contains all items that have been selected so I don't know which item was the last to be added (which is the one I want to remove).
Initially I was using a Directive - but had the same problem.

Removing None Option in PickList visualforce apex

i have created an object with name PS_Detail__c .in this custom object i created a custom field .in this picklist i defined two values Dollar ,Unit.
when i go to P/S Detail Tab for creating a new PS_Detail__c object then i get None also as a value in picklist field .i want only Dollar and Unit as Picklist values .some one please help how to remove this None from Picklist !!
As you have discovered, you cannot make this picklist required at the object level. However, making this field required on the page layout will remove the -None- option from the available options.
To do this, edit the page layout on your object and select the wrench icon next to your field:
Then, you should be able to check the "Required" box in the dialogue box that pops up:
