Deploy GAE server through a deploy script without using App launcher - google-app-engine

Is there a way I can deploy the GAE server without using the GAE launcher. I would like to deploy my application through terminal/command line.

The tool is called or for java.
See or


How to run GoogleAppEngineLauncher in terminal window(Google cloud SDK shell)?

Google no longer support the GoogleAppEngineLauncher program.
When I installed GoogleAppEngine I just got Google Cloud SDK shell. I want to add a project to GoogleAppEngine to run and deploy.
I got these links and cant understand
Local Development Server
Deploying the Application
How to do it both locally and online ?
"Quickstart for Windows" is a good starting point for new users of Cloud SDK.
In order to deploy and run a GAE application with the Cloud SDK you have to use shell/command prompt, as opposed to GoogleAppEngineLauncher where you had a GUI. The steps are:
Open the shell
In the shell change the current directory to where your project's app.yaml. is. For example: CD C:\Users\AQueue\Projects\MyGAEApplication and check that app.yaml file is there using dir command.
run gcloud app deploy
This should be it.
gcloud is one of the most important tools in the SDK that allows to interact with many products and services from Google Cloud Platform. If you want to read more about gcloud you can start with this overview.

How can I create a development server for an app on Google App Engine (Flexible environment)?

I am trying to set up a development server on a Google Compute Engine VM that is as close as possible to the App Engine Flexible environment deployment of the Wordpress installation built through this tutorial.
This guides you through on how to:
Get the source
2. /php-docs-samples/wordpress
Install the dependencies
3. composer install
Setup the App
4. php wordpress-helper.php setup
Deploy the App
5. gcloud app deploy
Is it possible to find the Dockerfile equivalent of the App Engine deployment,
or generate an image of the app's instance that can be deployed to a VM instance?
You can pull the docker image for the deployed app with the following command (replace VERSION and SERVICE).
gcloud docker -- pull $(gcloud --format='value(deployment.container.image)' app versions describe VERSION --service SERVICE)
It's a little dusty, but you can try the App Engine Flex emulator I put together :)

Laravel FatalErrorException on Google App Engine

I am deploying an laravel application in Google app engine. I have installed SDK and python. I can deploy it online, but when run application localy by using this command from cmd:
python --skip_sdk_update_check=yes --port=8080
--admin_port=8000 --php_executable_path=C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\php-cgi.exe C:\laravel-master
It shows the following error:
PHP Startup: apc_fcntl_create: could not open C:\Windows\.apc.a02796
I really need to run it locally because I can't test it online. Pls I need some help
This is the cache having problems to send write file commands to your Windows SO. A workaround to this is to locally disable APC by adding:
apc.enabled = "0"
Do your SDK php.ini file.
But it's better to keep it enabled in your GAE application.

Deploy Google App Engine backend from Android Studio

Is it possible to deploy a Google App Engine backend module in Android Studio as a Google App Engine project (on Google's servers)? In eclipse this was possible with the plugin, but now I don't see how to do this or found someone else doing this.
If you want to see what's under the hood of gradle:
gradlew tasks
If you want only the .war file
gradlew war
Will do the job:
gradlew appengineUpdate
You can do this from UI itself. Go to
Build -> Deploy Module to App Engine
If you are deploying this for the 1st time then you will have to sign in to your google account by using add account button.

Jaikuengine running locally on Windows with Google App Engine SDK

Has anyone succeeded in getting an instance of jaikuengine running locally on Windows using the Google App Engine SDK and the latest jaikuengine SVN code?
just got it upp and running - easy as a breeze...
Python 2.54, Latest svn, GAE SDK and docutils.. that's all..
