SharePoint embed of Silverlight app breaking ControlTemplates - silverlight

Strange problem here, I have a page with 4 ControlTemplates declared in the page resources. In the code for the page, I declare a reference to each of these ControlTemplates so that I can use them in binding. This works fine Out-Of-Browser, and In-Browser, except when it is running in the Silverlight Web Part in SharePoint. In SharePoint, the buttons that I want templated are shown as just normal buttons with the class as the text instead of the special layout and content I define in the template. Any idea why it would work everywhere but in SharePoint?

While I am not sure what caused the null reference only while being ran in SharePoint, I refactored my code to make the ItemsControl.ItemsSource reference a property instead of a single assignment of a List<> to it. Now it is working just like it should.
Helpful in figuring this out was the ability to attach Visual Studio to the Internet Explorer (didn't work so well for Chrome) process that was running the Silverlight Web Part. This is found in Visual Studio by going to the Tools menu > Attach to Process. Which IE process it is will be obvious as it will have Silverlight in the Type column.


Best Starting Point for WPF Revit Add in

I am wanting to rewrite one of my Revit Add ins so that it utilizes WPF with MVVM because I like the look and functionality of WPF better than Windows Forms.
I have used the Revit Template Wizzard from Jeremy Tammik for the Form based add in, but adding a WPF user control seems not to work (a run time error that the xaml resource cannot be found).
I found a WPF MVVM revit add in example (AddMaterials, here is the github link, which will add materials from an Excel spreadsheet) but it does not follow what I am expecting to see at the top level.
Revit Add ins have an app.cs file which tells Revit how to register and access the DLL (ribbon panel buttons etc).
A windows WPF app will have app.xaml as the top level entry point.
The Add Materials project has neither which tells me that it must be
a class library, however the views are not using UserControls
rather they are Windows which I prefer. However Visual Studio does not
let you add a Window for a Class Library type project.
The third issue is easily solved by simply copying windows from a WPF application project into a class library project. But I don't really understand how the class library will instantiate in Revit without following the app.cs code from the template. Is anyone else creating add-ins this way, and if so can you let me in on any tricks or discussions that will help? Has anyone created a WPF Revit addin template for Visual Studio?
When I add a WPF window and try to instantiate it I get an error that it cannot find the xaml resource (System.IO.IOException: Cannot locate resource 'xxxx.xaml'). I have tried to fix this according to advice found when googling for this error, but to no avail. I am thinking it comes from being in a form based project, and that I may have to just start with a new project without the form stuff.
I have now verified that indeed you can start with the Revit AddIn Wizzard and use WPF . . . I started from scratch and copied in a window created in another project and got it to run (after adding the various references, namespaces, etc). So my problem seems to just be with the original project which already had a bunch of form stuff added.
Yes, I'm using WPF to create Revit Addins. It works well. You can easily create your own WPF template from the SDK samples:
Start with one of the Autodesk-provided SDK samples. I used the "DockableDialogs" sample. I know this one works, your mileage may vary with the others. If you're looking for windows rather than docked panes in the UI, another sample (perhaps the AddMaterials sample) is probably simpler.
I used Visual Studio to turn the sample into a template. File - Export Template -> select "DockableDialogs" or other WPF sample project.
Create a new project based on the template you just created. This was the easiest method I could find to get the WPF internal bits wired up correctly.
I'm not specifically familiar with the AddMaterials project, but to clarify your bullet points.
Revit Addins - It's not the file name (app.cs) but rather they must extend IExternalApplication or IExternalCommand. If you are creating a xaml interface (rather than just running a command from a ribbon button) you'll use 'IExternalApplication' as your entry point. Look for something like this in the sample:
public class ThisApplication : IExternalApplication ...
I don't used a top level app.xaml, but instead have page.xaml pages which are called by the Revit app. In my case these are Pages rather than Windows, which extend the IDockablePaneProvider class. These must be registered with the application which can then can be show, hide, etc your Panes. I imagine this is simpler with Windows, but haven't done it myself. For the dockable panes, your xaml.cs should start out something like:
public partial class MainPage : Page, Autodesk.Revit.UI.IDockablePaneProvider ...
Yes, the project is a class library in the sense that it is a collection of classes, at least one of which extends IExternalApplication or IExternalCommand. Remember that you're not creating a standalone application, but adding functionality to an existing Windows application (Revit). Revit will instantiate the ThisApplication class and then call its .OnStartup() method when the Revit application starts. This shouldn't stop you from adding .xaml or .cs files to the project, though. I can do it using VS Community 2015 using Ctrl-Shift-A.
Hopefully this gets you started - I've been able to implement a WPF UI in Revit without any prior WPF experience, and I'm not even a real programmer, so it's definitely possible. Good Luck!
If you want to add WPF elements to an existing revit addin, you can follow the instructions here: How can I connect xaml and xaml.cs files
Ultimately I found it easier to migrate my addin code into a template made from a working sample, you may want to try this approach as well.

Using ActiveX control in WPF

I'm attempting to host an ActiveX control in a WPF app. After attempting to use existing info on the web and here, I've hit a dead-end.
I need to use an ActiveX control provided to communicate with a UV power meter. They provide an application that registers and uses the control and even includes some useful demo apps. I stripped out the OCX file and put it here if needed. You won't have the power meter to talk to, but the app and demos will still load the ActiveX control successfully.
I created a simple Windows Forms application. I was able to bring the ActiveX control into the toolbar, drop it into my form, and everything is fine. The demo apps they provide do this as well.
However, getting this to work in a WPF environment is another story. The control can't be added to the toolbox and "dragged" into the app.
So far I've tried two techniques:
Technique found here. I am able to add a reference to the control, but then I enter namespace hell. The xmlns:ax namespace it suggests making cannot find the information. Here's my attempt based on what the object viewer tells me: xmlns:ax="clr-namespace:OphirUsbXLib;assembly=Interop.OphirUsbXLib"
Technique found here. This is essentially to create a new project that creates a library based on Windows Forms, which contains the ActiveX control (yikes). I am able to add the Windows Forms Host, but I cannot get access to the ActiveX control within. I can make the control public, but I still cannot call methods etc. This doesn't look like the right solution.
In short, I have an ActiveX control that works beautifully in Forms, but is a real bitch to get working in WPF.
Any insight is appreciated!
In this situation I would consider making a WinForms usercontrol which wraps the ActiveX control you are trying to use.
You could make public properties and methods which expose each of the required properties and methods on the ActiveX control, and then host this WinForms UC on the in a WPF WinFormsHost control.
I have already done something similar to this, in reverse, hosting a WPF UserControl in a WinForms UserControl, then hosting that on a VB6 Form in a legacy application.

Retrieve baseUri w/o resorting to Application.Current

My custom controls are not loading in VS.NET's designer because of a null reference exception. It's got everything to do with the way I am retrieving the baseUri of the application when it runs in the browser:
_uriPrefix = Application.Current.Host.Source.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0,
According to the exception details and the help file I'm directed to (here) I'm not correctly designing my app for a runtime that's not the browser (i.e. the new WPF editor in VS.NET or Expression Blend).
So, the question is how do retrieve the baseUri (the http://localhost:#### part of my application) if I can't use Application.Host which apparently is null during design time? is there a safe way to do this so I can load my custom controls in a designer?
To eleborate on the problem and solution (i wasn´t finished writing it when you posted your own answer)
Your problem is the runtime context you are in.
When your page is run as on a ASPX.Net page, your are hosted by the IIS->ASP.Net pipeline. This application will give your the HTTPContext and your Application.Current is refering to the W3WP.EXE process in which the ASP.Net pipeline is serving your page.
When your page is displayed in the MS Visual Studio designer it does not provide this HTTPContext since there is none. The request to render your control did not come through an HTTP request, but the Visual Studio designer running inside Visual Studio.
To have your control be displayed correctly during design time, you´ll have to add ´design time support classes´. There are a number in the .Net framework you can use directly, but for custom serialization (writing the server ASP.Net tags or rendering a HTML preview with styling) you´ll have to put in some more effort and write your own designer classes.
Hope this helps,
Duh! I hate/love when I do this. I'm answering my own question (again). I can use the DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool boolean to test if I'm in design mode or not:
if (!DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool)
_uriPrefix = Application.Current.Host.Source.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0,
Now I can view my custom control in the new VS 2010 editor. Yeah!

Linked Themes/Generic.xaml Files will not work in visual studio 2008

i have a project that i am doing and i need to share the code between silverlight and WPF Assembly problem is that even though the wpf assembly is the owner of that file
and the silverlight assembly only has a link to the file, all of the build actions are page everything is correct. if i make the silverlight assembly the owner then silverlight works and wpf doesnt, and currently with wpf being the owner i dont get any errors at all it just never styles the control like it cannot find it..
Note: both projects exists in the same solution.
this scenario builds and runs fine
wpf project
this scenario builds and runs but will not display the control
if i change them from linked to normal it will work fine.
i just want to share this source code and not have multiple versions of the same file floating around.
sorry for my corny Tree view representation
+++++++ UPDATE +++++++++
i have noticed when using any linked file regardless of if it is silverlight or WPF
the link file will not build into the Themes folder in the resource only the root.
i used reflector to see where my resources ended up after compilation of the assembly including the linked file and they ended up in the root , so with that being said. is there a way to prevent this or a fix for this if this is indeed non intended behavior .
i would really love to get this figured out as it has been driving me insane for a while now.
Silverlight XAML and WPF XAML do not have the same namespace - so they aren't directly reusable.
My mistake - you're right - now with Silverlight 3 the namespaces are the same:
What is the Build Action in the Property Pane for the XAML?

Can I use a custom control in a stand-alone XAML file?

Quick intro: I have some Silverlight 1 content that people have been editing and putting into HTML pages. Unfortunately, this means a lot of repetative creation of Storyboards, etc. We can use Silverlight 2, but not everyone here is familiar with C#/has Visual Studio. What I would like to do is create some custom controls in C#, output to a DLL, then reference the DLL in the XAML file (just as if it was part of a Silverlight project in VS).
I've tried adding this:
in the Grid tag that is my root. I know the path to MyControl.dll is correct. When I actually try and use it, though (I add <mycontrol:MyControl></mycontrol:MyControl> to the grid) and I get a parser error. It all seems OK if I don't add the control, even if I leave in the xmlns.
I suppose on some level, this makes sense--looking for an assembly is useful if you are going to build something, and since this XAML isn't in VS, it isn't actually building anything. Is there another way that I can reference, and use a custom control in SL2 in a stand-alone XAML file?
Let me first make sure that I understand you correctly: You have a Silverlight app that doesn't use any managed code and is not packaged in a .xap file. The <object> tag refers to a loose xaml file.
This is the Silverlight 1 app model and can still be used in SL 2, and such apps are referred to as "v1-style apps" (even though they target SL 2 and may use features not present in v1). When an application in this form is used, the Silverlight plugin does not load any of the managed components of the runtime (e.g. the CLR, etc.), so referencing a dll from a v1 style app is not going to work.
However, there might be work-arounds to the challenge you are facing here. One solution might be to use a v2 style app that is packed into a .xap and uses managed assemblies. One of the reasons you gave for not doing this is that other developers one the team are not familiar with C#. This should not be an issue as C# is not a requirement for building apps in SL, you can continue to program against it in JavaScript. And if you are just writing JavaScript code, Visual Studio is not a requirement, since there is nothing to compile. They can just edit the .html/.js files and use the .xap/.dll files that were already compiled. Does this make sense?
