How to access a main document class array from a movieclip? - arrays

I have an array in my main
public var graphArray:Array = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
And I'm trying to access it from within a MovieClip that I've put on my timeline using:
var graph1scale:Number = MovieClip(root).graphArray[0]
It looks like it would make sense to me but when I try to run it I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
Am I wrong to be using MovieClip(root) to try and access it? I've only just started using external classes (this is my first project doing so) and usually I just do everything on the timeline. So MovieClip(root) is familiar to me but I guess it's not the right thing to do here.
Is there a way I can access vars from
I realised MovieClip(root) did work all along but I was just calling on the array before the array was being defined in I put a delay on calling graphArray and it worked.
Not sure how that makes sense though because the graphArray is the first thing I've defined in the whole class

Try using this instead
This works for me on a test that you can see here:
And the source files here:


InvalidOperationException in Fsharp.Core.dll

So I am doing a simple personal project in winforms with F#. My code used to work, but now throws this exception for seemingly no reason.
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in FSharp.Core.dll
Additional information: The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
The code is a member method that is being invoked from the constructor of the form itself
//lots of other constructor code before this point
// render the form
//several other members before here
member form.ReloadGoals =
let x = 10 //crashes on this line
The website where I grabbed the template for the project I am using is this one.
Unfortunately I have made some substantial additions to this.
I would be glad to post more code, but I need to know what code would be relevant exactly, as I am not exactly sure and don't want to bog down the post in extraneous code.
Also I can't really find a lot of documentation on System.InvalidOperationException.
Every time I find it, it is being used as an example of an exception you can throw on your own, not what causes it.
See The F# 3.0 Language Specification (final version, PDF), ยง8.6.1 Primary Constructors in Classes:
During construction, no member on the type may be called before the last value or function definition in the type
has completed; such a call results in an InvalidOperationException.
Almost certainly, your code in the question doesn't tell the full story. If you hit the above
mentioned restriction, then there's somewhere an attempt to access a field or member not fully initialized.
Some example:
type X() as this =
let x = this.X
member __.X = 42
One workaround might be to encapsulate the offending code in a member of its own and call that in the constructor instead. Another would be the wrapping in a function definition.
This will be an incomplete answer, since I cannot reproduce the problem (using F# interactive, the given example, the ReloadGoals modification, and Form.Show, the code runs fine). However, there are strange things happening:
Taken from the template, there should be a handler method for the Form.Load event, which fires when the type is fully constructed. Why is additional loading code in the constructor instead of this event handler? Load exists precisely to counter this kind of problem with unorderly initialization.
The template you are using isn't exactly sane F#. For example, initControls is a value of type unit that is evaluated where it is defined; its binding to a name is absolutely useless and should be replaced with a simple do. Writing initControls in the do block later has no effect at all. form.ResumeLayout(false); form.PerformLayout() should be equivalent to form.ResumeLayout(true), but I don't understand what these are doing in the constructor in the first place. The event handlers have two possibly unnecessary indirections: one to a delegate constructor, another to a method that has no real reason to exist -- the handlers should be lambdas or simple, private functions. Why are they public members?!
The error appearing in the question is probably caused by the usage of form in its own constructor. Move your new usage to the Load event handler, and it should work.
Personally, I would go further and ditch implementation inheritance by instantiating a plain Form and subscribing to its events. For example, in FSI, something similar to the template could be done like this:
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
let form = new Form()
form.ClientSize <- new Size(600, 600)
form.Text <- "F# Form"
let formLabel = new Label()
formLabel.Text <- "Doubleclick test!"
formLabel.DoubleClick.Add <| fun _ -> form.Close()
which uses no inheritance at all. (In an application, you'd use Application.Run etc instead of form.Show().) This does not run into initialization problems as easily and, additionally, is very useful if you want to encapsulate the form inside a simpler type or even just a function.

Flex 4 converting array.length into a string

so I am trying to assign a number to a variable that is dynically generated from a binded array...when i try and assign it and trace it out nothing happens, which means I am obviously doing something wrong but I am not sure? just for fun i decided to bind the data to a label like so...
<s:Label text="{this.dd.selectedViews.length}"/>
and that work and updated properly, but when running in debug mode i got this warning...
warning: unable to bind to property 'length' on class 'Array' (class is not an IEventDispatcher)
so what would be the best method of assigning the array to a variable to use throughout my application
thanks in advance for any help
I'm not really sure what you are asking here, but maybe this will help you out. As your error message says, the Array class is not an IEventDispatcher. What that means is that if you try to use a plain old Array as the source of a data-binding expression, it generally is not going to work.
If you need to bind to an array, you can try using a different class such as ArrayCollection, which supports data binding.

ironjs: returning objects to JS

Using Ironjs. I have a c# function registered as a JS function (via SetGlobal)
It gets called , but I want to return a value to from that function. The value is an IEnumerable of CLR objects. Using Jint this just works: I return the object and can foreach it etc, how do I do the same thing in IronJS (Why not use Jint, well it has bugs, for example it wont compile underscore.js)
EDIT: Since I am not a fluent F# person I cannot answer this question myself by reading the code. So instead I fixed Jint. However it would still be nice to know the answer
We are still working on our .NET interop. As such, the foreach in IronJS is not set up to enumerate IEnumerables, but instead works on CommonObject type objects.

Accessing variable from other class returns null

I did a separate levelData class to be able to flexibly add levels. I was happy with it until my supervisor ordered me to convert my levelData into XML. I did an XML version of the levelData's data (question, answers, correct answer...). I used the old class and converted it so that it fetches the XML.
All seems well, I did traces of my answers array and it printed nicely...
But the headache started when I tried this.
// This code appears in a different class with
// currentLvl:LevelData initialized in the constructor.
quizHolder.ansA.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[1];
quizHolder.ansB.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[2];
quizHolder.ansC.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[3];
quizHolder.ansD.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[4];
// BTW, I can't make a for loop to do the same function as above. So wierd.
I tried to run it. it returned:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null.
at flash.text::TextField/set text()
at QuestionPane/setQuiz()
at QuestionPane/setQuestion()
at QuestionPane()
at LearningModule()
Where did I go wrong? I tried making a custom get function for it, only to get the same error. Thanks in advance. If I need to post more of the code, I will gladly do so =)
LevelData Class in PasteBin:
Without seeing more of the code it's hard to diagnose, but did you correctly initialize the choices Array before using it? Failing that I think you'll need to post more code.
Another possible issue is the delay in loading the XML data. Make sure your data is set before QuestionPane tries to access it.
When did you call
quizHolder.ansA.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[1];
quizHolder.ansB.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[2];
quizHolder.ansC.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[3];
quizHolder.ansD.ansHud.text = currentLvl.choices[4];
these? You load the XML and on complete you fill the array, what is correct. but is the XML loaded and parsed to the time when you access (fill the TextFields) the choices array already?

Ruby C Extension using Singleton

I only wanted to allow one instance of my C extension class to be made, so I wanted to include the singleton module.
void Init_mousetest() {
VALUE mouseclass = rb_define_class("MyMouse",rb_cObject);
VALUE singletonmodule = rb_const_get(rb_cObject,rb_intern("Singleton"));
### ^ Why do I need this line here?
As I understand it, what that line does is the same as Singleton.included(MyMouse), but if I try to invoke that, I get
irb(main):006:0> Singleton.included(MyMouse)
NoMethodError: private method `included' called for Singleton:Module
from (irb):6
from C:/Ruby19/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
Why does rb_include_module behave differently than I would expect it to? Also any tangential discussions/explanations or related articles are appreciated. Ruby beginner here.
Also it seems like I could have just kept my extension as simple as possible and just hack some kind of interface later on to ensure I only allow one instance. Or just put my mouse related methods into a module... Any of that make sense?
according to the rb_include_module() is actually just Module#append_features.
Apparently Module#include calls Module#append_features and Module#included. So in our C code we must also call included. Since clearly something important happens there.
