App Engine Full Text Search vs Geohashing for location queries - google-app-engine

I'm thinking of porting an application from RoR to Python App Engine that is heavily geo search centric. I've been using one of the open source GeoModel (i.e. geohashing) libraries to allow the application to handle queries that answer questions like "what restaurants are near this point (lat/lng pair)" and things of that nature.
GeoModel uses a ListProperty which creates a heavy index which had me concerned about pricing as i have about 10 million entities that would need to be loaded into production.
This article that I found this morning seems pretty scary in terms of costs:!topic/google-appengine/-FqljlTruK4
So my question is - is geohashing a moot concept now that Google has released their full text search which has support for geo searching? It's not clear what's going on behind the scenes with this new API though and I'm concerned the index sizes might be just as big as if I used the GeoModel approach.
The other problem with the search API is that it appears I'd have to create not only my models in the datastore but then replicate some of that data (GeoPtProperty and entity_key for the model it represents at a minimum) into Documents which greatly increases my data set.
Any thoughts on this? At the moment I'm contemplating scraping this port as being too expensive although I've really enjoyed working in the App Engine environment so far and would love to get away from EC2 for some of my applications.

You're asking many questions here:
is geohashing a moot concept: Probably not, I suspect the Search API uses geohashing, or something similar for its location search.
can you use the Search API vs implementing it yourself: yes, but I don't know the cost one way or the other.
is geohashing expensive on app engine: in the message thread the cost is bad due to high index write costs. you'll have to engineer your geohashing data to minimize the indexing. If GeoModel puts a lot of indexed values in the list, you may be in trouble - I wouldn't use it directly without knowing how the indexing works. My guess is that if you reduce the location accuracy you can reduce the number of indexed entries, and that could save you a lot of cost.
As mentioned in the thread, you could have the geohashing run in CloudSQL.


How Do I Apply TF-IDF When I Only Have a Subset of the Total Documents?

Practical application:
I have several databases that need to be queried from a single search box. Some of them I have direct access to (they're SQL Server / MySQL), others I can only search via an API.
In an ideal world I would inject all of this data into Elasticsearch and use it to determine relevance. Unfortunately I don't have the resources locally to make that run efficiently. Elastic is taking over 400mb of RAM just while idling without adding any actual data or running queries. It looks like most people using Elasticsearch in production are running machines with 32GB - 64GB of RAM. My organization doesn't have access to anything near that powerful available for this project.
So my next idea is to query all the databases and connect to the API's when the user makes a search. Then I need to analyze the results, determine relevance, and return them to the user. I recognize that this is probably a terrible plan in terms of performance. I'm hoping to use memcached to make things more tolerable.
In my research for finding algorithms to determine relevance, I came across tf-idf. I'm looking to apply this to the results I get back from all the databases.
The actual question
My understanding of tf-idf is that after tokenizing every document in the corpus, you perform a term frequency analysis and then multiply it against the inverse document frequency for the words. The inverse document frequency is calculated by dividing the total document count by the the total number of documents with the term.
The problem with this is that if I'm pulling documents from an API, I don't know the true total number of documents in the corpus. I'm only ever pulling a subset, and based on the way those documents are being pulled they're naturally going to all of the terms in them. Can I still apply tf-idf to this by treating the pool of documents returned by these various sources as a single corpus? What's the best way to go about this?
Bonus question
If you have a suggestion for how to accomplish this without hacking together my own search solution or using Elasticsearch I'm all ears...
As you have noticed Elasticsearch is not built to run in memory constrained environments. If you want to use Elasticsearch, but can't set up a dedicated machine, you might consider using a hosted search solution (e.g. AWS Elasticsearch, Elastic Cloud, Algolia, etc.). Those solutions still cost though!
There are two great alternatives that require a bit more work (but not as much as writing your own search solution). Lucene is the actual Search Engine that Elasticsearch is written on top of. It does still load quite a bit of the underlying data structures into memory, so, depending on the size of the underlying data you want to index, it could still run out of memory. But, you should be able to fit quite a bit more data in a single Lucene index than in an entire Elasticsearch instance.
The other alternative, which I know slightly less about, is Sphinx. It is also a Search Engine. And it also allows you to specify how much memory to allocate for it to use. It stores the rest of the data on disk.

Using Neo4j and Lucene in a distributed system

I am looking into Neo4j as a stripped-down document store. A key aspect of document storage is search, and I know Neo4j includes full text search via legacy indices provided by Lucene.
I would be very interested in hearing the limitations of Neo4j search capabilities in a distributed environment. Does it provide a distributed index? In what ways is it inferior to Solr or ElasticSearch? How far can I take it before I must install Solr?
-- EDIT --
We are trying to integrate two distinct search efforts. The first is standard text content search. For instance, using the Enron emails, we want to search for every email that matches "bananas" or "going to the store" and get those document bodies in response. This is where people often turn to Solr.
The second case is more complicated, we have attached a great deal of meta-data to each document. We may have decided that "these" emails were the result of late-night drunk-dialing. Now I want to search for all emails that may have been the result of late-night drunk-dialing. For this kind of meta-data, we believe a graph database is in order.
In a perfect world, I can use one platform to perform both queries. I appreciate that Neo4j (nor OrientDB, Arango, etc) are designed as full text search databases, but I'm trying to understand the limitations thereof.
In terms of volume, we are dealing at a very large scale with batch-style nightly updates. The data is content heavy, with some documents running into hundreds of pages of text, but mostly on the order of a page or two.
I once worked on a health social network where we needed some sort of search and connection search functionalities we first went on neo4j we were very impressed by the cypher query language we could get and express any request however when you throw there billion of nodes you start to pay the price and we started considering another graph db, this time we've made a lot of research, tests and OrientDB was clearly the winner, OrientDB is highly scalable but the thing is that you have to code by yourself, your "search algorithm" if you want to do some advanced things (what is the common point between this two nodes) otherwise you have the SQL like query language (i don't know/remember if he has a name) but you can do some interesting stuff with it
So in conclusion i would definitely go on OrientDB
Neo4j can provide a "distributed index" in the sense that the high availability cluster can make your index available on more than one machine, but I'm pretty sure that's not what you're after. Related to this issue is a different answer I wrote about graph partitioning, and what it takes to distribute a really large number of nodes/relationships across multiple machines. (It's not terribly simple)
Solr and Lucene do two different things (although Solr is built on top of Lucene). I think solr and neo4j are not comparable because they're trying to do completely different things. This site isn't about software recommendations so I can't tell you what you should use other than to say you should read up on solr and neo4j, and figure out which set of functionality you want. As far as I know, this is an exclusive decision as I'm not aware of people integrating solr with neo4j.
Your question is very difficult to answer, I'd recommend expanding on what you are trying to do and what you have tried, you'll probably get better responses.

Storing 100k map markers in App Engine

I'm designing yet another "Find Objects near my location" web site and mobile app.
My requirements are:
Store up to 100k objects;
Query for objects that are close to the point (my location, city, etc). And other search criteria (like object type);
Display results on the Google Maps with smooth performance.
Let user filter objects by object time.
I'm thinking about using Google App Engine for this project.
Could You recommend what would be the best data storage option for this?
And couple of words about dynamic data loading strategy.
I kinda feel overwhelmed with options at the moment and looking for hints where should I continue my research.
Thanks a lot!
I'm going to to assume that you are using the datastore. I'm not familiar with Google Cloud SQL (which I believe aims to offer MySQL-like features in the cloud), so I can't speak if it can do geospatial queries.
I've been looking into the whole "get locations in proximity of a location" problem for a while now. I have some good and bad news for you, unfortunately.
The best way to do the proximity search in the Google Environment is via the Search Service ( or find the JAVA link ). Reason being is that it supports a "Geopoint Field", and allows you to query in such a way.
Ok, cool, so there is support, right? However, "A query is complex if its query string includes the name of a geopoint field or at least one OR or NOT boolean operator". The free quota for Complex Search Queries are 100/day. Per 10,000 queries, it costs 60 cents. Depending on your application, this may be an issue.
I'm not too familar with the Google Maps API you might be able to pull off something like this :(
My current project/problem involves moving locations, and not "static" ones (stores, landmarks,etc). I've decided to go with Amazon's Dynamodb and they have a library which supports geospatial indexing :

Ideal database for a minimalist blog engine

So I'm designing this blog engine and I'm trying to just keep my blog data without considering comments or membership system or any other type of multi-user data.
The blog itself is surrounded around 2 types of data, the first is the actual blog post entry which consists of: title, post body, meta data (mostly dates and statistics), so it's really simple and can be represented by simple json object. The second type of data is the blog admin configuration and personal information. Comment system and other will be implemented using disqus.
My main concern here is the ability of such engine to scale with spiked visits (I know you might argue this but lets take it for granted). So since I've started this project I'm moving well with the rest of my stack except the data layer. Now I've been having this dilemma choosing the database, I've considered MongoDB but some reviews and articles/benchmarking were suggesting slow reads after collections read certain size. Next I was looking at Redis and using its persistence features RDB and AOF, while Redis is good at both fast reading/writing I'm afraid of using it because I'm not familiar with it. And this whole search keeps going on to things like "PostgreSQL 9.4 is now faster than MongoDB for storing JSON documents" etc.
So is there any way I can settle this issue for good? considering that I only need to represent my data in key,value structure and only require fast reading but not writing and the ability to be fault tolerant.
Thank you
If I were you I would start small and not try to optimize for big data just yet. A lot of blogs you read about the downsides of a NoSQL solution are around large data sets - or people that are trying to do relational things with a database designed for de-normalized data.
My list of databases to consider:
Mongo. It has huge community support and based on recent funding - it's going to be around for a while. It runs very well on a single instance and a basic replica set. It's easy to set up and free, so it's worth spending a day or two running your own tests to settle the issue once and for all. Don't trust a blog.
Couchbase. Supports key/value storage and also has persistence to disk. Also has had some recent funding so hopefully that means stability. =)
CouchDB/PouchDB. You can use PouchDB purely on the client side and it can connect to a server side CouchDB. CouchDB might not have the same momentum as Mongo or Couchbase, but it's an actively supported product and does key/value with persistence to disk.
Riak. Another NoSQL that scales and is a key/value store.
You can install and run a proof-of-concept on all of the above products in a few hours. I would recommend this for the following reasons:
A given database might scale and hit your points, but be unpleasant to use. Consider picking a database that feels fun! Sort of akin to picking Ruby/Python over Java because the syntax is nicer.
Your use case and domain will be fairly unique. Worth testing various products to see what fits best.
Each database has quirks and you won't find those until you actually try one. One might have quirks that are passable, one will have quirks that are a show stopper.
The benefit of trying all of them is that they all support schemaless data, so if you write JSON, you can use all of them! No need to create objects in your code for each database.
If you abstract the database correctly in code, swapping out data stores won't be that painful. In other words, your code will be happier if you make it easy to swap out data stores.
This is only an option for really simple CMSes, but it sounds like that's what you're building.
If your blog is super-simple as you describe and your main concern is very high traffic then the best option might be to avoid a database entirely and have your CMS generate static files instead. By doing this, you eliminate all your database concerns completely.
It's not the best option if you're doing anything dynamic or complex, but in this small use case it might fit the bill.

Which web solution should I use for my project?

I'm going to create a fairly large (from my point of view anyway) web project with a friend. We will create a site with roads and other road related info.
Our calculations is that we will have around 100k items in our database. Each item will contain some information like location, name etc. (about 30 thing each). We are counting on having a few hundred thousand unique visitors per month.
The 100k items and their locations (that will be searchable) will be the main part of the page but we will also have some articles, comments, news and later on some more social functions (accounts, forums, picture uploads etc.).
We were going to use Google AppEngine to develop our project since it is really scalable and free (at least for a while). But I'm actually starting to doubt that AppEngine is right for us. It seems to be for webbapps and not sites like ours.
Which system (language/framework etc.) would you guys recommend us to use? It doesn't really mater if we know the language since before (we like learning new stuff) but it would be good if it's something that is future proof.
I think that GAE can do the job. Google claims that Google App Engine is able to handle 5 million visitors for free and you will have to start paying only if you exceed their free quota.
It's also pretty easy to get started. If you don't have experience on administrating websites and choose a regular hosting service, you will have to worry about several things that you don't even imagine now.
My only concern would be with respect of the kind of data and queries you will have to do, since it does not have a relational database. Anyway, there is an open source project for GAE, called GeoModel that gives GAE the ability to do complex geo spacial queries, like proximity fetch. Have a look at their tutorial and the demo app.
About your impression that GAE was intended only for small web apps, there are a couple of CMS that run on it.
Good luck!
If once of your concerns is scalability, and you don't want to depend on expensive or commercial tools, I would recommend that you take a look at this tech stack:
Erlang - A programming language designed for concurrency and distribution.
Nitrogen - An Erlang web framework with a lot of cool stuff, like transparent AJAX.
NoSQL scalable databases, such as CouchDB or Riak - Save the the hassle of SQL code and are more scalable than plain MySQL. Both has direct native Erlang API.
To be honest, I don't know if this tool set is your cup of tea; These are not mainstream solutions. I just suggest these to everyone who ask about size-sensitive web applications.
All serious web frameworks will provide you with what you need. The real issues (for example scalability) might be tackled in a different way depending on what you use, but you wont be limited if you choose a well-known one. The choice of database system might be more important for that (sql vs nosql), even if both of those will do fine too.
It's all about
knowing how to use
enjoying to use
the tool(s) you've chosen.
In either case, name-dropping some suggestions:
Rails (Ruby)
Django (Python)
Nitrogen (Erlang)
And please note, if you really want to learn everything from the bottom, you'd be fine with any of these (or one of the other gazillion out there). But if you want to perform your best, choose one that supports a language you know well or uses techniques/tools you have experience of etc. Think twice about how you value this is fun and we learn a lot against we want to be productive and do a really good job.
