Avoid generating duplicating random number - sql-server

As per the module requirement file name length to be as 8 chars, for that to implement first 4 char DDMM and remaining 4 char trying to fetch the random numbers from the database by using function and view, the same what I am using in database I have pasted below:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GenerateRandomNumbersLetters]
#NumberOfCharacters TINYINT
SELECT LEFT(REPLACE([NewID], '-', ''), #NumberOfCharacters)
FROM dbo.RetrieveNewID
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[RetrieveNewID]
My query:
SUBSTRING(replace(convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 3), '/', ''), 1, 4) +
dbo.GenerateRandomNumbersLetters(4) as FileNamerandomNUM
Ex: 0907CCE7
For every row it will provide a random number, but in one scenario recently the random generate duplicates, how can I avoid such scenarios also, kindly advice

There is a risk of 'value repeating' for random numbers especially if you take only the first four digit of a random number.
Instead of that , generate sequence numbers. to implement this you can create a table with structure
file_date | seq_no
Ex: 0907 | 1000
0907 | 1001
then each time you want to get a file name, query against this table for the next sequence number
select max(seq_no)+1 from <table>


Need to generate from and to numbers based on the result set with a specified interval

I have below requirement.
Input is like as below.
Create table Numbers
Num int
Insert into Numbers
values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15)
Create table FromTo
FromNum int
,ToNum int
Select * From FromTo
Output should be as below.
FromNum ToNum
1 5
6 10
11 15
Actual Requirement is as below.
I need to load the data for a column into a table which will have thousands of records with different no's.
Consider like below.
1,2,5,7,9,11,15,34,56,78,98,123,453,765 etc..
I need to load these into other table which is having FROM and TO columns with the intervals of 5000. For example in the first 5000 if i have the no's till 3000, my 1st row should have FromNo as 1 and ToNum as 3000. second row: if the data is not having till 10000 and the next no started as 12312(This is the 2nd Row FromNum) the ToNum value should be +5000 i.e 17312. Here also if we don't have the no's data till 17312 it need to consider the ToNum between the 12312 and 17312
Output should be as below.
FromNum ToNum
1 3205
1095806 1100805
1100808 1105806
1105822 1110820
Can you guys please help me with the solution for the above.
Thanks in advance.
What you may try in this situation is to group data and get the expected results:
DECLARE #interval int = 5
INSERT INTO FromTo (FromNum, ToNum)
SELECT MIN(Num) AS FromNum, MAX(Num) AS ToNum
FROM Numbers
GROUP BY (Num - 1) / #interval

Postgres select by array element range

In my table I've got column facebook where I store facebook data ( comment count, share count etc.) and It's an array. For example:
Now I'm trying to SELECT rows that facebook total_count is between 5 and 10. I've tried this:
SELECT * FROM pl where regexp_matches(array_to_string(facebook, ' '), '(\d+).*')::numeric[] BETWEEN 5 and 10;
But I'm getting an error:
ERROR: operator does not exist: numeric[] >= integer
Any ideas?
There is no need to convert the array to text and use regexp. You can access a particular element of the array, e.g.:
with pl(facebook) as (
values ('{{total_count,14},{comment_count,0},{comment_plugin_count,0},{share_count,12},{reaction_count,2}}'::text[])
select facebook[1][2] as total_count
from pl;
(1 row)
Your query may look like this:
select *
from pl
where facebook[1][2]::numeric between 5 and 10
Update. You could avoid the troubles described in the comments if you would use the word null instead of empty strings ''''.
with pl(id, facebook) as (
(1, '{{total_count,14},{comment_count,0}}'::text[]),
(2, '{{total_count,null},{comment_count,null}}'::text[]),
(3, '{{total_count,7},{comment_count,10}}'::text[])
select *
from pl
where facebook[1][2]::numeric between 5 and 10
id | facebook
3 | {{total_count,7},{comment_count,10}}
(1 row)
However, it would be unfair to leave your problems without an additional comment. The case is suitable as an example for the lecture How not to use arrays in Postgres. You have at least a few better options. The most performant and natural is to simply use regular integer columns:
create table pl (
facebook_total_count integer,
facebook_comment_count integer,
If for some reason you need to separate this data from others in the table, create a new secondary table with a foreign key to the main table.
If for some mysterious reason you have to store the data in a single column, use the jsonb type, example:
with pl(id, facebook) as (
(1, '{"total_count": 14, "comment_count": 0}'::jsonb),
(2, '{"total_count": null, "comment_count": null}'::jsonb),
(3, '{"total_count": 7, "comment_count": 10}'::jsonb)
select *
from pl
where (facebook->>'total_count')::integer between 5 and 10
hstore can be an alternative to jsonb.
All these ways are much easier to maintain and much more efficient than your current model. Time to move to the bright side of power.

String concatenation based of column length

i have telephone number like this in one table:
ID Telephone extention
1 9986323422 4
2 9992108 2222
3 9962718 241
Final result wanted is number of digit in extention will be taken and replace the end digit/(s) of "Telephone" column.
want my result to be:
ID Telephone extention result
1 9986323422 4 9986323424
2 9992108 2222 9992222
3 9962718 241 9962241
I have 100k records like this. What is the best and quick way to achieve this? Thanks.
This may be a little too cute1 but is an alternative to the STUFF approaches:
SELECT ID,Telephone,Extension,
SUBSTRING(Telephone,1-LEN(Extension),LEN(Telephone)) + Extension as Result
It works because negative arguments to the start parameter for SUBSTRING allow you to truncate the end of the string by those amounts.
1It avoid repetitive calls to LEN(), but the optimizer should be able to avoid duplication anyway and avoids having to reverse the entire string, but this does come at a readability cost.
You can use STUFF() together with some calculations with LEN()
DECLARE #dummyTable TABLE(ID INT,Telephone VARCHAR(100), extention VARCHAR(100));
,STUFF(t.Telephone,LEN(t.Telephone)-LEN(t.extention)+1,LEN(t.extention),t.extention) AS result
FROM #dummyTable AS t;
You might have to add some validations to avoid errors (e.g. length of extension should be smaller than of phone number)
In similar way use reverse() function with stuff() function to replace ends digits of Telephone value with extention value
select *, reverse(stuff(reverse(Telephone), 1, len(extention), reverse(extention)))
from table

SQL Server : LIKE - Finding 1 and not 11 in a string

Say I have a SQL Server table with these values:
ID test
1 '1,11,X1'
2 'Q22,11,111,51'
3 '1'
4 '5,Q22,1'
If I want to find out which rows contain the comma-separated value '1', I can just do the following and it will work but I'd like to find a better or less wordy way of doing so if it exists. Unfortunately I cannot use RegExp because using \b1\b would be awesome here.
Select test
FROM ...
test LIKE '1,%'
OR test = '1'
OR test LIKE '%,1'
OR test LIKE %,1,%
Something like...
test LIKE '%[,{NULL}]1[,{NULL}]%'
I know this line isn't correct but you get what I'm after... hopefully ;)
EDITED based on comments below
You shouldn't use comma-delimited values to store lists. You should use a junction table. But, if you have to, the following logic might help:
Select test
FROM ...
WHERE ',' + test + ',' like '%,' + '1' + ',%' ;
This assumes that what you are looking for is "1" as the entire item in the list.
Note: You can/should write the like pattern as '%,1,%'. I just put it in three pieces to separate out the pattern you are looking for.
There are plenty of SplitString functions available if you google around (many here on StackOverflow) that take a comma delimited string like you have, and split it out into multiple rows. You can CROSS APPLY that table-value function to your query, and then just select for those rows that have '1'.
For example, using this splitstring function here (just one of many):
T-SQL split string
You can write this code to get exactly what you want (note, the declare and insert are just to set up test data so you can see it in action):
DECLARE #test TABLE (ID int, test varchar(400));
INSERT INTO #test (ID, test)
VALUES(1, '1,11,X1'),
(2, 'Q22,11,111,51'),
(3, '1'),
(4, '5,Q22,1')
FROM #test
CROSS APPLY splitstring(test)
WHERE [Name] = '1'
This query returns this:
1 1,11,X1 1
3 1 1
4 5,Q22,1 1
select *
from table
where ',' + test + ',' like '%,1,%'
You have to "normalize" your database. If you have multiple attributs for one row, it's a problem!
Add a "One to Many" relation with yours attributs.
You can do like that:
ID, test
1, 1
1, 11
1, X1
2, Q22
2, 11
SELECT test FROM ...
You primary key is (ID, test) now.
You need something like:
FROM _tableName_
WHERE (test LIKE '1,%'
OR test LIKE '%,1'
OR test LIKE '%,1,%'
OR test LIKE '1')
This will return rows that match in order
1 starts a list
1 ends a list
1 is in the middle of a list
1 is its own list

SQL Server: sort a column numerically if possible, otherwise alpha

I am working with a table that comes from an external source, and cannot be "cleaned". There is a column which an nvarchar(20) and contains an integer about 95% of the time, but occasionally contains an alpha. I want to use something like
select * from sch.tbl order by cast(shouldBeANumber as integer)
but this throws an error on the odd "3A" or "D" or "SUPERCEDED" value.
Is there a way to say "sort it like a number if you can, otherwise just sort by string"? I know there is some sloppiness in that statement, but that is basically what I want.
Lets say for example the values were
I would be happy if these were sorted in any of the following ways (because I really only need to work with the numeric ones)
I really only need to work with the
numeric ones
this will give you only the numeric ones, sorted properly:
FROM YourTable
ORDER BY YourColumn
order by
case isnumeric(shouldBeANumber)
when 1 then cast(shouldBeANumber as integer)
else 0
Provided that your numbers are not more than 100 characters long:
WITH chars AS
SELECT c + 1
FROM chars
WHERE c <= 99
rows AS
SELECT rows.*
FROM rows
SELECT SUBSTRING(mynum, c, 1) AS [text()]
FROM chars
WHERE SUBSTRING(mynum, c, 1) BETWEEN '0' AND '9'
(CASE ISNUMERIC(shouldBeANumber)
RIGHT(CONCAT('00000000',shouldBeANumber), 8)
shouoldBeANumber) AS stringSortSafeAlpha
This will add leading zeros to all shouldBeANumber values that truly are numbers and leave all remaining values alone. This way, when you sort, you can use an alpha sort but still get the correct values (with an alpha sort, "100" would be less than "50", but if you change "50" to "050", it works fine). Note, for this example, I added 8 leading zeros, but you only need enough leading zeros to cover the largest possible integer in your column.
