I have a EJB 3.1 bean that uses some roles. But my current environment supporst just users, without roles.
EJB 3.1 Core specification, chapter 17.4.2 says that if the Deployer does not assign the logical security roles defined by the application to groups in the operational environment, it must be assumed that a logical role maps to a principal or principal group of the same name. This means that if there are no roles in the environment, the role names given in the bean are assumed to be "Users". Thus, the bean will work as expected without any issue. You can define users in your environment with names that match all the role names given in the bean.
So, my bean will work jsut fine in current env and I can use isCallerInRole("user1") in bean's business method to check user1 defined in system?
We've created an application using SCIM 2 SDK from PingIdentity for provisioning with Azure AD. Custom mapping is set up and working.
However, when the user is CREATED, all of the fields are included in the import, but only a few fields are included in the provisioning step and sent to our application. Provisioning needs to run a second time on that user to UPDATE in order for all the fields to be included. Amongst other things, this means that first and last name are not split and it only sends the displayname (which ends up as firstname on our end).
For some users in normal provisioning, it can take days between the create and update runs so we're missing data for a long time.
Anyone know how can we can test for what's causing this and solve it so all the fields are included in the initial CREATE run for a user?
Here are the attribute mapping settings: https://imgur.com/ypfAAmD
And an example log of when the user is created with only basic fields: https://imgur.com/iOXACJh
vs. when the user is updated with all the other fields: https://imgur.com/UqDNyCv
I'm a product manager at Microsoft that works on the provisioning service and our SCIM client.
The behavior you're seeing occurs when you have attributes that are not part of the SCIM core schema included as "short" names. Attributes not defined in the SCIM core schema (RFC 7643) should have full URN syntax. Something to the effect of urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:appName:2.0:User:attributeName is commonly used by other implementations. The shaky behavior you're seeing where the AAD provisioning service fails to send these attribute values via a POST but later includes them in a PATCH comes down to different code paths in the AAD provisioning service, and the PATCH code happens to handle this differently than the POST code. This is purely by chance, however, and isn't an intentional design choice. At some future point I'm hoping we'll make this more consistent and disallow incorrectly structured attribute names entirely.
If you adjust your attribute names to align with the guidance in the SCIM spec's schema RFC and provide the attributes with fully defined URNs, you should see consistent behavior that works on both POST and PATCH.
I'm looking for a way to ensure that the unique_name claim value is always the user email for a specific app in AAD which is accessed via SSO. I've noticed that for users which have an AAD account, the unique_name claim value is the email address, but for external users (invited to the directory) it is prefixed by "live.com#" (e.g. live.com#email#domain.com). The application uses the OIDC protocol. I've been trying different things from Microsoft docs:
Setting a different source for the unique_name claim
(I'm not sure if this applies, given the app uses OIDC, not SAML)
(By the way, that documentation is a bit out of date because I found that the "User Attributes & Claims" section is now in SSO https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/248748/cant39-find-the-34user-attributes-amp-claims34-sec.html)
Building a claim-mapping policy
None of these worked.
I know this would be trivial in AAD B2C with custom policies. Is it possible to override the unique_name claim with the email claim in AAD?
Update 07/01/2022
After further investigation I found that the unique_name claim is only supported in v1 tokens https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/id-tokens, https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/62971 (the current version is v2) and it's transformed into "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name" by the ADAL client. This customization I'm after is for a legacy .NET app which uses ADAL on the v1 AAD endpoint.
The only way I can think of how to achieve this is via a claim-mapping policy, however I haven't been able to do make it work. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I believe I've found an answer to my question and the conclusion is that it's not possible to override the unique_name claim, because it's a restricted claim. The closest I got was to map the mail claim to a custom claim (e.g. unique_name2). This is what I did:
I installed the Azure AD PowerShell Module public preview (I had to uninstall the AD Powershell module first because I already had a later version)
I followed the instructions on the document above to connect to AAD and view any existing claim mapping policies
Connect-AzureAD -Confirm
I followed the instructions on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/80295/claim-transformation-in-azure-id-token-upn-data-to.html to build a claim mapping policy, although I had to adapt it because it wasn't working. I ran the following commands:
3.1 I used the search command to search for my app (called "test").
GET-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString Test
This outputs a table like the following:
ObjectId AppId DisplayName
3.2 I ran the following command to create a new mapping policy which maps the "mail" claim to the "unique_name2" claim. (When I tried mapping to "unique_name" it works, but the "unique_name" claim doesn't get overridden, because it's a restricted claim)
$Policy=New-AzureADPolicy -Definition
-DisplayName "MapMailToUniqueName2" -Type "ClaimsMappingPolicy"
3.3 I ran the following command to add the custom policy to my app service principal (copying the id from step 3.1). This means the policy will be applied only to that specific app.
Add-AzureADServicePrincipalPolicy -Id {my app service principal id}
-RefObjectId $Policy.Id
That's all. When I tested SSO on my app, I had an additional claim "unique_name2" which contains the value of the "mail" claim.
There probably is a more efficient way of creating the mapping policy in step 3.2 but the way described in the step 3 link wasn't working for me so I came up with a concatenation to a blank string.
It doesn't seem possible to override the unique_naim claim because it's a restricted claim. I later found that this is actually documented here https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/master/articles/active-directory/develop/reference-claims-mapping-policy-type.md. I wish I had found this earlier.
We have an enterprise application in our Azure AD tenant where we have enabled automatic user provisioning to provision users in the external service. We have assigned several groups to the application, and the provisioning scope is set to Sync only assigned users and groups. This currently provisions all users in the groups assigned to the enterprise application.
We would like to add an additional scope filter, so that we can provision members of the assigned groups that is also a member of a different group (which is not directly assigned to the enterprise application). I've looked at adding a scope filter, but none of the available attributes seems to be usable for checking group membership. I imagined I would find something like an isMemberOf target attribute, but this does not seem to exist.
Is is possible to achieve such scope filtering?
As the article said, The IsMemberOf filter is not supported currently.
Attribute mappings for groups: Provisioning of the group name and group details, in addition to the members, if supported for some applications.
The following is groupt attribute mapping:
Deploying the same HTTP based application on several web servers (srv1, srv2, etc). Protecting the application with SPNEGO auth. The servers are Linux and AD doesn't know of their existence, i.e. they are not joined to the domain. I've got the whole SPNEGO working smoothly on a single host. Now moving on to the subsequent hosts.
Most guides I've found will tell you that you need
An account in AD
A keytab (generated on the AD server and then
moved to the Linux host)
While I believe that (2) + (3) will always need to be per-server, I'm somewhat uncertain about (1). Can I do with only one account? I would really like to not having all these accounts in AD if I can do with only one.
This blog has a good recipe for how it can be done: The first invocation of ktpass (for srv1) should be as described in the all the guides you find on the internet, however subsequent invocations (for srv2, srv3, etc) should be using the -setpass and -setupn options.
However I've found that when one uses the ktpass.exe tool the account's userPrincipalName attribute changes to become as given by princ argument from the last invocation of ktpass. So the name of the srv, e.g. srv3 is coded into the name and the name of the account will therefore basically change with each invocation of ktpass. When the web server performs the final step in the SPNEGO chain of events, which is to contact AD using the keytab as credentials, it will look for an account in AD with a userPrincipalName equal to the SPN and this step will therefore fail. (source, scroll to last post, list item 3). Contradicting this is that I'm using Tomcat and thereby JAAS and as far as I understand I can hardcode the principal name to use in my jaas.conf file thereby effectively ignoring the principal name from the keytab.
Can multiple app servers + single account in AD ever work and if so how?
In short, yes it will work and I will tell you how. First of all let's clarify some things and some statements not properly described in your question or the comments:
You have three machines which serve the same DNS name, this means that you either have a DNS round-robin: service.example.com will returned a shuffled list if IPs or a load-balancer (hard of sort) will only one IP for the A record depending on the load. For Kerberos, both setups are equal in the outcome.
Now, you cannot say that the AD does not know the existence of a service or a server if you require Kerberos authentication. It will and must know otherwise it cannot create service tickets for your clients which they pass on to the server. Additionally, Tomcat will not contact the KDC to accept the security context because the service ticket is encrypted with the account's long-term key.
Here is the approach: You have already figured out that one SPN can be bound to one machine, multiple bindings are not allowed. This is the case when you have the machine name bound to the machine account (srv1$, etc.). You need a service account. The service account is a regular account without password expiration, e.g., my-service#EXAMPLE.COM. For this account, you will bind your CNAME or A record. Have you Tomcat authenticator to accept all securty contexts with this service account and it will work.
How to create this magical service account on a Unix-like OS?
Use mskutil to
create the service account,
create a keytab for that service account,
bind your SPN to that service account and have the keytab updated.
After that you will have a keytab suitable for your use. Verify with an LDAP query (e.g., with Softerra's LDAP browser or else) that the account exists, the SPN (servicePrincipalName) is bound to that account and you are done.
Important: if any of your clients use MIT Kerberos or Heimdal, you must set rdns = false your your krb5.conf.
Basically I have a scenario which requires that the same ADFS SAML SP has two separate SAML entity id, can this be done? How? Do I need to have separate RP for each entity ID?
You can use claims rules to change the identifier before issuing claims. But the federation metadata will always reveal the real true entityid as nzpcmad said.
So if you federate with AD FS without using the metadata endpoint and manually specify the entityID and endpoints, you can use claims rules to achieve this.
Customers with Office 365 have experience with this. If one AD FS is used to federate more than one domain in use (on O365/Azure AD) then a claims rule is used to change the http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/issuerid before issuance.
here is the relevant rule as used in O365 and Azure AD. The below rule extracts the UPN suffix and uses this to make an identifier like http://domain.com/adfs/services/trust/ (where domain.com is UPN suffix as defined in AD for the user)
c:[Type == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/UPN"]
=> issue(Type = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/issuerid", Value = regexreplace(c.Value, ".+#(?<domain>.+)", "http://${domain}/adfs/services/trust/"));
So if you add claims rules to your relevant RP trust as deemed necessary you can either use default AD FS identifier or make it appear as something else.
The standard ADFS entity ID in the metadata is:
There is only one and it is actually the ADFS URL.
There is no way to change the metadata as well.
You would need two separate ADFS instances.