Sencha Touch 2 Navigation Bar Title - extjs

I have a Sencha touch 2 application that uses a navigation view and has a list of items. When someone clicks on an item and I dynamically change title of the navigation bar to be the item the person clicked on and also add 3 buttons to the navigation bar. However when the user clicks on an item and the screen is re-sized to be small the title is not formatted correctly.
Is there an event that happens after a panel is rendered so I can call refreshTitlePosition()?

There is an event called resize for every container in sencha...
Hope it helps...


In ext js panel having items and it is only shown on press of f12 button or If already in debug session on close of f12 window shows the panel

In ext js I have a form panel that will add items on tab click i.e. items related to clicked tab.Im destroying the before created items and adding new items to the panel. Items are getting added properly but panel is not displayed. When I press f12 or if im using f12 if I close the console at this time the panel is shown. on f12 window open or close the panel is shown. Why not before ? What could be the problem?
I assume that you are using a Chrome browser and pressing F12 shows/hides the developer tools. So this action resizes the viewport, forcing a refresh of the panel layout and the components become visible.
When adding/removing items from a panel a yourformpanel.doLayout() could help recalculating the layout.
Another option is to embrace the adding/removing of items with the following code:
... // add/remove items here
BTW: More details on your problem would be helpful (e.g. code snippets, ExtJS version).

Split view in sencha touch

I am making application for IPAD and I need to show split view there.
What is my requirement in this:
I will show a list in left panel (Data will not be for nested. I have only 1 level)
When I click on any item of list, it will load a another list in right panel.
In right panel , if I click on any item, it will show the detail page in the same view.
Can any one give me a working example for it?

Weird grid behavior ( must click scroll bar )

I'm programming an application that loads a list of rows in a grid using WPF, DevExpress with an MVVM approach.
I have a button that adds an new element to a ListRow, which is binded to GridControl's ItemSource. This list notifies the view when it's modified.
The problem is that when you click NewRow button the scroll bar grows bigger with each click but only when you click in the scroll bar the content of the list is repainted in the window.
Does anyone have any idea? Why is this happening?
PS: I didn't write here any code because I think is needless to show such a long code. But I can put it if you want.

WPF Custom Navigation Buttons and calling one page from another

I have a window which contains a Frame which references a 'home' page that has buttons on it. When a button is clicked I want another page to show depending on which button was pressed. I attempted to use
and that works however, I want to use a customized navigation panel. I call
this.ShowsNavigationUI = false;
on my 'home' page but the bar still shows. Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do?
My page with the frame is a window so I do not know how to disable the Navigation bar there where I guess it is coming from.
Further testing shows that the ShowsNavigationUI property is false yet the nav bar shows itself in the parent window once there is a second page to go to (showing the 'home' page in the history.
if i understand you correctly you want to hide the navigation chrome of a Frame, to do so set
<Frame Name="hostFrame" NavigationUIVisibility="Hidden"/>

Frame Navigation in Silverlight app

I have a WebRibbon control for a menu. I have a TabControl on the page that holds all content. As you click on a menu I create a TabItem, add a frame to the tab item, navigate to a specific xaml page in that frame and then add the frame to the tab item. It works fine for the first page. The content of the xaml page displays correctly in the frame. A problem arise as soon as I navigate to a second and third page. All the frames on all the tab items navigate to the last selected menu items corresponding xaml content.
frame1.JournalOwnership = JournalOwnership.OwnsJournal;
This solved my problem...
