How does C work? [duplicate] - c

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How was the first compiler written?
I'm asking this as a single question because, essentially what I'm trying to ask is at the bottom how is all of this implemented, here goes:
How was the first C compiler generated, since C compiler is written in C itself then how was the first source of C compiler generated?
Is C written in ASM, how are languages actually designed?, because before we had high level languages the only way to design something was through ASM, even if C is derived from earlier languages, how were they designed? (My clue is ASM)
I'm getting confused as to how does C work down at the bottom. What I'm trying to say is since at the bottom, everything is implemented at the processor by OPcodes. So what my understanding was that C programs are "essentially" translated to Sys Calls which are implemented by the Kernel.
But then how are syscalls implemented? (Do they directly correspond to OPcodes or is there any other layer of abstraction.

How was the first C compiler generated, since C compiler is written in C itself then how was the first source of C compiler generated?


is it possible to make a kernel image without using asm code? [duplicate]

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Why assembly needed to kick-start any OS kernel
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've seen many tutorials on the net where assembly language is being used along with C in order to build a new kernel image. But I don't understand why assembly is that required, while a C Compiler can generate asm from c code.
What's the reason of using assembly code for programming kernels? and how is it possible to develop a kernel under C without the need of writing a code in asm?
You don't define what making a kernel in C means to you.
You could use asm statements or declarations to embed assembler in C code (but that is "cheating" and is no more portable C).
But you cannot write an entire multi-tasking kernel in pure portable C, because some things (notably those manipulating tasks or continuations or call stacks or interrupts - i.e. the scheduler - or virtual memory) cannot be coded in C. Notice that even longjmp(3) cannot be implemented in pure C.
See the OSDEV wiki and read Operating Systems : Three Easy Pieces
Study also the source code of existing schedulers, interrupt handlers, VM subsystems, .... in free software operating systems (and ask yourself how would you recode in C the assembler code they are using). Assembler is required in them (and not only or not mostly for "performance" or "readability" reasons).

How can a C compiler be written in C? [duplicate]

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Writing a compiler in its own language
(14 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
This question may stem from a misunderstanding of compilers on my part, but here goes...
One can find the following statement in the preface to the first edition of K&R (page xi):
The operating system, the C compiler, and essentially all UNIX applications programs (including all of the software used to prepare this book) are written in C.
(my emphasis)
Here's what I don't understand: doesn't that C compiler have to be compiled itself before it can compile any C code? And if that C compiler is written in C, wouldn't compiling it require an already existing C compiler?!
The only way out of this infinite-regression conundrum (or chicken-and-egg problem) is that the C compiler written in C that K&R are referring to was actually compiled with an already existing C compiler that was written in a language other than C. The C compiler written in C then superseded the latter.
Or am I completely off?
It's called Bootstrapping, quoting from Wikipedia:
If one needs a compiler for language X to obtain a compiler for language X (which is written in language X), how did the first compiler get written? Possible methods to solving this chicken or the egg problem include:
Implementing an interpreter or compiler for language X in language
Y. Niklaus Wirth reported that he wrote the first Pascal compiler in
Another interpreter or compiler for X has already been written in
another language Y; this is how Scheme is often bootstrapped.
Earlier versions of the compiler were written in a subset of X for
which there existed some other compiler; this is how some supersets
of Java, Haskell, and the initial Free Pascal compiler are
The compiler for X is cross compiled from another architecture where
there exists a compiler for X; this is how compilers for C are
usually ported to other platforms. Also this is the method used for
Free Pascal after the initial bootstrap.
Writing the compiler in X; then hand-compiling it from source (most
likely in a non-optimized way) and running that on the code to get
an optimized compiler. Donald Knuth used this for his WEB literate
programming system.
And if you are interested, here is Dennis Richie's first C compiler source.
Usually, a first compiler is written in another language (directly in PDP11 assembler in this case, or in C for most of the "modern" languages). Then, this first compiler is used to program a compiler written in the language itself.
You can read this page about the history of the C language. You will see that it is also strongly linked to the UNIX system.
See the Chicken and Egg section of the Wikipedia page:
If one needs a compiler for language X to obtain a compiler for language X (which is written in language X), how did the first compiler get written? Possible methods to solving this chicken or the egg problem include:
Implementing an interpreter or compiler for language X in language Y. Niklaus Wirth reported that he wrote the first Pascal compiler in Fortran.
Another interpreter or compiler for X has already been written in another language Y; this is how Scheme is often bootstrapped.
Earlier versions of the compiler were written in a subset of X for which there existed some other compiler; this is how some supersets of Java, Haskell, and the initial Free Pascal compiler are bootstrapped.
The compiler for X is cross compiled from another architecture where there exists a compiler for X; this is how compilers for C are usually ported to other platforms. Also this is the method used for Free Pascal after the initial bootstrap.
Writing the compiler in X; then hand-compiling it from source (most likely in a non-optimized way) and running that on the code to get an optimized compiler. Donald Knuth used this for his WEB literate programming system.
It's perfectly ordinary for a compiler to be written in the language it compiles. One way to achieve this would be to write a complete compiler for language L in some other language, and then to write a new compiler for L in L. A more interesting approach would be to write a minimal compiler for a subset of L in some other language, and then use this minimal subset to improve the compiler, making it less minimal increasing the available subset of L. In this way, a complete compiler can be built.

"C or gcc" is like "Chicken or the egg" ? :( [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How are gcc/g++ bootstrapped?
I would like to know how gcc is compiled as we all know it is written in C.
Did they used some other compiler to come up with gcc?
If so, can I use the same compile to compile my C program?
There is no chicken and egg here. glibc is compiled with the compiler you are using.
That compiler was first compiled with a previous version of the same compiler. Then it can compile itself as well.
The real chicken-and-egg problem was solved in the 1950's when someone had to write the world's first compiler. After that, you can use one compiler to compile the next one.
There are two basic ways to build a new compiler:
If you're writing a new compiler for an established language like C, use an existing compiler from a different vendor to build your new compiler. For example, you could use the C compiler shipped with HP-UX to build gcc.
If you're writing a compiler for a new language, start by implementing a very simple compiler in a different language (the first C compiler was written in PDP-11 assembler). This initial compiler will only recognize a small subset of the target language; basically enough to do some file I/O and some simple statements. Write a new compiler in the target language subset and build it with your first compiler. Now write a slightly more capable compiler that can recognize a larger subset of the target language, and build it with the second compiler. Repeat the process until you have a compiler capable of recognizing the full target language.
They did not use some other compiler. You can write a C program that doesn't use glibc by simply telling the compiler not to use it. So something like this:
gcc main.c -nostdlib
This is an interesting question. I think you are wondering in what language is written a compiler of a new language, aren't you? Well, if we had only Assembly language (for instance,x86), the only way to write a C compiler would be in Assembly language. Later, we could write a better, yet more powerful compiler written in C by using our assembly-written compiler, and so on...
An the question arises: how did the early programmers write the first assembly compiler? My father told me: by manually entering the 1's and 0's! :-)

Math.h library functions in assembly x86? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How does C compute sin() and other math functions?
(22 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I tried to convert C code that is written under Linux (fedora 9) to assembly x86 code, however, I have problem in a Math.h functions. The functions in this library such as ceil, floor, log, log10, pow are undefined in the assembly x86. Can you please help me to solve this problem?
Most library functions won't be defined in assembly language, at least not in the sense of the addition operator directly mapping to the ADD instruction. If you want to re-write the library in assembly, you'll have to implement the function using whatever capabilities that your processor has available. Most library functions will require a separate assembly language subroutine, not just a single operation. The easiest way to approach this is to get the individual library subroutines working in isolation, then incorporate them into the larger program.
You can compile the C code and examine the disassembled output, but beware of compiler optimizations that can make the output hard for a human to follow.
May I ask what the purpose is behind this task? Since a compiler is essentially a C to assembly-language translator, there's rarely a need to do this by hand. Is this homework?
The best way to find out what these functions do is to take a look at their implementation in glibc's source. It should give you clear enough insight. Another way would be to take a look at the disassembly of found in /usr/lib/.

Write a compiler from scratch in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to code a compiler in C?
How would I start writing a compiler from scratch (no Flex or Bison or Lex or Yacc) in C? I have a language that I wrote an interpreter for, and it's kind of like Forth. Sort of. It takes in symbols and interprets them one at a time, using a stack.
How would I make a compiler?
That wasn't a particularly spammy bit; just to show people the syntax and simplicity.
You tokenize the input.
You build a proper representation of it, generally this is an Abstract Syntax Tree, but that is not required.
You perform any tree transformations you may require (optional).
You generate the code by walking the tree.
You link any disparate portions together (optional)
Flex and Bison help with stage 1 and 2, everything else is up to you. If you're still stuck, I suggest going through "Programming Language Pragmatics" or The Dragon Book.
