creating bug in bugzilla using java - bugzilla

I am trying to connect bugzilla using java code.I have used the sample shown in this web site Using the method User.login it is returning {id=1} for the login credentials.But while creating the bug it is showing "Exception in thread "main" org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: Login Required " exception.Can any one help me out how to create bugs and get the bugs from bugzilla.

Check this library:
J2Bugzilla : The Java Bugzilla API


Getting 404-Not Found Error on running Oracle APE X Application

I have started learning oracle APEX and installed oracle apex 20.2 on my desktop PC just now. I am facing a problem that on running a sample application after install it shows me 404 - Not Found error.
Can anybody help me on this issue?
I had a similar issue when I imported an application. Try this: in application properties untick "Friendly URLs" and run it again.
If you're still getting the issue show the end of your url (all parameters after the server).
I have solved this issue. Actually the issue was with the user rights. I created a new user other the APEX_PUBLIC_USER and then the APEX was not working well because my new user didn't have those rights which APEX_PUBLIC_USER has.
I solved it by configuring the APEX back to the APEX_PUBLIC_USER and it runs well.

Sonata-Project's Google Authenticator: Undefined Method "getTwoStepVerificationCode" from Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User

I am currently working on a project built on Symfony 2.8 and a few Sonata-Project bundles. The goal is to achieve Two-Factor Authentication (a.k.a Two-Step Verification). I saw that Sonata-Project has a package for implementing such functionality and installed it. Then configured the app/config/config.yml file according to sonata's documentation, but when I try to log into my Dashboard from the login form, I do that without any further obstacles (no 2-Factor Authentication Prompt). Here, on, I've seen a few answers, (not-fully) related to my question, that suggest running php app/console sonata:user:two-step-verification *ADMIN_USER_NAME*. I've tried to run this command in my terminal, but got this exception thrown:
Attempted to call an undefined method named "getTwoStepVerificationCode" of class
What seems to be the problem here? Why such method doesn't exist? How can I resolve this issue?
P.S.: I try to use this Google-Authenticator package in conjunction with Soanata-Project's UserBundle as it is "a feature" (if I may call it such) of the latter.
Does your application properly extend Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\BaseUser? Because if not you will have this issue. Check your class Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User.

Error while calling Discovery service in conversation-with-discoveryapplication

I have used code and deployed application in Bluemix, when I am testing the application conversation is working but discovery service is not working .
I have added OUT_OF_Scope intent with call_discovery action.
I am getting server is busy error when we give out scope question in chatbot.
below is the the log error , please help me to resolve this error.
Exception thrown by application class ''
When I used the conversation-with-discovery I had the same problem, but I see within the Github the solution for this: Switch to the liberty-for-java_v3_7-20170118-2046 buildpack that doesn't have problems with the Java SDK.
Reference: IBM Developer

NoSuchMethodError exception on SSLSocketImpl.receivedChangeCipherSpec when using javapns in GAE

I am using javapns with Google App Engine. Everything was working fine until this morning. Now, it raises this exception:
at javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification(
at javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification(
at javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager.sendNotification(
at javapns.Push.sendPayload(
at javapns.Push.payload(
Any idea? I have seen the missing method in JDK7u but I think I am using JDK7. Not sure if this is related.
I contacted Google Support regarding this issue and got the following response:
This is a known issue that is already resolved.
They did not disclosure the root cause.
I was trying to use the BigTable client and ran into the same issue. It's due to the Google API using HTTP2 with TLS. The ALPN library used to support TLS modifies the bytecode on boot up and is tightly coupled with the version of the JRE/JDK you are running. Check the "Versions" table at to match the specific version of ALPN to your JRE and you should be good.

How to figure out error in Oracle ADF Mobile application

As I have tried with sample application project from Oracle ADF-Mobile tutorial
but I facing with some error pop-up that show within application
How to debug or trace an error that default pop-up ? since I think that maybe error with Web Service Calling.
Debug your application.
Or check your system.log but I don't recommend that because you only get very limited information.
