Google app engine error, don't know where to start looking - google-app-engine

I'm receiving this error when I attempt to start an app using google app engine :
Loading modules
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/bookmark/Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] shell failed in doStartup method
I don't have a file called Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml. My project name is mobile-bookmark
Why is this error occuring ?

If it's looking for Mobile_bookmark.gwt.xml (the wrong file), I'd check how you are starting the server.
For example, under Eclipse, I'd check run configurations --> arguments to see if "Mobile_bookmark" got into there. (you can get to run configurations by selecting the little triangle next to either the green debug or run button you use to start it --- or RUN (menu in eclipse) -- run configurations -- select your project)
Change the file name to whatever *.gwt.xml file you do have. I suspect it's mobile-bookmark.gwt.xml.
Look under /src/yourpath/yourproject/
Your layout is probably like:


Cannot install appx through graphic installer

I'm facing a problem right now and I don't really know how to get more informations about it.
I've converted a desktop application through Microsoft's Desktop App Converter, made some manual modifications about the visual assets, and rebundled it through "makeappx.exe". Then I signed it.
Everything went fine. Except that when I double click the appx to check it, I have the following window:
Appx Error
Which roughly translates as "Couldn't open the appx or appxbundle file" and "Reason: Failure caused by an unknown reason".
This does not helps me a lot :/
However, if I try to install the package through a simple "Add-appxpackage MyPackage.appx", it works perfectly fine.
Could anyone help me find some leads on what's happening here? I've already checked the event viewer as explained here but I couldn't find anything unusual.
It seems the Microsoft team has taken notice of this problem and investigated this appropriately.
-Here is their solution-
The problem can be because when you convert an app with DesktopBridge the resources are signed with the manifest info and store that info in the .pri files you found in PackageFiles folder. Later, when you change something like the Publisher or the Name this signature doesn't match. To fix this you only need to recreate the .pri files.
rm *.pri. Remove the old .pri files.
cd C:\foo\PackageFiles\. Change current directory to the PackageFiles folder. This step is important for the next step.
makepri createconfig /cf priconfig.xml /dq en-US. Create a configuration file for the resources.
makepri new /pr "C:\foo\PackageFiles" /cf "C:\foo\PackageFiles\priconfig.xml". Generate the new *.pri files.
Then you can make the package as usual: MakeAppx, etc.
You can find more information about this problem in "Failed due to unknown reasons" error when you try to sideload a Desktop Bridge app - App Consult Team.

Nagios Plugin Error: (No output on stdout) ... failed. errno is 2: No such file or directory

I am using custom Nagios plugins for the first time and am running into this error when I create a service for the plugin.
(No output on stdout) stderr: execvp(/usr/local/nagios/libexec/, ...) failed. errno is 2: No such file or directory
The plugin works when I run it on the command line, however does not work when it runs within Nagios.
I followed these steps to get the plugin into Nagios
Here is what it looks like in the Nagios UI
The plugin is in the correct path: /usr/local/nagios/libexec and the resource.cfg file has the same path within it.
I tried two separate plugins, both which work on the command line, and the result is the same error.
The error indicates the file location is incorrect, however the plugin is in the specified directory and runs with no errors within that directory.
I am totally stumped and appreciate any help.
For anyone reading this, I solved the problem.
The first time I added the plugin, I forgot to add the python extension. When I updated the already created plugin, Nagios still threw the error.
Once I completely deleted the plugin and re-created it the 'file not found', error went away.
I faced a similar issue when I was trying to add a custom plugin ( I had custom plugins in ruby and python ).
The issue was the missing shebang line at the start of the script (which determines the script's ability to be executed like a standalone executable).
For example, if you have a python plugin then make sure this script has shebang at the start of script #!/usr/bin/env python3. Also if you have other scripts (ruby, bash etc.) make sure to add the appropriate path at the start of your scripts.
Also, check the path for plugins Nagios version. For my setup path was /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ and make sure your custom plugin is executable and has correct ownership permissions.
Sample custom template I used :
define command {
command_name check_switch_health
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp.rb --host $HOSTADDRESS$ --model "$ARG1$" --community "$ARG2$"
The above workaround worked for me.

What is CrashLoopBackOff status for openshift pods?

There is more than one example where I have seen this status from a pod running in openshift origin. In this case it was the quickstart for the cdi camel example. I was able to successfully build and run it locally (non - openshift) but when I try to deploy on my local openshift (using mvn -Pf8-local-deploy), I get this output for that particular example (snipped for relevance) :-
[vagrant#vagrant camel]$ oc get pods
cdi-camel-z4czs 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 4 2m
Tail of the logs are as under:-
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : agents/jolokia.jar
agent library failed to init: instrument
Can someone help me solve this ?
If the state of the pod goes in to CrashLoopBackOff it usually indicates that the application within the container is failing to start up properly and the container is exiting straight away as a result.
If you use oc logs on the pod name, you may not see anything useful though as it would capture what the latest attempt to start it up is doing and may miss messages.
What you should do is instead provide the --previous or -p option to oc logs along with the pod name. That will show you the complete logs from the previous attempt to start up the container.
If this is an arbitrary Docker image you are using, a common problem that can occur and which would cause the container not to start, is an application image which requires to be run as the root user. Because running an application inside of a container as root still has risks, OpenShift doesn't allow you to do that by default and will instead run as an arbitrary assigned user ID. The application image may not be designed with this possibility in mind and so is failing.
So try and get those logs messages and see what the problem is.
Temporary workaround ->
Basically, the src/main/hawt-app directory needs to be deleted.

Is there a limit on .class file name lengths in google app engine, outside of jar files?

I'm getting errors when I attempt to run my project deployed to app engine. I see issues like:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.seattleglassware.AuthServletSupport$$anonfun$finishOAuth2Dance$1$$anonfun$apply$33$$anonfun$apply$34$$anonfun$apply$37$$anonfun$apply$40$$anonfun$apply$41$$anonfun$apply$42$$anonfun$apply$45$$anonfun$apply$47$$anonfun$apply$48$$anonfun$apply$49
The class name looks reasonable (well, for certain values of reasonable - this is code generated by the Scala compiler). I see the file in my local web/WEB-INF/classes/com directory and I can decompile it with javap (so I don't think it's corrupt or anything silly like that.) Everything works fine running on a local debug server.
Even more strange, I can pour all the .class files in web/WEB-INF/classes into a jar file like this:
cd to the web/WEB-INF/classes directory
jar cf ../lib/classes.jar .
And now, if I upload the project (pressing the deploy button in Eclipse), I don't see those ClassNotFoundException errors. Delete the jar file, re-upload the project, get the errors again.
I'm wondering if there's some sort of limit on the names of .class files? Or something else happening in the deployment process that's causing this to happen?
EDIT: running from the command line made this much more clear (using maven now):
SEVERE: Invalid character in filename: WEB-INF/classes/com/seattleglassware/AuthServletSupport$$anonfun$finishOAuth2Dance$1$$anonfun$apply$33$$anonfun$apply$34$$anonfun$apply$37$$anonfun$apply$40$$anonfun$apply$41$$anonfun$apply$42$$anonfun$apply$45$$anonfun$apply$47$$anonfun$apply$48$$anonfun$apply$49.class
But it still looks to me like that's a valid filename.
The inclusion of "special" characters in the file name may be the issue here.
There is currently an open issue regarding "special" characters in project file names.
Issue 2211: Special characters are not supported in the filenames in the project
The original issue was reported by a Python App Engine user, however if you look in the comments you'll see that it apparently affects Java users as well.

Error while starting a GAE/GWT project: Unable to restore the previous TimeZone

When I try to run a GWT App Engine project using the Eclipse plugin, I get the following error:
Initializing App Engine server
[ERROR] Unable to start App Engine server
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to restore the previous TimeZone
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: defaultZoneTL
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(
... 6 more
[ERROR] shell failed in doStartupServer method
Unable to start embedded HTTP server (see previous log entries)
Chris Cashwell provided the correct answer. But for people like myself who are relatively new to Eclipse, here are more explicit instructions (which I came across here):
Right-click project directory in Project Explorer window
Select Run As > Run Configurations...
Go to Arguments tab
In VM Arguments textbox, add one of the following parameters mentioned by Chris:
-Dappengine.user.timezone.impl=UTC (this worked in my case)
Click Apply then Run
In my case, this was done specifically in the context of a PlayN project I am working on, so I was right-clicking the HTML folder. In the end, my VM arguments looked something like this:
-Xmx512m -javaagent:/long/path/to/appengine-agent.jar -Dappengine.user.timezone.impl=UTC
See this bug report. For me, it was fixed by downgrading the JDK from 1.7.0_03 -> 1.7.0_02. Other things that have been purported to work are adding -Dappengine.user.timezone=UTC (or in some cases -Dappengine.user.timezone.impl=UTC) to the JVM flags.
i got this error, and found port already in use in the console.
I closed eclipse and killed javaw.exe. Then everything worked fine.
