Silverlight zindex with dynamically added controls - silverlight

I have grid with some textboxes and an image which goes out of grid boundaries and I add this grids dynamically in my code to another grid.
I want to have my image on top of all the rest of the grids. Unfortunately each grid I add to the root grid will hover over my previous grid image.
Could you please suggest anything?! I have tried with zindex and it did not work in my case.
What I am doing wrong?

ZIndex only works for the immediate children of a panel-derived container (Grid, Canvas, Stackpanel etc). Otherwise it is down to the order they exist in the visual tree (i.e. the last one gets displayed on top).
If you have nested objects you simply need to think about the order they are added. The simplest way to do this is have two top level grids/panels, the first contains everything else and the last containing just the dynamically added children.
This way whatever you put in the second grid will always be on top of all other items (in the first grid/container).


WPF Grid Lines show across childrent element with span > 1

Are there any way to make grid to not show over grid children?
I mean, I want grid lines to be visible, but when a children has rowspan or columnspan over 1, I want it to hide the grid lines.
I tried setting the children (it's a label) opacity to 1 but it didn't work.
Any help will be welcome.
No there is not. From MSDN:
Only dotted lines are available because this property is intended as a design tool to debug layout problems and is not intended for use in production quality code. If you want lines inside a Grid, style the elements within the Grid to have borders.

Container with shape like circle lines border and textblock

I am creating grid dynamically and adding 200 rows and 240 columns and adding stackpanel at each position of the grid So totally i am drawing 4800 stackpanels .Now i want to add lines circle and 3 text blocks in each of the stackpanel
Till I am adding grid add stackpanel it working fine and rendering all controls within 4 seconds which is okay .But as i started adding text block as a child control in scakpanel it taking too much time . Should I use any other better and light weight control . Or instead of adding text block can use DrawText on show text in stack panel. I further want to use drag drop functionality for stack panel so i must use only container will move along with its child elements
I think you can avoid adding the columns and the rows phase, instead of using a Grid you can simply use a canvas and handle the tabular view (rows and columns) from your code behind using the the Left and Top properties.
Beside, a canvas will be convenient to use the drag and drop functionnality. you can use for that the MouseDragElementBehavior. but then you have to deal with absolute positioning according to your Parent Window rather then the Top and Left Properites. It still realtively easy to do.
If you're using a large view where there is only a part of it displayed, you can load only the part in view.
I Hope this will be helpfull.

How to re-size add/remove from list controls in window's form to provide anchoring like behavior

I want to anchor below datagridviews to top, left, right & down in a way that they don't over lap when the size of form is increased or decreased. Dock and Anchor both don't seem to provide any solution for this.
You probably need to have a TableLayoutPanel handle that. Three columns, middle column is fixed (Absolute), the outside columns would be based on percentage (50% each).
The DataGridView controls would then be dock-filled into each side column.
Or just handle the layout yourself in the form's Resize event.

Silverlight MouseDragElementBehavior. How to rearrange items after drag and drop?

I have stack panel with custom controls in it. User can add or remove the items.
I have attached MouseDragElementBehavior to each item. So now user can move them within the stack panel.
However the items now are arranged on arbitrary manner. Is a mess really. They stay where the user left them.
What I need now is to make them to be stacked as the stack panel supposed to be... Nicely one by one...
So I need to simply let user change the order of items by using drag / drop operation but items has to be stacked precisely.
There is DragFinished event, but I dont really see how the Behavior moves items. I thought it is Margin it changes but margins stays 0... I dont know what to do next.
Appreciate little help.
MouseDragElementBehavior does its work using a Transform on the RenderTransform property of the attached element (i.e. the one the behavior is applied to) (the exact type of transform depends on the state of the RenderTransform property but it will either be a TranslateTransform or a MatrixTransform).
The transform is not reset when you finish dragging (nor would you want it to be because the element would snap back to its position in the StackPanel when you started dragging) and this is why the element stays where "the user left them".
To change the items position in the StackPanel in the way you are talking about you will have to use the DragFinished event. What you probably want to do is work out where in the StackPanel the element will end up (as a result of the drag, i.e. which element in the panel it will "push" down) then create an animation to animate the element from its current position (where the user released the drag) to that final position in the StackPanel and another animation to move the "pushed" element in to its new position in the StackPanel (VisualTreeHelper can probably help here (I think)). Once those animations are finished just set the new index within the StackPanel for each item and remove the RenderTransform translation.

WPF - automatically relocating children when parent resizes

I have a container whose size can change.
I will by dynamically creating instances of a user control and adding them to that container.
the size of the user control is fixed. what I want to do is, fit the most number of user controls in the container.
I think a good approach is to add the children horizontally until there is no more space to add another and then start another row.
Say, each row fits 3 children for a given width of the container. if it is expanded enough, it should automatically fit 4 children in a row.
Is there a container control (StackPanel Grid etc.) that I can use to host these user controls. What properties need to be changed.
On resizing the container, it should relocate the children so that the maximum children ae shown. Scrolling is okay as long as max are shown at any given time.
Is there a container that does this automatically? or should I manually create rows or panels or something and add n children to each - i.e., do it manually?
I think what you need is a WrapPanel.
There's a Panels Overview on the MSDN with a lot more information and links to specific types of Panel including the WrapPanel:
WrapPanel positions child elements in sequential position from left to right, breaking content to the next line at the edge of the containing box. Subsequent ordering happens sequentially from top to bottom or right to left, depending on the value of the Orientation property.
I think a good approach is to add the children horizontally until there is no more space to add another and then start another row.
This is exactly what a WrapPanel does.
