Flexible way/database to keep a very large amount of data - database

I have a very large SQLite database (~10MB). Currently I'm using this database with a custom PHP interface at localhost, but I'm looking for a different storage and a different interface as well. The data inside does not change too often, so reading data has the priority.
I'm not very happy with the current setup, because the database schema is "custom" and I don't want to need to change it in the future (because maybe I will find a "better way"). I think it's not standard and that this may bother me in the future.
My question is: what is a good way to store data that is very flexible? I'm looking for a standard data storage that I will to fill just one time. Is SQLite still the best choice?
What is inside this database:
I'm going to describe in general how's the structure.
Table A is full of questions;
Table B is full of answers. Each question has different answers;
Tables from C are full of data regarding answer X of question Y. Each answer has a lot of different metadata available.
What is extremely important:
fast queries;
portability through *NIX without having to install a lot of software;
not too complex queries, bit still I will need some joins;
don't have to change the schema every two months.
What is not important:
frequent updates (I update the database once a year, more or less).
I thought of going with files and folders, but I'm not sure it's the best thing.

Your problem can be well modelled as a Graph Problem. What about a Graph Based Database like Orient DB or Neo4j? In a portion of Graph there can be 2 nodes: One for the question say A, one for the answer say B and the edge connecting them can have your table c data or metadata. Each answer node can have multiple incoming edges from several question nodes and there can be multiple answers to a single question. You dont require any schema, the databases I have mentioned are NoSQL databases. Search would be extremely fast as even they can be integrated with Lucene Search Engine for full text searches and I believe since you have Q&A so you would require Full Text Searches.
Here is an example:


Store / read binary files: which is the most performant approach?

I know SQL or NoSQL questions have been asked and discussed over and over again.
I have a very specific case on which I want to decide upon one or the other way.
I need to store documents and retrieve them in an efficient way. The structure / flexibility of the structure is not an issue here - only the storage and more importantly, the reading of the binary file itself.
Is one or the other method a preferred choice for the specific use-case and, if so, could someone explain why?
I realize the question is improperly formulated. The question is not related to structure, so SQL vs NoSQL isn't the right topic here. Apologies.
Say I want to create a database as a file storage. As said, storing absolute file paths isn't an option here. The question is whether there is a known DB server optimized for that.
SQL and NoSQL differ in how they structure and query the data.
However, binary files to not have any structure, and are written and queried as a single blob.
Therefore, the differences between SQL and NoSQL do not matter.
In other words, there might be big differences how specific databases handle blobs, but those differences would not be related to whether a DB uses SQL or not.
(But it should be noted that there are certain NoSQL databases that are particularly optimized for storing binary files; they are called "file systems".)

Is there any books or tutorial about writing a small database system? [duplicate]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am interested in learning how a database engine works (i.e. the internals of it). I know most of the basic data structures taught in CS (trees, hash tables, lists, etc.) as well as a pretty good understanding of compiler theory (and have implemented a very simple interpreter) but I don't understand how to go about writing a database engine. I have searched for tutorials on the subject and I couldn't find any, so I am hoping someone else can point me in the right direction. Basically, I would like information on the following:
How the data is stored internally (i.e. how tables are represented, etc.)
How the engine finds data that it needs (e.g. run a SELECT query)
How data is inserted in a way that is fast and efficient
And any other topics that may be relevant to this. It doesn't have to be an on-disk database - even an in-memory database is fine (if it is easier) because I just want to learn the principals behind it.
Many thanks for your help.
If you're good at reading code, studying SQLite will teach you a whole boatload about database design. It's small, so it's easier to wrap your head around. But it's also professionally written.
SQLite 2.5.0 for Code Reading
The answer to this question is a huge one. expect a PHD thesis to have it answered 100% ;)
but we can think of the problems one by one:
How to store the data internally:
you should have a data file containing your database objects and a caching mechanism to load the data in focus and some data around it into RAM
assume you have a table, with some data, we would create a data format to convert this table into a binary file, by agreeing on the definition of a column delimiter and a row delimiter and make sure such pattern of delimiter is never used in your data itself. i.e. if you have selected <*> for example to separate columns, you should validate the data you are placing in this table not to contain this pattern. you could also use a row header and a column header by specifying size of row and some internal indexing number to speed up your search, and at the start of each column to have the length of this column
like "Adam", 1, 11.1, "123 ABC Street POBox 456"
you can have it like
<&RowHeader, 1><&Col1,CHR, 4>Adam<&Col2, num,1,0>1<&Col3, Num,2,1>111<&Col4, CHR, 24>123 ABC Street POBox 456<&RowTrailer>
How to find items quickly
try using hashing and indexing to point at data stored and cached based on different criteria
taking same example above, you could sort the value of the first column and store it in a separate object pointing at row id of items sorted alphabetically, and so on
How to speed insert data
I know from Oracle is that they insert data in a temporary place both in RAM and on disk and do housekeeping on periodic basis, the database engine is busy all the time optimizing its structure but in the same time we do not want to lose data in case of power failure of something like that.
so try to keep data in this temporary place with no sorting, append your original storage, and later on when system is free resort your indexes and clear the temp area when done
good luck, great project.
There are books on the topic a good place to start would be Database Systems: The Complete Book by Garcia-Molina, Ullman, and Widom
SQLite was mentioned before, but I want to add some thing.
I personally learned a lot by studying SQlite. The interesting thing is, that I did not go to the source code (though I just had a short look). I learned much by reading the technical material and specially looking at the internal commands it generates. It has an own stack based interpreter inside and you can read the P-Code it generates internally just by using explain. Thus you can see how various constructs are translated to the low-level engine (that is surprisingly simple -- but that is also the secret of its stability and efficiency).
I would suggest focusing on www.sqlite.org
It's recent, small (source code 1MB), open source (so you can figure it out for yourself)...
Books have been written about how it is implemented:
It runs on a variety of operating systems for both desktop computers and mobile phones so experimenting is easy and learning about it will be useful right now and in the future.
It even has a decent community here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sqlite
Okay, I have found a site which has some information on SQL and implementation - it is a bit hard to link to the page which lists all the tutorials, so I will link them one by one:
may be you can learn from HSQLDB. I think they offers small and simple database for learning. you can look at the codes since it is open source.
If MySQL interests you, I would also suggest this wiki page, which has got some information about how MySQL works. Also, you might want to take a look at Understanding MySQL Internals.
You might also consider looking at a non-SQL interface for your Database engine. Please take a look at Apache CouchDB. Its what you would call, a document oriented database system.
Good Luck!
I am not sure whether it would fit to your requirements but I had implemented a simple file oriented database with support for simple (SELECT, INSERT , UPDATE ) using perl.
What I did was I stored each table as a file on disk and entries with a well defined pattern and manipulated the data using in built linux tools like awk and sed. for improving efficiency, frequently accessed data were cached.

Good place to look for example Database Designs - Best practices [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have been given the task to design a database to store a lot of information for our company. Because the task is rather big and contains multiple modules where users should be able to do stuff, I'm worried about designing a good data model for this. I just don't want to end up with a badly designed database.
I want to have some decent examples of database structures for contracts / billing / orders etc to combine those in one nice relational database. Are there any resources out there that can help me with some examples regarding this?
Barry Williams has published a library of about six hundred data models for all sorts of applications. Almost certainly it will give you a "starter for ten" for all your subsystems. Access to this library is free so check it out.
It sounds like this is a big "enterprise-y" application your organisation wants, and you seem to be a bit of a beginner with databases. If at all possible you should start with a single sub-system - say, Orders - and get that working. Not just the database tables build but some skeleton front-end for it. Once that is good enough add another, related sub-system such as Billing. You don't want to end up with a sprawling monster.
Also make sure you have a decent data modelling tool. SQL Power Architect is nice enough for a free tool.
Before you start read up on normalization until you have no questions about it at all. If you only did this in school, you probably don't know enough about it to design yet.
Gather your requirements for each module carefully. You need to know:
Business rules (which are specific to applications and which must be enforced in the database because they must be enforced on all records no matter the source),
Are there legal or regulatory concerns (HIPAA for instance or Sarbanes-Oxley requirements)
security (does data need to be encrypted?)
What data do you need to store and why (is this data available anywhere else)
Which pieces of data will only have one row of data and which will need to have multiple rows?
How do you intend to enforce uniqueness of the the row in each table? Do you have a natural key or do you need a surrogate key (suggest a surrogate key in almost all cases)?
Do you need replication?
Do you need auditing?
How is the data going to be entered into the database? Will it come from the application one record at a time (or even from multiple applications)or will some of it come from bulk inserts from an ETL tool or from another database.
Do you need to know who entered the record and when (highly likely this will be necessary in an enterprise system.
What kind of lookup tables will you need? Data entry is much more accurate when you can use lookup tables and restrict the users to the values.
What kind of data validation do you need?
Roughly how many records will the system have? You need to have an idea to know how big to create your test data.
How are you going to query the data? Will you be using stored procs or an ORM or dynamic queries?
Some very basic things to remember in your design. Choose the right data type for your data. Do not store dates or numbers you intend to do math on in string fields. Do store numbers that are not candidates for math (part numbers, zip codes, phone numbers, etc) as string data as you may need leading zeros. Do not store more than one piece of information in a field. So no comma-concatenated lists (these indicate the need for a related table) and while you are at it if you find yourself doing something like phone1, phone2, phone 3, stop right away and design a related table. Do use foreign keys for data integrity purposes.
All the way through your design consider data integrity. Data that has no integrity is meaningless and useless. Do design for performance, this is critical in database design and is NOT premature optimization. Database do not refactor easily, so it is important to get the most critical parts of the performance equation right the first time. In fact all databases need to be designed for data integrity, performance and security.
Do not be afraid to have multiple joins, properly indexed these will perform just fine. Do not try to put everything into an entity value type table. Use these as sparingly as possible. Try to learn to think in terms of handling sets of data, it will help your design. Databases are optimized to do things in sets.
There's more but this is enough to start digesting.
Try to keep your concerns separate here. Users being able to update the database is more of an "application design" problem. If you get your database design right then it should be a case of developing a nice front end for it.
First thing to look at is Normalization. This is the process of eliminating any redundant data from your tables. This will help keep your database neat, and only store information that is relevant to your needs.
The Data Model Resource Book.
HEAVY stuff, but very well through out. 3 volumes all in all...
Has a lot of very well through out generic structures - but they are NOT easy, as they cover everything ;) Always a good starting point, though.
The database should not be the model. It is used to save informations between sessions of work.
You should not build your application upon a data model, but upon a good object oriented model that follows business logic.
Once your object model is done, then think about how you can save and load it, with all the database design that goes with it.
(but apparently your company just want you to design a database ? not an application ?)

When to use CouchDB vs RDBMS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking at CouchDB, which has a number of appealing features over relational databases including:
intuitive REST/HTTP interface
easy replication
data stored as documents, rather than normalised tables
I appreciate that this is not a mature product so should be adopted with caution, but am wondering whether it is actually a viable replacement for an RDBMS (in spite of the intro page saying otherwise - http://couchdb.apache.org/docs/intro.html).
Under what circumstances would CouchDB be a better choice of database than an RDBMS (e.g. MySQL), e.g. in terms of scalability, design + development time, reliability and maintenance.
Are there still cases where an RDBMS is still clearly the right choice?
Is this an either-or choice, or is a hybrid solution more likely to emerge as best practice?
I recently attended the NoSQL conference in London and think I have a better idea now how to answer the original question. I also wrote a blog post, and there are a couple of other good ones.
Key points:
We have accumulated probably 30 years knowledge of adminstering relational databases, so shouldn't replace them without careful consideration; non-relational data stores are less mature than relational ones, and so are inherently more risky to adopt
There are different types of non-relational data store; some are key-value stores, some are document stores, some are graph databases
You could use a hybrid approach, e.g. a combination of RDBMS and graph data store for a social software site
Document data stores (e.g. CouchDB and MongoDB) are probably the closest to relational databases and provide a JSON data structure with all the fields presented hierarchically which avoids having to do table joins, and (some might argue) is an improvement on the traditional object-relational mapping that most applications currently use
Non-relational databases support replication (including master-master); relational databases support replication too but it may not be as comprehensive as the non-relational option
Very large sites such as Twitter, Digg and Facebook use Cassandra, which is built from the ground up to support clustering
Relational databases are probably suitable for 90% of cases
In summary, consensus seems to be "proceed with caution".
Until someone gives a more in-depth answer, here are some pros and cons for CouchDB
you don't need to fit your data into one of those pesky higher-order normal forms
you can change the "schema" of your data at any time
your data will be indexed exactly for your queries, so you will get results in constant time.
you need to create views for each and every query, i.e. ad-hoc like queries (such as concatenating dynamic WHERE's and SORT's in an SQL) queries are not available.
you will either have redundant data, or you will end up implementing join and sort logic yourself on "client-side" (e.g. sorting a many-to-many relationship on multiple fields)
Pros or Cons:
creating your views are not as straightforward as in SQL, it's more like solving a puzzle. Depends on your type if this is a pro or a con :)
CouchDB is one of several available 'key/value stores', others include oldies like BDB, web-oriented ones like Persevere, MongoDB and CouchDB, new super-fast like memcached (RAM-only) and Tokyo Cabinet, and huge stores like Hadoop and Google's BigTable (MongoDB also claims to be on this space).
There's certainly space for both key/value stores and relational DBs. Traditionally, most RDBs are considered a layer above key/value. For example, MySQL used to use BDB as an optional backend for tables. In short, key/values know nothing about fields and relationships, which are the foundations of SQL.
Key/value stores typically are easier to scale, which makes them an attractive choice when growing explosively, like Twitter did. Of course, that means that any relationships between the stored values have to be managed on your code, instead of just declared in SQL. CouchDB's approach is to store big 'documents' in the value part, making them (mostly) self contained, so you can get most of the needed data in a single query. Many use cases fit on this idea, others don't.
The current theme I see is that after the "Rails doesn't scale!!" scare, now many people is realizing that it's not about your web framework; but about intelligent cacheing, to avoid hitting the database, and even the webapp when possible. The rising star there is memcached.
As always, it all depends on your needs.
This one is a hard question to answer. So I'll try to highlight the areas where CouchDB might work against you.
The two greatest sources of difficulty on the Couch Users and Dev mailing lists that people have are:
Complex Joins of Data.
Multi-Step Map/Reduce.
Couch Views are pretty much islands unto themselves. If you need to aggregate/merge/intersect a set of views you pretty much have to do so in the application layer for now. There are some tricks you can do with view collation and complex keys to help with joins but these only go so far for some types of data. This may or may not be livable for different applications. That being said many times this problem can reduced or eliminated by structuring your data differently.
The comments of the other folks on this question demonstrate some of the different types of data that are well suited to CouchDB.
One other thing to keep in mind is that a lot of times the data you might need to combine/merge/intersect would be data that you would do offline in an RDBMS database anyway so you might not lose anything by doing the same in CouchDB.
Short Answer: I think eventually CouchDB will be able to handle any kind of problem you want to throw at it. But the comfort level you have using it may differ from developer to developer. It's somewhat subjective I think. I happen to like using a turing complete language to query my data with and keeping more logic in the application layer. Your mileage may vary.
Sam you have to take another approch with CouchDB and in general with map or document based database. You can't define a constraint, such a unique, but you can query data to check if that email is used and if that login is used too. That's the right approch, you have to change your mind.
Correct me if I am wrong. Couchdb is useless for the cases when you need to validate uniqueness of docs over multiple fields. For example it's impossible to enforce validation rule like "both login and email required to be unique" and keep data in consustent state. You can check that before saving the doc, but someone can push before you and data becomes inconsistent.
If you are working with tabular data where there is only a shallow data hierarchy, than an RDBMS system is probably your best choice. This is the main use for RDBMS systems, and the documentation and tool support is very good.
For more nested data like xml, a document database should provide faster access to your data. Also, the storage model more closely resembles that of the data, so retrieval should be more straight forward.

What are the use cases of Graph-based Databases (http://neo4j.org/)? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have used Relational DB's a lot and decided to venture out on other types available.
This particular product looks good and promising: http://neo4j.org/
Has anyone used graph-based databases? What are the pros and cons from a usability prespective?
Have you used these in a production environment? What was the requirement that prompted you to use them?
I used a graph database in a previous job. We weren't using neo4j, it was an in-house thing built on top of Berkeley DB, but it was similar. It was used in production (it still is).
The reason we used a graph database was that the data being stored by the system and the operations the system was doing with the data were exactly the weak spot of relational databases and were exactly the strong spot of graph databases. The system needed to store collections of objects that lack a fixed schema and are linked together by relationships. To reason about the data, the system needed to do a lot of operations that would be a couple of traversals in a graph database, but that would be quite complex queries in SQL.
The main advantages of the graph model were rapid development time and flexibility. We could quickly add new functionality without impacting existing deployments. If a potential customer wanted to import some of their own data and graft it on top of our model, it could usually be done on site by the sales rep. Flexibility also helped when we were designing a new feature, saving us from trying to squeeze new data into a rigid data model.
Having a weird database let us build a lot of our other weird technologies, giving us lots of secret-sauce to distinguish our product from those of our competitors.
The main disadvantage was that we weren't using the standard relational database technology, which can be a problem when your customers are enterprisey. Our customers would ask why we couldn't just host our data on their giant Oracle clusters (our customers usually had large datacenters). One of the team actually rewrote the database layer to use Oracle (or PostgreSQL, or MySQL), but it was slightly slower than the original. At least one large enterprise even had an Oracle-only policy, but luckily Oracle bought Berkeley DB. We also had to write a lot of extra tools - we couldn't just use Crystal Reports for example.
The other disadvantage of our graph database was that we built it ourselves, which meant when we hit a problem (usually with scalability) we had to solve it ourselves. If we'd used a relational database, the vendor would have already solved the problem ten years ago.
If you're building a product for enterprisey customers and your data fits into the relational model, use a relational database if you can. If your application doesn't fit the relational model but it does fit the graph model, use a graph database. If it only fits something else, use that.
If your application doesn't need to fit into the current blub architecture, use a graph database, or CouchDB, or BigTable, or whatever fits your app and you think is cool. It might give you an advantage, and its fun to try new things.
Whatever you chose, try not to build the database engine yourself unless you really like building database engines.
We've been working with the Neo team for over a year now and have been very happy. We model scholarly artifacts and their relationships, which is spot on for a graph db, and run recommendation algorithms over the network.
If you are already working in Java, I think that modeling using Neo4j is very straight forward and it has the flattest / fastest performance for R/W of any other solutions we tried.
To be honest, I have a hard time not thinking in terms of a Graph/Network because it's so much easier than designing convoluted table structures to hold object properties and relationships.
That being said, we do store some information in MySQL simply because it's easier for the Business side to run quick SQL queries against. To perform the same functions with Neo we would need to write code that we simply don't have the bandwidth for right now. As soon as we do though, I'm moving all that data to Neo!
Good luck.
Two points:
First, on the data I've been working with the past 5 years in SQL Server, I've recently hit the scalability wall with SQL for the type of queries we need to run (nested relationhsips...you know...graphs). I've been playing around with neo4j, and my lookup times are several orders of magnitude faster when I need this kind of lookup.
Second, to the point that graph databases are outdated. Um...no. Early on, as people were trying to figure out how to store and lookup data efficiently, they created and played with graph and network style database models. These were designed so the physical model reflected the logical model, so their efficiency wasnt that great. This type of data structure was good for semi-structured data, but not as good for structured dense data. So, this IBM dude named Codd was researching efficient ways to arrange and store structured data and came up with the idea for the relational database model. And it was good, and people were happy.
What do we have here? Two tools for two different purposes. Graph database models are very good for representing semi-structured data and the relationships between entities (that may or may not exist). Relational databases are good for structured data that has a very static schema, and where join depths do not go very deep. One is good for one kind of data, the other is good for other kinds of data.
To coin the phrase, there is no Silver Bullet. Its very short sighted to say that graph database models are out of date and to use one gives up 40 years of progress. That's like saying using C is giving up all the technological progress we've gone through to get things like Java and C#. That's not true though. C is a tool that is needed for certain tasks. And Java is a tool for other tasks.
I've been using MySQL for years to manage engineering data, and it worked well, but one of the problems we had (but didn't realise we had) was that we always had to plan the schema up-front. Another problem we knew we had was mapping the data up to domain objects and back.
Now we've just started trying out neo4j and it looks like it is solving both problems for us. The ability to add different properties to each node (and relation) has allowed us to re-think our entire approach to data. It is like dynamic versus static languages (Ruby versus Java), but for databases. Building the data model in the database can be done in a much more agile and dynamic way, and that is dramatically simplifying our code.
And since the object model in code is generally a graph structure, mapping from the database is also simpler, with less code and consequently fewer bugs.
And as a additional bonus, our initial prototype code for loading our data into neo4j is actually performing faster than the previous MySQL version. I have no solid numbers on this (yet), but that was a nice additional feature.
But at the end of the day, the choice probably should be based mostly on the nature of your domain model. Does it map better to tables or graphs? Decide by doing some prototypes, load the data and play with it. Use neoclipse to look at different views of the data. Once you've done that, hopefully you know if you're on to a good thing or not.
Here is a good article that talks about the needs that non relational databases fill: http://www.readwriteweb.com/enterprise/2009/02/is-the-relational-database-doomed.php
It does a good job at pointing out (aside from the name) that relational databases arent flawed or wrong, its just that these days people are starting to process more and more data in mainstream software and web sites, and that relational databases just wont scale for these needs.
I am building an intranet at my company.
I am interested in understanding how to load data that was stored in tables (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Excel, Access, various random lists) and loading it into Neo4J, or some other graph database. Specifcally, what happens when common data overlaps existing data already in the system.
Yes, I know some data is best modeled in RDBMS, but I have this idea itching me, that when you need to superimpose several distinct tables, the graph model is better than the table structure.
For instance, I work in a manufacturing environment. There is a major project we are working on and because of the complexity, each department has created a seperate Excel spreadsheet that has a BOM (Bill Of Materials) hierarchy in a column on the left and then several columns of notes and checks made by individuals who made these sheets.
So one of the problems is merging all these notes together into one "view" so that someone can see all the issues that need to be addressed in any particular part.
The second problem is that an Excel spreadsheet sucks at representing a hierarchial BOM when a common component is used in more than one subassembly. Meaning that, if someone writes a note about the P34 relay in the ignition subassembly, the same comment should be associated with the P34 relays used in the motor driver subassembly. This won't occur in the excel spreadsheet.
For the company intranet, I want to be able to search for anything easily. Such as data related to a part number, a BOM structure, a phone number, an email address, a company policy, or procedure. I want to even extend this to manage computer hardware assets, and installed software.
I envision that once the information network starts to get populated you can start doing cool traversals such as "I want to write an email to everyone working on the XYZ project". People will have been associated with the project because they will be tagged as creating and modifying the data within the XYZ project. So by using the XYZ project as a search key, a huge set with everything related to the XYZ project will be created. Including links to people who built the XYZ project. The people links will connect to their email addresses. So by their involvement in the XYZ project, they will be included in my email. This is in stark contrast to some secretary trying to maintain a list of people work on the project. We generate a lot of lists. We spend a lot of time maintaining lists and making sure they are up to date. And most of it doesn't add any value to our products.
Another cool traversal could report all the computers that have a certain piece of software installed, by version. That report could be used to generate tasks to remove extra copies of old software and to update people who need to have the latest copy. It would also be useful for license tracking.
might be a bit late, but there is a growing number of projects using Neo4j, the better known ones listed at Neo4j . Also NeoTechnology, the company behind Neo4j, has some references at their customers page
Note: I am part of the Neo4j team
