Is there any books or tutorial about writing a small database system? [duplicate] - database

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I am interested in learning how a database engine works (i.e. the internals of it). I know most of the basic data structures taught in CS (trees, hash tables, lists, etc.) as well as a pretty good understanding of compiler theory (and have implemented a very simple interpreter) but I don't understand how to go about writing a database engine. I have searched for tutorials on the subject and I couldn't find any, so I am hoping someone else can point me in the right direction. Basically, I would like information on the following:
How the data is stored internally (i.e. how tables are represented, etc.)
How the engine finds data that it needs (e.g. run a SELECT query)
How data is inserted in a way that is fast and efficient
And any other topics that may be relevant to this. It doesn't have to be an on-disk database - even an in-memory database is fine (if it is easier) because I just want to learn the principals behind it.
Many thanks for your help.

If you're good at reading code, studying SQLite will teach you a whole boatload about database design. It's small, so it's easier to wrap your head around. But it's also professionally written.
SQLite 2.5.0 for Code Reading

The answer to this question is a huge one. expect a PHD thesis to have it answered 100% ;)
but we can think of the problems one by one:
How to store the data internally:
you should have a data file containing your database objects and a caching mechanism to load the data in focus and some data around it into RAM
assume you have a table, with some data, we would create a data format to convert this table into a binary file, by agreeing on the definition of a column delimiter and a row delimiter and make sure such pattern of delimiter is never used in your data itself. i.e. if you have selected <*> for example to separate columns, you should validate the data you are placing in this table not to contain this pattern. you could also use a row header and a column header by specifying size of row and some internal indexing number to speed up your search, and at the start of each column to have the length of this column
like "Adam", 1, 11.1, "123 ABC Street POBox 456"
you can have it like
<&RowHeader, 1><&Col1,CHR, 4>Adam<&Col2, num,1,0>1<&Col3, Num,2,1>111<&Col4, CHR, 24>123 ABC Street POBox 456<&RowTrailer>
How to find items quickly
try using hashing and indexing to point at data stored and cached based on different criteria
taking same example above, you could sort the value of the first column and store it in a separate object pointing at row id of items sorted alphabetically, and so on
How to speed insert data
I know from Oracle is that they insert data in a temporary place both in RAM and on disk and do housekeeping on periodic basis, the database engine is busy all the time optimizing its structure but in the same time we do not want to lose data in case of power failure of something like that.
so try to keep data in this temporary place with no sorting, append your original storage, and later on when system is free resort your indexes and clear the temp area when done
good luck, great project.

There are books on the topic a good place to start would be Database Systems: The Complete Book by Garcia-Molina, Ullman, and Widom

SQLite was mentioned before, but I want to add some thing.
I personally learned a lot by studying SQlite. The interesting thing is, that I did not go to the source code (though I just had a short look). I learned much by reading the technical material and specially looking at the internal commands it generates. It has an own stack based interpreter inside and you can read the P-Code it generates internally just by using explain. Thus you can see how various constructs are translated to the low-level engine (that is surprisingly simple -- but that is also the secret of its stability and efficiency).

I would suggest focusing on
It's recent, small (source code 1MB), open source (so you can figure it out for yourself)...
Books have been written about how it is implemented:
It runs on a variety of operating systems for both desktop computers and mobile phones so experimenting is easy and learning about it will be useful right now and in the future.
It even has a decent community here:

Okay, I have found a site which has some information on SQL and implementation - it is a bit hard to link to the page which lists all the tutorials, so I will link them one by one:

may be you can learn from HSQLDB. I think they offers small and simple database for learning. you can look at the codes since it is open source.

If MySQL interests you, I would also suggest this wiki page, which has got some information about how MySQL works. Also, you might want to take a look at Understanding MySQL Internals.
You might also consider looking at a non-SQL interface for your Database engine. Please take a look at Apache CouchDB. Its what you would call, a document oriented database system.
Good Luck!

I am not sure whether it would fit to your requirements but I had implemented a simple file oriented database with support for simple (SELECT, INSERT , UPDATE ) using perl.
What I did was I stored each table as a file on disk and entries with a well defined pattern and manipulated the data using in built linux tools like awk and sed. for improving efficiency, frequently accessed data were cached.


How do you handle collection and storage of new data in an existing system? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am new to system design and have been asked to solve a problem.
Given a car rental service website, I need to work on a new feature.
The company has come up with some more data that they would like to capture and analyze along with the data that they already have.
This new data can be something like time and cost to assemble a car.
I need to understand the following:
1: How should I approach the problem, from API design perspective?
2: Is changing the schema of your tables going to do any good, if that is an option?
3: Which databases can be used?
The values once stored can be changed. For example, the time to assemble can reduce or increase, hence the users should be able to update the values.
To answer you question let's divide it in two parts, ideal architecture and Q&A's
A typical system would consist of many technologies working together to solve a practical problem. Problems can be solved in many ways and may have more than one solution. We are not talking about efficiency and effectively of any architecture here as it's whole new subject to explore. But it's always wise to choose what's best for your use case.
Since you already have existing software built, it's always helpful to follow it's existing design pattern which will help you understand existing code in detail and allow you to create logical blocks which will fit nicely and actually help in integrating functionality instead of working against it.
Since this clears the pre planning phase let's discuss on how this affects what solution is ideal for your use case in my opinion.
1. How should I approach the problem, from API design perspective?
There will be lots of assumption, anything but less system consisting of api should have basic functionality of authentication and authorization when ever needed. Apart from that, try to stick to full REST specification, which will allow API consumers to follow standard paths and integration would have minimal impact when deciding what endpoints would look like and what they expect from consumer.
Regardless, not all systems are ideal for such use case and thus it's in up to system designer how much of system is compatible with standard practices.
Name convention matters when newer version api will have api/v2
paths and old one having api/v1, which is good practice for routing
new functionality. Which allows system to expand seamlessly.
2: Is changing the schema of your tables going to do any good, if that is an option?
In short term when you do not have much data, it's relatively easy to migrate data. When it becomes huge, it's much more painful and resource intensive.
Good practices would allow you to prevent such scenarios where you might not need migrate data.
Database normalization becomes so crucial in such cases when potential data structure would grow rapidly and requires attention.
Regardless of using any sql or nosql solution, a good data structure will always be helpful in both data management and programming implementation.
In my opinion, getting data structures near perfect is always a good
idea, because it will reduce future costs of migration and
frustration it brings. Still some use cases requires addition on
columns and its okay to add them as long as it does not have much
impact on existing code. Otherwise it can always be decoupled in
separate table for additional fields.
3: Which databases can be used?
Typically any rdbms is enough for this kind of tasks. You might be surprised when you see case studies of large data creators still using mysql in clusters.
So answer is, as long as you have normal scenario, go ahead and pick any database of your choice, until you hit its single instance scalability limits. And those limits are pretty huge for small to mod scale apps.
How should I approach the problem, from API design perspective?
Design a good data model which is appropriate for the data it needs to store. The API design will follow from the data model.
Is changing the schema of your tables going to do any good, if that is an option?
Does the new data belong in the existing tables? Then maybe you should store it there. Except: can you add new columns without breaking any existing applications? Maybe you can but the regression testing you'll need to undertake to prove it may be ruinous for your timelines. Separate tables are probably the safer option.
Which databases can be used?
You're rather vague about the nature of the data you're working with, but it seems structured (numbers?). So that suggests a SQL with strong datatypes would be the best fit. Beyond that, use whatever data platform is currently being used. Any perceived benefits from a different product will be swept away by the complexities and hassle of deploying it.
Last word. Talk this over with your boss (or whoever set you this task). Don't rely on the opinions of some random stranger on the interwebs.

Database design - How does Salesforce store dynamically created fields on the fly?

I am wondering how does Salesforce design their database to allow user to create dynamic fields.
I am looking to achieve this as well and will be interested to know if anyone have any idea how they did it.
That's not a good question for Stack Overflow. Hardly programming-related.
I'd say check if you really need to reinvent the wheel. If you want freestyle data storage - perhaps any of existing NoSQL solutions will fit your needs. You probably have heard about MongoDB or BigTable (or whatever it is the hip kids do these days because "normal" relational databases are boring). You don't want to design by hand tables with placeholder columns of each appropriate type, then tables that would hold metadata for these (per client), then possibly some indexes on top of that...
This stuff is complex. That's what Salesforce clients pay for, to not have to worry about solving such problems (or hardware used. or scalability).
There must be some serious black magic going on behind the scenes when typically every SF record takes ~2KB of storage space, regardless of how complex it is (how many fields are used in the table). Don't expect to replicate their solution overnight.
But if you really want to try to dive into it - these might be a good start: architecture overview
Review(?) of architecture (but the whitepaper from 2008 the article talks about is a dead link. Probably this is the right one)
yet another article
No idea if these will be terribly helpful... But at least you'll end up with list of keywords to go on with?

Creating and using databases

So the solid consensus I got from the answers to this question: Editing a single line in a large text file
was that instead of using a text file I should create a database and store my data there. While I think this is a great idea, I don't know the first thing about databases, the programming languages used for databases, or how to use a database once I have set it up. Could you guys give me a shove in the right direction and point me an absolute noob tutorial that might help me with this?
UPDATE: Hey guys, so I was looking at mySQL and there are a whole bunch of versions! The Cluster CGE looks like the best one, and it says it is good for "real-time open source transactional database designed for fast, always-on access to data under high throughput conditions" which just about hits the nail on the head of what I need. It says commercial next to it though, so I don't know if I would have to pay some god awful fee for it. I tried it anyway, and it said I should have gotten a license already, and until I did I could only use it for 30 days. Im confused...
Can I get this version for free? If so, where do I get the license?
Is this version way overpowered for what I need? I need:
1. A storage medium through which I can store large amounts of data
2. Read and write from in real time with simultaneous access
3. Have two different "keys" (I think I'm using that right, I need to be able to search for entrees based on one of two criteria).
MySQL is a great choice, given your Python flair.
Good luck!

Flexible way/database to keep a very large amount of data

I have a very large SQLite database (~10MB). Currently I'm using this database with a custom PHP interface at localhost, but I'm looking for a different storage and a different interface as well. The data inside does not change too often, so reading data has the priority.
I'm not very happy with the current setup, because the database schema is "custom" and I don't want to need to change it in the future (because maybe I will find a "better way"). I think it's not standard and that this may bother me in the future.
My question is: what is a good way to store data that is very flexible? I'm looking for a standard data storage that I will to fill just one time. Is SQLite still the best choice?
What is inside this database:
I'm going to describe in general how's the structure.
Table A is full of questions;
Table B is full of answers. Each question has different answers;
Tables from C are full of data regarding answer X of question Y. Each answer has a lot of different metadata available.
What is extremely important:
fast queries;
portability through *NIX without having to install a lot of software;
not too complex queries, bit still I will need some joins;
don't have to change the schema every two months.
What is not important:
frequent updates (I update the database once a year, more or less).
I thought of going with files and folders, but I'm not sure it's the best thing.
Your problem can be well modelled as a Graph Problem. What about a Graph Based Database like Orient DB or Neo4j? In a portion of Graph there can be 2 nodes: One for the question say A, one for the answer say B and the edge connecting them can have your table c data or metadata. Each answer node can have multiple incoming edges from several question nodes and there can be multiple answers to a single question. You dont require any schema, the databases I have mentioned are NoSQL databases. Search would be extremely fast as even they can be integrated with Lucene Search Engine for full text searches and I believe since you have Q&A so you would require Full Text Searches.
Here is an example:

Good methods for human-readable & human-maintained databases

So this is the scenario:
You have a bunch of data that needs to end up in SQL.
It needs to entered by hand.
It is not an "enter once and you're done" scenario: it will need to be modified and expanded by humans in an ongoing iterative way. Comments will be associated with entries. It is also useful for data entry people to be able to see related entries near each other.
Different parts of data will need to be worked on simultaneously by different people.
Some error checking also needs to happen. (Let the data entry people correct their mistakes before SQL picks them up)
I have one answer, which is how my project currently operates, but it occurred to me that maybe there are other awesome ways of doing this which don't have the problems of my current method.
Look at YAML as a way to represent the data as plain, human-readable, and human-fixable text.
A very simple program can parse the YAML, locate errors and (if there are no errors) update the database.
These are some really basic requirements, and you probably have more issues than those stated. Nonetheless, you need a simple admin utility to enter data into your database.
A straight SQL query/update utility doesn't cut it because your team needs validation and such. You need multi-user access to the same data with transactional support. You also want to annotate your data entries and allow "related entries" to be viewed by your other users.
You need a database-maintenance application.
Consider using something like Django and it's built admin utilities. It might be more than you're expecting, but I imagine you have more needs in your future than what you've stated here.
My answer is basically
Have the data entry work in Prolog files (Prolog facts)
Have multiple files, split up in a way that is sane for the data.
Have a script that converts the Prolog facts to SQL.
Have some tests in Prolog that validate the Prolog facts.
CONS of this approach:
a little bit annoying to have to check across multiple files to see if an entry already exists, or has been moved etc.
Writing Prolog, as simple as this is, is pretty scary for non-programmers (compared to say, filling out an Excel spreadsheet, or some guided process)
maybe: Merging is tricky, or maybe my VCS is just not very smart (see Which SCM/VCS cope well with moving text between files?)
So this works pretty well, but maybe there is something better that I've never thought of!
If the constraints you're referring to can be enforced at the database level, free software like Quest Toad could allow them enter data directly into the db. It feels very much like using a spreadsheet when in grid view and displays an error when constraints are violated.
Alternatively, depending on what existing stack you have available, .Net grid views make it easy to slap together crud screens in little time.
