I'am Using pagination in my grid.The grid store have no data but in pagination toolbar the
next and last button is enable .What is the reason for that? I can't Understand it.
Any One Please Help me.
You can manage it. see answers of similar questions.
Also, you can enable/disable it by using methods of DOM elements, on afterRender function.
First time asking on SO, I know that this question was asked lot of times. I already visit all those posts but without sucess unfortunately.
As the title says, I need to change the active tab by code. I am using the material ui scrollable tabs with react.
I thought that the project I am working on maybe it has something bad, so I made this codesandbox to try without success aswell.
Could you please give me a hint on how to do this on the given example?
Thanks in advance for all the help, this community is awesome!
Best regards
If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to manually set a tab, without hitting the actual tab button.
If yes, all you need to do is to change the state that holds the tab's value using setValue and provide the number of the tab you want to go (starting from 0).
e.g. setValue(2) will take you to the third tab.
You can take a look on this. I have created a static button that change the state to a specific number, just to demonstrate the idea.
I m wandering if there is an alternative to webBrowsers in codenameOne. I tried using webBrowser but there is an issue with tabs : github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne/issues/1711
I need to enrich my textAreas which are filled dynamically
That issue was just fixed and even when it existed it was only triggered when the tabs were at the side and not when they were on top/bottom.
FYI updates are released every Friday so by next week this should work.
As to your question you can construct a UI dynamically e.g. check this out.
I have a nice and big dropdown menu (world countries) in my angularjs+bootstrap app.
I would expect I could use a keyboard alphabetical key to faster scroll the menu.
For example, hitting J I'd like to scroll to Jamaica entry...
Does a way to implement exist already, or I should think forking dropdown-menu?
There is a good stackoverflow article, Using Bootstrap typeahead with Angular, that has an answer that would likely help your cause. Using some version of a typeahead would work. The top two answers should point you in the right direction. Hope this helps
I'm trying to implement a view that requires a response from the server to update itself, so I'd like to 'dim' the container and show a spinner while it's asynchronously loading information from the server and then 'undim' when it's finished.
I've seen the same effect from the background of a Msg/Panel and would like to implement exactly the same thing with a spinner in the middle.
I think you want to use the regular extjs loadMask, let us know if you need help using it.
If you are looking for how to create a modal window in Sencha touch, then this is the best example.
You can mask the panel using loadmask configuration
In a renderer I'm generating links, which I want to map to my controllers functions.
The ActionColumn does this with images somehow, but I don't get the mechanism behind it.
I would like to have buttons there, but ExtJS only lets me render strings in a grid.
Well.. the question is bit confused.
If you want to implement an ActionColumn with a callback, you will only have to implement the "handler" property which is the callback. See in http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-1/#!/api/Ext.grid.column.Action
Real buttons aren't possible out of the box (and note: you should not), but you can render a button on your own.
I would suggest a bunch of icons (with the ActionColumn). No buttons required.