Appcelerator \ Titanium - Cross platform development - mobile

I'm looking to build a mobile application that works on iOS and BlackBerry. I have been looking at the Appcelerator platform which seems quite highly recommended but I still don't see how I can build for both platforms easily.
The problem is that it looks like for iOS it needs to be built on a MAC and for BlackBerry it needs to be build in Windows! So what would be the easiest setup to target both platforms? Would I literally just have to do the build separately on two different machines?

This question has instructions for downloading the SDK for mac, user seems to have an issue with running the simulator however.
How to develop Blackberry apps on Mac OS?
If that doesn't work you could always use a vm of windows on a mac and create the titanium project as a shared project between the OS and the vm


Linux cross-platform mobile app development tools in 2015

I am looking for an Cross-platform mobile app development tool that works on Linux. I have tried cordova and intel xdk but none of them works so okay like they are on windows. What are the the best cross-platform mobile app development tools in 2015?
edit: especially recommendations with easily admob and push notification integration would be so helpful.
First I need to clarify some information:
Cordova, also know as PhoneGap, is a bridge to build Hybrid applications and enable you to run in various platforms such as Android, iOS, WP8, Firefox OS, Tizen and others using Javascript + Html5 + css3.
Intel XDK relies on Cordova. Intel XDK is most an easy way to use cordova since it gives you the IDE and the ability to build your application on the cloud instead on your machine. And I am using it on Linux for almost a year without a problem, may you can tell what kind of problems did you have?
So, for now, my answer is that the best cross platform to build hybrid applications is Cordova and you can use Kendo Ui, JQuery Mobile, Ionic, Etc.
If you are looking for an easy way to use admob and push notifications my advice is that you gonna need to use an paid platform such as Telerik Platform($$$) or Ionic($? Free??). In this field Intel XDK did not helped me, once I had to built these features on my way because the support for them in Intel XDK is only if you are using the Legacy Platform (don't do it!).
It's worth take a look at NativeScript (BETA) which currently(2015-03) promises a cross-platform to build native applications Android, iOS and Windows Phone using a code in JS / Typescript.

How can I best do accurate cross-browser testing on pages?

My goal is to get together a really solid set of testing environments for my web development. I want to leverage more HTML5/CSS3 and need to develop my toolchain better for testing in different browser environments.
I natively work in Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows. I have a mac laptop but can't always have it with me when travelling.
This is how I envision getting all environments on one laptop:
1. Ubuntu Linux (xubuntu/xfce)
2. Virtualbox / Windows
3. Virtualbox / Hackintosh
4. IOS dev environment (virtualbox ?)
5. Android Dev environment (native linux?)
Anyone have input?
This is all spurred by recently viewing one of my sites on an original iPad which still has IOS5 / Safari5. i realized that not just windows technology is crufty anymore. Internet Explorer and Safari are starting to run into many of the same long term web compatibility issues.
try something like
there is a free plan that shall include all but Mac.

can i use spritebuilder to develop cross platform mobile app?

I wanna develop a game app, which should be platform independent. is spritebuilder a cross platform?
Currently, SpriteBuilder exports project files for Xcode limiting development to iOS. Plans are in the works so that SpriteBuilder can export for Android Studio as well, but as of this writing the current version of SpriteBuilder does not support this capability.
If you are still interested in using SpriteBuilder for iOS, you can use Apportable's free service to help translate your Objective-C code to run natively on Android. This will require additional programming and knowledge of another SDK such as Android Studio.
Unity is another free SDK that you can use to publish cross platform games that are 3D, although you will no longer be building truly native Apps for either iOS or Android.
Should this answer be sufficient, please mark "correct answer", else, let me know if there are any further questions you may have.

Silverlight WebApp on Non-Windows platforms,

I have decided to use a silverlight player on my ASP.NET WebApp ,I haven't used silverlight before ,let me know would the player be able to run on Non-Windows platforms (such as Mac or Ubuntu) inside the browser ?
Silverlight is a browser-plugin. There are versions available for both Windows and Mac OS (see teh system requirements listed here). Your end-user will be directed to download the plugin for their specific OS if they do not have it installed. Once installed your application will run in exactly the same way on Mac and Windows.
For Linux there is Moonlight, which gives Silverlight plugin support, but I don't know how mature this is yet.

Mobile Device Programming Tools

What SDKs/Tools/Toolkits/IDEs should I download to start programming mobile applications for iPhone, Symbian and BlackBerry from within Windows platform?
And from where can I download them?
For the iPhone platform, your current option is to become an iPhone developer, use the iPhone SDK and develop on a Mac. The IDE you will most likely use is XCode and the language of development will be Objective-C.
The Mono project seems to be developing an alternative to this in the form of the MonoTouch framework. Using this framework you can develop your iPhone applications in C# using MonoDevelop and they will be compiled to native iPhone applications; however, you still need the iPhone SDK and you still need to develop on a Mac. This framework is in closed preview at the moment, though.
For Symbian, it used to be the case that you needed to develop using the C/C++ libraries provided by the Symbian SDK but now you have the choice to develop in C++ using the Qt for S60 toolkit (I should note that it is still a technical preview).
Depending on what you are trying to build, you might want to develop J2ME applications which will work on all Java-enabled phones (thus you won't be limited to just the S60 platform). You can develop such J2ME applications using the EclipseME plugin for Eclipse.
For Blackberry, the default development environment is the Blackberry JDE. However, I hate the user interface on that tool and (for me at least) the usability leaves a lot to be desired. However, you have an alternative: There is an official Blackberry JDE plugin for the Eclipse IDE that makes developing Blackberry applications a joy (well not so much :) but still makes it really easy)
In case you are interested, you can develop Windows Mobile applications in C# targeting the .NET Compact Framework using Visual Studio (I think you can use the Express Edition, which is free).
Then, there is the Android platform. The default development environment for that platform is using the Android Eclipse plugin and developing in Java.
Hope, it helps.
iPhone sdk
For Symbian, I would recommand Qt.
Moreover, you can use it for Windows CE based mobile.
