Get the ExtJS Active Ajax call count - extjs

I am working in selenium to test the ExtJs application. My problem is, I need to ensure the page is completely rendered. I cant use selenium.waitForPageLoad. In normal Ajax application i can use "Ajax.activeRequestCount", which will give the Ajax call count. If it is '0' We can ensure the page is completly loaded. Is there any similar function available in ExtJs? Can any one pls help me on this

There is no such method in ExtJs. You can however create handlers for global Ext.Ajax events beforerequest and requestcomplete!/api/Ext.Ajax-event-beforerequest and count active connections yourself.

Or, if the Selenium tests are to be run in modern browsers, you could try Progress Listeners (with these).
For Firefox, you could create a simple addon that would wait for async requests to complete, and ship that addon with your Selenium tests.


Coded UI tests on IE does not behave similar to the manual test

I am running a coded UI test, using the Page Object Pattern, not based on recording. The test is on a web app that uses AngularJS. When I run the test using automation the behavior of some pages is different from the manual testing. For example, some filters are based on date pickers. When I change the date range manually, the angular model is refreshed and the new data is rendered in IE. However, when I do that through automation, no data is refreshed although on developer tools, I can see that the request is sent and data received successfully. I made sure that both the manual IE and the automation one are adjusted to the same document mode, 10. I am running my tests using VS2012/Win8.1 and VS2013/Windows 7 with all updates.
I appreciate your help,
I am not sure about AngularJS but it seems like there's and issue with XMLHttpRequest object which is used by Coded UI for tracking
Same issue was there with JQuery where Coded UI is not able to get Ajax success message to refresh the data. You can try below solution in my case it worked like charm.
Jquery AJAX success not getting triggered with Coded UI test project

With Protractor 1.0.0 rc2 + is the browser.waitForAngular() still required?

I was watching a youtube video and in that there was an example:
loginPage.userName.sendKeys ...
loginPage.password.sendKeys ...;
expect( ...
I thought Protractor was coded in such a way that it would do the wait without the need for a browser.waitForAngular().
Can someone confirm if I need the waitForAngular() in this example?
I think that whether you need browser.waitForAngular() depends on the application you're testing.
Not 100% sure on what the conditions are, but I have found that I required this method when my test is performing a task that requires a response from a server, such as changing a user's password in a web app.
On another note, in my experience, browser.waitForAngular() is not robust enough to handle every type of wait condition I've needed to perform.
For example, I'm writing tests for a web application where the user logs in through a non-Angular page and is directed to an Angular page. If I want to make assertions to test the elements present on the login landing page, I can't use browser.waitForAngular() because non-angular pages do not have access to this method. I've found that a more reliable way to tell the driver "wait for the page to fully load, then check the text present on the page" is to use browser.wait to explicitly wait for the presence or visibility of an element on the next page that you know will take the longest to load.

Why is my UI updated only once?

I have done a simple SPA with AngularJS/signalR that send a notification to my hub Hello when the app starts.
On the client side I have list of notifications managed by a controller. This list got updated only once whereas I have been able to see that my callback is called every time thanks to the console.log (and the debugger shows that this.messages grows at every notification received).
I don't get why the UI only update on first call (which the one the current client have emittted)
Here is the code that work only once.
NotificationCtrl.prototype.hello = function() {
this.messages.push(new Notification("Tom", "Now", "Is now connected"));
You need to $scope.$apply because the callback is not scope aware since its not called from angular.
I think you would benefit alot from my library called SignalR.EventAggregatorProxy
Its designed around the Event aggregation pattern and is perfect for MV* enabled sites with Knockout or Angular.
Have a look at the wiki for setting it up
Demo project
Recent blog post I did about it
Install using nuget
Install-Package SignalR.EventAggregatorProxy

How to know if angular.js is done rendering the template for the current route

i would like to use Behat for testing my angular.js application. But the problem i'm experiencing is that when you go to a route and want to click on a link Behat doesn't know when the template is rendered, so sometimes it clicks while the content isn't available. Anyone that has experience with testing an angular.js application using Behat?
Or does anyone know how you can check in javascript if the template of the current route is done rendering? And how to check if angular.js is done bootstrapping the application on page load?
I know angular.js has ngScenario, but i want to use Behat because:
The Gherkin language which is human readable
Our backend is written in Symfony, so we can use the same framework for testing both
kind regards,
The mink api has a method wait which allows you to pause the execution of your PHP contexts until your javascript application has finished processing 'something'. There's a simple example in the docs:
"$('.suggestions-results').children().length > 0"
In the example provided, the PHP context will be paused for up to 5 seconds until the list of suggestion results has been populated. You'll need to ascertain the equivalent javascript expression which will ascertain when your route has finished rendering.
We've had some trouble in the past using jQuery expressions and have reverted back to native browser methods such as getElementById.
You'll also need to use a mink driver capable of executing javascript. We use the ZombieDriver as it runs on the command line. There are a few alternatives which may suit you better.

Any functions(or way) to check ExtJs page is completely rendered

I am using selenium to automate ExtJs(Ver 3) web application. My main challenge is, Wait for page(Elements) to be rendered. is there any build in function with Extjs or any javascript functions to verify the page is completely rendered. Currently i am managing with thread.sleep. But it sucks lots of execution time. I need a dynamic wait handler. Can any one help me
Using javascript we can make it. Here are two methods:
one is : document.readyState
another one is : document.body.readyState
