Any functions(or way) to check ExtJs page is completely rendered - extjs

I am using selenium to automate ExtJs(Ver 3) web application. My main challenge is, Wait for page(Elements) to be rendered. is there any build in function with Extjs or any javascript functions to verify the page is completely rendered. Currently i am managing with thread.sleep. But it sucks lots of execution time. I need a dynamic wait handler. Can any one help me

Using javascript we can make it. Here are two methods:
one is : document.readyState
another one is : document.body.readyState


AngularJS - run task in background repeatedly

I am relatively new to AngularJS.
A current usecase I am working on involves running a function every N seconds, as long as the user has the browser window open. This background service must not in itself interfere with the rest of the app.
What is the preferred way to do this in AngularJS?
Use $interval as mentioned by #dustyrockpyle.
Note that using a regular setInterval with AngularJS is usually not a good idea, as Angular won't automatically notice any changes made.

ExtJS Application launch on demand - not page load

I have a bundle of older ExtJs components that drive the UI, store management, and application logic in something that prior to the world of MVC I'd have called an application. I'm in the process of rewriting it, and wanted to take advantage of ExtJS MVC if possible.
The one thing that makes this unique from the tons of guides I'd otherwise be working from is that my Ext app doesn't own the whole page - instead of a full page viewport onready I have a modal Ext.window.Window that runs on an event from other non-ext javascript on the page.
I'd like to migrate this into a coherent ext application if possible, but as they seem to only properly launch when ext is ready I'm questioning if this is the right tool for the job.
My leading idea right now is to initialize the application on page load, but not actually render any views - exposing a static method on the app the external js can call to render and start my app's lifecycle on demand. Is this a good idea? Is there a better option I'm missing?
Yes, it is a very good idea. I have written an example of simple login system where the application is not actually started before the user logs-in.
It is very similar to your way in that that there is a method you call to actually start the app.

Using 2 views and sharing data in AngularJS

Im trying to share data between 2 views. I need to use the 2 views at the same time on two different machines. One is controlling the other(ex: a counter) 1st view has next(+1) and the other just displays the result. I want the data to synchronized/binded. I do not want to have to refresh the 2nd page or to have to pull data with a timer or otherwise.
My idea was to use ng-view and routeProvider, I know that when the view changes the scope is cleared so I tried to use a parent controller/scope, the data is shared but I have to refresh the page on my 2nd view. I tried a service, same thing. I tried to $watch the result of the service but on the second controller/view no event is picked up so the view doesn't update.
what is the way to go? I was thinking about broadcasting or emit a custom event and trying to catch it, will that work? Am I just not binding to the service correctly? Would ui-router work better? I feel there should be an easy way to do this.... Im not seeing it! Please help if you can.
One of the simplest (in my opinion) implementations of client-client communication is using WebSockets. While that does have compatibility limitations (some browsers), that can easily be overcome by using a library like Also, it's easy to write an Angular wrapper/service over that can be shared across components of your app, or even different modules.
It's also pretty simple to write a Node backend with
This might be a good read.
I would suggest you to focus on pushing stream rather than sharing it. Some how you need to push stream to second view which is changes in first view.
You may want to check this
Is there some way to PUSH data from web server to browser?

How to know if angular.js is done rendering the template for the current route

i would like to use Behat for testing my angular.js application. But the problem i'm experiencing is that when you go to a route and want to click on a link Behat doesn't know when the template is rendered, so sometimes it clicks while the content isn't available. Anyone that has experience with testing an angular.js application using Behat?
Or does anyone know how you can check in javascript if the template of the current route is done rendering? And how to check if angular.js is done bootstrapping the application on page load?
I know angular.js has ngScenario, but i want to use Behat because:
The Gherkin language which is human readable
Our backend is written in Symfony, so we can use the same framework for testing both
kind regards,
The mink api has a method wait which allows you to pause the execution of your PHP contexts until your javascript application has finished processing 'something'. There's a simple example in the docs:
"$('.suggestions-results').children().length > 0"
In the example provided, the PHP context will be paused for up to 5 seconds until the list of suggestion results has been populated. You'll need to ascertain the equivalent javascript expression which will ascertain when your route has finished rendering.
We've had some trouble in the past using jQuery expressions and have reverted back to native browser methods such as getElementById.
You'll also need to use a mink driver capable of executing javascript. We use the ZombieDriver as it runs on the command line. There are a few alternatives which may suit you better.

Get the ExtJS Active Ajax call count

I am working in selenium to test the ExtJs application. My problem is, I need to ensure the page is completely rendered. I cant use selenium.waitForPageLoad. In normal Ajax application i can use "Ajax.activeRequestCount", which will give the Ajax call count. If it is '0' We can ensure the page is completly loaded. Is there any similar function available in ExtJs? Can any one pls help me on this
There is no such method in ExtJs. You can however create handlers for global Ext.Ajax events beforerequest and requestcomplete!/api/Ext.Ajax-event-beforerequest and count active connections yourself.
Or, if the Selenium tests are to be run in modern browsers, you could try Progress Listeners (with these).
For Firefox, you could create a simple addon that would wait for async requests to complete, and ship that addon with your Selenium tests.
