Consuming Complex Comboboxes WPF - wpf

I want to have complex combobox with checkboxes, text, and may be a thumbnail. I have already looked at the following links which helped me alot while building complex comboboxes.
Looking for a WPF ComboBox with checkboxes
But, I can not find a way to consume these complex usercontol in my application. I am new to WPF, so any kind of demonstration support would be highly appreciated.
Dean, I was looking a solution of how to bind in code behind file with following example mentioned in an SO post earlier.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsSelected}"
Width="20" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding DayOfWeek}"
Width="100" />
So the question is, Do I need DataTable or something else to bind my list of Checkboxes and Titles with this combobox template?
Thanks in Advance

A Combobox is an ItemsControl. All ItemsControls can be filled "hardcoded" with items or containers.
This adds a new entry in the combobox, and wrappes the string into an ItemsContainer, which is a ComboBoxItem.
Here we create a combobox item directly, and add its content to a string with the value "Hello"
<ComboBoxItem Content="Hello"/>
Both look visually the same. Its important to understand that in the first case the ComboBox takes care of wrapping our, to the ComboBox unknown type string, into an ComboBoxItem, and uses a default DataTemplate to display it. The default DataTemplate will display a TextBlock and calls ToString() on the given data item.
Now to have dynamic data, we need a ObservableCollection with our data items.
class Employee
public BitmapSource Picture {get;set;}
public string Name{get;set}
ObservableCollection<Employee> employees;
myComboBox.ItemsSource = employees;
We have a DataClass called Employee, an observable Collection which holds many of our dataitem, and set this collection as the ItemsSource. From this point on, our Combobox listens to changes to this collection. Like adding and removing Employees and automatically takes care of wrapping the new Employee into a ComboBoxItem. Everything is done automatically. The only thing we need to do is to provide a proper DataTemplate. The combobox doesn't know how to "display" an employee and thats exactly what a DataTemplate is for.
<DataTemplate x:Key="employeeTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{Binding Picture}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
We know an employee is wrapped in a ComboBoxItem, and the ComboBoxItem uses a provided Datatemplate to display its data, which means that inside the DataTemplate we can use Binding to access all properties on the data item.
Hope that helps you.

to just answer your question. all you need is a collection of an object with at least 2 public properties (IsSelected as bool and DayOfWeek as string) and just set these collection as the itemssource.
so all you need is a collection of such an object. just comment if you need an example.
ps: pls read through the www for wpf and binding to get the basics.

you could simple add the items directly
<TextBlock Text="test text" />
<CheckBox Content="test checkbox" />
<Button Content="test button" />
or if you want to use ItemsSource, the a DataTemplateSelector would be required
<local:MyCustomTemplateSelector />
here is a link that explains DataTemplateSelectors


WPF binding UserControl collection to ItemsControl. DataTemplate issue
that link has a project in VS2013 with a sample issue.
my problem is, how to set DataTemplate to UserControl, in ItemsControl.
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Collection}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}"/>
my Collections is a
public IEnumerable<MyUC> Collection {get;}
my MyUC is a
public partial class MyUC : UserControl
public string Title { get; set; }
When i try to show that collection im getting
when i change ItemsSouce to ListBox, datatemplate starts working.
but i need to show collection without ListBox addons.
If I understand you correctly, you just want to display the Title property value of your UserControls from your collection. All that you have to do is to declare an appropriate DataTemplate for them in the Resources section:
<DataTemplate DataType="x:Type={YourPrefix:MyUC}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}"/>
To be honest though, you seem to be going about this in the wrong way. In WPF, we generally don't put UI elements into collections, instead preferring to work with custom data classes that have DataTempates to define what they should look like. In your case, it would look something like this:
<DataTemplate x:Key="TitleTemplate" DataType="x:Type={YourPrefix:MyDataClass}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="ControlTemplate" DataType="x:Type={YourPrefix:MyDataClass}">
<YourControlPrefix:MyUC />
You'd then use the TitleTemplate when you want to see just the Title property values and the ControlTemplate when you want to see the whole UserControl.

Should I use DataTemplates or a UserControl to show different controls for extended classes?

I have a User class and an Author class that extends User. I have an ObservableCollection<User> being displayed in a ListBox. For this, I have a DataTemplate to display each item and another to display each selected item. I also have a column of TextBoxes that are bound to the properties of the ListBox.SelectedItem property. So far, so good.
At the moment, I am displaying extra controls in the column and DataTemplates if the selected User is an Author and it all works fine, but I'm cheating. I have added an IsAuthor bool property into the User class so that I could bind to it and determine whether a User was an Author. I know it's wrong, but I couldn't work out any other way to do it, so my first question is how do you display extended classes differently from the base class? I tried a different DataTemplate for the type Author, but it never worked... maybe because the collection was of type User?
The second question is should I have all of the many TextBox controls in the column in a UserControl and change the Visibility of the Author related controls, or somehow put them in a DataTemplate and create one for each type? I am using the first method currently and the problem is that each control bound to an Author property is throwing errors (I can see them in the Output window in Visual Studio) when the currently selected item is not an Author.
I have a similar setup which uses data templates and it works just fine with inherited classes. This is how I did it.
<ListBox Name="UserList" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Users}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ShowUserName}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedUser, Mode=TwoWay}">
<ContentControl Content="{Binding ElementName=UserList, Path=SelectedItem}"/>
In the Window.Resources section I have the following DataTemplates:
<DataTemplate x:Key="ShowTime" DataType="TestApp.User">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:User}">
<StackPanel Margin="10">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Age}"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Author}">
<StackPanel Margin="10">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Age}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=FirstTitle}"/>
The first template is what will be displayed in the list itself. We are referencing it by key in the ItemTemplate property of the listbox. The other two data templates are used by the content control when determining what to display for the selected item. When the selected item is just a User, the User DataTemplate will be displayed, if an author is selected, the author DataTemplate will be shown.
The x:Type local:Author is referring to the the class type. local should be declared in your namespace declarations.
Keep in mind that this is my namespace, you will have to specify the one you are using. And of course the data templates are just basic examples, presumably you will want to do something more tailored to your application.
However it might be irritating to have to define two separate Data templates that are almost exactly the same for your two classes. Although you certainly could. I do it in my own application (not in this example), because what I want to display for each type are vastly different.
So what might be useful is to create a common DataTemplate for all the User properties, and simply extend this DataTemplate for Authors. If you want to do that you could set up your templates this way:
<DataTemplate x:Key="UserTemplate">
<!-- show all the properties of the user class here -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:User}">
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding}" ContentTemplate="{StaticResource UserTemplate}"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Author}">
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding}" ContentTemplate="{StaticResource UserTemplate}"/>
<!-- show all the additional Author properties here -->
So as you can see, both of the DataTemplates for User and for Author start out using the DataTemplate called "UserTemplate". But in the Author DataTemplate we will add Author specific properties.
I hope that helps.

Silverlight: How to use a converter with an ItemsControl?

I have an ItemsControl whose ItemsSource is bound to a list of ints IDs. A converter uses the IDs to look up the name that should be displayed to the user. How can I do this in XAML? Here is what I have so far, but it doesn't work:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Topics}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding FallbackValue='topic name', Converter={StaticResource topicToStrConverter}}" Margin="0,10,0,0"/>
<Image Source="/PlumPudding;component/Images/" />
Really, what I want as an argument to the converter is the entire item that is being displayed in the template - not a property of that item. What is the syntax for this?
I'm using Silverlight 4.
if Topics is List, then what you have is correct.
However, if Topics is List, and Id is a property of the Topic class, you will need to use "Path=Id". So: {Binding FallbakcValue='Bla', Path=Id, Converter={StaticResource yourConverter}
To answer you second question:
"what I want as an argument to the converter is the entire item that is being displayed in the template - not a property of that item"
This syntax you are using will pass the entire object in the List, so in your case an int is passed to the converter. Again, if it is a list, then the Topic object is passed to the converter.
Your code is right to my opinion..
It seems that problem in 'converter'. Try to debug code of topicToStrConverter.
You have to set the DataContext for the items control or for one of it's parents. If you don't do this there is no context for the binding.

How to modify silverlight combobox data display

I have a combobox defined as follows:
<ComboBox x:Name="cboDept" Grid.Row="0" Margin="8,8,8,8" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvsCategories}}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Width="Auto" Height="Auto">
<sdk:Label Content="{Binding CategoryID}" Height="20" />
<sdk:Label Content="{Binding CategoryName}" Height="20" />
It works fine. However, once I select an item in the list, I want a different template to be applied to the combobox selected item being shown to the user (the item shown after the disappearance of popup). In the above case, I want only CategoryName to be displayed in the ComboBox once I select the respective item.
Can anyone let me know on how to achieve this?
What you need to do is create a ResourceDictionary containing a few defined templates yourself. In the below, ComboBoxTemplateOne and ComboBoxTeplateTwo are user controls that are set out to display the combobox in the manor you want.
<DataTemplate x:Key="TemplateOne">
<local:ComboBoxTemplateOne />
<DataTemplate x:Key="TemplateTwo">
<local:ComboBoxTemplateTwo />
You will then need to create your own class that inherits from ContentControl "DataTemplateSelector", overriding OnContentChanged
Protected Overrides Sub OnContentChanged(ByVal oldContent As Object, ByVal newContent As Object)
MyBase.OnContentChanged(oldContent, newContent)
Me.ContentTemplate = SelectTemplate(newContent, Me)
End Sub
You will then need to create another class that inherits from the above DataTemplateSelector which overrides SelectTemplate ("TemplateSelectorClass"), which will return the DataTemplate defined above ("TemplateOne" or "TemplateTwo").
Also in this derived class, you will need to define a property for each of the templates you have
Public Property ComboboxTemplateOne As DataTemplate
Then head back to your XAML and n the blow XAML
<local:TemplateSelectorClass ComboboxTemplateOne="{StaticResource TemplateOne}" Content="{Binding Path=ActiveWorkspace}>
This should work, as it is effectively doing the same work as setting the "DataTemplate" property in WPF (which doesn't exist in SilverLight)
I realise there are a fair few steps here and its quite fiddly, but hopefully this will get you there. Any questions just shout.

WPF: ComboBox with selecteditem set make not use of SelectedIndex=0?

Why is the first element in my combobox popup menu not shown in the selected item area of
my combobox , when I use the SelectedItem binding? Without that it is showing up ?? Using
the same code selecteditem + selectedindex that is no problem!
ItemsSource="{Binding SchoolclassSubjectViewModels}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedSchoolclassSubjectViewModel}"
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding SchoolclassName}" />
<TextBlock Text=" " />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding SubjectName}" />
Well as workaround I used:
SelectedSchoolclassSubjectViewModel = schoolclassSubjectVM;
and this:
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedSchoolclassSubjectViewModel,Mode=TwoWay}"
but I would prefer the xaml only way as it should really work.
It is because the reference inside your ItemsSource collection is not the same as the one in your SelectedItem property. I would venture to guess that you are using one object context to query your database for the list of SchoolclassSubject objects which the ItemsSource is bound to, but another context to query the actual data item to which you bind the SelectedItem. Even though the list contains a reference which represents the value held by your object, it is not really the same reference, but a separate instance of the same data.
There are ways to solve this issue, most of them involve using the SelectedValuePath and SelectedValue instead of the SelectedItem properties, but the concrete solution would be different depending on your particular ORM.
