using vxml transfer between 2 extensions - vxml

I want to transfer call from A to extension B. B extension is running vxml as well.
How can I transfer parameters from A to B.
I saw that there is option to append ani parameter to destination. How can i invoke it on B extension vxml?

I am not aware of any way to pass parameters directly during a transfer in VoiceXML. But you could develop a type of CTI middleware where you store the parameters in a database and key off of a unique number. You would then use that number as the ANI when you transfer the call, assuming the platform you are using allows you to spoof ANI. Then when vxml application B answers the call it will first retrieve the ANI and then do a look-up in the database on the ANI to retrieve the parameters.

If you are using VXML
Did you try using aai attribute of transfer tag?
aai = "string"
aaiexpr = "ECMAScript_Expression"
bridgeexpr = "ECMAScript_Expression"
cond = "string"
connecttimeout = "integer"
connecttimeoutexpr = "ECMAScript_Expression"
dest = "string"
destexpr = "ECMAScript_Expression"
expr = "ECMAScript_Expression"
maxtime = "integer"
maxtimeexpr = "ECMAScript_Expression"
name = "string"
transferaudio = "URI"
transferaudioexpr = "ECMAScript_Expression"
type = "string"
string that is sent here can be retrieved as a session parameter in the VoiceXML context
Like this session.connection.aai
Hope this helps


concatenate filepath prefix and file name in terraform code

I'm trying to create policies in aws with terraform.
variable "path" {
type = "string"
variable "policies" {
type = list(object ({
name = string
plcyfilename = string
asmplcyfilename = string
desc = string
ownner = string}))
default = []
resource "aws_iam_policy" "policy" {
count = length(var.policies)
name = lookup(var.policies[count.index], "name")
policy = file(lookup(var.policies[count.index], concat("var.path","plcyfilename")))
description = "Policy for ${lookup(var.policies[count.index], "desc")}"
and this is how my tfvars looks like:
path = "./../t2/scripts/"
policies = [
{name = "cwpolicy", plcyfilename = "cw.json" , asmplcyfilename ="csasm.json", desc ="vpcflowlogs", ownner ="vpc"},
The error that is thrown while I do this is like this:
Error: Invalid function argument
on line 13, in resource "aws_iam_policy" "policy":
13: policy = file(lookup(var.policies[count.index], "${concat("${var.path}","plcyfilename")}"))
Invalid value for "seqs" parameter: all arguments must be lists or tuples; got
I'm using terraform 0.12.
It works as expected if I change the variable to have complete file path:plcyfilename=./../t2/scripts/cw.json.
However I want to isolate the file path from the file names.
Can someone point me where I am going wrong.
The concat function is for concatenating lists, not for concatenating strings.
To concatenate strings in Terraform, we use template interpolation syntax:
policy = file("${var.path}/${var.policies[count.index].policy_filename}")
Since your collection of policies is not a sequence where the ordering is significant, I'd recommend also changing this to use resource for_each, which will ensure that Terraform tracks the policies using the policy name strings rather than using the positions in the list:
variable "policies" {
type = map(object({
policy_filename = string
assume_policy_filename = string
description = string
owner = string
default = {}
resource "aws_iam_policy" "policy" {
for_each = var.policies
name = each.key
policy = file("${var.path}/${each.value.policy_filename}")
description = "Policy for ${each.value.description}"
In this case the policies variable is redefined as being a map, so you'd now present the name of each policy as the key within the map rather than as one of the attributes:
policies = {
cw = {
policy_filename = "cw.json"
assume_policy_filename = "csasm.json"
description = "vpcflowlogs"
owner = "vpc"
# ...
Because the for_each value is the policies map, each.key inside the resource block is a policy name and each.value is the object representing that policy, making the resulting expressions easier to read and understand.
By using for_each, we will cause Terraform to create resource instance addresses like aws_iam_policy.policy["cw"] rather than like aws_iam_policy.policy[1], and so adding and removing elements from the map will cause Terraform to add and remove corresponding instances from the resource, rather than try to update instances in-place to respect the list ordering as it would've done with your example.

How to buffer and drop a chunked bytestring with a delimiter?

Lets say you have a publisher using broadcast with some fast and some slow subscribers and would like to be able to drop sets of messages for the slow subscriber without having to keep them in memory. The data consists of chunked ByteStrings, so dropping a single ByteString is not an option.
Each set of ByteStrings is followed by a terminator ByteString("\n"), so I would need to drop a set of ByteStrings ending with that.
Is that something you can do with a custom graph stage? Can it be done without aggregating and keeping the whole set in memory?
Avoid Custom Stages
Whenever possible try to avoid custom stages, they are very tricky to get correct as well as being pretty verbose. Usually some combination of the standard akka-stream stages and plain-old-functions will do the trick.
Group Dropping
Presumably you have some criteria that you will use to decide which group of messages will be dropped:
type ShouldDropTester : () => Boolean
For demonstration purposes I will use a simple switch that drops every other group:
val dropEveryOther : ShouldDropTester =
.map(_ % 2 == 0)
We will also need a function that will take in a ShouldDropTester and use it to determine whether an individual ByteString should be dropped:
val endOfFile = ByteString("\n")
val dropGroupPredicate : ShouldDropTester => ByteString => Boolean =
(shouldDropTester) => {
var dropGroup = shouldDropTester()
(byteString) =>
if(byteString equals endOfFile) {
val returnValue = dropGroup
dropGroup = shouldDropTester()
else {
Combining the above two functions will drop every other group of ByteStrings. This functionality can then be converted into a Flow:
val filterPredicateFunction : ByteString => Boolean =
val dropGroups : Flow[ByteString, ByteString, _] =
Flow[ByteString] filter filterPredicateFunction
As required: the group of messages do not need to be buffered, the predicate will work on individual ByteStrings and therefore consumes a constant amount of memory regardless of file size.

How do I pass a parameter with Expression as value in ADFv2?

In Azure Data Factory v2 (ADFv2) I am having trouble passing a parameter whose value is an expression that needs evaluated at runtime.
For example, I have a set of extracts I want to download daily from the same LinkedService/Connection. I want a pipeline with a Foreach to be able to input a JSON pipeline parameter with a list of configuration for each report type (this I can do). "but" when I have one of those configuration KVPairs with value that is an expression, the expression does not seem to be evaluated.
here is an example of a Foreach parameter set that works for an SFTP LinkedService :
[ { "dirPath" : "/dirPath" ,"fileFilter" : "this_works_fine_20180307*.txt" } ]
here is an example of a Foreach parameter set that does not match the files I need to get.
(assume utcnow('yyyyMMdd') returns 20180307
[ { "dirPath" : "/dirPath" ,"fileFilter" : "this_does_NOT_work_#{utcnow('yyyyMMdd')}*.txt" } ]
This assumes that in the underlying Copy activity I am passing the dataset parameter fileFilter as
...and in the dataset, the value of the fileFilter is an expression with value
...I have also tried to wrap the argument completely as:
[ { "dirPath" : "/dirPath" ,"fileFilter" : "#toLower(concat(string('this_does_NOT_work_'),string(utcnow('yyyyMMdd')),string('*.txt') )))" } ]
...If you have suggestions/guidance, please let me know.
Try to put the fileFilter parameter directly in pipeline parameter.
Something like this will work:
[ { "dirPath" : "/dirPath" ,"fileFilter" : "this_works_fine_#{formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'yyyy')}#{formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'MM')}#{formatDateTime(utcnow(), 'dd')}*.txt" } ]

How to convert BasicDBList to List<T> using MappingMongoConverter (spring-data-mongo)?

Executing below code returns the result that contains the element of type hashmap instead of type T (the basicDBList coming from mongoDB does not have "_class" attribute:
com.mongodb.BasicDBList basicDBList = // output of mongoDB query;
List<T> result = mongoOperations.getConverter().read(List.class, basicDbList);
Is there any way to provide type information of List to the read method ?
Not exactly clear what you're trying to achieve, but if you acquired your BasicDBList by calling the getRawResults().get("result") of an AggregationResults instance, you can instead call getMappedResults:
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(...);
AggregationResults<Foo> r = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, "foos", Foo.class);
List<Foo> foos = r.getMappedResults();

How to use string indexing with IDataReader in F#?

I'm new to F# and trying to dive in first and do a more formal introduction later. I have the following code:
type Person =
Id: int
Name: string
let GetPeople() =
//seq {
use conn = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString)
use cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn)
cmd.CommandType <- CommandType.Text
use reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
let mutable x = {Id = 1; Name = "Mary"; }
while reader.Read() do
let y = 0
// breakpoint here
x <- {
Id = unbox<int>(reader.["id"])
Name = unbox<string>(reader.["name"])
let y = GetPeople()
I plan to replace the loop body with a yield statement and clean up the code. But right now I'm just trying to make sure the data access works by debugging the code and looking at the datareader. Currently I'm getting a System.InvalidCastException. When I put a breakpoint at the point indicated by the commented line above, and then type in the immediate windows reader["name"] I get a valid value from the database so I know it's connecting to the db ok. However if I try to put reader["name"] (as opposed to reader.["name"]) in the source file I get "This value is not a function and cannot be applied" message.
Why can I use reader["name"] in the immediate window but not in my fsharp code? How can I use string indexing with the reader?
Following Jack P.'s advice I split out the code into separate lines and now I see where the error occurs:
let id = reader.["id"]
let id_unboxed = unbox id // <--- error on this line
id has the type object {long} according to the debugger.
Jack already answered the question regarding different syntax for indexing in F# and in the immediate window or watches, so I'll skip that.
In my experience, the most common reason for getting System.InvalidCastException when reading data from a database is that the value returned by reader.["xyz"] is actually DbNull.Value instead of an actual string or integer. Casting DbNull.Value to integer or string will fail (because it is a special value), so if you're working with nullable columns, you need to check this explicitly:
let name = reader.["name"]
let name_unboxed : string =
if name = DbNull.Value then null else unbox name
You can make the code nicer by defining the ? operator which allows you to write reader?name to perform the lookup. If you're dealing with nulls you can also use reader?name defaultValue with the following definition:
let (?) (reader:IDataReader) (name:string) (def:'R) : 'R =
let v = reader.[name]
if Object.Equals(v, DBNull.Value) then def
else unbox v
The code then becomes:
let name = reader?name null
let id = reader?id -1
This should also simplify debugging as you can step into the implementation of ? and see what is going on.
You can use reader["name"] in the immediate window because the immediate window uses C# syntax, not F# syntax.
One thing to note: since F# is much more concise than C#, there can be a lot going on within a single line. In other words, setting a breakpoint on the line may not help you narrow down the problem. In those cases, I normally "expand" the expression into multiple let-bindings on multiple lines; doing this makes it easier to step through the expression and find the cause of the problem (at which point, you can just make the change to your original one-liner).
What happens if you pull the item accesses and unbox calls out into their own let-bindings? For example:
while reader.Read() do
let y = 0
// breakpoint here
let id = reader.["id"]
let id_unboxed : int = unbox id
let name = reader.["name"]
let name_unboxed : string = unbox name
x <- { Id = id_unboxed; Name = name_unboxed; }
